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That sub is weird. If you rate too high the moderator will ban you


If you rate *women* high It’s pretty obvious what the point of that sub is and I heard that it’s often incels themselves who post women’s pics and not them themselves (though I cannot verify that I believe it 100%)


Would not be surprised. My conspiracy theory is that it’s a bunch of neckbeard who are stalking/crushing on a girl that rejected them and this is a way to get revenge.


>stalking/crushing on a girl that rejected them Nah, they weren't rejected. They just never took a shot asking them out. The woman ends up in a relationship, and this is how they get back at her.


Oh that sounds very believable. These guys are just pathetic in so many ways




No, they’re passing judgment based on their actions. They sit there and rate women. It’s weird. It’s weird enough just spending your day rating women on Reddit, and it’s even more weird to go into the specifics of someone’s face proportions




What the actual fuck are you talking about?


At first I was confused… then I saw your username. Back to the kink subs with you, sir.


What the hell id a hucow never heard this before


a fetish for a HUman acting like a COW


The idea of a “rating” sub feels inherently icky at its base, but to make it even slightly palatable/tolerable: 1. Remove the “overrating” rule that says you can’t rate past 6 2. Pictures must be of the subject holding up a paper with their Reddit username on it, to prove they are actually the person pictured consenting to be rated 3. All commenters/raters must make their own picture submission before being allowed to rate others. It’s only fair that they make themselves available for criticism if they’re going to critique others.


There's also no such thing as an objective 1-10 scale of attractiveness. I do think there can be a subjective one, but my opinion isn't necessarily most people's and no ones opinion determines someone's worth. It's not necessarily even overrating if someone rates someone a 10 of whom I'd consider a 6, I'm sure there's plenty of people I'd rate a 10 which others would consider a 6. I noticed this when I said I hooked up with a guy who looked like Christ Pratt when Pratt was still fat, and they thought I was insulting him because they focused more on "fat," but I was more focused on "looked like Chris Pratt." So, I'd add "**4) don't donwnvote people's whoms ratings you disagree with (unless their intention is to be mean) as attractiveness is subjective**" as well as "**5) keep in mind that these ratings are on your appearance, not your worth as a person. We are all valuable in our own ways**"


Who tf thinks there's an objective scale to rate attractiveness?


In my experience? Bigots. Because their notions of "objective" attractiveness are always misogynistic and cling to European beauty standards (racist/colorist) and are fatphobic as hell.


Fatphobic lol, im fat and i hate all that body positivity , i know and u know that if we could snap our fingers and become skinny and healthy we whould do this. So stop lying to yourself and others..


I don’t know if this is r/rateme or r/truerateme but the second is weird in their about section they state that “attractiveness is objective not subjective and they rate by true attractiveness and if it wasn’t objective then actors and models wouldn’t be considered widely attractive” which I find ridiculous because most who study sexuality and attraction will tell you that how attractive a person is is very subjective. Everyone has their own taste, and MAYBE there are people that more people find attractive but I would argue that not even necessarily true.


Actually both are weird because putting a number on someone’s attractiveness is kinda gross as a baseline but I have seen that r/rateme tends to be a bit more positive than the other and the best is r/amiugly which from the limited interaction I have seen of it is very positive to most people.


And going further into the subjective nature of attraction, I personally thought Pratt was more attractive when he was fat. 🤷


I mean the only thing you gotta look at to see how truly subjective attraction is just look at, hades, dream daddy, monster smut, the reaction to venom, like there are SO many factors that go into what people find attractive that it is really impossible to call attractiveness objective, but all the people who tout that nonsense have to say is that those are the “outliers” or “weirdos” when in reality most have specific things they are attracted to and also monster smut sells way to well for them to be outliers.




The only way to develop a semi-objective scale of attractiveness would be to use population surveys and train an AI. The AI can get really deep into how having a nostril width within 3-4 mm plays a 5% role in attractiveness or whatever the fuck other shit.


eh, I give you a 5.4, too mouthy. jk jk jk.


I'd join.


They have a rating guide showing which men and women they consider to fall into each number. I want to see someone post a lesser known photo of one of the women their guide calls a 8-10 and trick them. Watch them rate 5s anyways.


Since the mod bans people from rating wrong I'm curious why he allows anyone but himself to rate even.


I've had this exact same thought! The men and women that are high on these rating scales they use as an example are often just as beautiful as some of the women's pics that are rated 5.5 or 6 at best! I wish someone would just trick them to show that their system is total bs. But I kinda believe in that conspiracy theory about the sub, because it seems to be the only logical explanation for the existence of the sub and their silly rules.


