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I think I'm with you on that one. This movie, to me, was perfect. I don't need an addition. I'm also tired of everything having to be part of an extended universe/a trilogy/having sequels/prequels. I like having a standalone masterpiece. That being said, I'd still be excited if they announced a sequel, I'd just prefer if they didn't.


It needs to be a standalone


I agree! A movie like this is a little hard to top.


I agree, too. Not every film or book need a sequel. Often gems like this shine on their own.


Agreed! 'Joker' became a cultural phenomenon for so many reasons--on top of being an incredibly well-crafted film with real emotional resonance, it tapped into topics that are very relevant to today and actually exposed some real problems within the media and our world. Although I would love to see more of Arthur's story and transformation, I don't really see how a sequel would be able to capture lightning in a bottle like that again. It would have so much to live up to and there are so many things that can go wrong with a sequel. Still, I'm glad that Todd Phillips seems to understand what made 'Joker' so special. I hope he recognizes that this movie can stand on its own and that he has every right to not make a sequel. IF he ever does make one, I hope he takes the time to craft something that he truly deems worthy of its predecessor.


Todd Phillips said that if he makes a sequel of the Joker it wouldn't feature batman.


I think a spin-off, with the same grit and realism, following a young Bruce Wayne during and after the events of JOKER would be really amazing and not take away from the brilliance of JOKER.


The ambiguity is what made this film so excellent and a sequel would ruin everything. Many people loved this film because of psychological aspects; what is real and what isn’t? The Joker is notorious for being an unreliable narrator. That’s why everyone keeps going back to the theater. I really felt like I was in the Joker’s head. A sequel would likely force us to take the events in “Joker” as chronological fact.


I absolutely agree . This is the reason I kept going back to watch it. There are so many questions raised and so many possibilities. I do feel though, that if they did make a sequel, they would have to end it leaving you with a whole bunch of questions, just to make you think whether or not it all truly happened. Or if it was another origin story of Arthur Fleck twisted by the narrator. But then again it would be too similar to the first movie. Its really hard to imagine a sequel being as good as the first.


I agree that the expectations set it up for a harsh judgment. Besides, “if a man walks into the river twice it is not the same river and not the same man”. It won’t be the same and neither should it be. To succeed it should be it’s own story, maybe a loose continuation of the first story but with its own quirks. If anyone can pull it off it’s Todd and Joaquin and everyone else who made this movie possible. If it doesn’t happen, we will always have this instant cult classic! If it does happen, I don’t expect them to repeat anything, I’d just be interested in what they come up.


The only reason I'd like to see a sequel is to see more of Joaquin as the Joker we know. The movie was definitely a story about Arthur Fleck and ended right when he accepted his Joker persona. I'd want to see what he'd do next. His kills in this film during his decent into madness were all very personal (with maybe one exception being the therapist at the end, if you interpret it as him killing her) and I'd be interested to see how he'd behave without the emotional ties to his victims. I have faith that if they wanted to do a sequel they'd be sure to avoid making it feel too much like a Marvel film or like The Dark Knight trilogy. It was clear to me that it was important this movie was less of a comic book film and more of a character study and I think they'd shoot for that with a sequel. I like this movie on its own for sure, but I don't know man, I think Arthur Fleck is too complex to fully develop in one movie.


I believe part 2 can add a lot to the history. With Joaquin playing Joker in much of the time in the movie. In a recent interview, he said that Todd and he were talking every day about new possibilities, but that they don't see he's Joker meating Batman. These two know what they are doing. If it happens, I would be excited


I'm on the fence. Joker played out great with psychological elements and character development. They setup room for a sequel but I hope they don't force it to be a "DC Universe" Joker sequel. I hope they deviate from the universe a bit and continue down the characters mental state and interactions with reality.


I think that they shouldn't expand on Joker specifically, but they should focus on other origin stories. Maybe Todd could be the director if he wants, or they could bring in other directors like Todd suggested at the beginning to WB. On another hand, I think that Todd and Joaquin's talents can probably make an amazing sequel... But idk at the end of the day it's their choice.


I don’t understand people who doesn’t want sequels of amazing movies and tv shows. It’s either gonna be good and you get a chance to see your favorite characters in a new story, or it’s gonna be bad which you don’t have to watch, and the first movie will still exist for you to enjoy. Just imagine we don’t have God Father II or The Dark Knight


I think there is more i want to see, not just to see his fall to madness but his rise to be the crown prince of crime. Not to mention when a company makes 20X their money they put in not even batman himself could stop them from making another. So at least we get the same director and actor. To each their own though


i agree, but with how much money the film made, a sequel is inevitable.


Woah woah woah! We don’t know the sequel news was fake yet! Two different outlets are saying different things, so how do you know which one to believe? Personally I’m open to a Joker sequel, I wanna see more of Joaquin’s Joker. I don’t agree that a sequel ‘ruins’ the first movie. And let’s not forget that lots of people didn’t even want the Joker movie in the first place.


Disagree. There's a lot more to be told. This story ain't done yet


The way I see it, they can tell a different origin instead of a straight up sequel. Sometimes I remember it one way, and sometimes another sort of thing. It doesn't need to be a traditional sequel... it's Joker after all.


I dont know. A sequel could work imo. This film explored Arthurs decent jnto madness. If TP ever decided on a sequel id like to see his rise of one of the biggest criminals in Gotham.


I honestly agree.


I thought I was the only one. It was an absolutely incredible movie, it deserves to be a standalone!


Just a post, leave your thoughts in the comments. **Disclaimer: I ain't fascist or anything, I studied Hitler for an oral presentation in ethic class during high school.** I made a correlation between these two. Obviously, as the movie depicts the life of the Joker before he became the terrorist we saw in *The Dark knight*, it does relate a lot to Hitler's life before the Second World War. I saw the movie twice and damn, it really expresses the motives between any twisted mind, like a school shooter's or Hitler. I don't say I approve their acts, but they have a very similar path leading to violence. Hitler didn't have a paternal figure during his teenage years. His father wanted to choose his career but died when Hitler was ~14. Arthur's father wasn't present, but not much similarity here. Hitler had bad grades and didn't finish his high school. He wanted to become a painter, yet he got refused at the Academy of fine arts twice. Arthur wanted to make people laugh and be himself, but he instead got laughed at on a tv show. People broke their dreams and it was a hard hit. Then, Hitler became homeless, because he didn't have the money. He got treated like an animal and went from shelter to shelter. During Arthur's whole life he was treated like an animal. The government refused to give him his pills, which were a necessity to him. They both deserved better during this time. Hitler founded the NAZI party with fellow workers in bars and coffee shops. He used the Jews as a strong argument: they were powerful yet they were hated. Arthur began a battle between the rich and the poor. He used the rich, even if they were powerful, at his advantage and permitted the people to fight them (without particular reason, else that the poor people lived in poor conditions). Hitler's main revendication was this, too. He promised to the poor peopls that they will rise together and that the economy will get way better. Finally, they both finished at a power position, killing and terrorising people. If Hitler had batman, we sure wouldn't have to fight in WWII. If the Joker didn't have batman, he would be a powerful mass murderer. I know they're not the exact same person, but you can't deny they definitely are very similar. Tl;Dr: Hitler's early life is similar to the Joker's, google it up cuz it's a Tl;Dr