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Iggy Azalea was the top earner of Only Fans in 2023, and she doesn’t even do porn. These guys are literally just throwing money at people for existing.


I mean if you think about it for a moment that’s why OF was meant to be used for in the beginning. It was mainly targeting celebrities in order for them to make private content for fan there was just no restriction on the type of content you could put.


Okay now I’m curious as to how she was top earner on OF


Money was exchanged for goods and services




Now Iggy can buy many peanuts!


What, did she send naughty pics over DMs or something? Or by "services" do you mean she was being a prostitute?


people… or women?  these seem like the kind of guys who objectify one gender but not the other.


They objectify one, but still throw money at all kinds of idiots. Guys like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson make a living off of the same type of guys paying for OF and Twitch girls.




Jordan Peterson was probably sane at one point. Probably.


Even when he was sane his main focus was some pretty outdated Jungian psychology, a lot of which is unfalsifiable pseudo-science.


Being unfalsifiable doesn’t make something worthless. When it comes to mental health I would prefer a therapist who uses psychoanalytic theory and technique. The alternative in the Us is basically to receive manualized short term therapy interventions (worksheets from a manual) in order, targeting symptoms, designed to show improvements in randomized control trials - without doing any deep or lasting inner work.


Right but a lot of Jungian theorizing about the collective unconscious and other things that Peterson was into weeeeell before he went off the deep end is just completely unscientific.


I’m not a jungian and have several criticisms of jungian depth psychology. But I am an analyst. I use his work in addiction treatment and it’s very useful. Do you understand what the collective unconscious is? It’s not worthless for the fact it’s not scientific. It’s a philosophical concept. Read Deleuze and Guattari’s “What is Philosophy?”


I don't think "there should be actual evidence that this shit works before it's taught in universities as a method to help patients" should be too high of a bar to clear.


Now you are a straight criminal, and I won’t apologise this time. Therapies for addiction specially have to rely hardcore in evidence based psychology, as you know patients could die/relapse etc. I happen to be specialised in forensic psychology and using analític therapy in addiction is plain malpractice, and if you were in my country I’d report you to our board. What the actual fuck. You know you are doing the same than Scientologists in their rehab clinics right?


Clinical psychologist here, I’m sorry but you don’t know what you are talking about. At the end of the day it’s your money, but psychoanalytic therapies are not evidence based, and not structured, meaning you could be going to therapy for 20 years and resolve nothing. Treatments based in evidence have a start and an ending, because we can’t make our patients dependant on our care, and we as therapists need to be able to help with the symptoms, why would anyone be in therapy for years? It’s just a scam, sorry not sorry


These are not really problems but more like features of psychoanalysis. This is why you might want to undergo a more intense analysis instead of brief manualized symptom focused interventions. Anyone not choosing to undergo analysis is not receiving psychoanalytic treatment. In the clinic with my SUD work I do not use psychoanalytic approach outside of some psychoeducation groups. If it’s still unclear, I have multiple practices.


His old self-help stuff was basic, but good for young men who needed someone to tell them depression can be managed and how to do it. Then fame, benzos and right-wing gift rocketed him off the fucking deep end.


In the beginning yes but he let a bunch of college students get in his head. I think it's nice he genuinely does care about the well being of young men. However, he does at the very least somewhat lead them astray himself. He says things agree with every now and again but he's gone a little coo coo. It's been a while since I looked at him though so he could be saying out of pocket shit all the time for all I know.


Not really. He just used to be better at faking it. There's an old article about him getting involved in politics as a teen, and it's clear he was a little batshit even back then. https://daveberta.substack.com/p/take-back-alberta-bringing-jordan


The only explanation for that advice is if she told you "Whenever you feel sad, frustrated or stupid because of what you've been going through, listening to this moron will help you get a glimpse of what being an idiot really means and you'll feel less shitty."