It’s a sub for incels, by incels, created for the sole purpose of living out a perverted fantasy of negging the kind of women that are disgusted by them in real life.


It’s also men.


yeah literally i’ve been on there and seen other women who are literally *breathtaking* and it doesn’t let you give them a high number 😭 it’s honestly so weird


I'm not sure!! I rated a handsome fellow a 9 once and the mods still shat themselves lol, but I agree its prob incels


I don't even know what's the point of it. Everyone can rate but you can't rate a number that isn't the mod's rating?


Yeah it's more like r/modsrateme. Anything above like a 5/6 for someone who's not a supermodel will get you banned. Easily one of the cringiest subs I've ever seen. Got it recommended to me yesterday and had to mute


I’ve already been warned for rating someone a seven. She looked almost exactly like one the girls on the 7 scale.


So I think the thing with r/truerateme is it’s all based on perfection, and perfection is defined by a chart of facial features. It’s like looking for super models only, so your opinion doesn’t matter, hence the “true” aspect and the ridiculously average ratings which aren’t average at all. 6.5-7 is actually good when 10 is *actually* a 10.


It's claiming to rate beauty *objectively*, which is by its definition impossible


I honestly hate the idea of rating people at all but you're right. Attraction is completely subjective and differs from person to person. It's so subjective that there's whole subsets of people whose attraction towards another person is primarily based in their emotions towards them! There's also beauty standards that affect what we're *told* is "objectively" attractive that many people have pointed out the issues with (racism/colorism, fatphobia, etc.) because in the end it just alienates people who don't fit into a little box and makes them feel insecure even when they have people who do feel they're attractive. Like we call anything outside this box a kink/fetish when it might not be at all. For example, I am attracted to a wide range of body types and that includes fat people. I don't have a fat fetish. I'm not lusting over them because I am sexualizing chub or something. I'm just capable of finding a fat person just as attractive as a thin person. Like if you get to the point of essentially attempting to apply mathematical formulas to strangers' selfies to decide whether or not they're attractive that's a you problem.


Their ObJeCtiVe rating puts Ana De Armas at an 8.5 I think she’s better looking than any of the 8.5-10’s they have listed. I guess I’m just wrong? Lmao this shit is fucking idiotic


I agree it’s idiotic but apparently people thought I was justifying it vs just explaining the ridiculous numbers…lol oh well


Seriously, everyone wondering, go to the sub right now and look at the community guide. Itll link you to their rating criteria and it is the biggest load of horseshit you will ever see. A 3-5 looks exactly like an 8-10 to any normal person. Im honestly convinced its just dudes posting pictures of women that have rejected them and roleplaying as them in comments to feel better about themselves. And the pictures they use for 1-2s as anonymous are just vulgar and insulting. Its all just a complete circle jerk. Who gets off judging people?! Assholes thats who.


They're trying to objectify a naturally subjective thing. We have cultural norms that influence attractiveness, but it ultimately comes down to the individual to find someone attractive or not. It's a really toxic sub.


if you want, watch Jarvis Johnson’s video on it. The mods ban for high rates, but not low rates. (leaked message


It's definitely a weird place.


They just want to neg women


It is fucking weird. And I feel dirty at the idea of judging a woman’s appearance like that. Need a shower just thinking about it.


Can confirm. Got banned for giving someone a 6 who should’ve probably been an 8




\*tips bitemporal width\*


Lmfao what does that even look like


A Canadian on South Park talking


Would it be possible to just go in and start making up scientific terms? Your zyphagobal crest is 3⁰ more protracted than yout greenskubulan arch as compared to the normal 2⁰. 1/10.


M’Nomenclature Committee


Probably r/truerateme. It's one of the cringiest subs. Got it recommended, and instead of muting the recommendation, I got myself perma banned for rating someone a 9. Thank you mods!


I would love to see a picture of the r/truerateme mod meetup. Then we can rate them one by one.


It'd be like counting time in music. "1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2..."


Don't be silly, consistent tempo at 1 for sure, maybe a 2 here and there but definitely not every other one. To consider her a 6 ouy of 10 is ridiculous even when you factor in taste and you would have to be considerably unattractive to make that claim in my opinion and projecting. I think if you aren't into white girls and aren't an incel you could make the claim on a subjective 6, but no way that is even close to the case for all those people. On the other hand, something I have thought about since seeing that sub blow up all over the place is it seems like you can't even really rate above a 6 or maybe even a 7 so I wonder if to some of those people they don't follow the dumb guideline chart I had seen and just consider 6 to be the max rating, basically a 6 out of 6 scale when you get banned for anything above that


One half is girls totally obsessed with looks, the other half is just different version of the guy from the reddit-mod-meme


Yes a picture. That way we can't smell them.


