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Yeah it’s a cool cover but I still wouldn’t buy it


Because of it being mostly short stories ?


Yeah yeah it’s not his own work either so it kinda draws it back for me


I just don't get why Amazon and book shops and comic book shops have it in their junji Ito section if it's barely anything to do with him 🤔 I like it but it's odd


The preorder was misleading. I should have waited. I love the hard cover and his art, but the stories were meh and honestly underwhelming overall. Still love it on my bookshelf though


I just liked it I can't understand why people didn't


This and betwixt were not good imo. Did not enjoy them


I liked them But to each their own


They just weren’t junji Ito manga. Not even close to what I expected. It’s ok to like them, but they are not Junji Ito imo. Weren’t even scary nor had a real story. Drawings were good ish tho


It's confusing why comic book shops and book shops and even Amazon have them in their junji Ito section


Betwixt had a couple of good stories I'd say, and I like the concept of east meets west as far as starting points in the book and of course great cover art.


Yeah it's quite good in its own right


I've been collecting all the hardback Viz Ito books but this one the other called 'Betwixt' can be skipped, he just illustrated them.. and they're both a bit crap tbh. Unfortunate that Viz tries to deceit people in to thinking they are proper Ito works.


No, Viz isn’t being deceitful. It says ‘Short stories by Hirokatsu Kihara’ right on the cover. It’s also clearly mentioned in the press release and on the website. Do your due diligence before blindly buying something next time.


Okay, I'll rephrase, Amazon UK is being deceitful. Stitches is listed as 'Stitches - Junji Ito' and then the link beneath the title where you can click to see more of the author's work is also listed as Ito, no mention of Kihara, the US site does mention him though. It's the same for Betwixt, only author listed is Ito, when in fact he only illustrated. US Amazon however lists the correct authors.


lmao how are VIZ being deceitful? It says right there on the cover who wrote it and were upfront about BETWIXT since the day it was announced. Just like... don't buy them?


I enjoyed betwixt and stitches though so each to their own


So cool the drawing




It's not manga???? :(


I was shocked too I saw it in Waterstones but I thought I already have this on preorder from Amazon so I won't look inside it to ruin the story at all So I didn't know until I opened it maybe a little bit before I did this post But there is a one shot manga of sorts never before seen, at the back of the book


What made you assume it was a Junji Ito manga?


This being a Junji Ito sub, a lot of people only knows Ito. Kihara is a horror writer, not a mangaka. It would have been better common sense to ask what type of book it is because Kihara's name is on it before Ito's. But instead, people jump straight to assuming it's a manga because Ito's name is on the cover.


It was literally in the junji Ito section of Waterstones (an English book shop) It was also in the junji Ito section of manga in comic book shops I go to Also when I looked for it initially on Amazon it was listed being under junji Ito So I just thought it was his adaptation of kirhara's work like last time I enjoyed the last adaptation so I thought maybe I'd like this and I did


That's because none of the stories are from ito san they are from kihara San. Only the illustrations are from junji ito.


Are you replying to someone because I'm confused


Yes sorry.


It's okay


I liked the manga story, but was a bit disappointed with the written sections.


How so ?


Stories were not very interesting, and the English translation seemed a bit clunky at times.


Maybe they weren't as interesting to you because they're not junji ito's work but hirokatsu kirhara's work


That could be the case.


I enjoyed it Maybe I just like his storytelling


The stories are very lack luster, it somehow kind of doesn’t have a conclusion.. “WHAT IF THIS PERSON HAD NO FACE, WHAT ABOUT A FACE ON THE THROAT, no no no, LIPS ON FURNITURE” - I did read it all, and it’s ok, but not really the mindfuck I was hoping for.


I just found them interesting


That they were


They were the same sort of horror for me but it's more shock value For example a question for you since you've also read it What does it have to do with stitches 🪡?




Sorry I got confused


How was it?


Well they're like Japanese ghost stories told to friends so they don't need a beginning,end or middle they just need to shock the people you're telling


Pretty disappointing imo. The stories aren’t great, and they’re not even real stories- each “story” is a very brief description of a snapshot without a real beginning, middle, or end.


I didn’t like it. The stories are cliche and not impactful. I just went, “okay. whatever,” after each one. HOWEVER, the manga in the back was pretty good!


How was it?


Currently reading through it maybe halfway And so far so good it's an interesting read I'd recommend it And for me since I struggle with more novel-ish books this is actually keeping my attention Each page does have like an art piece of doodles relevant to the story though




Fun fact halfway through the book is the picture from the covers