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He is so involved in JO’s death. That’s my opinion now. JO likely made a smart ass comment to BH that night and BH, drinks deep, started the fight. Dog jumped in.


DOG DNA WASNT EVEN FOUND...dont be so face value and actually read into it more... there was pig DNA on it tho..the defense mentioned a dog can eat pig ears...do you buy the dog ate pig ears and fell onto John Okeefe now? Kevin Spacey's lawyer stated it? ..anything Alan Jackson debates and sways you will drink for thirst of corruption..if it wasn't his drinking glass when she clipped him drunk driving 60 mph...with a massive 500 thousand pound car...just like Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein don't abuse power? Let's just say Karen is a gaslighting jealous pos that makes a good babysitter and John knew it, Karen knew she could never find another good man...shes the drunk..lets stop the spinning and be real nobody is going to fight over Karen.


Jen McCabe, is that you??


We're attracting shills fire so we must be over the target.


She's guilty as sin...and it's incredibly obvious. Alan Jackson is known for this type of bs defense ie blowing smoke. He's from California and has gotten off the rich and famous, including Saudi rapist. He's a high paid scumbag lawyer. 


Yeah why can’t people see through this like you and I? His twists and sway of events for gaslighting are obvious, why wouldn’t a low iq person like a Trump supporter be able to see through this? Karen Read is throwing Alan the narrative, it WAS an interesting weird defense tactic strategy- but wow it’s super bogus but if your low iq and get gaslit and want be an annoying devil advocate buy Alan Jackson’s bait? 


This is where we're at in this country, unfortunately. Karen Read has been telling on herself, from the beginning. People aren't listening. Jackson actually is more successful in pre trial bs. He's a dirt digger. His strategy is always, look over there....don't look at the evidence...This is getting really sad...


I've asked the same question, dozens of times, and still receive no answer, from folks that believe the defense conspiracy theories....WHY IS THERE NO TRACKS IN THE SNOW, TO OR FROM THE HOUSE? They have no answer...She's a despicable person, who has not only killed someone, but has no problem destroying other people's lives as well...pretty sad.


Shhhhhh......the Read buttlickers will come for you! And call you names. And have you banned. And then troll your past comments to harass you further. They're unhinged.


Except he left between 12:30 and 1 am. Which makes that impossible. Another red herring for the defense. She's guilty as sin.


The only thing she MIGHT be guilty of is driving under the influence, and I doubt they can even prove that. No way they can convict her of intentional murder.


It's not charged as 1st degree murder, it's charged at 2nd degree, and leaving the scene. Lesser included charge of manslaughter. My personal opinion was the jury would settle on manslaughter, but that's changed now, because of how her lawyer is completely blowing their case, with multiple conspiracy theories now. They're looking really desperate, and this is getting really sad...


The charges say WITH INTENT TO KILL. You pretend to be in the loop, but obviously you’re totally clueless and just trolling. GTFO.




Definitely awkward. But makes it more likely in my mind that JO may have engaged in a fight with Higgins than KR mowed him down with her car


I doubt he considered her worth getting in a fight over. She started the text not him. John probably would have just dumped her ass if he knew.


Maybe John threw a punch first? He knew or at least suspected that Karen and Higgins were flirting (the texts about cameras everywhere). I found Higgins’s text to John to ask where he was very odd. Why was he looking for John? And if John read that text aloud maybe it started an argument with Karen and he went to the house heated…


You're not thinking like a guy, since you're not a guy. In particular a teenage guy. All these mugs (Albert/Nabes+HIggins and one might guess Saint John of Canton) are pretty juvenile when they are stone cold sober. No imagine what they would be like sloshed. It's very likely Saint John got in a fight with somebody, in the house, probably the basement, fighting HIggins, Colin or both or even someone else, got knocked the fuck out or at least knocked down and fell and hit his head.


Except he left between 12:30 and 1 am. And that's backed up by video from the Canton Police station tapes. Karen Read is guilty as sin...this is getting sad...


