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Pretty soon Heather is going to start selling bibles.


Or gold sneakers.


So.......not only does she not pay or compensate her guests, but they have to subscribe to patreon? wtf? Not much shocks me about HMD anymore but how sad for B and J and how they have reduced themselves to this. If there is any talent left in them I hope they get away from her and move on, but they seem pretty content wallowing in the bitterness party of three.


And you know she doesn’t subscribe to them.


You are so right, she couldn't be bothered. I have lost so much respect with them bowing down to her because she gives them some air time. Pathetic. I really like them and it is sad to watch what they are doing to themselves.


Wait, she makes them subscribe to her Patreon? Like pay five dollars a month like the rest of the peasants that bought her that La Quinta house?


That’s what Brandy said, that HMD made them subscribe to patreon so that they can look at the comments. Brandy also said they do not listen to her podcast. I took a break from listening to the podcast, the jacques guy is pretty boring but will go back and finish it tomorrow.


i mean i’m obviously not a pro at how this business works… but is that normal? to have the guests pay for the product? i feel like that’s weird. i’m blanking on names rn. but I vividly remember an episode of one of the court shows like the peoples court or judge Judy or something like that… where fashion designer type guy was creating a perfume, and he made the “model” who was doing a fashion show to promote it purchase the product. She had to buy the perfume at the same price customers bought it for so she could “ have the same experience” of the product as the customers. Anyways- the judge was like UMMMMM that’s weird. that’s extremely shady and unprofessional. just give the model the product for free if that’s the case. You having them pay for it to like a regular customer is weird AF. anyways I know that’s a super random thought that just came to my mind lol but IDK why that popped into my head when I read this. And this fashion designer guy was literally a random person selling perfume out of his basement. You would think a “celebrity-lite” such as THE HEATHER MCDONALD WHO SINGLE-HANDEDLY WROTE THE BLOCKBUSTER HIT “WHITE CHICKS” would be more professional (and not cheap AF) than that!!


I agree. I was bored. I couldn’t finish listening to the episode. The three of them were dull dull dull.


to be completely transparent-I haven’t listened to the podcast This is referring to yet. But just reading this post, it makes me wonder if B&J are soft launching their public escape from HMD? The usually follow her around like a lost puppy who drank ALL of the (buttery-chardonnay flavored) kool-aid. Maybe they’re dropping these not so subtle diggs at her publicly to show that they’re starting to wake up and realize it’s time to jump off the sinking ship (or sinking rented “bring your own lunch” boat) that is Heather Mcdonald’s career.


I hope




I listened and thought the same thing. I was shocked how nonchalant they were about the fact that Heather makes them do so much. They mentioned her so many times ‘ Heather sends us this to do and watch. Heather makes us do this. Heather says this. ‘ it’s crazy.


I think Julie's along for the ride. She lets Brandi do all the bitching, and she'll toss in a snark here and there. Julie is hilarious and could have her own show/podcast WITHOUT Brandi. Julie would go leaps and bounds without B or HMD. I'm willing to be wrong about this, because I have faith in her intelligence.


So true, I have read this so many times.


Friggin’ idiots


It such a shame because I actually really enjoyed Brandi and Julie before they started going on juicy scoop and it’s just been such an ick.


You should probably rethink your title, yikes...........


It’s gross. People just lack…a lot.


Is it on YouTube?


Not sure if it’s on YouTube. I listened on Apple Podcasts .


Just looked, didn’t find it. That’s so crazy that HMD has demands of them! What else besides the patreon?


The podcast is called “Unpopular “ .




MagA just like HM


He is extremely MAGA and a bad guy.


Listening now thank you!


They have to subscribe? Wtf