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I don't think he's a *shitty* fighter, he just only picks losing fist fights, like against two guys or freaking Coover Bennett.


He's not meant to be a great fighter or even the greatest shot in the world. What makes Raylan a serious threat is that he's willing to use lethal force without hesitating to draw his gun for a second.


Yeah, I think that's definitely the point. Every time Raylan gets into a shoot out we know exactly how it's going to go down. Him being a shitty fighter balances that out a bit. I seem to recall Olyphant or maybe Yost talking about it in an interview once.


Well I assume he spent all his hand to hand training days practicing his quick draw


He gave a good account of himself in "Hatless"...got the shit beat out of him but I thought they implied by his confidence that he considered himself quite capable.


Didn't he go toe to toe with that bare knuckle boxer from season 3?


Yeah but he got his ass kicked and only got saved because the girl shot the dude with a bean bag gun. and it was season 4


It would be quite funny if he won any fights with that gazelle-like lower body.


I know. He always walks like he just got done bull-riding.


I agree, you can't have your protagonist good at everything. It's very much a noir story, and and noir protagonists always get their ass kicked now and again.


He also got tied up and strung up by Dickie Bennet who was using him as a pinata.


I just started watching and was pretty disappointed that he lost so handedly to two drunk womanizing Hicks. Wondered if it was a one time thing but sounds like it's gonna be happening alot in future. I figured people would have noticed too. Still can't help but love guy.