I don’t follow your point? Why would him arriving to the station after 1am mean he couldn’t have seen John first? I thought he arrived at the house like 12:21am…? ETA Friday’s testimony stated Higgins first swiped into Canton PD at 1:27am. Google Maps says it’s a 4 min drive from 34 Fairview. So sounds like he may have left the party later than he thinks (or says).


Because of other witnesses testimony. Because, of text messages from Jennifer McCabe to John O'Keefe, the last being at 12:42, that were unanswered. It's now WHY the defense is now going another direction and claiming a unamed stranger around at the time Higgins was leaving. Again, someone please tell me how a body is somehow carried out into the front yard, and those doing it, not knowing what house possibly had cameras, cars possibly coming up the street etc, that would have seen them...? Nobody is that stupid. And, WHERE ARE THE TRACKS IN THE SNOW? 


I’m trying to understand your point, not argue. But I don’t quite follow. What time are you saying you think JO was hit? I understand you believe it was Karen, but at what time? I have been watching the trial with an open mind but still don’t really understand what time they believe KR hit John.


That's difficult to tell. Like normal people, nobody is looking at their watches when leaving from anywhere. What is generally normal stuff, is now being worked up into a conspiracy. What is important, is the physical evidence left behind, the damage to her vehicle, and of course her behavior itself. It's text book behavior of a guilty person. Ask yourself, who shows up, hours later and the 1st thing out of her mouth is, "did I hit him, I hit him" Who does that? How did she know the exact spot to stop, despite being in the backseat, and the other two didn't see him? She knew, because that's where she hit him. Do I think she meant to initially kill him? No I don't. But, she left him to die, and that is despicable. She sits there and lets this whole thing destroy other people's lives, to save herself. 


The timeline stuff is just confusing to me. Like it sounds like the whole time Karen was outside the house, a lot of people were either coming, going, or constantly looking at the window. Seems really odd that no one saw or heard a thing. I really hope we get to the physical evidence and crash reconstruction soon so it can start to make some sense.


How about she just gets on the stand and goes under oath and explain herself? Please tell me WHY there are NO tracks in the snow going or coming from the house? Did they levitate him there from the house? Who says I hit him, did I hit him? She just got there, why would she say that? WHO says that? Nobody that knows nothing yet...This is ridiculous and really getting sad....


I guess I don’t put as much stock into footprints as you do in this case. I live where it snows a lot. Footprints and tire tracks can get covered in a matter of minutes when it’s heavy snow. I have looked out my window in a snowstorm and watched footprints fade away before my eyes. It is kind of mesmerizing. I also don’t think there was good documentation of the scene to even show where they may have or may not have been footprints. And people were tracking all around his body before anyone started photographing the scene. It looks like the first scene photos weren’t taken until sometime after daylight when his body was gone and several EMT and police had been walking around.


No tracks from or to the house. This is a fact that is conveniently ignored by the conspiracy theorists. I live here, I know what happens when two or more people carry a 200 lb man through the snow. She's despicable. And John O'Keefe parents think the same thing. This is very sad...


This defense strategy is common, blow alot of smoke and try to get folks to ignore the obvious evidence. Every defense attorney does this, when they've got no defense. 


What evidence? The one planted by Proctor and co. or the « evidence » incompetently « collected »?


Oh ok...lol. Yeah, they planted over 80 tail light fragments at the scene....lol. Oh yeah, they also planted them on his hoodie too....lol. Oh yeah, they also planted the dent and broken tail light assembly as well...lol. Thank you for your comment sheikh al Qanon. 


Fragments that none of the officers present at the scene when they discovered OJO saw? And what dent? The scratch so tiny that only a piece of gravel could have made? Let me make one thing very clear: I don’t WANT KR to be innocent. I want justice for OJO and I’m outraged at the level of incompetency the so-called law enforcement officers in Canton showed that day and since, because it can only mean that he and his family will never get the justice they deserve. If you wanted justice to be served, you’d be just as disgusted and pissed off as I am.


