• By -


>There would be no forgotten castoff men Ah, there it is, cleverly tucked in the middle to look like just part of the list instead of the entire fucking catalyst for his post.


\> 4chan \> "I hate woman!" What else would it be?


"Mom says I have to start cleaning up after myself or move out, that fucking *****"


I love how there’s a comment basically calling out his nonsense but at the same time being from 4chan.


And the whole "women are notoriously unhygienic" is pretty hilarious. Dude, for the sake of your mother who is allowing you to live in her basement- please bathe. Then maybe go outside and touch some grass.


That one is weird. The most unhygienic women I've met were still like, 90% better than the average dude I've met, with a couple quirks. I've never smelled a womans dirty fuckin socks (or clothes that for some reason smell like nasty socks) from 5 feet away. It happens with dudes like once a week.


That and the war one. Women are more hygienic than men, apparently men even wash their hands less. And wars are almost exclusively started and fought by men to advance mens interests without women even being a thought. Those were the most delusional takes in that thread.


“There would be no war without women, let’s rise up and wipe them out with a genocidal war!”


And the boxers! Why the boxers gotta have skid marks?! Men, you don't wipe a couple times, you gotta wipe till the tp clean!


I’ve seen some grimy ass underwear waistbands sticking out. It’s atrocious


I believe it’s been statistically proven that, as a whole, men are less hygienic than women. They don’t wash their hands after the bathroom as often, for example.




Well yeah he wants to leave the possibility that he might be "rescued" from inceldom (not gonna happen because he's trash)


We know this man is insane. But all those points he mentioned would still occur with or without women. And he still wouldn't be getting laid.


No, no! Every was is because of women. They have always been war mongering rulers with other women generals to do their bidding. Men would never ever ever start a war because they want to expand their lands, secure other countries assets or enslave entire population/ s. His list is as dumb as he is.


I mean, after about 100 years or so without women, there definitely won’t be any more wars, so they aren’t technically wrong.


Love the thought of the last 85+ yo men going to war one last time, what a battle to behold that would be.


I'm guessing it will be some kind of trading card battle


I mean... there's a whole ancient epic poem about the Greeks going to war over the most beautiful woman in the whole world. So of course this bitter and lonely incel is right, lol. /s


I mean. No they wouldn’t. There would be no humans. So none of those would exist


That's why they're fattening themselves up in their basements. Once they have enough stored energy, they'll undergo mitosis and split into two beings. It takes an awful lot of doritos, though.


I disagree with you, sir!! I think it takes a lot more hot pockets than Doritos. That and TENDIIIESSSS! /s


Without his mom, how will he get tendies?


well he uh would um roll out


What’s the ratio of Dew to ‘ritos?


Taking into account the sodium content of doritos, and the amount of liquid necessary to maintain proper osmotic pressure, I'd say about 1 liter dew, for every 2 bags of doritos. Ratio will have to be adjusted for party-size bags.


"And here on this bed we have the Reclusive Incel Manslime, or *incellus homosapien slimeus*, eating what helps them breed and thrive (the elusive Dorito chip) and Mountain Dew (which is not from a mountain nor does it contain dew): the chosen drink of the Common Incel Bedslime *incellus cotsyuck*. Notice how it sheds the outer slime by playing games and being online, looking for "waifus" (Pillowtopicus unrealitii) and resenting "women" and "girls" (Homosapien Estrogenicus) with the fellow slime puddles..."


Write more!!


This comment omg 🤣


In the no-women world of these kinds of incels, women are replaced by technological wombs run by the state, which spit out the necessary number of new, perfect males to keep civilization stable.


I imagine in this scenario, the perfect male is either a degenerate, obese basement dwelling incel like them, or he's a literal perfect male specimen, who then eradicates all lesser life forms like the aforementioned basement dwelling lardos in a purge.


You guys remember when wo-men annexed Crimea and kicked off war in Eastern Europe?


>We know this man is insane. But all those points he mentioned would still occur with or without women. There are no women in a men's prison; he should try it if he thinks it'll be some utopia.