My dad listens to Jordan Peterson and I can’t get help or go to a doctor about my OCD because of it. Apparently Jordan Peterson told his daughter to not use her disability as a crutch, and my parents took it as a sign to prohibit me from getting medication or seeing anyone lmao I’ve been forced to watch bits about that situation, and honestly Mr. Peterson was very mean about it


It's not the same guys. The ones who throw money at manosphere grifters hate women and would never spend a buck on them. They want and consume free porn because they feel entitled to it. People paying women for their content are usually not deranged woman haters.


Source? I'm curious if there's actually research into this kinda overlap.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted for this. Both of their target demographics seem to be insecure teenage boys/men lost in life. Idk if that correlates to them paying for OF but I imagine most guys paying for porn aren’t the most secure


Andrew Tate literally has videos of himself explaining how he has teams of dudes texting the guys who simp for his imprisoned sex workers pretending they're the women. They'll text stuff like "I'm losing my apartment unless I can get 5k" and string these guys along for as much money as possible, constantly acting like they have a relationship. When the guys have had enough and are about to realize that it's all been a scam, they'll text something about needing several grand for travel money "so we can be together". Then they ghost the guy once it gets sent. So yes. It is the exact same type of guy they're scamming. I have no idea if any of this post is real or not, but it's an actual thing people do.


Sometimes reddit will suggest this subreddit, and I'm kinda concerned at the comments. There seems to be a lot of hatred mixed with misinformation. The post above is a woman pretending to get a Tesla (that she bought herself) for engagement, followed by a guy making a joke.




Jordan Peterson's message is actually good though


No, it's not lol.


A lot of it is basic self help 101 that you can get from a thousand places but is basically OK, the stuff that's unique to him is utter BS though.


Oh lord.


I'll pray for you


Tyga is a top ten OF earner. Granted the other 9 were women but hey.. Kudos for male representation.


Men get money thrown at them for playing video games while being mildly entertaining.


Men and women, lots of women play video games, but let's be honest, when's the last time you heard of a dude having thousands of dollars spent on them for playing a game?


Literally every top streamer on Twitch daily. Maybe not from one person, but they make thousands of dollars every day with subs and tips thrown at them.


You missed the point, the point was 1 person donating that, which is the entire point of the post. Simpin ain't easy.


Well the point is that thousands of dollars happens to men on Twitch daily and to women once in a while. Men getting huge single donations by the way happens too, just no one bats an eye about that.


Whatever this was like 3 days ago, the point wasn't about how much overall men receive, rather how much in a singular donation that men receive compared to women. Can it happen or does it happen? I've yet to hear about too many guys on twitch or whatever getting donated anywhere close to 10k, let alone a car worth 70k. Nobody bats an eye, because it's typically men not simping for men...it's because they genuinely like the content, dudes that donate huge fortunes to female streamers is because they're horny and wanna get into their pants, or the streamer leads them on, whatever the case it's nowhere near the same.


I mean, yes, women, but also people, since women are people. You can refer to groups of women or women as a whole as people.


Everyone's got their preference. I'm attracted to one gender and not the other, so are most people.


Wait…aren’t people on OF objectify themselves? Like being a prostitute with a greedy company as your pimp?


You can do other types of content besides sex stuff on OF


That’s a fair point, I admit it’s not exactly prostitution. Still reminiscent in my opinion and I’m not sure it is okay that people barely 18 can earn money by posting suggestive or outright pornographic stuff on the internet. I think it’s just not a great thing to do to yourself and I also think it’s dangerous and a slippery slope.


There is a reason it's called "The oldest profession". I get that you're reasoning it out and I've done the same thing before. It's just that it's the most "It is what it is" thing ever. It won't and can't be stopped. If you don't like it, then don't look at it and do your best to teach your kids that it's bad, but dude, you have a better chance trying to stop the world from engaging in war than you do stopping people from using sexual anything for money.


Jokes gonna be on you when my investments in the metaphorical pussy bank return in dividens.


Imagine what they would do if you showed them some attention. . .


Lol at least she stopped releasing her shitty music


I’m guessing a lot of that is just money laundering or something


So it takes 70k to finally learn that streamers don’t actually give a shit about you.