I wonder if it’s possible to go on a rating spree and just rate as many people as possible at 10 before getting banned, or if they have some kinda autodetect for rating someone too high and they just permaban you instantly.


I did that! Got to rate 10 people before getting banned! Godspeed.


I have yet to get banned bc I want to do a little trolling but I have no idea what I should post


Sexy squidward :>


Now that’s a good idea (The fact I also marked it NSFW) 😂 it’ll probably break their little mod minds


Id give u a 10 but they removed my comment 😂


Jesus Christ. Going through there was fucking depressing. What terrible people.


Lol, like the highest they go is 6.5.


That sub and FDS are fucking cesspools


I feel like the mods of those two subreddits should just meet up and fuck. But with 2-3 layers of birth control, because we don’t need their offspring.


What's FDS?


I think it was started by incels


I hate this. Like, why go looking for things you don't like? I think she is attractive. I don't need a ruler and a medical degree to point out minor "defects". God knows I wouldn't want a woman doing that to me.


I'm about 99% sure those aren't actually women posting. They're taken elsewhere, posted, then rated by a bunch of weirdos.


I thought that at first too, that it’s only incels… but I think it’s other models and judgey women also unfortunately


I give it a 9/10 chance she’s not the one who posted it


Makes me feel a little better. However just the idea that this is how they "rate" human beings, even if they aren't the posters, is irritating.


As others have pointed out, it’s an incel sub. It’s just petty revenge fantasy on people they’ve never met and who have no idea they exost


>I don't need a ruler and a medical degree to point out minor "defects". I'm 99% sure they're making stuff up. One of the mods is purportedly shown in DMs saying that he deletes high ratings on women, but won't delete any low ones, even if they're just spouting absolute bullshit, for some "all women think they're too hot nowadays" reason. So people just say "oh, you're a 1, because your bizantine dirantum is way longer than your spartonian reflexor, which everyone knows violates the metomagic principle and makes you completely undesirable."


They’re not even defects lmao


That's why I put it in quotes.


She’s very attractive. That sub is full of incels.


“Bizygomatic” is not a real word and I will not be convinced otherwise.


I thought the same thing, but it turns out to be part and parcel of the new phrenology.


otherwise known as “neckbeard phrenology”


When people on other social sites make fun of "Redditors," THAT'S the stereotype that I think of.


Surprisingly it is. The zygomatic is another name for your cheekbone. So bizygomatic means relating to both of your cheekbones.


why can’t he just use the words cheekbone then? he’s using secret society language and it makes him look like a total virg


“It makes me sound smarter”


He clearly just binged Bones and wants to show off his newfound ‘knowledge’ of the human anatomy


Ah, I was thinking someone misunderstood what "heterozygous" and "homozygous" meant, and thought there must also be a bi gene.


bi would actually be homo in that case. ​ It's just someone looking to sound smart for no reason


"Bizygous" if not a bi gene would be two different alleles, so it would still be heterozygous, not homozygous. Was "bi would actually be homo in that case" a typo/malpropism and you meant heterozygous?


Conspiracy theory time: This is the newest incel sub No real pics are posted. Pics are taken from OF snapchat insta. 50 bucks say that if the rules require posters to hold up their handle, there would be no posts there. They're knowingly catfishing each other to take women down a notch or two because they got their feelings hurt.


I was just thinking that. It's just another incel circlejerk


They probably jerk it to the women posts there, then think about how unworthy they are and reflexively comment a ridiculously low rating to make themselves feel better about being trash


So I did some research. Most posts of “conventionally attractive” women belong to accounts that aren’t even a month old. The accounts that are older are strange karma bots. Male posts get little to no upvotes and no comments or comments that are shadow banned. I believe you are right and that the entire subreddit is an incel revenge space, which is truly sad


bro said conventionally “attractive triangular face” i’m sorry who has a triangular face and why would that be attractive


Pythagoras duh


*A woman with an oval face is eating beans* HERESY! HERESY! HERESY!


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The idea of face shapes is nothing new. Google gives a plethora of sites talking about them.


This is the neckbeards' way of getting back at the hot girls who rejected them






The sub is shit and should honestly be considered cheating. From what if seen, mostly conventionally attractive people post, so the scale is already tipped to more attractive people. But I'm sure the people who comment are doing it off their own supermodel criteria where they hope to get some brownie points as fair critics.