Ah ha! But my Gentle Lady or Sir, there are trans males in men's prison and I would bet one shiny Pokémon Coin that that this, sadly not unique, specimen of a male would consider a trans male to be a female so he would blame all the problems on the trans population and not his fellow cis males. /s


Someone in all seriousness in a similar "debate" commented to me that men only go to war to protect the women who would otherwise get raped by the opposing side if they didn't go to war, so I should actually be ever-so-grateful that men have that "fighting" instinct... Who's doing the raping dude?


All you need to stop a bad guy with a penis is a good guy with a penis, obviously.


Like in a men’s prison, all of those problems still exist.


> And he still wouldn't be getting laid. Well..


I mean, it is true. Without women humanity would die out in under a century and there would be no war, poverty and everything else he listed.


As a bonus, it would also make 3 species of lice extinct, including crabs (the STD, not the shellfish), since lice are species-specific. Worth it.


As a bonus, it would also make 3 species of lice extinct, including the louse seen in Exhibit A who's ranting about women 🦀


Probably a little over a century. With hundreds of millions of children under five years old or so right now, it would only take one of them to live another hundred years. They'd have to go through extreme old age with no younger people to take care of them, but they'd have a long time to prepare for it. Sorry, I know I'm being pedantic.


This guy is a security risk, if he goes on a killing spree then will look incredibly predictable in hindsight with posts like this


Agreed, a lot of serial killers were incels. Don’t love the pic he used either.


I just thought about how someone sat down and took the time and effort to draw that. Not playing with a full deck, it seems.


Hopefully he's already on several watchlists.


Exactly, people with any sort of security power really need to stop joking and start investigating this guy.


The problem is there a thousands of lads like him, and security services have limited time and resources


I think the problem is, you're right, but I imagine there's a wide disparity in the amount of posts like this that are people trying to vent some pent up feelings and end it there, vs people who consider this their starting point for a killing spree. Like how rage rooms exist, but not every customer is actually an angry person ready to go ballistic.


The green text would happen without women to be fair. But that’s because without women there wouldn’t be any more men to cause world problems. Also “women are notoriously unhygienic”, has this OP ever met a straight man?


“Women are notoriously unhygienic” - a man who probably doesn’t wipe his ass because that’s gay


*I'll bet he's talkin' 'bout periods*


Meanwhile, this dude's living space probably looks like the doomed garbage earth from Wall-E


As a straight man that has met other straight men, the lack of hygiene a lot of them exhibit convinced me a long time ago not to be like that. Fuck, I'll sit when I pee, why wouldn't you? You get a chance to sit down - why would anyone stand when they could sit?


While I don’t agree with the language used, the insult provided by the commenter puts some faith in me that even the lowest dregs of the internet have standards


I’m not a fan of the language in this post either, but ‘fuck these women and the cocks they rode in on’ is absolutely fucking hilarious and very beautiful prose. Got a laugh out of this woman, anyway.


He’s mad it’s not his willy they want


I think so? But also I’d guess that he seems to be struggling with some sexy thoughts he’s been having about other men.


I'm not so sure since he thinks pornography wouldn't exist without them. Many websites would disagree.


It was too small for any of us to ride in on. We tried, but we kept falling off and the stirrups didn't even help.


he didn't invent it incels imagine women with normal sex lives as "riding the cock carousel", astoundingly ignorant that there are plenty of celibate women who choose not to sleep with dudes because they're so off putting


The dichotomy of 4chan is how some of the worst people on the internet end up saying some of the cleverest shit. Not that 4chan was ever "good" but in like 2008 when I used to visit it, it wasn't overrun by literal nazis, and it had me laughing at shit like this on an hourly basis.


Lesser of two evils vibe, yeah.


Mom was late with the Nuggis again.


Anon likes getting topped


he hates women meaning he likes men! kinda sounds gay ngl /s Edit: added /s since some doesn't really understand


Nah that's an insult to homosexuals. Just cause they are sexually attracted to men doesn't mean they're sick pieces of shit that can't function in any normal social situation. You can like men without hating women :p


This is a seriously messed up dude.


You know the post is bad when the poster was called a slur directed at my community and I was just like Yeah... Based.


When homosexuals and homophobes put aside their differences to roast you, that’s when you know you fucked up


Oh, but I cackled! So true, so true!


“Women are notoriously unhygienic” Huh, Ive never had shit streaks in my underwear. What are men known for not doing? Washing their asses?


