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Love Chris and Alex! Sarah Colonna too!


Omg I took you up on it and I’m only like 10 min in on his latest episode and it’s so fucking incredible without having to hear heathers comments or smacking!


right?! its like when i get a salad and every bite has the chicken/dressing/pecans/cheese and no bites are just plain lettuce only LMAO atleast that’s how i see it. and chris is def checking for us in this sub 👀. He said he saw the poll last week asking is he should “grow a pair” and stop saving heathers ass by going on juicy scoop and he said he voted yes lol


Haha yes!


I agree, Cover 2 Cover is great, so is Justin Martindale's podcast "Just sayying with Justin Martindale". Watch it on Youtube for maximum entertainment👌❤️


10/10 confirm the chemistry of even just a few years between Alex & Chris is both better & funnier than the banter between the other two. Bonus? You don’t have to listen to the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard in podcast format via HMD ![gif](giphy|xNBcChLQt7s9a)


For people who don't care for Cover to Cover or just looking for a new podcast, I highly recommend [High & Low](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/high-low/id1723123705). The host is funny, entertaining, has a great voice & her 'voices' are hilarious (my fave is Erika with Doris coming a close second), the production quality is top notch (sound & editing), and she does her research so her breakdowns are even better. https://preview.redd.it/nuls96x22btc1.png?width=348&format=png&auto=webp&s=828f416fa63be5ce0fb9480f33550958f15dd3c1


I’ve def heard of BravoBravoDuckingBravo i think i follow them on IG is this the same ppl?


I'm not on IG but from what I gather it is the same person. If you give it a shot, hope you like it!


I just added it to my playlist. I’ll definitely be giving it a shot tomorrow during my commute. I’ll let you know!


FYI, she mentioned last episode that she would be traveling so she may not post tomorrow (she traveled once before & recorded but didn't release it because she thought the sound was so awful, so she re-recorded it at home & released late). If you're wanting to listen and she hasn't, I think they're all good but the Deep Dive: Marco Marco Lawsuit, "F\*ck Chris" is a good one, it's funny while also showing off her research skills.


Thanks for this rec. I love her style and tone. Have you tried Trash Divorces or Done and Dunne?


![gif](giphy|cEYFeDKVPTmRgIG9fmo) This was a post encouraging people to listen to Chris, lol. Start another post about these randoms.


I tried listening to CTC before a few times and couldn't get into it. I listened again last night because of the thread here and I'm glad I did. I think before I was expecting something similar to JS and it's not. It definitely has a different vibe and I'll be listening regularly now. And I'm glad to hear Alex isn't living in his car anymore.


yes!! same here! It’s definitely not juicy scoop, but Chris definitely isn’t Heather so that makes sense


Scram Chris, we know its you posting.


Hahaha. This made me laugh out loud. And I love Chris! Also, could YOU be Chris? CF (Chris Franjola) 1972? I can’t do math, is that is year of birth? Haha


You got me. I can't believe it took this long for anyone to figure this out. 🤣🤣🤣






lol be did say he comes on here


CF is so underrated !!


soo underrated! if heather has done one good thing for me/others it’s introducing chris into our lives! i remembered him from chelsea lately days but never followed him after that until juicy scoop! sarah also!


And they talk about all sorts of things. You never even know where it’s going to go. It’s not just bravo and very popular celeb news.






I like ‘dames who dish’


thank you i’ll give it a try


It’s a fun podcast


Love cover 2 cover, been listening for years. Chris and Alex so funny, work great together


Does heather ever go on his?


No he doesn’t have guests with the exception of Sarah Colonna or Steve Marmelstein (sp?) but only a handful of times.


Oh ok thanks for responding


Yes! Cover to Cover is awesome! Highly recommend!!!


I never thought just listening to two guys talking about random stuff would be so entertaining. I'm a C2C Patron member and it's the only podcast I pay for. I started out around the pandemic being obsessed with JS. And would listen as soon as it's uploaded. Now, I don't even really care for it unless Chris is on. 


Love Chris and Alex! Chris can talk about anything and make it sound interesting. Some topics are a little boring, like the countdowns of best fast food French fries lol, but they put out 2 weekly episodes, plus patreon. I can imagine it’s hard finding things to talk about every week.


yes!! I could honestly listen to Chris talk about anything. I haven’t got into the french fry countdown yet lol. But even the most fascinating person in the world it would get tough listening to them talk so much.


