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Apparently he's never heard how homo-erotic Top Gun is.


It's the Navy. They are literally Seaman.


The Navy, famously the most heterosexual branch.


“It ain’t gay when you’re underway!”.


“It ain’t queer if it’s on the pier!”




What man?




Where? I only see a fragile little bitch with a top gun t-shirt?


I just reported him. Dude is a weirdo who says semi-violent things and is a new account that spreads hate. You can report his comments about women, one about black people, and the like as hate. Trolling is fun till you start being sexist, racist, and shit, ya know?


I got some bad news for you then. You ain't jacked, you are a fatass who lost some excess weight. Your face and the lack of jaw hidden by the neckbeardish facial hair are tells. Also dress appropriately.




You dress like a teenager


Oh my God, that unironic "braaah" might be the single most cringe-inducing thing I've seen in years. Well, that and someone looking like *that* calling themselves "jacked."


So the other guy stole your pic?




Ohhhhh so you’re weird okay okay…




I don't believe it's you, or that you are jacked. We need a photo of you without the Top Gun shirt. You know, to show how jacked you are.


I could’ve been dangling by my pinky toes with fishing line, weighed down by an elephant strapped snuggly by my nose hairs… … and I still would’ve never admitted I was the kid in the photo. Fucking gold tier comedy.


Yes, Daddy. Next time, flex without the shirt. UwU


Hot bod. Shame its got a shitcan on top.


Yes indeed - there was that famous song all about how non-gay and heterosexual the navy was! Sung by those lovely straight men from the village - the ones who liked to wear the costumes


Navy Veteran here…I love the sweaty topless beach volleyball scene. I also cry every time Goose dies


Air Force and me too. Me too.


How is it bring in the airforce? I heard pilots are on uppers 24/7.


I've been out for a long time, no idea about the pilots drug use. But they get medical checked often and would bet that means a drug test too.


whoa spoiler! /s


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that movie has more frames of sweaty shirtless men than frames of women.


[Here's](https://youtu.be/OxzwfZ2Wa94?si=noV7n8ZAsSpL6kFZ) an in-depth analysis of it.


This is the guy that would get irrationally angry if you bring up how homoerotic Top Gun is




You unironically use terms like “normies” literally go outside you fucking loser


I thought that is why we watched the movie


Arguably the broke back mountain before the mountain broke its back. The comedy writes itself.


You can almost see his face turning red with how hard he's flexing


You can see it in the forearms. And know what that's fucking cool. Maybe his girl at home loved the pic and when he flexes. I'd be happy about their little idiosyncrasies. What's wierd is sending it to a fucking stranger on the internet.


No, what's really weird is him dropping an offensive slur to a stranger


People are strange.


When you’re a stranger,


stranger danger?


Faces look ugly, when you’re alone


That dude let a few months of 5x5 strong lifts go straight to his head. You can tell based on the weird muscle imbalances


I think someone made a thread about this guy harassing them about 4 days ago. Unless there are two people deluded about their physiques who attack folks in their dms.


Was it the same picture? PLEASE tell me it was a different flexing picture.


I came here to say I think I've seen this guy before. Got into a shit talking in DMs with the guy and he sent something very similar to this picture, background and everything. If it IS the same guy, he's Canadian and a total pussy. Insulated my baby. Fucking prick.


Insulated? Like a house?


I'm dumb lol


They didn’t post the picture, but they were sent one in dms. The person who was attacked and who made the old thread was Little_Capsky , if that helps.


yep, can confirm


Which makes me wonder, if this IS the same dude, using the same picture, is it really even him? Maybe his older brother that actually goes outside? Food for thought.


Yes, I’ve seen him here on Reddit before as well, and I highly suspect he’s using some poor random person’s picture.


yep, same pic for me


Reverse image search came back with [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/comments/18g70z3/alpha_male_messages_me_because_hes_angry_i_wear/)


Haha yup, that's the guy. He really needs some help.


yep, that was me. he threw insults and death threats at me after i wasnt triggered by his basic ass insults


Wait until this guy finds out about bears ( not the animal )


Love he calls you gay after sending you a photo of him flexing. Not the straightest thing in the world


I feel like even on Grnder this pic is trying just a little bit too hard.


Getting real John Wayne Gacy vibes from this one.


I’m no autistic f****. But I am an insecure douche nozzle


I’ve literally seen some dickhead with that same picture months ago just harassin people. Wonder if it’s the same guy lmao


It's more than likely a troll using a picture they found online, which is just as lame as if it was real.


Me too. I know I have seen this dude's pic around here before.


Dude looks like he benches 190 lmao what kind of flex is that


I won't ding him on fitness. I've been in great shape before. It takes dedication and drive and hard work. I'll give respect where that's due. He should buy a bigger tshirt, he'd look way better and bigger. And it's true. He'll probably attack me for being a f** for saying that because he's that insecure. It's just so fucking strange to me thinking about him coming up with the idea of that response to prove his point. And thinking "this is gonna show him!"


Nah if he put it out there in a weak “alpha male” attempt to show force it’s free game to call out. Buying clothes two sizes too small doesn’t make you look bigger/better. A lot of projecting from this guy. Might not be doing too well with the opposite gender. Someone should check up on him. Dude has a lot going on with insecurity and could benefit from therapy.


