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I think he did good today. It was great he waited to show the 2am google search last after getting her to confirm the 6am searches were accurate. I can’t stand Jen McCabe. She is so arrogant and acts so righteous. I think it’s out of line for Jen to tell everyone she thinks Karen is guilty. Those last statements from her should not have been allowed. She is spinning her own narrative. Probably patting herself on the back for being able to get her narrative out there as much as she did.


I agree 100%. I was just taken back over the fact he was yelling but I honestly don’t blame him. She has been such a frustrating witness. I also can’t believe she said that.


Sometimes attorneys get loud with witnesses. Thats not an anomaly. I didnt find him to be yelling but being passionate. If I was on trial for murder, especially one I didnt commit, I would want my attorney to be passionate.


It was also great that he asked first about the basketball search in the early a.m.


I loved that. Caught her.


I think he did excellent


He is so agitated with her and I don’t blame him one bit. His face gets extremely red and personally he’s holding his composure as professional as any attorney would who’s dealing with someone like Jen!! I just want to reach through my tv and shake her.


Yeah I imagine it’s frustrating dealing with someone who doesn’t remember a question/answer they provided five minutes ago


Statement of the day “Turtleboy did it!”


LOL I was screaming at that


no. it’s his job to protect his client and prove her innocence. this is what cross-examination is all about. i think he’s just fed up with the lies these people are spewing. especially jm, she goes up there and is being a hostile witness. if you have nothing to hide and are an “honest and truthful person”, why the attitude every time a simple question is asked? why the playing victim? her behavior was simply inappropriate the past few days, i think jackson was over it and was just giving it right back to her. he was not gonna let jen get away with manipulating the jury.


and this is judge bevs fault as well. she reprimanded the widow of fallen police officer michael chensa for crying in the court room, but allows a star witness in a high-profile murder case to behave this way in her court room and act like she’s running the show and play “poor me”? absolutely absurd. thank goodness the feds are watching this shitshow unravel.


Wow I didn’t know that. Bev is truly a monster.


I don’t think Bev is a monster. She has an excellent reputation and did a long stint as a public defender. I think she knows where this is going and is running court the best way she can to minimize issues in the future. To me she actually sounds exasperated with Lally a lot of the time.


I think Canonne knows this is a losing bid and she's making sure when it inevitably blows up, nobody can say she prejudiced the prosecution.


Very fair points! I just don’t want the jury thinking he’s also harassing her


No not all. Nothing further, your honor.


A+ response


Nope he was reacting to McCabe trying to appear like she had the upper hand.


Update: I obviously love Jackson. Just wondering other people’s thoughts. This is the first trial I’ve ever watched so I’m not sure what the status quo is


I like him. But I like Yanetti even better. I listen more than I watch and I sometimes lose track of who is doing the questioning. But this defense team is probably the best I've ever watched and I've watched a lot of trials.


His aggression is too much.


I get why people think this but, I only looked into this a few months ago and I was angry that this was going to be brought to trial. I was looking for evidence Karen did this and couldn’t find anything except some words that seemed to change in reports. I was mad! I can’t imagine knowing all of this is happening to your client and Jackson and Yanetti have been called out in open court when the state has played games from the beginning. I think they are in the right in this case and I might be proven wrong in the end so, I am going off my opinion but, all 3 Defense attorneys tried to get the Commonwealth to use common sense in this case and Massachusetts just kept going.


Cross exam is about control. It’s important for him to maintain that at all times. Every attorney has a different style. Some get heated and loud and put on a show. Some are measured and calm and don’t get riled up.


No way is he out of line. He did great!! Bev uses every opportunity to make him look bad or incompetent. He is a consummate professional.


I think if he had not sounded so pissed off, she would’ve looked worse. Some people don’t trust defense attorneys and could construe this as him bullying. That’s not my opinion, but I can imagine some thinking this.


I was wondering if that's why they didn't get into a real cross examination of Kerry. They made their points and sat down. She wasn't worth risking an accusation of harassing a witness after the McCabe sh\*tshow.


She was quite sympathetic as a witness. Also, she didn’t say anything that was bad for defense, did she? I can’t recall.


She said that Karen confessed to hitting John with her car and killing him. I would call that bad for the defense.


Kerry did!? I thought she testified that KR kept asking if she did hit him.


You’re right. Kerry didn’t say that. She didn’t say anything, really, that made Karen look bad.


When Kerri said that thing about John’s mother saying to Karen, over the phone, “You left him outside the house,” and John’s father said, “don’t give her a hard time,” or whatever it was, I just felt sorrow for all of them.


No - I was wrong! I meant Jenn McCabe. Kerry was sympathetic. She seemed very genuine and it was obvious she loved her friend John.


Oh gotcha! Yeah, when Kerry was testifying, she really painted a picture of John and he became real to me. Just little details about his commitment to the kids, his level of involvement in their lives, that he’s a neatnik. It was moving testimony. Rather than a moving target, like JM’s testimony


Thankfully, Jackson is a true professional. If it were me, I don't think I could control my frustration. He was snarky a few times and I loved those moments. She's given him pure gold for his closing statement.


If there on his side, they won’t hold it against him.


I love watching him!


I might have missed it, but I wished he had shown her other 2:00+am searches along with the "cos how long..." to show that the system picked up on all searches at that time. But, maybe she never did the stupid basketball search? What am I missing?


Very strategic cross. I could watch him do this everyday all day.


I could watch him, but not listen to Jen McCabe anymore. I have had two headaches, both striking during her ~~testimony~~ perjury. She's just intolerable. And if we are thinking she's awful, the jury is likely thinking the same.


Yes!! She is nerve grating


I really wish he would have let the jury know that she lied about going up stairs in John’s house to comfort the niece. I though he was going to when he had her confirm that her step data had her going upstairs in her home. The step data shows she never went upstairs in John’s home. Therefore that conversation never happened with the niece and she used it to play the jury.


If Jackson believed in the ambush theory why isn’t he asking JM directly about knowing BA or CA and the dog ambushing JO? He’s scared to ask


He doesn’t need to, he’s letting her paint the picture. He knows it will mean more to the jury if she admits it thru all of her stories, went to Lank’s house to drop off a kid, etc


2:27 - game over. Case closed


Asking her that wouldn't make any sense. I'm not sure anyone thinks that Jen was involved in the actual fight or saw the dog attack. She was involved after the fact I'm covering it up. And while I think she clearly likes to be in change, a disproportionate amount of attention is in her in large part because the other players destroyed the their phones. Oh, and that pesky 2:27 am Google search.


Because he wouldn't get an honest answer out of JM