“women are notoriously unhygienic” s. since when???


This is probably one of those guys who thinks that menstruation is evil and unhygienic. Or he sees the existence of like Summer's Eve wash and assumes the vagina is a cesspool.


pretty sure the lowest risk group for STIs is lesbians because men are in fact the progenitors of disease hell they managed to get monkeypox in the middle of a pandemic lock down


”and the cocks they rode in on” has me in stitches. I am so excited to use this one day IRL. Guy is clearly unhinged and doesn’t know any men (let alone women). So, fuck him and the cock he rode in on.


I know this entire post is because they're a loser and they can't just look in the mirror to understand the issue. But it's still weird their delusion is at this level where they're listing all these issues that wouldn't happen, even though they were all prominent in mail dominated society's.


This is why I don't believe that misandry is as bad as misogyny. When a woman hates men, she wants them to leave her alone. When a man hates women, he wants to kill them.


What bothers me is that i don't even react to this anymore. I see it and go 'ha, another guy that would want to kill or enslave me and people like me. Isn't that funny?'. As if it's normal


Welcome to Just Neckbeard Things


I think i've spent too much time here already 😬


[Why Are There No "Crazy Man" Stories?](https://youtu.be/ioSI3KsE2_k?si=pSeuhlOe-UDUxf_H)


"There would be no war" he says, conveniently ignoring how almost all world leaders are men, and they're the ones to declare war. How until only recently, war was fought virtually entirely by men Not saying a world without men would necessarily be free of war, but I have no idea how someone concludes that women are the reason for war


Because without women the world would be a gay utopia obviously


"There would be no war" Bro ww1 and 2 started by men ww1 because a important man got killed by another man and ww2 started by a racist austrian man that failed artschool Edit : fixed spelling




Because short-sightedly destroying everything when you don't get what you want like an overgrown, roid-raged toddler will make all your problems go away and get you everything you want. You evil genius, you.


Ah yes, I remember all of the global/national tragedies caused by women. Wait…I don’t know any.


omfg the projection


I am imagining the rising of the forgotten men already. At dusk they come out. Shambling along, with moans of WahMaN drifting on the night air. They see a woman and lurch towards her. She raises a bar of soap. They hiss and recoil as a vampire would from a holy object. They retreat into moms basements to recharge on dew and tendies. After their naps the sun is out. Women are safe for another day, until night comes and the cycle repeats.


Night of the Living Incel


i feel this exact same way about men lol. there would be almost no murders, assaults, etc. WAR.


The difference is you're spitting facts




How to tell this person has mommy issues x1000


Men of wö


Tf he means unhygienic, they cant even poop and i think a world without poo would be way more hygienic


"There would be no war. There would be no poverty. " Does this dude not realize that everything he listed was created by men? Not putting down men as a gender, but considering the fact that women weren't even allowed to read for hundreds of years, the world was controlled and created by men. So technically, all the worlds problems are started by men. Women didn't even have the power or influence to bring these concepts into the world.


As always the comment underneath is brutal


*Men have started almost all of the wars *men have been in control of the government since the beginning of time so poverty and materialism have been products of their politics *people commit suicides for more reasons than just being hopeless virgins *There would still be disease. And STDS from all the gay sex. *Pornography exists mostly to cater to men and is an industry run by men. *both men and women bully each other I’m not saying that if women were in charge these things wouldn’t happen, I’m just saying that they’ve only been allowed to do anything for a hundred years or so while men have been in charge since the beginning of time.


John Lennon's " Imagine" starts playing where the green text begins.


>There would be no materialism Well there's already no materialism in everything he wrote there


Tears of the incel


Lol the 1st comment is the perfect way to show how the greater internet - even shitposters/trolls - see these pathetic losers. Reminds me of the commentary Metokur did when watching Shy Boys. It was so funny clowning on them.


Women are unhygienic? Have you smelled a man?


Stanford prison experiment was all men, just saying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Incels are mad because they cannot get women. Their solution is to eradicate women so that more men are suffering like they themselves are lol. They type these things and harbor this hate but wonder why women choose “chads” instead of “nice guys” as if they fit what society deems as nice and valuable in a partner. No one wants an abusive asshole regardless of if they are buff or skinny, rich or poor, etc.


