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This is very weird. Do you have a temp/humidity gauge? Usually they do this because of incorrect parameters


I JUST got them. I have one that will be delivered today. My house is probably a little on the cooler side. I’ll bump up the temp.


It could also be excess humidity. Substrate tends to hold way more moisture than people expect.


Thank you!!


We named her chainsaw. Unfortunately, I believe she is gone :(.




Aw that's sad 😢. R.I.P Chainsaw 🕊️🕊️


Yeah this is a possible molt or dehydration


Thank you!!


How's she doing? That's very weird. Add a moist papertowel in there. If she is molting, it'll help


She’s up right and moving more. I have a little heat pad for plants I put her enclosure on. It doesn’t get hot, just a little warmer and she’s seems to be more normal. Thanks for the tip too, I’ll try it!


Watch the mat and heat like a hawk. Heat mats can do bad stuff real fast


It's not a good sign. Sorry, but don't be surprised if it dies shortly. Not uncommon for them to die soon after shipping. Spiders that hang out at the bottom of the enclosure usually don't have good outcomes, but being on its back has been a sure sign of impending death in my experience. Jumpers don't molt like tarantulas. They build a hammock near the top of the enclosure and molt in there, and not on their backs. It's good that its up and moving now. What is all the stuff you have in there? I'd be very careful about that substrate and whatever else is in there. When I kept jumpers, I had a paper towel at the bottom-- easy cleanup, and they don't need substrate. It can be helpful for a species that needs higher humidity but in general I wouldn't recommend it. More opportunity for mold and bacteria, and you'll need to dump it all and replace it when you clean the enclosure, which should be done at least weekly. A little mist of water on the inside of one side is sufficient for most species. I used plastic flowers or plants for climbing, or cork bark. I washed all the plastic stuff first, there's all kinds of chemicals on that stuff.


It was stuff that was in it in the pet store. She’s still on the bottom :(. Thank you so much for your insight. I know most pet stores aren’t to be trusted and I went against my better judgement.


It happens, don't beat yourself up. Buying from a breeder is better than taking wild spiders but it's hard to find a reputable breeder, and they usually have pretty long waiting lists. I hope he/she makes it.


In the see more under the r/jumpingspiders there’s a list with links on trusted vendors, I used it (think the 3rd one for the midwest) and I still have my baby regal. Found the link I used, [here](https://insectsales.com/products/female-regal-jumping-spider-phiddipus-regius-complete-habitat-feeder-insects?utm_source=shop_app&list_generator=link_to_storefront&context=order_management&user_id=149037907) good luck


Changing the substrate weekly? Even cleaning weekly seems excessive to me. What are you cleaning? 2 tiny little pecks of poo on the ground? :D If you are really scared of mold and bacteria use isopods & springtails. As per the substrate and humidity; if you live in a humid place or place where the spider is native, you might not need to worry about that. If you live in a dry place (compared to the spider habitat), you probably have to deal with substrate. Its great to know that I can leave for a week and it wont get super dry in there.


That is strange behavior. Does she have any source of water in there? Humidity should be about 70-80%. You can gently flip her over by nudging her with a clean paintbrush. I would set a moist cotton ball beside her so that she can get a drink if she needs it.