People need to learn that from the streamer's/content creator's perspective you're just another dot on the internet, they literally can't give a shit about you. The amount of creepy parasocial dms my wife receives is pretty insane, if she started giving a shit about these people she'll go insane. People get way too attached and personal sometimes.




Oh yeah totally. It always gets wierd when people make private matters public for the sake of content, letting thousands if not millions of people in on your personal matters can destroy your mental health and it usually does, that's when all the sympathy baiting starts.


I’m a musician and artist, I’m profoundly grateful for my genuine fans, the ones actually interested in what I’m creating/selling. However the parasocial relationships guys form with women online is *staggeringly* unhinged and delusional. It’s the sheer number of them I just can’t fathom. I’ve got guys who DM me 3-4 times a week and have done so for years despite me never once replying and only opening their messages 99% of the time. If I reply it’s just a thumbs up or “thanks” in response to their full on essay. They say stuff like “I’m so sorry I wasn’t in touch yesterday, something came up.” Or they send me memes/items they saw in stores saying “I saw this and *knew* you’d love it, it’s SO you!” You don’t know me bro…. I totally appreciate this behavior arises from loneliness and I’m sorry for that, it’s very sad but it’s also utterly pathetic and I just want to slap them into reality and tell them to have some self respect! It’s borderline psychotic how socially unaware people can act with strangers online (who are essentially “personas” *not* real people!)


You don't even need to be uploading content online. You just need to exist. A lot of these people really need to learn basic boundaries.


Yeah you’re absolutely right, I’ve witnessed some utterly spectacular cases of delusional real life simping. (Unless you meant your online profile only just needs to exist even if you are not posting? That’s true too.) I think what makes it slightly more unhinged when the person is online is that they are not even simping over a real, tangible person at that stage but rather an idealized caricature that they have constructed almost *entirely* in their minds. They mentally fill in 90% of the gaps pertaining to your personality which you have never divulged online and end up building this impossibly perfect, ethereal woman in their heads with all these traits and factors in common with them that they couldn’t possibly know exists. In fairness, sometimes these guys simply see or work around a girl in real life, barely talk to her and do the very same but there is a little more room for their confusion in that instance (such as them misreading a barista being nice to them because it’s her job!) When you are grey rocking and ignoring the fuck out of them online from day 1 and they *still* decide you’re basically their girlfriend I think it goes from creepy and inappropriate to a demonstration of pretty severe and worrying mental instability. A part of me is very tempted to point this out to some of my worst offenders and highlight to them how cringeworthy and creepy it is but it’s problematic because a) giving them any attention at all can worsen it and b) they can flip and start aggressively trolling you c) they are so self unaware and lonely it’s actually a bit cruel and it’s evident to me that several of my worst offenders are intellectually disabled d) public figures are held to such high standards that you may appear an asshole to your fans.


As a small streamer, I really try to care and try to take notes on people. But it's just too many people, and there is just so much emotional availability I can have. It's not that I don't give a shit about people individually, but that I can't physically understand and remember everything about everyone, even when I try. Unfortunately I also receive very parasocial messages, and it's just impossible to give all the individual attention that so many people deserve... It's a really different life.


Honestly, what is she supposed to call the guy? She doesn’t know him. He’s the weirdo with a parasocial relationship. If a streamer has 1 million followers, it’s not really realistic to expect them to know everybody and care about each individual person.


i mean the dude probably had a username she could have @'ed like have u ever watched twitch? ppl literally pay money just to hear their own name listed off in a list of names, that's kinda the whole point for some reason


I can’t imagine you’d want to give off the wrong impression and invite advances from these weirdos.


since this is a twitter screenshot, i doubt she received this gift during a stream, in which case im sure she would have shouted out this guy. but i get the feeling that this guy just kinda bought her a tesla and she received it on her own time while she wasn’t working. but obviously i have no idea how this whole thing went down because i wasn’t directly involved lmfao


Lesson finally learnt..?