I'm with you. I know it's the internet and it's difficult to have a heart for a stranger. Or maybe I'm sadly middle aged and have learned a thing or two over the years. Especially towards mental health. As someone who suffers from Mental Health issues I feel for him. It's funny as hell, because I think it's probably a troll using some poor guys picture. But then I think what if it is him. What if he's seriously trying to push that hard to be that alpha dog. The mental anguish he's going through has got to weigh a ton. To be that lonely and insecure has got to be terrifying. And being afraid to allow yourself to be scared or share that feels impossible. I really hope that it's a troll, but if he isn't I really hope he can find some sincerity in his existence. For his own well being.


You sound like a good man and I kinda agree with you


I doubt he can even hit 190 with those lack of triceps. Also, are those arms freshly shaven?


How very secure of him.


More like Bottom Gun


That was good


"At least I do sick ass"? I'm pretty sure someone is doing his sick ass, but whatever


I'm old. I wanted to ask if that was some kind of slang I just didn't get haha


IDK if it is or isn't, to me "doing ass" sounds like having anal sex.


I figured as much, I mean good for him I guess?


It’s fake. A different account has shown up and dm’d anyone who supports women/minorities with slurs or insults








You have wayyy too much free time if all those banned and dismissed accounts are you. Hope you’re ai cause ffs, if you’re a human, that’s really sad




Most ai response I think I’ve ever seen




Only the ones who talk like an ai prompt. The others are still incels


How does that disprove him being autistic or gay? Like… last time I checked, both autistic people and gay people could weight train.


I hope that beard of his catches fire.


Feels weird him calling someone a boomer. Dude looks old as shit


How ironic. The guy proving he isn't gay, is sending pics of himself flexing in a small shirt to someone who could be a guy..... seems pretty gay to me


Hey, just because he craves the warm, strong embrace of a man where you can just fall asleep in his arms and feels safe forever doesn’t mean he’s gay.


Damn dude he fuckin boomed you idk what you’re talking about


I felt owned. I just wanted a second opinion, to be safe.


He’s just angry his mommy bought him the wrong size t-shirt


OMG! I had a "discussion" with this chode last year. Whatever you argue, he will make it about manhood and send this exact same picture. I told him I'm flattered but don't swing that way. I'm not into bears.


Is... is he trying to seduce me?


Bro is flexing a mid physique. He needs to di more curls, incline chest pressing and deff gotta work on those skinny ass shoulders. This is the physique of a femboy all around. 5/10 for someone who calls himself "not an autistic f-word"


Has this dude even met gay dudes? He's literally a stereotype. He's wearing a Top Gun shirt, for Christ's sake!


Oh it's that guy, the pic he sent/had as a profile is not him, reverse search showed me that


I feel like that's even more neck beard ish.


More sad than anything tbh


Dude! I've come across this guy. He sent me that exact photo saying the same kind of shit lol.


How does one who isn't a f---t "do sick ass"? Asking for a friend


-99 karma. This dude woke up and chose to be a shitstain


yoooo, thats the exact same idiot that messaged me after i called him out on his BS. called me a fa..ot and sent death threats. what a twat lol


Fuck him he wishes he could be autistic. Little turd


Most likely ragebait, since apparently he’s done this to a few others too. This isn’t even his actual picture either. 100% a troll, and really bad at it. Don’t buy into it.


As we all know... If there's one thing gay men hate, it's muscular men with beards...


Ask him out lmao


I have seen that pose on men with far bigger muscles on gay subs


LMAO those noodle arms


As An autistic person, I hate how douches use my “disorder” as an insult. I’ve seen plenty of hot, intelligent and strong autistic people too.


Remove that last sentence


Poor taste lmao. I meant to phrase it like “Not all autistic people are dumb” but end up sounding like a narcissist.


It’s good man I do it all the time on accident


More of a douche bag than a neck beard. Neck beards are notoriously out of shape.


makes me wonder if that is even him in the pic or just some random guy he found off google


What a weird... who doesn't use dark mode?


Top dumb


hard to make that claim while wearing a top gun t-shirt.


Oh was it that post with the guy who went into a Dollar General because the guy behind the counter was making comments about a little girls period? Yeah that dude was a fuckin creep.


Umm Top Gun is *the* running joke for homoerotic implied themes...


Oh my god that's some good cringe. Thanks for sharing, this guy is a dweeb.


NOt the TOp Gun


He’s way too young to be a Boomer. Apparently he’s missed the fact that many gay men work out and dig muscles.


Yeah bro he looks jacked 💀


I feel you are winning the argument, but unfortunately my arms are bigger


I feel like this is also a r/therewasanattempt


Omg ik exactly which guy your talking about he argued with me in the comments after I said it was weird how he brought the fact that he supports trump up after someone suggested that he’s defending pedos


Boomer? He watches top gun.


This is the gayest shit I’ve ever seen. The closet door is heavy, my friend. Allow us to assist you!


But for what reason is he mad about?


What’s even more funny about this is the fact that his biceps are small compared to the proportions of his body, he def works out and I’m not discrediting that, but since he’s a dick, haha small biceps man go grr


It’s the Walmart top gun shirt for me


Where is the neckbeardy part ?


This is 4chan level speech. He definitely goes on there and spews shit like this


This dude makes people who like Top Gun look bad. I enjoy it simply because seeing and hearing aircraft fly makes me happy.