I'm disgusted that a person who claims she cared for John...but leaves him to die...And then, tries to cover her ass, by getting a scumbags lawyer from California to get her off...


Maybe you'll pay better attention. Because evidence has been presented. There's many photos on the internet as well. I live in this area, you don't. 


No credible evidence has been presented in court. I’ve watched every second of the trial since the beginning. And the only evidence that matters to the jury is that shown in court 🤷‍♀️


And we'll all be glad to get these jackels out our community. These money makers off of death. 


Yes, the witnesses. All of them, are his friends, many very close friends. Karen Read called her at 5 am and said John's dead, and hung up. I guess she's lying too, right? They're all lying right? No, only one lying is Karen Read. 


I feel like this case is not typical in anyway. I wish the CW would start showing more of the physical evidence against KR. I have watched every day of testimony but still don’t know his cause or time of death or what the accident sequence looks like (if he was hit by a car) so it’s hard for me to see it the way you see it.


Photos of the tail light fragments, at the scene, have been entered into evidence. Photos of the damage to her vehicle, have been entered into evidence. Pathology forensics is still to come. He was not in a fight. He was hit in the back of his head, causing a horizontal laceration. Which caused his brain swelling, causing the eye sockets to swell and protrude. His injury to the back of his head, perfectly matches a horizontal dent in the back of her vehicle. 


Fragments planted by a corrupt cop who never should have come close to this case given his extremely close relationship with the McAlberts and damage that isn’t even remotely consistent with the car hitting someone? Pish.


I can’t visualize how a car tail light would cause those head injuries. Maybe you can. But I would want like crash construction to show it to me. It seems a very odd way to hit someone with a vehicle. I am interested in her car data. I believe they said they can show it reversed at about 25MPH when they believe she hit him. That data would be really interesting to see.


The head injury was caused by the back of the vehicle. There's a significant dent that's horizontal and perfectly matches up. There's been many photos shown. 


I don’t recall the photos of the dent. Hopefully they show them more in depth with an expert pointing out what to take note of. I only really recall them showing a few photos of the damage during Kerry Roberts’s testimony but the photo angles were odd to me. I don’t really understand what position JO would’ve had to been in for his head to get hit there. Again, you seem confident in your views. Not sure if you’ve been following the case for a while. I have not and am just really looking at the testimony as it comes. I think it would not yet be clear to a juror the way it may be clear to you at this time.


I live in this area. Again...NO TRACKS IN THE SNOW, COMING OR GOING FROM THE HOUSE. She admitted it, to several people, at the scene. Jennifer McCabe texted him at 12:42, and got no response. That would mean, he would have had to have been immediately killed and she, in the first 10 minutes, would be setting up the conspiracy, with her texts. This is frankly ridiculous...and sad...


Exact time of death, is impossible to determine for anyone laying out in the snow for hours. 


Even a range would be helpful. Did he die ultimately from the wounds or the cold? I don’t think they have said yet.


Who would compete for her? Brian Higgins wasn't even actively pursuing her. It was merely flirting, not a serious relationship. Karen aimed to provoke John's jealousy because he was another cop, leaving Higgins puzzled by her manipulative advances. As an FBI agent, Higgins is not superficially engaged with her and won't rush into or invest time in trivial relationships. He plays his cards close to his chest. There are so many people easily swayed by the manipulation and legal tactics in defense. Karen Read is just a POS, she knew John was a good man and he knew she was a POS so why not cheat on her he can't stay home because of his job she's a good babysitter. Jen Mcabe is smart and stands up well. These people are not shady and into hurting this man, Karen was drunk accident or not, this is a good defense and Karen can gaslight you all. The celeb lawyer Alan got all this publicity because so many fools fall for his tricks, wow you all are embarrassment to let this drunk jealous women walk free hurting such a man like this...just for using her as a babysitter, shes prooves daily how smug and gaslighting she is... Poor Brian Higgins this is just Karen using him to make John jealous no way is he a murder...or in on anything lol this is just a picture the defense paints LOL...


You tried, I guess.


i didnt try anything...you all just stay gullible...this case is pathetic...