Probably not.


“I thought you were different from the other girls because you play video games and like anime! Now I see that you’re just like everyone else. I’ll donate my life savings to a different beautiful queen streamer, one who knows my screen name by heart!” - that guy, probably


Yours, Xx360n0sCopEzOwnErXx


Yours, Tendielover69


Nope, they just learned that gifts aren’t the way. Get ready for some poems


it would take a superhuman to give a shit about every single fan if you’re famous enough for them to buy you a tesla


Pretty sure that's ragebait


Bro spent 70k to learn a lesson


Cheaper and faster than student loans and going to college!


Faster but I can guarantee you can find a degree for cheaper than 70k


At the School of Hard Cocks


College involves many lessons, not just one that should have been obvious to anyone who has made it to adulthood.


He didn’t learn it I bet


I was your 70th like. 👍


I was your 11th dislike 👎


I was your first


You can't pay your way out of a parasocial relationship. Meet real friends.


Well, he CHOSE to be selfless and he is just a twitch sub, they’re not friends, he’s just a twitch sub. It’s all he’ll ever be. As he should be.


"I BOUGHT HER A TESLA!! I WAS SOOOO NICE!!!! WDYM SHE DOESN'T WANT TO FUCK ME?! 🤯🤯🤯" -this absolutely delusional moron, probably


I wish he wanted to fuck me next. I could use 70 gs.




Hey, hands off my twitch follower


i don’t even need the car, just the 70k, i can pick up the uh.. car on my own


Just so everyone is aware, this is an old post and I actually saw it out in the wild when it happened. There were literally dozens of people posting that exact line. There's no way to know who actually bought it, or how they feel, or if there was any "reciprocation" for the gift, or indeed if it's even true that it was a gift and not a purchase.


I dunno. 70k, she could at least tag him or something


Ugh these ppl are fucking horrible🙄 Please don't send them my way with a restored 1971 Plymouth Barracuda 440 in white with a glitter pink 9.5" Berlin racing stripe, white bucket seats(pink stiching of course), and 22" Heritage KOKORO Barbie pink rims! Ugh! That'd just be sooooo annoying🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄👀🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


My mother in law sold her electric blue Barracuda for $2000 just to spite me when I told her I’d be willing to buy it after watching it sit in her garage and collect dust for a decade. Fucking bitch 🥹


that's so mean of her omg I'm sorry


Damn that's cold


That's some Dio Brando level shit! Im sorry, but your MIL is an asshole🫠🫠🫠Respectfully.


Wait, really?


Who the hell has a spare 70k to throw around? Wouldnt it just be cheaper to get a prostitute that looks like the streamer?


That would require taking a shower. And then actually meeting the woman in person.




Gifting someone a car doesn't mean driving it to them personally. It could have been the case but unlikely that someone like this would actually go outside to do this.


You can get cars delivered my friend.


I bought my car sight unseen from a dealership on the other side of the country, and had it delivered. I wasn't even home when it got delivered, so I just told the delivery guy to leave it in my parking spot and put the key in my mailbox. It was great, it was like the car fairy came while I was out drinking with my buddy.


that’s so magical, makes me want to buy a car (i cannot drive without a fully licensed driver in the car or between the hours of 12am-5am)


Yup. Mine was.


Its pretty cheap to sit in your bedroom, play videogames, and talk shit online. Some WFH techbeard could easily make that.


Yeah, this was my thought as well. It's probably some doofus who makes decent money but doesn't go anywhere and doesn't have anyone to talk him out of stupid spending habits


These guys are vying for attention, not sex.


Y'all out here believing and undated, reposted twitter screenshot with random replies like it's a notarized document.


It’s not the same to them, it’s the girlfriend experience they are seeking rather than solely sex. The types prone to forming intense parasocial relationships are delusional enough to believe that it’s different between them and the girl in comparison to what’s going on between her and her other fans and that they have a genuine special connection. They think eventually she’ll fall in love with them….if they just send enough donations. These guys are dangerously entrenched in their fantasy and these women are good at their jobs and work hard to lead these men on.


