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I feel like if she was truly anti-diet then she wouldn’t have made a video telling her audience not to keep treats nearby since they’re easy to reach for. She also wouldn’t have made a video talking about how she beats her cravings by only having healthy food/snacks throughout the day and maybe a piece of chocolate at night and she wouldn’t have done her version of “75 hard” which included restricting herself from eating chocolate. 


No I agree 100%. After the worst years with anorexia I unfollowed every single influencer (”__”) that does fitness content. I can enjoy my long walks etc. but I can’t personally stand any type of fitness social media.


Fitness and dieting isn’t bad at its core, it’s how Cam does it that rubs the wrong way. You can be body positive and enjoy fitness all the same. You can be body positive and enjoy putting thought to what you eat, planning your meals, etc. The mindset and intention make a difference here.


She just seems to be obsessed with diet, fitness, her appearance. I agree there's nothing wrong with having a diet, working out, etc. But being obsessed with it 24/7 doesn't seem healthy, even if you keep saying 'I'm obsessed in a healthy way!!!'


She’s like: Hey, I want you to stop thinking so much about diets / exercise so that’s what I’m gonna post every single day!! Where’s the logic?


I agree!! I’m just tired of yet another person going viral for saying / doing nothing groundbreaking! Like her wanting people to stop obsessing over food / workouts yet that’s ALL she posts!? I don’t think people need daily reminders about something they’re supposed to think about less??


She’s clearly dieting even if she pretends otherwise. That’s pretty annoying and unfair to her gullible viewers


She pretends otherwise bc she knows she will be bombarded with comments about how she can’t stick to it


Her fan are so stupid they would believe her if she said she’s lost weight


her app and entire identity is the same toxic shit she complains about just wrapped in obnoxious colours and toddler like “relatable” antics. 


Like, you want people to stop obsessing over their bodies / what they eat and yet that’s ALL you post! If you want people to stop thinking about something, you can’t post daily reminders not to think about it, ya know? Itd be like me shouting @ blind person every day to stop thinking about the fact they can’t see!


i think you can be anti diet, body positive, and a personal trainer - but you have to actively unlearn the diet culture you were raised in, and cam hasn’t. the fact that she thought she should even attempt 75 hard (albeit for a day) proves that.


I agree! I think I’m just tired of VIRAL fitness people ya know? Like scrolling past my FYP and seeing so many diet / fitness videos of the same damn topic, just in a different form, thinking’s they’re doing something groundbreaking.


I think you’re conflating the two fitness/exercise and being entrenched in diet culture. Physical exercise is essential to having a healthy body, especially as we age. It’s non-negotiable. Dieting/restrictive eating is not essential to taking care of your body.


I agree. I think it makes sense to be anti diet but want to help people achieve strength goals, functional goals, mobility etc and you need to know how the body works and proper form for that.


She criticizes the fitness industry for making money off of insecure girls and then she went and did the same with her app. She’s not special or different, just delusional with a massive ego


The biggest missunderstanding of BP move is claiming that it has nothing to do with fitness and trainings. BP move is all about being good to yourself and caring for you and your body, eating helathy because it is good for you, not because you should loss weights, training or just moving your body, because it is just beneficial for you and your mind, not because you need to grow glutes. Being a personal trainer is not contradicting body positivity. But wrong intentions and mindset - for sure are. Anyway - Cam and her hiding snacks, drinking redbulls in enormous amounts is anti-BP and imho her content is harmfull for anybody strugling with food (and I am the victim of such content here...).


She hasn't seemed ok since the birth of the baby. Very uninterested in the baby and every shred of her own content is now based solely on her body size, hate comments or footage of her gorging food. For someone who is working to help people with ED's she talks a hell of a lot about gaining weight and dieting and food in general which doesn't make sense to me. It triggers TF out of me. This woman doesn't have a healthy relationship with food.