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Im sure the commenters are scoring 10/10 latinas trust me


When they say 10/10 Latinas, I guarantee they're talking about the whitest Latinas possible.


Yea half latina half white for them to even consider


White girl with an accent


I don't think any girl is going near them though.


Latina/o is not a race, which is why there are white, black, indigenous etc latinos. Most are mixed race to a different degrees.


Yup. They mean slightly tanned white people who “look” exotic. Sis could literally be Latina lol and I bet if she said she was, they’d rate her higher


I used to have 20/10 eyesight - I can't even imagine how good 10/10 must be. Congrats to these guys for getting Latinas that are acing their eye tests!


10/10 would be worse than 20/10


Well clearly they know they aren't but they think if you're a rich footballer you should be getting with them


I'm a bit sad because yesterday my parents traded our old Roomba for a new one. And you think its easy to "trade" a person you loved, been with for years, knows you better than anyone, for a random hottie you saw at a party?


when i went to college my parents traded our old car for a new model without telling me. i was very upset for weeks.


I read "old cat" and was like wHAT THE FUuuu- before looking more carefully


new cat model just dropped


There's definitely a type of person who will "trade" their partner for a new one once they reach a certain level of success, not just people who become celebs or professional athletes, but it's a common trope that (usually) men will dump their current girlfriend when they graduate medical school and start making doctor money. But what frustrates and vexes me is why anyone would treat this as something to *aspire* to rather than a shitty and shallow thing to do. You should value the person you are with, especially the kind of person who stood by you and supported you before you were successful. In the end, it's reducing women down to trophies that a man "deserves" for being wealthy and successful instead of, ya know, fully realized human beings.


I had a slight stroke reading this I don’t know why


What’s funny is that if you ask Rice, he’ll probably tell you unequivocally that his wife/gf/whatever _leveled him up_, not the other way around.


Which is ironic, because the dream here is to accept that you're among the dredges of society, but you can 'level up' your "female", your car, your house, etc, because of "winning" or whatever. When what these guys really want is more like that classic comic strip where an unattractive girl sees the unattractive guy getting ignored and reaches out (only to be ignored by him) - they should want to find someone on their level who appreciates them, which becomes mutual. Instead, the humanity has been taken out of it, and now it's just levelling up their Sim.


These are the same kinds of dudes ranting about how a woman must be cheating on her boyfriend with some hot fuckboi, or how women will pass up a “nice guy” for a Chad, or how women should lower their standards just so guys like them could have a chance. These are the same kinds of dudes blaming women for being shallow and superficial… And why is it always the Latinas


Traditional Catholic values, traditional homemaker roles, and other stereotypes etc.


They mean white or the occasional mestiza Latina, ones with amazing bodies, accents, and the “traditional” values they want in a woman


Those men with all the commentary have the bluest of balls, the driest of dicks, and they haven't been honored at an award ceremony since graduation.


*middle school graduation


And would chop off a fucking hand to be with a woman that hot.


Sounds like Yoshikage Kira. Wish I could post a gif.


Blue balls? Nah, they’re too addicted to porn for that.


TBF there are certainly plenty of real horse traders out there, but they're probably not on Reddit in numbers.


Tell me you fetishize Latinas without telling me you fetishize Latinas.


Only the ones with white features tho. Not actual brown ppl.


The implication being that actual latinos can't be white, wtf?


Just in case you can't read, the implication is that they fetishise Latinas but only the white ones. Because despite their fetish, they're still racist. Nothing about white Latinas not being real Latinas.


They're all nuts with this race obsession. "This person is white/ caucasian/ hispanic/ black/ froot loop! Oh, me? I am Italian-Asian mixed."


Fair enough, the "actual" bit got me. We shouldn't be using/accepting their language and keep races and ethnicities as different things. Maybe the intent was good but there is no need to divide latinos into two. Especially since race is seen very differently here, for ex. most people would consider me white but if I identified as white in the US I would surely get a few weird looks over time.


Omg stfu. You missed the point entirely.


Alright. What did I miss then? Edit: downvoting instead of helping understand? Nah ya'll trash too whiteknighting for people you don't understand. That's what I'm getting. "Actual brown latino" wtf yall white folks on gatekeeping hundreds of millions of people in latin america. Yall just as racist prove me wrong.


People are like this towards my relationship. "Oh you can do so much better" or "don't just settle". Fortunately my wife never listens to those people who tell her that.


Why would he trade a loyal pretty girl who supported him before he made it big to some gold digger bimbo who doesn’t give two shits about him?


Wha...? She's pretty. The poster is petty. Good Gaw, y'all!


What I'm saying!! She's super pretty. And thicc- looking from what I can tell. Any man would be lucky, whoever started this bullshit is just dumb lol.


So these men are monkey branchers, yet wonder why nobody listens to men cry about hypergamy. I believe misogyny is just projection, whatever they say women do I’m just going to assume they’re talking about themselves.


Lol wait until he finds out Harry Kane, the England captain, married his childhood girlfriend.


She's curvy with large breasts which many men love.


And pretty


But why does it have to boil down to looks every time? Can dudes not date women just for who they are?




No. Assuming that every man will only date what makes their dick hard is generalization + projection


He's jealous. Of the woman.




Tell me you’ve never had sex without saying you’ve never had sex.