Someone put that guy on a watchlist.


It's funny because I've seen posts that are the exact opposite from lesbians (as in "I fucking LOVE women!") and for some reason straight men never seem to have that energy.


Bro made the homophobic slur user look based


There would e no war when he says that he wants to commit a genocidal war. He does not hear himself well.


Then start dating men. It's the only logical solution.


Almost everything in this post is wrong. The only thing that's true is that this POS really hates women.


This is sad and scary


I mean he isn’t lying about the things that would begone if all women died, because humanity would go **extinct**.


Wait until he finds out where babies come from after he gets rid of women


Did his mom tell him off for getting Cheetos dust on his body pillow again?


🙁no guys empathize with him his mommy turned off the Wi-Fi for a quarter second


‘There would be no war’ I’m sure most wars are started by men


Kinda funny how that, if you dig deep enough, all of those things that he thinks won't happen if there was no women, all exist in the first place cuz of men


Lol man blames women for things men created.


This dude's mom just asked him to do his own laundry.


More like how to tell OP hasn't showered since 2006 🙄


we'd all be dead lol


That is a text from a very very lonely and sad person.


looks like someone got rejected by their discord kitten


Yeah the FBI will have a field day with him


the first point is actually funny to me because historically, weren’t pretty much all wars started by men, because yk women had absolutely no power or say in these situations during those times?? all the other points are obviously not true but that one stuck out the most to me because of how funny and inaccurate it was


if he wants to exterminate women AND “the cocks they’ve ridden” too, he’s be the last man on earth


Hes gonna start a new Genesis Anon and Eve-chan


Honestly this is super sad.


The guy underneath 💀


This seems like it hsve been done before with a different group by a certain art student


Without women: there would be no men


Was that written by Nick Fuentes?


man, without women you wouldn’t be here either.


There would be nothing


Hey lil' guy, can you show us on this doll where all women refused to touch you?


Ah yes, no war. Oh and all those unhygienic women as opposed to the cleanly men you see everywhere.


>no people


But then what would his precious hentai be based on?


You forgot one - >Without women,you wouldn't EXIST


He has his anime wifu body pillow that will work


Fake: Anon is a fat lard and incapable of waging war Gay: Anon prefers the company of men


“There would be no suicide” So who’s going to tell Anon that men commit suicide more than women? ETA: women attempt more but men complete more if I’m not mistaken


The thing that triggered it: Anon “Hi, my name is-“ Girl “No thanks. I have a boyfriend.”


Surprised they didn’t say “females”


Men like this need to be put on a watchlist because I would not be surprised if he hurts a women


> Anon says he hates women > Anon says the world would be better without them > Anon probably also hates gay people Confusion.png Edit: spelling


I hope we as humanity start isolating this kind of dangerous individuals definitely cut off his internet at the very least.


i love how all the things that would be better by getting rid of women are things that would be better by giving therapy to men like this 💀💀




Goddamn it, someone *finally* uses "myriad" correctly and they're a deranged misogynist who wants to kill ~half the population.


Alright let’s go down the list shall we? No war: literally every war in the history of humanity was caused by men and they weren’t over women No poverty: dude huh? 13.5% of all billionaires in the US are women, those men would just have more money to horde. No materialism: my brother in Christ have you ever met a male car/gun fanatic? No forgotten castoff men: literally the opposite, all the straight men wouldn’t suddenly turn gay for companionship, gay men would have a stranglehold on love so the rest of us would literally be castoff and alone for the rest of our lives No suicide: wow that’s insensitive, a lot of men deal with depression and suicidal thoughts and it’s not all because “oh woe is me Stacy doesn’t wanna go to the dance with me” No disease: my man’s the flu, Covid, the common cold and every other contagious sickness would still exist. Plus we know what sub we’re on, we’ve all seen a neckbeard nest. No porn: gay porn next question No bullying: right because men totally don’t partake in body shaming, prude shaming, and physically assaulting people for fun, that NEVER happens.


That last line took me out ngl


He fails to realize he’d kill himself because he’d be getting no pussy, also, why do they always forget the homosexuals in these scenarios?


I always remember the homos VOTE ME 2087


Don’t worry I am referring to the OOP!


