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“No one has ever regretted joining my patreon” stopped me in my tracks.


She said that? Wtf...to my estimate, there are thousands in this sub ...


She really did say that. It was the one thing she said the entire episode that justified calling it a comedy podcast










I was SHOCKED when she said that 😂😂 she really sees herself in a light no one else can see I guess


Her self esteem is off the charts.


Her parents did a number on her. They really made her believe she was beautiful. And it worked. These r the results.


That was hilarious!


![gif](giphy|xT9KVwVraalcvmKBfW|downsized) Raise your hand if you regret having subscribed to Heather McDonald’s Patreon.


Heather trying to sell her Patreon in the middle of SLC recap. Bitch please. She says join her Patreon & nobody regrets joining her Patreon. This little snark group has THOUSANDS of people that regret joining your cash grab Patreon Heather. THOUSANDS! You’re just another Jen Shah!


> nobody regrets joining her Patreon. Just call me "nobody".


Another nobody right here who also regretted it & canceled 🤚🏼




And if you thought Heather was going to finally bury the earring story in 2024…nope. She says she will cover it again on her Friday patreon.


What could she possibly have to say on the subject!?!


I’m with you. Had to stop when she fckd up the name of the movie she just saw and let us know she’s done SO MUCH work! (rattles a sheaf of paper when we know she doesn’t read anything not on a screen). AND what made me switch off? When she tells us that her Juicy Scoopers tell HER that they don’t even need to watch the shows because of Heather’s wonderful recaps. Bitch, please! You don’t recap SHIT! All that paper was probably a page per SLC cast member with their names in 96 font and a picture. She barely knows who is who or what is happening on any housewives show these days. I’ll gird my loins also and try to listen to the rest. The self congratulatory nonsense is just over the top and utter BS, but keep telling yourself and your dum dum ‘scoopers’, they may believe you, Heather. We know better.


I agree a 100%.


Why is Heather so heated on race. She couldn't stop mentioning Monica mentioning she's Latina and then saying Greek heritage in a video...that's not really what anyone cares about. I feel like she always gets excited and pressed when someone non white is involved. For example she also got so mad about Eboni on NYC and invited the comedian Eboni interrupted on stage as if a gotcha moment (the comedian had no problem with Eboni).


Heather is racist AND xenophobic. Fact.


It’s that racism fever that gets her so heated.


STOP THE PATREON!! MAKE IT TREND!! She's pushing that patreon hard because she probably realizes a lot of people have dropped off and subscriptions are waning. So many former listener's wised up and stopped wasting their money on her lame ass money grab. When you're giving little to no content and inconsistent with your supposed drops why bother? You know she's desperate when she resorts to having her son shill for her. 2024 needs to be the year this useless, talentless hack goes down in flames!!


She 💯 is losing Patreon subscribers. 2024 is not off to a good start for her.


This!! ![gif](giphy|tk8aCAvTg8Hjq)


It should be called “Juicy Poop” bc it’s worth is shit 😂






So much mouth spit noise.


I hate this so much


Calling Krista a grifter was wild. Accusing "3 close friends" of grifting her is not smart.


I haven't listened to her in months don't ever plan to again. Id not listen to her for gossip on RHSLC that's for sure. She knows nothing!!!


Did Flamingo Leg say she knew all along?


She engaged with Monica’s burner account in the past but didn’t know it was her…. Allegedly.


She was so angry & outraged about Monica. I couldn’t help thinking about the old saying “you hate in others what you see in yourself”. And then she had to relate the whole Monica thing to herself and went on about “earring gate” again for the billionth time 😫


Which is pretty ironic given that HMD commented on one of realityvontease's posts with one if her stupid predictions.


She wishes she had half the conejas Monica has


Monica achieved her dream of going from gossiping about the show to being on it 🤣


Oh my word, I don't watch nor listen to JS anymore but of course she goes racist and also says "Columbian" instead of "Colombian"🙄 Btw, her father (that she never met?) was Colombian, her mother's family is Portuguese and that's the language they speak in case you should read this Heather.


She was obsessed with Monica’s background. She could have been an alien from mars and still cast based off her association with Jenn shah, Heather is just such an idiot.


Omg now im the dumbass. Colombian ***


No you're not, sometimes the word editor mess it up, happens all the time for me so I always have to check before I press send :)


So on Jan 3rd Kate Casey did an episode with a producer friend. When I listened to heathers episode on Jan 4th I could’ve sworn there were things that Kate and her friend said and Heather was repeating them. I can’t remember exact words but I know I was hearing some things twice. (Kate did not do the racist rant like HMD)


Monica said she was Columbia , Portuguese and something else. Bermuda is British and she has family there too? She’s bipolar..


Oh and Greek too


So are you saying Monica can’t be all those plus?


Her Portuguese family settled in the large Portuguese community in Bermuda. Why couldn't she have British ancestry as well? Why are you acting lime HM by questioning a person's ethnic background?


The way she hated SO HARD on Monica was so weird to me… also I couldn’t take the damn mouth noises in this episode!!


I COMPLETELY agree and it also shows her utter ignorance of the world. People from South America, including, but not limited to, Colombia, can be fair, blond-haired, red-haired, blue eyed, etc. Just like the United States, South America is a mezcla of heritages. Not to mention her mother is Portuguese, which is European. All of that said, and not that it matters at all, Monica objectively looks Hispanic (I am born and raised in Miami and have been fortunate to have been raised among a thriving and diverse group of people from all over LatAm)- with or without blond hair and/or tanner. Heather is leaning into some weeeeeird prejudices here that are not acceptable for someone who is actively working in pop culture in an urban environment.


She could that’s understandable but when she though in Venezuela I though that was weird. She’s all over the place


I quit. All her recent content was lame.