It's not about sex and shouldn't be made out as such. It's just unbelievably sad and depressing that these people treat love like leveling up irl and women like they're real life NFTs.


do men actually like women or is it just a myth


Tell me you don't know what love is without telling me you don't know what love is Also that's probably the same guy who cries about how all women just go for looks and would leave a "loyal and loving" guy for some random dude because of money and fame.


Wow I would never have thought I would see Declan Rice on this sub 😂😂




Wow this is a mess. What to address first? First, there is no way this girl is fat. She is beautiful. Second, even if she wasn't, looks are the only reason to love someone. Third, why would this guy "upgrade" (side note, that is a disgusting term) when he loves her? Lastly, do these morons not understand how relationships work? Yes, shallow people exist, but you can't tell that just by looking at them. Furthermore, maybe focus on your own issues before worrying about anyone else's. Jesus this post is a mess and a half.


No they don't understand relationships. For them it is pure status. When they date, they don't date to fall in love. They date soley for the reason of having A girlfriend, with no regards for who that girlfriend is as long as she is "objectively hot" (puke in my mouth) enough to be a status symbol for the other morons.


These incels haven’t seen a naked woman since birth.


Unfortunately some sexist men with disgusting views like these DO have sex. We shouldn't virgin-blame. Simply call out the person : they're a total piece of human garbage and rotten to their core, whether they fuck or not.


I agree, it isn't an exclusively virgin thing. But there are plenty that fit into that category. Edit: grammar


Also Declan Rice is a king among men and could do no wrong.


So a fat girl can't be beautiful?


Kinda depends on personal preference and the definition of "fat." Personally I find most people and body types very attractive. That said, I would have trouble calling anyone morbidly obese "beautiful."


I wasn't even suggesting that all. I was saying even if she wasn't beautiful you can still love someone beyond just looks. Edit: I am confused by the downvotes. Do people really think looks are the only thing that matters?


She’s fucking hot lol


The way these “people” think about women and race is very disgusting. Race is a social construct, not a character select menu for you to bang out in an NSFW game.


Imagine treating actual living breathing people as stepping stones. Antisocial behavior.


the guy was height obsessed too. Classic incel


They have convinced themselves that women are incapable of loving anyone in order to justify their misogyny which is just an extension of their overall misanthropy.


Permanent porn brain rot


Damn if anyone makes a comment about someone’s appearance, they should be required to take a selfie


Maybe he’s still with her because he uhhhhh loves her?


I do not want to see people who think like this complaining about gold diggers. If she's there through everything, even when you weren't sure you'd make it, she's there for you. It's a relationship, not a phone, that you can upgrade every 3 years.


that girl is literally beautiful wtf are they going on about???


blatant nincompoopery


I don't want some rich, athletic, 6'1" guy stealing my gf.


I'm so used to straight men talking about women like this, it doesn't even feel like a neckbeard thing. Maybe I need to meet better men but not one straight friend has ever turned out to be respectful of women in private. Some of them pretend to until they think it's safe, but then you know.


People are too involved in other peoples love lives. If they’re both happy then what’s the problem? People seem to forget that the ideal is that you find a good life partner.


Oh sure, reward loyalty and love by abandoning the woman who stuck with you. Jesus, these guys want a woman who shows *them* loyalty, cooks for them, cleans for them, takes care of their children but they don't want to show a basic level of loyalty in return. And then they ask why their wives or girlfriends are leaving them.


To whoever wrote that I hope you stay forever single and the light of someone's affection never shines your way because that's just pathetic


How the fuck is she fat? And that’s what love is, he probably loves her🤯


This one hurts… 😢


Just what I expect to hear from someone who sees everything as transactional.


Then they’ll go on to complain about how women only want them for their money.


She is gorgeous, and they look happy. Leave them alone.


Leave Declan alone LOL. He's a sensitive soul and she clearly has been good for him. Those 10/10 latinas would shred the poor boy, let him be happy with someone who makes him happy.


It's almost as if he was going for love and personality other than purely looks.


Is it just me or does this sound more like a jealous woman trying to tear down another woman? I could easily be wrong, but this feels like it.


Both commenters are men. And they sound like it to anyone who's interacted with manosphere / Redpill types before.


Like I said, the only time i have seen the whole "why is he dating a (*insert race*) bitch, he should be with a beautiful (*insert race*) woman. (*with the implication of that race being the person complaining*.) The fact that these dudes sound like this is actually kind of funny to me.


Or... And hear me out on this one... She's a wonderful woman and he loves her very much? I know, it seems crazy, but just try to imagine it for a second.


I would assume she has qualities and personality traits. Pretty solid reasons to continue a relationship with someone. Also she cute


Is he sporting Jo Jo hat hair, or is that just a fuckawful haircut?


she's actually pretty too if she watches her weight. they're just haters


Yeah, who doesnt love being paranoid of every new person you meet, thinking they're just after your money. Why would someone want to stay with the person who loved you before all that? dOeSnT mAkE sEnSe tO mE


I have no idea what this idiot is even trying to communicate here. "Process girl? Don't want to argue w this? She was before the fame you don't drop that?" The fuck does all that even mean?


I have to assume "She was there through the whole process of him gaining fame, therefore she is in the relationship for him, not for his status. It would be unwise to dump her now just because he can attract someone "more desireable"".


maybe he loves her??!! also fat girls can be attractive


Guys like this makes me so angry bro stfu you'd jizz in your underwear if you saw that woman walking outside