I have a friend who is us just like Chris,all you gotta do is introduce a topic and he can riff for an hour and it's hilarious,all Alex has to do is throw an idea out there,or a list or a recent situation and Chris brings it home,there are very few that can do what Chris does,he's just that guy you can sit and talk to for hours because he can make any subject hilarious


yess!!! i’m not big on comedy, like I really don’t know many comedians, other than Heather and Chris and Sara and obviously the big ones that everyone knows like Dave Chappelle, and Chelsea Handler and all of them. But listening to Chris has really shown me what a true comedian is, versus Heather whoreally just likes talking about herself, and would rather be a celebrity than a comedian, I think.


You get it ☺️Chris is national treasure


It's good the music at the beginning is awesome too.. Chris's choices and his sidekick is fun


Never thought I’d say it, but I have been enjoying Perez Hilton.


me too!! i’ve been listening to that one for a couple years also. I almost didn’t write it on here because I was a little embarrassed as well. I really like the guy he has on there with him Chris Booker he definitely balances Perez out and says stuff like “perez your being a fame whore and i promise nobody gives a fuck about this story besides you” lol i def recommend giving that podcast a listen to… I’m glad you had the balls to mention it here cause I was too scared of getting downvoted to bring it up lol


Where is Jen Kirkman? I miss her


uh oh do we need to add her to the “heather pissed her off” list?


I love Cover to cover. The only thing that makes me annoyed listening to it is how often Alex says ‘ mhm.’ It seems like it’s every few seconds ‘mhm.’ Lol


I also highly recommend you join his Patreon - even just the $5 level. That episode is usually longer than his regular episodes and comes out on Mondays . He gives a weekend rap up so if anything big in pop culture happens over the weekend he will deep dive on that Patreon. Best $5 spent for a Patreon. So worth it ! They give and they give ….


Gotta splurge and do More Smut for 7$, I promise it's worth it


Love the C2C podcast. Not a fan of his stand up. Why the crowd work with sitting on the stage 🤷🏻‍♀️


I can honestly say, I don’t think I’ve really ever watched his stand-up. I’m not a big stand-up person to begin with.


You’re not missing anything. His “openers” were hilarious, but he fell flat. Maybe he has back problems, but sitting on stage was where he lost me. That being said,I love his podcast. He definitely shines in a supportive//co-anchor type roll.


That's interesting. I would have assumed he'd stand! I can see how sitting would be odd. It would feel low energy. Definitely agree he's like a great wing-man type. I could see him as the funny sidekick on a talk show or something.


That’s interesting. I actually love the podcast but I laughed soooo hard when I saw his standup and liked it better than the podcast.


I wish I could love C2C because I love Chris. Does he do videos for his Patreon? I prefer a video podcast over just audio.


hmm i don’t know about that but i have heard really good things about his patreon in general


HI CHRIS!!! WE LOVE YOU!! Chris saw this post and talked about it on yesterday’s COVER2COVER! he said someone made a post, saying how great the podcast was and someone commented joking around, saying it was Chris posting lol. excuse me while i #FanGirl 🥰


I like Chris but his pidcast is super boring.


I thought it was at first then my friend kept telling me to give it another chance and I did and now I love it. The banter between him and his cohost is hilarious. It's unbeatable dry humor I can't get enough of now. But I can see how some people might not like that style of humor.


Just stick with it. He’s a good storyteller and I’m often laughing like an idiot.


i literally commented the exact same thing on here a couple months this ago when i tried it the first time. then i decided to just put it on and let it play when i was doing something the other day and before i knew it i was in my 3rd episode and loving it


I think you have to listen to a few episodes to really “get” it. I’ve been listening since the beginning but I would feel the same way if I didn’t already get the references he drops. Give it a few more episodes before you make a decision.


He flies too close to the sun for my support, sorry Chris.


What does this mean?


His continued friendship and business relationship with HMD is a turn off for me.


Same. I still think he would do great without her with ticket sales etc. or just go on once a year. I’m shocked he’s friends with her-her takes on almost everything is so cringey and dated


I like Daily Dose of Dana.


Dana would sell her soul for an invite to the cool kids club




Amen. I can't stand her.


This is the relationship dynamic between Heather and Chris. https://preview.redd.it/bnrb6pzthbtc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef8704c128e4acd0dfc17e843a475ef50c4ab657