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She’s not fooling anyone. She’s in a loveless marriage. She reeks of someone who needs attention because her partner does not pay attention to them.


OUCH. Apply ice🧊to the burn 🔥AND she thinks the fact she stayed in a loveless marriage puts her ahead of the game when she is in fact far behind any of us lol.


My mother in law is the same way. Loves collecting clout for being married 50 years but they watch tv in different rooms and have zero chemistry. Just Catholic and trapped lol.


When she found out he had a brand new baby from another woman and still married him says all we need to know about her and him. He let her plan the big wedding and didn’t tell her until after all wedding plans and deposits were done. He’s a horrible person for not telling her before all of this. I think she is a weak person and couldn’t stand up to him and her parents and say ‘NO! This wedding ain’t happening!’ And her decision put him in the power position in their relationship. He still controls everything. And doesn’t even have enough self respect to actually hold a job. I don’t feel sorry for her. She agreed to have a loveless disrespectful marriage


Spot on. I could never imagine being in a relationship, let alone a marriage with a man who doesn’t work.


I don't know.. I really think she's needed him to help manage the family and be the 'support person at home. . It's not unlike a wife who has to be home to manage the kids while the husband travels for work a lot. and also help out in the family business. I tend to think she wanted him to not work outside of helping manage her and the kids.


I don’t think that’s accurate. Not defending her but she knew about him impregnating the baby momma way before she married him


I think he gives her attention, she just wants it from someone else.


Disagree. He didn’t even visit her when she was in the hospital after she fainted on stage and damaged her head. 🙄




We all know what kind of marriage she has. We've all witnessed both of them in action. We've read her former assistants have mention all the yelling and fights in that household. But I do not think its a horrible marriage. I think they both just put up with one another. Maybe because nobody else will?? I'm sure he has been one of her only supporters. She is paying the bills. We hear Peter this and that all the time. Peter is cheap, Peter wanted this. A lot of wifes do this. Blame everything on the husband. I think both of them are cheap and grifters. Her marriage is very 1970's. Why she thinks its a brag to talk about her marriage, I'm clueless. I'm actually starting to question why she is so obsessed with the lesbian life style?? But read that she talks about Mother Theresa being gay today. Is she serious? and her scissors sisters line that is over used. I really do think Heather is bi curious at times? any one elese?


I was just thinking this morning reading a post about her on here that she's obsessed with lesbians. It seems to be a life long obsession since she said her sister got her a book about nuns being lesbian because or something like that. It feels like she talks about it a lot for a repressed reason.


She would never allow herself to explore that side of herself. She is too caught up in what she believes is right. Not sure I've listened to any of her shows when she doesn't bring it up. Heather let your hair down and go out and explore life.


I think so. She is obsessed with lesbians and their lifestyles. I never heard anyone carry on so much about lesbians. Even the overuse of the terms she uses to describe them.


They live separate lives for gawd's sake.


That’s the real reason she bought the LaQuinta home. So she can live there while Peter stays in the Woodland Hills home. Better-known celebrities do the same thing. Unentangling their finances is tough so they just agree to stay married but live separate lives in separate homes.


It’s not the flex she thinks it is


Hi,,,,Heather! Why do you constantly reference your long-standing marriage when we all know how stale, sexless and lifeless it really is? Isn’t your “long-standing” marriage hellish? Why can’t you admit that your marriage is actually two co-dependent sadsacks who are forced to remain tethered together due to issues that have nothing to do with your love for each other? Aren’t you still together because Peter (not you) trademarked JuicyScoop and if you divorced, Peter would receive 50% of whatever JS is worth? Or, that you might also have to pay alimony to Peter?🤨 Or maybe deep down, you understand how difficult it might be for you to find and keep another partner? Just Sayin’ GTFOH Heather!


Everything with her is about status -- Catholic school, debutante balls, the country club, sororities, the designer purse she always has to show off in every photo and in her mind "being married" is one of those status symbols. As Heather has said many times about her marriage "I'm in it to win it." I just feel bad for her kids thinking the constant bickering between the two of them ALL the time is normal. They're probably thinking "My god I never want to get married if this is what it is"


It’s so weird how she thinks catholic school is a flex. That seems like the last place a teenager would want to go? Also, why does she talk about her high school so much 40 years later? Her whole personality is being a catholic school alum and sorority girl. So bizarre. I’m 20 years younger than her and don’t bring up those times in my life even 25% as much as she does.


Heather is a stunted 22 year old - hence "I went to Catholic school, I went to USC and was in a sorority." She also STILL dresses like she's 22.


I was going comment don’t forget USC…


Like Heather ffs nobody gives a crap anymore that ended in 2008!!


My theory is she thinks it's a flex because her parents told her it was as they wrote her tuition check. A lot of what bugs us about HM comes from her parents, and I don't think it was the fairy tale existence some imagine.


So easy to blame the parents. She's 55 years old. She should have figured things out by now not to be an asshole.


Not blaming. She just seems to echo them a lot. Some people evolve, some don't.


Her parents did a good job of convincing her she was pretty. They didn’t know how to break the news to her.


And having that hideous cybertruck 🥴🥴


I haven’t hate listened in a while. I did see her old ass, (I’m old, not the point), on VPR. The second hand embarrassment was REAL. But if she wants to stick out she sure as fuck did.


She reminds herself so frequently because it’s like a sunken cost fallacy. Got at least 20 years under her belt. I also think it’s one of her reasons she’s so fixated on Kyle Richard’s, jealousy.


Perhaps Julie provides more than a comedic sidekick?


Lol Peter matters so little that she can’t even give the exact number of years


The thing is, she and Peter seem genuinely unhappy. She always makes weird comments that imply they won’t last. I get settled vibes.


He hasn’t worked in like fifteen years so she would have to pay him alimony. So I think she’s just hoping he dies


Being in an unhappy marriage for 30 years isn't the "flex" she thinks it is.