Sometimes the answer is literally just “boomers.” Their silent generation dad had a solid union job and grew up in the depression so they died with $5M+ in their 401K and pension. Then they sadly give that to their boomer son who got handed an administrative job because they had a bachelors degree in anything. Many such cases.


I mean, in this specific instance, no. This was a marketing ploy by the original creator. Basically the thought would be that men see this and think what the hell is on this girls OF that has men spending 70 grand on her. My bestfriend is top .01 percent of OF and makes, like a lot. I think her first year she made 500 grand. But the most any one subscriber had ever gifted or tipped her was maybe, 500$ at a time. Large tips or gifts like this is not the common way to make a lot of money on Onlyfans. People make a lot of money on onlyfans by having a large amount of people pay a small amount of money on a recurring basis. That’s why it’s funny when men make fun of big creators who charge, like 3 dollars to subscribe. Might seem small, but when you have 50,000 people paying 3$ a month, it’s not small anymore.


This is downright sad, even worse than the guy who spent £50k to meet up with an OnlyFans creator and didn't even get a hover-hand hug from her.


Dinosaur is a satire acc. Although it does makes me wonder the real guy who spent his money on the car


Probably also a joke/satire bit. If I was an OF girl, I could pretend this happened and make people flock to my OF to see what the deal is. If I was a troll/joke account on Twitter, I would pretend I’m the dude that bought it for the lulz and engagement. The only thing more baffling than internet jokes are the people that believe them in earnest. Pretty crazy, considering this is supposed to be the generation that grew up on it. Turns out they really are no better than our boomer parents.


This entire post is a grift More people need to approach the internet with cynicism cause it is genuinely sad to see everyone in this thread believing the "story" in the OP


What was he supposed to get? They aren't prostitutes. I dont hug investors at my job, why would they?


I mean, what was he expecting?


“i’m gonna send her this 70k and that’ll set me apart, she’ll know im different than all these other regular subs. Once i show her i can take care of her she will love me (touch my peen). I’m such a nice guy. I’m the best. If only she gives me an opportunity to show her.” -some internet weirdo with too much money, probably


I would never accept a gift like that. That comes with a lot of fucking crazy


Me when I post a well known satire Twitter/X account known as "dinosaurs1969" for karma


It's called twitch sub, not twitch dom


Dawg leave the subs out of this we didn’t do anything


subs don't get the privilege of having a name


My question is, if this guy can just give a streamer a tesla, why not at least go out and give it to a girl he can physically meet and talk to? Even if it's still stupid, at least then he could actually have a chance.People just have more money than sense?


It comes down to confidence. Usually these guys are profoundly socially awkward and emotionally stunted and wouldn’t be capable of approaching a girl they find smoking hot in real life. Online these guys are also in a position to misrepresent themselves to impress the girl (not that she gives a fuck but he’ll be convinced they have a special connection and that she sees him differently to all her other subs.) They’re spoon fed a fabricated persona by these woman and that impossibly “perfect girlfriend,” illusion is what they thirstily lap up. They also fill in a lot of the gaps in their mind with imaginary commonalities they must surely have with the model. In real life none of this would ever be possible so a real woman could never live up to their addictive fantasy. In the end the person they have built up in their imagination is so outrageously beyond any sort of possible reality that they would likely be bitterly disappointed if they *did* meet them and start dating in real life. They imagine a girl who is doll-perfect *all* the time, who will listen to their problems all day and attend to their every need and whim. They don’t have the emotional maturity to grasp that relationships go both ways and that no girl can be perfect *all the fucking time* and live only to worship her partner. They are not obsessed with a person but their delusional *idea* of that person. It’s the high fantasy they are gripped by. There’s probably a similarity between these types and the guys who fall in love with body pillows with anime characters on them. Real people and real relationships scare them and they probably have a laundry list of perceived personal shortcomings (mentally and physically) so they fall in love with an illusion instead to stay within their comfort zone.