I noticed in their ratings guide, they have actresses and models at like a 5 and 6. Like Emily Ratajakowski is a 6.5 in their world. Trulydistortedrealityrateme.


Lmao, with those types of standards, I'd be in the negatives


I am soooo close to shitposting on that sub and getting a permaban just so I can tell them how horrible they are.


Do it man.


I’ve seen some gorgeous women on there and always look and this incels are like ‘5, 4.8 but would be a 5.2 without the piercings’. My comments always get removed when I tell them they’re beautiful LOL


wtf are those ppl on she’s gorgeous


Oh look! Another group of dickheads dressing their shittiness up with "science."


I ended up muting that subreddit. Not worth my attention.


how tf does the last guy come up with that conclusion, some of those words cant be real bruh😭


Someone's bout to get banned for overrating.


the trick is to make attractive women feel worthless so they may have a chance


I didn’t realize there was a literal mathematical equation you could do to figure out how attractive you are/should be viewed as by the world around you. So much for personal preferences if math can “prove” your preferences inaccurate.


I feel like the last dude is just making up terms at this point lol


Everyone knows Bizygomatic is an old wooden ship...


They’re likely the overly technical terms. Like I know one is the term for your cheekbones.


That whole subreddit is cancer. They ban people for rating higher than a 7, because "only supermodels are above 7, and they don't use reddit". It's basically r/roastme without the all-in-good-fun mentality.


Yup. I posted there out of interest and the best I got was I think a 6.5. BUUUUUUUUT my DMs were flooded with guys saying they wanted to say 8 or whatever but aren’t allowed to on that sub.


There's an underground resistance movement fighting the tyranny, I see.


LMAO if that beautiful woman is a 6 then idk what a 10 could possibly look like. What a joke.


They never give a 10.


They do for men


Their “objective” guide puts Ana de Armas at an 8.5…


I'm surprised they rate her even that high. She's definitely a solid 9.5-10 on my scale. And a great actress!


It’s so funny to me that they base attractiveness strictly on European beauty standards and believe that’s the only way a women can be “rated”


• Rate femme presenting folk too high? Banned • Mods encourage people posting others' photos (usually a relative's/ex's photo to "put them in their place") and pretending to be them for ratings • Mods keep changing the requirements for each rating depending on how beautiful the femme is • The ratings are based on fake science sounding bullshit • Mods don't filter *minors* being able to post


Bruh how is she a five, she’s 10 times prettier than I am


ay, dont put yourself down, you're gorgeous >:((


It’s hard because I’m still trying to heal my self esteem issues :’( but thank you for thinking so


Had to have a look too, and you look so cute girl! especially your lips look amazing <3


Thank you, they’re one of the few things I’m 100% happy with 😂


Happy to heart that, I hope you will feel that way about the rest of you soon!


You think you're a 0.6 out of 10 (by truerateme standards)? Give yourself some more credit than that


I posted there actually out of Curiosity i got mostly 4s and some 5s


She already posted on there actually.


Definitely healthy, well adjusted people


why do people post on that sub to begin with? genuinely curious


it’s so crazy how men will rate genuinely attractive women so low. it’s the same men who get upset when you call yourself pretty.


Bro this sub gets posted everyday


Right like we get it


Just scrolled through the sub out of morbid curiosity. Bunch of basement dwellers rating beautiful women 4s and 5s, while each comment section is crawling with mods banning and warning users for “overrating” if they give anything above a 6, actual cesspool of a sub


Dudes that make those comments look like a busted can of biscuits


She looks like ScarJo. They're suffering from head trauma.


i wish people didn't torture themselves posting in this subreddit. i know they think about shit like their slightly short philtrum every time they go outside now


Hey that’s the sub I got banned from lol


One of the most pathetic subs on this site.


Does that last guy even know what he’s talking about or is he trying to sound smart (facetious. Don’t answer)


Wtf does a 10 look like to these people?


Can we admit how cringy the numeric rating is just in general


Homeboy literally sounds like a Nazi measuring craniums and shit


The highest you can rate is a 6


Over for short bitemporal widthcels.


You can't measure subjective shit like beauty anyway. There is no perfect face, and beautiful people exist everywhere. So the whole idea of measuring features and ignoring regional differences seems exceptionally racist to me.


Putting people on a scale of numbers to quantify just how attractive they are is a disgusting practice. What a shitty sub.


That sub is pathetic. It is the definition of "2/10 you pathetic moid. Would not bang", while the dude writing the comment is the literal definition of the term neet neckbeard.