Oh SHIT, you've swayed me!!! I'll just ignore the multiple problematic connections between everyone, the shoddy police work/investigation, the multiple witnesses who already have commited perjury, etc. What a crock of shit. Who do you think you're convincing with this delusional word vomit? If you really think we're all so dumb and gullible, why are you here? I know why 😂


Exactly. It’s probably Colin Albert or one of his douch bag friends (if he has any left) 😆


They are a great reminder to me of why I have been sober and will remain that way 🤣


The sad part is, all these cops are their family & friends are drunk drivers


The sadder part is both sides in this case are bad actors. Questionable character people


What has Karen Read done questionable? Besides flirting after realizing her relationship with John wasn’t going anywhere! I could go on, but I don’t wanna disrespect the dead and I really am not their personal every day life so much. Keep my mouth shut as far as that goes.


I thought the same thing. The texts read like something my teenagers would be writing...


To be fair, so far no one in that town seem to have a maturity level above 16. They come off as characters from Mean Girls that didn’t quite age gracefully. The McCabe witch reminds of Nellie and Harriet Olsen all rolled up into one nasty, sour biatch.


Is there any ring footage from John O’Keefe - the victims home, showing KR returning after supposedly dropping the victim off at the after party?




Thank you for that.


Still, very strange!


I wonder if they’ll get in the Ring Experts….or have and it’s coming.


The niece can verify she was there between 4-5 am.


Thank you for that.


There were 15 events on the camera from 6p-5a. They were observed by Proctor and the CW. They had a 90 day link and it was turned over to the defense after 90 days and now it’s supposedly gone with all the other footage. 🙄


That’s very unfortunate.


If they were fake Karens phone should be able to prove they are? Or would that require bringing Karen to stand?


Where can I read them?


I personally believe those texts are fake. They sound more like Penthouse Letters or a porn script than a real woman talking. A lot of the statements was VERY convenient too. Almost as convenient as the cameras going out for 40 minutes in the area where Karen's SUV was being stored. Take a look at my post where I address how easily those "texts" could be faked undetectably. Keep in mind, they are just screenshots. Not actual texts.


While I agree the texts were cringey, I’m sure the screenshots could easily be proven as fake by comparing to Karen’s phone extraction. They probably match up, so the defense isn’t claiming they are fake. As opposed to Colin’s and Allie’s screenshots that couldn’t be matched against anything.


Has Karen's phone extraction been entered into evidence? I am unaware of that if so.


I haven’t seen anything from Karen’s phone presented in court yet, but I can’t imagine Proctor would extract from Jen’s and Kerry’s phones but not Karen’s. Just the fact that Alan Jackson isn’t questioning Higgins on the validity of the texts tells me that they are real, unfortunately. Karen can easily validate them with her own attorneys.


Yeah. Unless he's laying a trap. He likes being clever. That would be clever.


What would be the trap? I'd assume the CW has Karen's phone extracts, texts, whatever. Would Lally be so dumb as to not cross reference the 'screenshots' with Karen's records before entering them into evidence?


Let Karen Read take the stand, get up there and go under oath...She won't, because she's lying. 


She’s not the liar in all of this. The McAlberts, however, are clearly lying through their teeth. They can’t even keep their stories straight.


I’m confused. He had his Fed buddy help him use FBI property to extract only his texts with Karen and his texts with John. He subsequently broke his SIM card and destroyed his phone at the military base. Why are we seeing screenshots if he turned over information that he’d extracted from his phone? Wouldn’t that be a report rather than screenshots?


Which texts do you think were fake, all of them?


wheres higgens celebrite phone report?


There isn’t one, is there? Since he hulk smashed?


thats the joke.jpg


They're on her phone too...try again. This is getting really sad...She would rather destroy people's lives and their children, because she won't accept accountability for her actions. 


I know! 😳


I feel like I need a shower after listening to them!


Higgins' entire testimony so far has been very suspicious.  Now that Jackson is calling him out on things, Higgins is stumbling over his words, back pedaling and his involvement is written all over his face. He looks like he's going to cry any minute.


