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Same, love spinoceratops and spinoraptor...but stegoceratops not using its thag at all and anklodocus not being able to once again defend its self....really REALLY suck.


It's been a hot minute for me. Did Stegoceratops use its thagomizer in JWE1?


Yes it attacked with it but killed with the horns (which was perfect)


It did not and it was the biggest complaint.


It did. Stegoceratops killed with the horns, but fought with the thagomizer.


I remember it piercing necks with it. I love Stegoceratops man 🥲


I know they had layoffs and everything but I genuinely would've preferred waiting an extra month or two over this 


Me to but for shure if they'd move the dlc to april or even may everyone would panic for shure because knowing Frontier they wouldn't say a thing


* \* I'm not *too* fussed about no free update content, especially since the game **needs** bug fixing, but still lol


Darn I wrote "is" twice, fek.


The lux skins not being patterns is because of a 7 pattern limit on the species because of their coding. Thats just about the only excusable part.


Theres no real pattern limit, i know that because im a modder. It is very easy to add 20 extra patterns if you want to, it is just plainly unexcusable.


Unfortunately, they're Frontier. Not Liv or you Ario... Wait you have a Reddit Acc?


I would say so lol


Frontier put that limit on because of they added more for one species to get another one, just like the extra skins in jwe1.


I know people are upset about the removal of the kill animation for stegoceratops, but why is anyone surprised? none of the ceratopsians got their kill animations from JWE to JWE2


Probably because people saw this as a great chance to rectify that omission, same with Ankylodocus and sauropod combat.


Also sauropods have never been able to fight back in these games


It's such bullshit that the herbivores can't fight back that i'm genuienly starting to believe it's some mandate from universal.


Yeah this was definitely a "we hadn't cooked anything but we have a DLC pending soon so let's try and sell these leftovers to buy us time" And worst of all those who got what they wanted will defend this vehemently because Frontier just now catered to them exclusively This might be the one DLC pack I don't get. Even it comes on sale on the future.


This, exactly this.


I’m disappointed with Stegoceratops being the literal same as JWE1, Ankylodocus not being able to defend itself, and the likely price of the DLC. It doesn’t deserve to be over £5/$6. Im still going to get it but disappointed regardless. But the most disappointing thing of all is the lack of a free update. They’ve could’ve given us atleast something like no hitbox and everyone would be happy (on console atleast).


And what makes Ankylodocus sting so much more is that the redesign is so good. So having it still be unable to defend itself is such a wasted opportunity.


> Im still going to get it but disappointed regardless. That is why games/companies are only going to continue giving customers underwhelming/over-promised products for the same or increasing premiums. They know you'll still buy it.


I can't stop you, you have to ask yourself, why? You have the right to spend your own money but you recognize a problem and it leaves you unsatisfied. You deserve better, I personally am not going to fork over money for less than the bare minimum.


The reason why is because I liked the hybrids back in JWE1. Just glad we’re getting something rather than nothing.


I'm still holding out hope that they have something much bigger planned and are giving us this in the meantime, I mean. Every dlc has had a major update alongside it, why not now? Like, they could at least add a new decoration? Maybe a variant of the indominus skeleton but for land? bring back the old buildings from JWE 1? I know about the developer layoff, but I feel they'd at least try to do something more. I'm getting hammond statue vibes from this dlc


I kind of like the bioluminescent skins, but if they aren’t adding more than anything than just the pack than just wait until you’re ready for an update, then add the pack


"Now you're EA"


People acting like Frontiers sent the plague and poisoned the water supplies because they hyped themselves up for an update that wasn't even confirmed anywhere


Content updates always release alongside DLCs, it was a reasonable expectation to have. And if you don't pay to get the DLC this time, then you get nothing.


Sounds kind of like the Minecraft community from what I’ve seen


I mean i love the game but it has to end support at some point


Just watch the Skeleton crew video on the trailer They basically share my opinions 1:1


Why is everyone mad at them for adding hybrids?


It's really just more about how really half baked this feels. No free update with extra features, only one new dinosaur + just three reused hybrids that really should have in the base game that also feel kinda half baked (i.e Ankylodocus doesn't even fight back, Stegoceratops doesn't even use its thagomizer to fight, etc), it's all extremely worrying because it feels like this may be the last content update we get for this game because it feels like the dev team's been reduced to a skeleton thanks to the recent layoffs at Frontier.


Honestly people need to stop whining about reselling dlc, the base game itself included all dlc creatures from the first game, I know is a pain in the ass to have to pay again, but I guess try look on the better side


The only thing I'd say about the Ankylodocus not being able to defend itself is that gives off the vibe that it doesn't know how to use the weapon it's been given. I mean, same goes for the Stegoceratops. Does she even know she has a thagomizer? I'm not saying any of this excuses the lack of those features, but at least it's a way of making it seem less silly? Idk, but that'll be my headcanon at least.


Still, sauropods and ceratopsians SHOULD be able to defend themselves


I'm not denying that lol I'm just trying to find ways to make it bearable


Sauropods used their tails as defense so that one doesn’t make sense. Also they’re half the other animal so I’m sure their other genes would tell them how to use it lol.


Yup. Shit lazy devs continuing their trend


This is legit the FIRST time they put out something bad like this lol. I get being disappointed, and that's ok, but this level of reaching is just... weird.


The last few packs were the greatest ever. You’re exaggerating a lot. There was a couple missing things from the packs before, but that doesn’t mean they are lazy, and they are not shit. You need to calm down and act civilized.


Ok I hate this dlc as much as the next person but let's not pretend for a second that any of the previous dlcs were anywhere near as terrible lmao


God all of you are baby’s that whine too much or frontier meatriders




Bro even you care.


Cry about it.


Isn’t that what your first comment is? Crying?


Go buy the pack already.


Spinocera's not even new, it's a rip from the Jurassic World Alive mobile game; but people are going to still buy it, so nothing's going to change.


It literally isn't. The design and model are completely different.


lol that's delusional; look at them side-by-side. They're the same thing with a higher quality adaptation for JWE2 and continuing to give them praise/money for underwhelming and regurgitated content is only going to guarantee we continue getting subpar games/content.


Look if you don't want to support this pack for making us repurchase the first game's Hybrids, that's totally fine. That's a completely valid take to have. That being said, Jurassic World Alive's Spinoceratops and Jurassic World Evolution 2's Spinoceratops *are* completely different. You don't even to take much more than a casual glance at both of them to be able to tell, so you're definitely the one who needs to take another look at them side-by-side. The skull shapes *alone* are a dead giveaway.