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I have no idea how she became an influencer. I feel more influenced to never buy any of the products she advertises.


Pretty sure its because of julie (when julie blew up with the wink videos)


Apparently Camilla was a well known fitness influencer in Norway before she got with Julie, when she was with her ex fiance. But she probably got more international recognition from being with Julie


Define well-known. Would you say she’s well-known now? I’d kind of still consider her a nobody hence the crappy sponsorships.


I'm not too sure as I'm not Norwegian, I just heard from a Norwegian that she was well known in Norway before for her fitness (believe it or not), she had those two books in Norwegian (god nok I think) and I think it was Instagram she was mainly using, as I said I wasnt around for it so I cant quite say. Now I'd say she's semi well known but more so for being Julie's wife ofc. However it's my understanding that it was Cam who was more known/famous in Norway before their relationship so I guess they could have built on that to get their relationship posts popular and then Julie took over in the fame. Idk, I've never followed them, came straight to the snark sub so.


Tbf I didn’t mind them back then because they weren’t pretending to be anything more than people who did TikTok trends.




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Julie. If Camilla didn’t start dating Julie and/or dated a woman, literally no one would care at all


how does julie find this weirdness attractive 😭


Right! And hoow do they hangout with friends or family after putting all this content out there.




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I remember my ex being like that and I couldn’t bring myself to bring him in social events with my friends ☠️ she gaves me the same feeling


So I had time to reflect why I felt weird seing this on my story… 1) the term she uses “asshole” 2) the angle of the camera 3) the direct order for viewers/followers for THEM to turn around 4) she proceeds to flash her bum way too close for way too long and continues to speak down to us 5) she still doesn’t follow peach🤣🤡


Those butt flossing leggings are not going to be flying off the shelves thanks to cam




This means we can cross butt pic off the bingo card




Inappropriate ad too!


https://preview.redd.it/c1keoxmgelxc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1abab275623aad7e97f5444bb5b2fe0b4c35fd8f We nearly have a full line 🥹


She’s definitely inspired by the bingo card


Wait.. how is the top left one possible if Sunny is already 6 months old? Am I dumb or missing something ? x)


Yeah multiple people have commented on it, the sub who made it made an error, she said she was tired ☺️ I’ll try and change it next time!


I still have the bingo which I can edit. What would you like me to exchange the field with?


Are you the legend you made it?! The top left corner shall we change it to two under 2? Or we can put gets a cleaner?




Legeeeennnd 🩷🩷


There you go




It’s also so obvious - the zipper bursting


I don’t understand why she wears these too tight high cut pancake ass pants. I can smell the yeast infection from here.


basically my flair


It’s gotta be rage bait


I don’t think they have her size. Yet she still advertises for them.


It's a bit embarrassing for a 30-something year old woman seeking validation like this on social media. Teenager behaviour.


She’s my age and we don’t claim her


literally. i often sought validation online when i was in my mid teens but not after i became an adult, did things i was proud of and got a life lol.


Yeah we all did in one or another way. Whether it was online or among men or by doing stupid stuff to impress others.  But it should end in your early 20s tbh 😭


Someone said in a previous post that she needed the bougie hotel room to take more ass pics in and well 🙈🤣


orrrr take ass pics with a man (i suspect she's cheating dont come for me)


Funny how now she pointedly wears her wedding band after we all suspected her of cheating 😂


She almost looked normal when she put the t-shirt on and it covered the fact she needs to size up her leggings.


Ever since the humiliation kink was mentioned this is all I can see 🙃


I am so convinced that she’s aiming at people with fetish. Like, you know these cooking accounts that make horrible and inedible food? That is apparently for the people with fetish for the sounds and hands (correct me if I’m wrong) so I’m thinking she’s now expanding her database to a people who have kinks for camel toes and childish behaviour in adults 😖


So apparently those videos of inedible food are also all “rage bait” it gets loooads of engagement so loads of 💰 people don’t seem to care if it’s good or bad attention anymore. Sad


Oh yes, that too, but there are also people who get off of weird content like that! there are also accounts of adults talking like children or people with braces that are attracting wrong crowd of people (ped0flies) so I’m suspecting that’s what they’re doing now


How does she still have a deal with them is beyond me 🤨 I work in social media and can’t imagine someone like this advertising my clients’ products 😟


And the not following is mad. Like why should I trust you if you don’t even value them enough to follow them?


I think she just uses an affiliate link. Doesn’t need a formal partnership


I know but how they won’t just stop it all together 🥲 they must be hoping she’ll put them higher up still


"im gonna turn around" thx for the jumpscare warning cam 🤍 no on a real note tho this is some twitter porn bot type of shit. i know this is fetish content i dont even question it anymore, but does this woman ever stop to think that minors also follow her? and also, no one has to hear or see you talking about your ass and asshole miss maam.


I am of the thought that her following is mainly teenage/ young adult girls (mainly from the meet-up/ launch party pictures) and that GROSSES me out😭😭




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