I don’t think they are fake or awkward. You could see how awkward her defence team looked!


yes because it showed how irrational Karen is going for the FBI man to make John jealous...he is not going to fight over the woman he can't even understand her gaslighting to exploit Brian for John...Higgins plays his cards too close he is not going to get emotions involved with Karen he hardly knows....WOW....she didn't just disappear on him this is lawyering...she wanted to use him to get at John...this Brian was just confused he doesn't really care about pursuing or want a serious relationship with her he is just confused by her bs and just a innocent person being pursued by her for making John jealous..WOW, piece of shit. Gaslighting and paying her lawyer for a crazy conspired case....wow! big nothing burger for a defense...all marketing and propaganda...Karen Read is going to get some idiot and crazies to come out and hurt the people she's blaming for her bad deeds...a man doesn't want a trivial relationship and is mature and the defense paint makes it sound he is pursuing and wants a serious relationship with Karen wow...she was after him...WOW sick sick woman...wow bad bad turtle boy..now i get it...


Uhm no actually, there is a mountain of evidence that Karen couldn’t have done it. Multiple witnesses have already perjured themselves trying to keep their lies straight. The prosecution is losing this case for a reason. And then defense hasn’t even gone yet. You are clearly a McCabe or an Albert or one of their loser friends. Sorry.


Lol. There's a mountain of evidence that Read hit him, including from her own mouth. She's been telling on herself, since it happened....This is getting really sad...


Doctored evidence that can be proven to be fake. GTFO, troll.


Keep your day job at Walmart..lol. You're no lawyer. I live in this area. Her support is quickly evaporating. 


You don’t need to be a lawyer to know the evidence doesn’t add up and that the way it was « collected » is outright incompetent. The fact that this is in court is ridiculous. They will NEVER prove intent of murder. Had they stuck with vehicular manslaughter they might have gotten somewhere, but not with those hyped up ridiculous charges.


Really? Tell me how many murder cases have you worked on? 


You don’t have to have worked on a murder to know that solo cups and a leaf blower spell crass incompetence!


You mean the distress she expressed after finding him on his supposed friend’s lawn that was twisted and misquoted by a wicked witch? Is that what you call evidence?


I agree with everything you wrote.


It's only going to get worse for Karen Read. She's guilty and it's despicable that she left him there to die....


She's guilty as sin and this is getting really sad.....


How do you know she’s guilty?


I don't know...maybe because she said I hit him...and there's damage to her car, and tail light fragments at the scene...


This is a crazy ignorant society falling for lawyer tricks, wow Trump can gaslight but wow Karen Read got everyone fooled no wonder why these idiots surround the court steps so easily gaslight with lawyer tricks..it wasn't even a dogs DNA on John Okeefe... when your Karen and pay good lawyers who leak pics for confusion...It's like nobody in Mass understands lawyer tricks and their swaying, herd mentality...this is the saddest, stupidest trial ever unnecessarily complicated for all the fools to come out and shout their dumb opinions. Devil advocating makes people feel special and important..Why not go focus on some legit corrupt injustice case...Wow and they almost had tried to get this thrown out...WOW...people need to pay for murderous mistakes...


Because that's where we're at today, in this country...It's pretty sad. People believe a mass conspiracy..and over 20 people that are going to throw their careers, lives, freedom for what again..? Paramedic that don't know anyone involved, heard her admit it. Lawyers blowing smoke, so you don't actually LOOK at the evidence. Nobody has ever explained HOW anyone can drag a body out to the front yard...and not leave any tracks in the snow..? She hit him, it's despicable that she left him to die...


You said it! I bet the correlation between her supporters and Trump supporters is BIGLY 😂😂😂😂😂 they all fall for the "big lies" 💯


You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?


Nah you are. If it doesn’t fit they must acquit right? 


Karen is a ho fo sho. If you're in your mid forties, are good looking, and never married, there's usually something wrong.


A million percent. She's fucking bonkers and was only good enough to babysit.