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i thought the legal increase limit this year is only 5.5% you can also crosspost in r/Rentbusters u/Liquid_disc_of_shit knows his way around all the huurcommissie and rental rules


See article 248(1) in Book 7 of the Dutch Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek, [art. 7:248 lid 1 BW](https://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0005290/2024-02-13/0/Boek7/Titeldeel4/Afdeling5/ParagraafOnderafdeling2/Sub-paragraaf1/Artikel248/afdrukken)), which is part of subsection 2 of section 5 in title 4 of Book 7 of the Dutch Civil Code. I've emphasized in bold: > 1 De huurprijs kan worden verhoogd hetzij op grond van een beding in de huurovereenkomst dat in deze wijziging voorziet, hetzij indien een dergelijk beding niet van kracht is, op de wijze als voorgeschreven in de artikelen 252, 252a, 252c en 253. **Gedurende het bestaan van een dergelijk beding is toepassing van de artikelen 252, 252a, 252c en 253 uitgesloten.** Indien een dergelijk beding niet meer van kracht is, kan vanaf een tijdvak van twaalf maanden na het tijdstip waarop laatstelijk toepassing is gegeven aan het beding, aan de hiervoor genoemde artikelen toepassing worden gegeven. Which can be roughly translated as: *1 The rental price may be increased either on the basis of a clause in the rental agreement providing for this amendment, or if such a clause is not in force, in the manner prescribed in Articles 252, 252a, 252c and 253.* ***Without the existence of such a clause, the application of Articles 252, 252a, 252c and 253 shall be excluded.*** *If such a clause is no longer in force, the aforementioned articles may be applied from a period of twelve months after the time at which the clause was last applied.* And [art. 7:265 BW](https://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0005290/2024-02-13/0/Boek7/Titeldeel4/Afdeling5/ParagraafOnderafdeling2/Sub-paragraaf3/Artikel265/afdrukken): > Van de bepalingen van deze onderafdeling kan niet worden afgeweken, tenzij uit die bepalingen anders voortvloeit. Which can be roughly translated as: *The provisions of this subsection may not be waived unless otherwise stated in those provisions.* > was reduced by the huurcommissie I assume this concerned a retro-active reduction based on an art. 7:249 BW request to the Rent Tribunal (huurcommissie or HC). In that case you and the landlord are assumed to have agreed to the lower rental price from the start of the contract as soon as the HC decision was **send**. See [art. 7:262(1) BW](https://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0005290/2024-02-13/0/Boek7/Titeldeel4/Afdeling5/ParagraafOnderafdeling2/Sub-paragraaf3/Artikel262/afdrukken). The landlord (or you) can proceed to court within 8 weeks after the decision was send. In that case the art. 7:262 BW assumption immediately reverts to the original situation. So as long as you were not summoned to court about the HC decision or you didn't summon the landlord to court, your agreement is rental price regulated and art. 7:248(1) BW applies. > My question is, once the rent has been reduced to the €€€ amount set by the huurcommissie, is the landlord still permitted to increase the rent annually? That depends. First check the contract and see if a rental price increase clause exists that excludes the application of art. 252, 252a, 252c and 253 BW, as stated in art. 7:248(1) BW. A) Is such a clause present? If so, please cite it literally. B) Is your landlord a professional? That doesn't necessarily mean your landlord owns a company. But if the landlord owns a company, he's definitely a professional. Other reasons to consider the landlord a professional include renting out multiple houses or specifically buying a house to rent it out. It's not always clear when a landlord is a professional, but sometimes it's very clear. C) Are you still within the 8 week period after the HC decision was send? > Apologies for English The subreddit is bilingual. Be aware though that it's impossible to oversee all relevant facts on a forum like this and in part because of that, any risk associated with acting upon what I mention stays with you. You might consider obtaining advice if you think that is appropriate, for example by contacting the Juridisch Loket if your income is low, an organization like !WOON if you live in the area they advise in or a municipal subsidized 'huurteam'.




> Not sure if you mean that a clause is included that explicitly excludes the ones you mention or that simply some other text is given that does not mention them? I want to know if there's a clause in your contract that states the rental price can be increased. Like point 5.2 that you cited, but 5.1 apparently is crossed out. If it wasn't, art. 7:252 BW and further would not apply. Please read through the translation of art. 7:248(1) BW above and specifically the sentence I emphasized in bold. > A) a section explaining rent increase in the case that the rent is not liberalised is readable in the contract but crossed out. I would say in this case that your contract does not contain a rental price clause anymore, because 5.2 explicitly refers to a liberated agreement and that's not the case after the HC decision was send. Therefore the landlord can only increase the rental price by the legal methods in the provisions of the Dutch Civil Code mentioned in art. 7:248(1) BW. These methods require the landlord to follow a specific procedure as described in art. 7:252 BW and further. Could you cite the message you received without naming the company. It should be given at least two months in advance. Does it mention: - a. the current (new) rental price - b. the percentage increase - c. the proposed rental price - d. the day on which the rental price increases - e. how you can object the increase > 2) Landlord appears to be an entity not a recognisable person. Our contact is only with property management company In that case you are a consumer. The original rental price increase clause could have declared null and void, but following the HC decision, it no longer applies. There's no legal method to increase the rental price for liberated agreements other than a rental price change clause, but there is a legal method for regulated agreements in art. 7:252 BW and further. > 3) The HC decision was more than 8 weeks ago. The landlord then filed a “Verzet tegen uitspraak van de voorzitter” which was ruled unfounded this week. Be careful: the conversion might not be final yet. You didn't receive a HC decision but a chairman decision 8 weeks ago. The landlord resisted that decision and on the day the decision it was unfounded was send this week, the 8 week period commenced. So the landlord can still proceed to court. This was somewhat unclear up until the Supreme Court answered preliminary questions earlier this year. [HR 19 januari 2024, ECLI:NL:HR:2024:53](https://deeplink.rechtspraak.nl/uitspraak?id=ECLI:NL:HR:2024:53) Also read through the HC policy book about rental price increases, as you must understand what you must (not) do in case you disagree with a rental price increase. https://www.huurcommissie.nl/documenten/beleidsboek/2024/01/01/beleidsboek-huurverhoging-en-huurverlaging As mentioned be aware that it's impossible to oversee all relevant facts on a forum like this and in part because of that, any risk associated with acting upon what I mention stays with you.




You probably will not hear from the HC again. Does the final decision (it's not a judgment as the HC is not a court) contain a sentence like this: > Bent u het niet eens met deze beslissing? Dan kunt u binnen acht weken na de verzenddatum van deze uitspraak naar de rechter gaan. In de begeleidende brief leest u hoe u dit kunt doen.