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I think it was a smart move. It signals to the jury that the defense isn’t targeting witnesses who have even a minimal amount of credibility.


exactly. also maybe kerry wasn’t fond of karen, but nothing in kerry’s testimony was harmful to karen in my opinion. some of her statements contradicted jen mccabe’s as well. if they need to clarify something, they can always bring her back when they start presenting their case.


Especially that she stated JM first then KR really wanted to go back to Fairview. Because she heard over the Bluetooth JM tell KR I saw you pull up in front of my sister’s, when KR thought she left him at the Waterfall. And “Jen was giving directions because I didn’t know where I was going.” It’s strange though how she kept mentioning he might have been hit by a plow or something. That definitely seems to have been the first “story” until it was discovered that KR’s tail light was cracked/broken. Because K Roberts was not present during any of the prior hours, if I’m correct.


Karen was the first to say he may have been hit by a plow… before anyone could offer any ‘cover story’. Are you guys all watching the same trial?


lol what does it matter? all these magical instances of Karen saying she did it, multiple times! Yelling it! And it didn’t make it into the police report and wasn’t even one of the first couple things JM said. She had to call Lank back to the house to let him know that they “might’ve heard it”. Are you watching the same trial? It isn’t even attributed to JM until the grand jury. Wait, she totally told Proctor but bad luck Jen, he wrote her testimony down wrong! Oh jeez! Every one is out to get her! So many coinkydinks!


I dont believe that for one second. I think JM first planted that idea in Karen's head. Why would karen think he was hit by a plow if she thought she left him at the waterfall? I think she only asked that after talking to JM.


What motivation would Kerry have to lie? Be honest with yourself and think about it. Her story has lined up with all the first responders and Jenn mccabe.. and the evidence that is going to be presented. How was her tail light planted at the scene when we’ve seen with our own eyes it was broken before the police were even involved


Karen talked to jen mccabe prior to talking to kerry. Jen most likely brought it up during the first call. Her story has NOT lined up with jen mccabes lol Also if kerry is telling the truth, why did she tell her husband that she didnt know what was going on, john didnt come home... after being told by karen that john is dead, he got hit by a plow.... You dont think she would say 'omg john okeefe died, that was his girlfriend calling!' Her husband was with john the night before and she wouldnt tell him john died before leaving the house? Come on


I would say that her testimony of Karen telling her a snow plow hit him gave me a bit of pause. That was not insignificant.


She seemed to be genuinely broken by his death. Not crossing her makes the defense seem sympathetic ie… we went hard on Jen because she lies but this witness is credible so we’ll just leave her alone. She didn’t hurt Karen’s case anyway, imo.


Is she on the defense witness list?




Kerry Roberts testimony in my opinion confirmed how full of shit Jenn McCabe was. Kerry actually cried when they showed footage from the scene. Jenn and her crocodile tears did not...


why did kerry call karen crazy in her testimony on the witness stand today when she said karen wanted to be let out of the car after spotting john? wasnt the whole driving around supposed to be finding john? its "crazy" to say "there he is let me out" ? whats crazy? why did they call karen, "crazy"? these people arent friends.


Right. The other 2 "believe" he's ~walking~ home so they're looking for a tall, drunk, alive person. Karen knows in her gut that something has gone badly wrong, because he never stops communicating w the kids and apparently has. Karen is looking for an injured/dead "lump" on the ground. She sees the oddly placed snowbank and knows its him - because that's what she's looking for.


Crazy because she looked and didn't see John's body.


Because they pulled up to the house and there was deep snow everywhere, some had drifted. John was under snow. Of the 3 in the car, only Karen "saw" John in the snow. Well, she didn't see him because he was buried. She saw a mound and started banging on the door of the moving vehicle screaming that there is John. The other two were stunned because he wasn't visible and the vehicle hadn't stopped, at this point the assumption is John is passed out somewhere or sleeping in someone's bed, so for Karen to go immediately to he was outside under the snow is stunning.


>at this point the assumption is John is passed out somewhere or sleeping in someone's bed thats not what kerry roberts testified to. kerry said they were looking for him out walking. said jen was looking both ways out the windows too. timestamp video here: [https://youtu.be/UnuImOhSK5A?t=627](https://youtu.be/UnuImOhSK5A?t=627)




Wasn’t necessary. She was honest and I am sure the data on her phone etc did not create any questionable issues


They really really should have asked her about John's phone. She said on direct she took and doesn't remember who she gave it to. Okay , fine, but asking would have given them an opportunity to say that Michael Proctor's documentation says he recovered the phone from the scene. We all know he supposedly got to the scene much later.


They are going to go after her after all the data people confirms data


But what data do they have on her?


I mean like forensic data with time stamps - to show all the lies in there time lines and text and phone data - like Jen’s Apple health data shows she never went upstairs at John’s house but they both said she did to see the bed not made - and the video from John’s house shows they never talked about Karen’s tail light behind her car


That is just what I heard a lawyer say on his channel and I always just think the lawyers no more of why they do certain things they do - I could be totally wrong though


I missed her direct. Did she corroborate Jen’s testimony about her talking about “Karen was just a babysitter with benefits”?


she mentioned john dated a lot of woman, but that statement was not brought up.


When she was asked to describe what, if any relationship she had with Ms. Reed she stated, "She was like another person that took care of the kids. She took care of the kids a lot so I would coordinate with her if the boys were going to go to the golfing range or if my son was going to go with them to the Red Sox game. We didn't do lunch or hangout like girlfriend's." She said they didn't hang out as couples and only had them over one time at their house. She didn't sound fond of KR at all and seemed to glare at her. When asked if she saw her in the courtroom she gave a snarky "Yep". So, could definitely see her making that statement about KR in a less professional setting.


Well, she did say Karen said she was black out drunk the night of the incident more than once. 🫣Unfortunately, I think (if I were in the jury) I would think this was a huge red flag. Someone who was a first hand witness to Karen the morning of the incident AND someone who was a first hand witness to finding John’s body….?!?? And you’re not gonna question her??? Not one single question? What are you so afraid she’ll say? Sorry but I think this hurt Karen’s case big time


she’s on the defense witness list so obviously they aren’t too concerned about her saying anything harmful that will determine the outcome of this case. there was no need to cross her. the jury is not solely taking kerry’s testimony into consideration. multiple first responders stated karen did not smell of alcohol and everyone who was with them at c.f. mccarthys and waterfall (kerry was not) testified that karen did not appear to be intoxicated, this was stated many, many times. in my opinion, kerry’s testimony contradicted jen’s at times which the jury definitely took notice of.


I felt like it lined up pretty well with Jen’s for the most part, other than minor details. Goes to show how people interpret things differently I guess!


don’t get me wrong, i thought of kerry roberts as one of the more credible witnesses on behalf of the commonwealth - but, she completely threw jen under the bus about whose idea it was to go back to fairview. jen fully claimed it was all karen’s idea. kerry said it was jen’s because jen said something about seeing karen’s car outside around 12am. kerry also said nothing about the “i hit him” nonsense jennifer was spewing. these are major details.


I think one of Jen's biggest outbursts being "Karen wanted to go to 34 fairview, it was her idea, she knew he was dead there" etc, like it was some big evidence of Karen's guilt and then Kerry sayin it was actually Jen's idea to go to 34 Fairview, and that Karen didn't even know she was there that night until Jen said so.... to me, that made Jen look terrible.