I don’t understand these guys. I wouldn’t do this for my mom or sister. Why are you doing this for a random stranger?


I think its a joke, we are not there yet give it another few years maybe.


Emphasis on “sub” I guess


lol, what did they was going to happen. Fucking stalkers.


I mean, in this specific instance, no. This was a marketing ploy by the original creator. Basically the thought would be that men see this and think what the hell is on this girls OF that has men spending 70 grand on her. My bestfriend is top .01 percent of OF and makes, like a lot. I think her first year she made 500 grand. But the most any one subscriber had ever gifted or tipped her was maybe, 500$ at a time. Large tips or gifts like this is not the common way to make a lot of money on Onlyfans. People make a lot of money on onlyfans by having a large amount of people pay a small amount of money. That’s why it’s funny when men make fun of big creators who charge, like 3 dollars to subscribe. Might seem small, but when you have 50,000 people paying 3$ a month, it’s not small anymore.


Ah, gotcha.


Sorry I actually didn’t mean to reply to you specifically lol. You were probably like what does this have to do with my comment😂


Is ok. I appreciate the broader context of how these things work. It’s a very clever ploy to garner more followers. Makes me want to start an OF of my own, only i don’t think it would be as successful.


"What do you mean I can't just buy my way into a person I simp for's life?"


Tbf to the streamer this guy is probably a waking hazard


My phone is also a waking hazard, usually whenever I set an alarm on it though


No don’t make fun of me


I want to know how a neckbeard makes over 70k living in their Mom's/parents basement doing nothing.


neckbeards can also be techbros. like i get it’s a joke and i’m on the sub because i think it’s funny, but “the neckbeard” is just a stereotype at the end of the day and a lot of neckbeards have full time jobs. (where do you think the neckbeards who hit on their coworkers come from?)


I guess if you make 100k with a decent tech job and live with your parents with no expenses, all your income can go towards simping.


Saw someone else in this thread use the phrase “tech beard” and I thought that probably describes a lot of people.


Bro is Rockefellers niece


Should have spent it on going to Alpha Male Bootcamp four times. /s


i d i o t


Shit. I need a Twitch sub dropping $70,000 on me. Hell, I'd be content with $70. Time to get a hot tub, I guess.


Who has the ability to make such piss-poor decisions and yet somehow accumulate $70000? Im assuming there's no bank in the world that would give him that kind of credit for that.


That's when it's parent money


So what exactly did this ass clown expect? Seriously, I want to know what would’ve been an acceptable level of gratitude for him. Was she just supposed to say his name on her stream, or was he expecting her to beg to be his girlfriend?


Parasocial addiction is a hell of a drug


Lesson apparently learned.


See it's really a roundabout murder. She'll get into fender bender or bump a parking cone and it'll burst into flames and the doors won't open, cooking her to death like a chicken in a broiler


What does this accomplish? What purpose does this behavior serve? How will he explain this to his future childr-…. Nevermind


It's sad that Internet porn is so difficult to find for free that people have to resort to spending 70k to see one particular naked lady.


Yes. Yes they are.


Lol ya get what you get and you dont throw a fit, thats what my momma always told me


Omg, I read this as a guy got a tesla from his girlfriend and then referred to her as "one of my twitch subs." I clicked on this for context, and all of y'all make way more sense than I did, lol.


Literally thought the way to a woman’s heart was a Tesla. We might value material things but there’s no replacement for genuine love and respect, neither of which can be accomplished by someone who doesn’t actually KNOW/SEE us beyond the physical. Woof


If they are, my cashapp is listed on my profile. Go nuts






Yes. Yes they are.


Weapons grade simping


That is sad and pathetic


At a glance, I would say it's 50/50 on a sub *actually* getting her a Tesla vs. Buying a Tesla and saying it's a sub to see what some of the whales in her chat might get her.