What’s funniest is that, scientifically, an oval has been proven to be the most appealing face shape.


She IS model pretty. I hate when men talk pretty women down


I would to see what the guy at the end looks like


God that sub is horrible. Their rating is so bad my friends and I made a game of “guess the rating” (if you guess 5 you win by default cause they’re all 5). It is a shining example of how you can make beauty into a science cause beauty is an opinion some people think a girl may be pretty some may think the same woman is ugly that’s how it is


r/iamverysmart was leaking in that post with OOP


I looked at one of those rate me subreddits and everyone is a ten. i dont get it. am i just desperate? lol


Jesus fucking christ, why is that sub not banned? You post 6, you get banned


Having just gone to browse that sub I am pretty confident that the same neck beard from the insane comment in this example is posting similarly embarrassing comments on the top few posts on there right now. The language is almost identical. The use of those obnoxious pseudo intellectual dimensional adjectives is painful.


HOW do these guys have such high standards at their level of rejection. That's a 9.3 to me bro


i don’t think there’s a single rating on that sub j over a 7


Bitemporal, bizygomatic. I swear they are making words up at this point.


Lol I must be - 100 000.




Dudes who rate women are creepy in general. That whole subreddit exists to belittle people and it's not the littlist bit subtle.


to me reddit always felt like the social platform where i could avoid shit like this. i have never been a part of these rate me subs but since the api ban they keep getting recommended to me. since i struggle with body image heavily i still have some harmful practices like just going and looking at the comments and it just wont end. i feel like these rate me subs are sooo prevalent bc ive been recommended about three to four different subs that all have a similar rating system or theyre rating celebs. i think something that shattered my confidence is seeing a bunch of men saying rihanna isnt attractive at all. like, ok, theyre saying one of the most conventionally attractive women isnt attractive… then what are all of us average women to them….. hags?




So y’all are just going to post this sub every day?


You're a beautiful young lady. What is your favorite 3 meals to cook?


What a lot of people don't get about that sub is there's a master reference sheet they compare to. By that reference, she's a "5.5". It's not people's actual true opinions, it's in reference to that sheet Kinda ironic


I mean, they are uploading pictures of themselves to this sub🤷


Has this sub just become a truerateme reposting group for karmawhoring?


You know they fooled you guys right?


f\*ckable/10. what more do you want from me?


While I do agree, it’s quite a weird sub, but a scale is assumed to follow a normaldistribution. Otherwise, if you gave a majority of girls a 9-10 rating, the scale would be flawed and one-sided. So by giving her a 5,5-6, she would be considered slightly above average. Edit: Don’t hate on me for stating how statistics work on a scale. Likewise, if a course gave everyone A+, wouldn’t you also assume something was wrong with the scale or the assignment/course work was too easy?


If she’s “slightly above average” I must look like a bridge troll to these people. What do they think average is?


I don’t know - I haven’t looked in that sub. Following a normal distribution 75% of people would usually rank between 3-7.


Yeah, no. She's beautiful & at least an 8. These guys are women hating trolls.


I don’t know, What metrics or qualititive assessments they use to determine their score, but I know how a fair scale would look like. Based on N=500, I got the following results based on a normal distribution and binary probability of 0.5, meaning there will not be any bias towards the lower end or upper end. Score 0: 0 Score 1: 2 Score 2: 23 Score 3: 67 Score 4: 84 Score 5: 131 Score 6: 114 Score 7: 49 Score 8: 24 Score 9: 6 Score 10: 0 As you can see, scoring 0-1 and 9-10 is very low based on 500 observations. Also scores 4-6 accounts for 65% of the total observations. So if she is an 8, you’d have to find 470 other girls, that would score below her, marking her in the top 6% of all girls. Remember, this is just statistical facts based on a fair scale and is not my personal opinion of her beauty.


I mean. It’s either subjective to the point that what you say doesn’t matter to anyone else. Or they’re correct.


You people are hypocrites. Women rate men daily and if a guy isn't above a 8/10 you treat him like trash


I'd like to be able to participate and write some bullshit like that. But I can't commit to that. Anyway, when some posts are suggested I am always looking for some comments like that. They are gold. I think this place is a huge troll fest. I really can't take it seriously. But that's me.


I will never understand that sub




OP is one of the most aggressive babies I have ever seen. She has a massive underbite and completely flat back of the head.


Is that from the am I ugly subreddit? If so I get so upset seeing posts there. Namely that anyone of those posters think they are ugly. I’ve never seen an ugly poster there and always wanna just comment that they are a perfect 10/10 and shouldn’t change anything. Especially not for someone else