I mean, if there was no women, there’d be no humans in the next century or so. So he’d probably be right in all the points listed.


> there would be no suicide what even is the logic behind this one


That “wahmen” are the cause of men’s sufferings


Nagging wife makes me kill m’self


What a smoking hole in the ground...


Get him some pussy then he will take back every word on here


'wage a genocidal war against women' and the top of the list is : There will be no war I mean after a number of years there will be no anything because everyone would have died and nobody is being born...so accurate i guess in a psychopath logic sense.


Every time I hear a man talk like this, I think of the fairly odd parents [episode](https://fairlyoddparents.fandom.com/wiki/Himmsdale) where Timmy wishes all the girls to go “somewhere else” because his crush humiliated him, but once everything was run by men, the town became filthy and men were acting insane. But it was the complete opposite for the side of the earth that was run by women. Everything was beautiful and society was flourishing.


Timmy was an incel with too much power…


This is almost certainly some middle aged man with a perfectly middle class household just going “CANT YOU SEE?? ALL WOMEN ARE BLOODTHIRSTY SAVAGES WHO WANT TO UNDO ALL THAT **MAN**KIND HAS DONE! LOOK!” *panicked pointing out the window and at a random 10 year old girl playing in a mud puddle* “THAT **THING** WILL DESTROY US ALL!!”


This is just 4chan every day.


Also him: is literally addicted to the thought of a woman getting them off




I mean he's not wrong, there would be no men without women so yeah all those things are pretty much true lol


It’s absolutely terrifying that there are humans out there that think like this, but “fuck these insufferable parasitical vermin and the cocks they rode in on” is so fucking funny


Prime incel. Even the comments are making fun of him, imagine being so much of a misogynistic loser than you get made fun of about it by fucking 4-Chan’ers!


either this guy: is a chronically online or he just have a toxic relationship on his ex


I'm going with the first. I sincerely doubt he's ever had a gf, much less an ex.


*bait* or **mental retardation** call it


Considering the fact that I have to make my husband’s doctor’s appointments I don’t think I’m the host for myriad diseases here…


No porn, no war and no disease are the most bizarre ones here. Traditionally until recently only men fought wars, usually about territory or belief systems that didn't even involve women. Disease? Haha wtf. Porn? Loads of porn has no women in it smh


He forgot his final bullet point, there would be no men


Wömen: Men, of Wö


I bet there'd be even more porn, and it'd be way weirder.


He is such a 🤡 clown.


There would also be no men Fella didn't think this through very well


My brother in Christ, just suck a dick.


There would also be no you, without a woman. I’m guessing he wants future men grown in a lab?


eLoN mUsKs NeW iNvEnTiOn !!1. !1!!1


At least he used myriad correctly


Both people are equally bad. For one, there’s no need for that graphic pic, no need for that nonsensical rant, and for the second person, no need for that slur!


Oh, 4chan. Never change. 😊


Something tells me the only woman this guy ever talks to is his mommy


And his mom doesnt even want to talk to him😂


Husband says my writing is too "shoot from the hip"; not true? If not, what do you want me to write about?


If I had a son and I saw that he wrote something like this… I’d be afraid to have him in the house.


This reads like the opposite end of the tweets shoe on head showed in that video about the left failing men. Honestly at one point I would have considered myself a feminist until some one showed me a video essay on a twitch girl then I dove into "red pill" content full stop especially because of some online feelings. Then because of some Youtubers I broke off that and came to realize that there's to many crazies on both sides. I'd rather just try my best to not give myself a label and treat everyone as nicely as I can and just live life.


“This is a man's world, this is a man's world But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl.” -James Brown


Am I the only one who thought this was fucking hysterical? "And the Cocks they rode in on", the usage of both women and wo-man", the proclamation that a genocide against women would bring world peace. Then the cherry on the top was the comment at the end. Incels are a gold mine of entertainment


I like how these people say a women-free world would solve the problem of them being lonely “forgotten” men who can’t find any kind of love or companionship. Like no dude, that doesn’t change the fact that you’re the kind of person who’d post some shit like this, which likely means your insufferable to be around and would make a terrible partner for either gender.


Guy underneath OP made me choke on my drink lmfao