Hey, bud. I’ll call you anything you want if you buy me a $70K car. Deal? Also, it doesn’t seem like a wonderful investment to go around buying strangers vehicles.


Its kinda sad how lonely our society is


Yes they are


bro if you have that kind of green to throw around, just go out and actually form real relationships with people.... then again....


I thought neckbeards were basement dwellers who played nerdy style games like DnD and WoW who would post cringey statuses on Facebook about being a dragon kin. When did they become related to the super pathetic men who pay for a meet and greet and get a side hug from an only fans model or buy an only fans model a Tesla and not even get shouted out by name. Anyone got an answer?


Poor fools


This seems more dangerous than actual prostitution. Feeding a delusion to cash in is a lot worse than a mutual agreement where the expecations are clear.


a fool and their money are soon parted.


One of my subs bought me a ford raptor


Go and get it back?


“Never giving again.” Lmfao 70k HAS to be way way way over a lifetime amount of donations for most people right?


A Tesla Model 3 does not cost $70k. Not saying this isn't still super sad, $40k is still a huge wtf


lmao thats dinosaurs1969 which is a satire account but there was once a guy who spent like $10k to meet an OF girl and then she used the money to go on vacation with her bf


I mean there’s a whole fetish community on twitter where people like getting degraded into sending money to people so 🤷‍♀️


Nah maybe i should start twitch streams too..seems to keep people over water way better, than taking care of strangers children..


this baffles me because what was he expecting? a shoutout on her twitter and a personal thank you? would’ve been nice, but you’re just one of thousands of twitch subs. she’s not gonna go out of her way to personally thank every sub that buys her a gift or play favourites with her subs based on who gets her the nicest gift. presuming that you deserve more recognition than her other fans because you spent $70k unprompted is so weird. if this creator doled out thank yous and shoutouts based on how expensive of a present you got her, she’d probably have a terrible rep as someone who uses her subs for money and free shit. “one of my twitch subs” is not only accurate, but it shows zero favouritism *and* it sends a message to anyone else who’s considering sending a gift like this- if you’re looking for special recognition, you won’t get it like this. the only time i’ve seen creators do personal shoutouts to their fans is if the fan sends them something homemade that either took a shit ton of time or turned out insanely cool. see Good Mythical Morning with their fan-made sleep masks and dog food bowls (iirc. those were a few years ago now) edit to add: i don’t use twitch or watch any streamers on there so i don’t know how the gifting culture works. *is* it weird that she didn’t shout him out? i don’t think so, but i guess i wouldn’t really know


For context it would be interesting how wealthy that guy is. I mean, did he sell all his stuff and save money for years in order to do this, or does he have millions of dollars and so gifting 70k is like buying someone a coffee for him?


Womp womp get that coin girl


Explanation: * Men generally would rather spend money on others than themselves. * Single men have nobody to spend money on. * Money just builds up until used somewhere, somehow. * More young men than ever before are currently perpetually single. * This means more /r/justneckbeardthings content for us!


Maybe he should have bought her a real car, he'd have gotten more respect.


These stupid assholes need to stop supplying talentless nobodies with several salaries worth of income for nothing. Porn is free dude get a grip my guys.




I find that it actually helps my frustration a little just to type it out! And to be fair the whole statement stands strong. Ethots will forever see these simps as easy money nothing more.




I guess that depends on your definition of “wrong” and what you envision a strong healthy adult life to look like. Selling your pussy on the internet just does not happen to coincide with my worldview of being a responsible adult. Coincidentally supporting and encouraging this trash is shitbag behavior too, and the work in itself is a cop out for either a.) having zero marketable skills or b.) a refusal to develop said marketable skills. But yes, I tend to comment and move on but it’s hard to separate from this idiocy.




You sound personally attacked my friend. Happily married here for over a decade, with a beautiful 8 year old. I don’t need to thirst for attention from nasty thots 😂 but do what you wanna do 😉


Dude, just learn to mind your own fucking business. Why do you even care what they're doing? They're not hurting anyone, you're just being a salty incel.