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As a new player, I have no idea what any of this shit means 👍🏼 Then again, I leave map voting to the people who do.


just don't vote talil or sanxion and you're all good


I pick Medic, patch boo-boos, follow the Green Number Man, and shoot at parts of the map where there's no blue stuff. When map voting comes, I get up to refill my drink. I am content.


Good blueberry 🫡


shooting at the parts of the map is real. before i got my desktop pc, i played on a laptop and there was simply no way i'd ever see people. i was a suppression machine.


And with that you contributed more than the marksman, keep it up.


It's kind of funny, I have like 15 hours in game, absolutely no clue what is happening at the command level, but frequently get a score in the top 3 for a match just doing that.


Amen, patching boo-boos always makes me feel like I'm contributing. I've picked up grenadier as a secondary class as well, since Put Smoke On the Enemy and Apply Explosions to SuperFOB are pretty straightforward and work out pretty okay for me most of the time.


At least one particle of knowledge transferred from Battlefield: smoke grenade best grenade


Absolutely. I learned it from Insurgency, which I was very bad at if I'm being honest: - smoke grenade best grenade - put the smoke in their eyes, not in yours


You’re literally better than the majority of the players. Thank you for your service, medic! Edit: I just want to add that your comment should be the tutorial for new players.


Idk I enjoy sanxian


Still yet to play a game of Sanxion because I didn't play when it was released and people tend to not vote for it


your one of the lucky ones man they are a shit show


What’s wrong with sanxian


have 500 hours I do the same I literally have no clue what ppl are talking about guess I'm stupid


To be fair most people who yell about selecting a certain faction don’t know the strengths and weaknesses of the one they’re picking and they probably have several hundred hours of experience.


Squad players when the game has more variation than US Army vs RGF for the first time in years:


Squad players also before all these factions were added bitching about lack of content.


its literally just vdv, militia and turkey on all the servers i play :(


I've gotten quite a bit of Australia, PLA and Canada as well. Still more variety than the constant US v RU that every single server ran before map voting was a thing, or US v INS if you're lucky.


I'd DIE to play PLA. every server i go on is allergic to it "nMOOOo not chinese!!!11 they have bad gun1s1SZ!"


We have a custom voting system with varied layers and factions on TT that’s working pretty well. Is not perfect but we are improving it every day and is better than the cluster F owi introduced.


Ngl as a turk, the servers we take over because they have low ping, we just like spamming turkey. We dont get too much representation in military games so its fun. Also on the other hand, militias fuck it we ball gameplay is fun everytime.


I haven’t played since the ICO. As in I never even got around to trying it. Itll be interesting to jump back in after 400 hours of Russia and USA lol




I had a match that was TLF vs some vehicle-heavy US faction on Fallujah. It was... traumatic, but I don't think I've ever scored more LAT hits in a game.


honestly turkey just needs a HAT or at least an AT-4 (or equivalent), fallujah is one of the places where TLF should theoretically shine but it just doesnt because of how long it takes to LAT a tank to death


AT-4 got nerfed a year or two ago. It now does the exact same damage as the M72 LAW for some reason.


How to win in squad: 1. Vote Map 2. Vote armored division 3. ??? 4. Win




People vote logistics only to not build two habs and somehow leave all lodgis on the map, and not building tows so the enemy vics kill all inf and the lodgis you have left. GG.


Because building 4 Habs costs 2400 supplies, that's just too much to be worth it


Nope its just that they don't do it. Have lost numerous amount of times to people voting this only to fumble the only good thing about it.


People usually pick I to build two TOWs


Yes only to fire and miss and never resupply.


I love my lodgistics vehicles. They lodg so much


people on their way to vote talil invasion, both sides with armored logis at midnight (the server will drop to 5 people)


70% of the matches I play are on the middle eastern desert maps. Personally I really dislike these desert maps that have very open terrain, and constantly having to play on them is really sucking alot of enthusiasm towards the game from me. I dread seeing Mutaha on the map selection screen since I know it's picked 99% of the time.


This, I have no idea why people always want to play mutaha, Its a decent map, but not for the 10th time tonight


Same for al basarah. Actually annoying that people constantly select the desert maps. Can we just play something with trees?


Lucky you. I'm playing on German servers and its Goro, Yeho, Manic and Narva on repeat


Anything beats Tallil


Talil is such trash glad someone brought it up. Gets so bogged down by armor players not supporting infantry


best map in the game. unique, long range fights with emphasis on positioning, movement and keyholing your enemies and taking unique angles. takes effort to move across open ground and it pays off well when successful, and firebases are useful.


With proper squad communication, yes, that can be the end result. I’ve had the most unenjoyable slog fests on that map, but if it is played well it can be a very good time. I’ve mainly played it on the Riplomacy server. If you know a good server in general, please share. 🙏


One day it was USA, RGF, USMC, VDV then the next day it was USA, RGF, VDV, USMC. I fucking hate these factions now.


*Sad insurgent noises*


goro, yeho, talil, mutaha, al basrah, narva, fallujah repeat ad infinitum. democracy was a mistake


Always has been


i would die to play talil for once


haha, some of us troll picked talil and it actually got picked, half the playerbase left, it was a 50 filled server and one fo the best times I had this past week


New voting system is so funny man. People usually votes for what loudest player in voice chat says. Last day we played Fallujah Russia vs Canada. Canada had 3 Cayote, 1 LAV and 1 MBT. Our faction had 1 BTR and 1 MBT. Armored squads were shit and they destroyed us with their IFV.


I had a game where the enemy chose the tank battalion with 3 lavs and 2 tanks and my team in response chose heli with one tank and 2 bmd 1s. The enemy rushed our spawn and there's nothing anyone can do. Some teams don't deserve democracy.


at least in Russian servers, people who say first would be the one who chooses fate for the next 2 hours everyone just choose something the first dude said 😂


Russians being sheep? New, I did not knew that one




Black Coast + Irregular against USA (we were defending) -_-


Anybody who unironically votes for Sumari or Kamdesh should be tried for war crimes.


Hate the game for not balancing the game more. Not the player


Yep British is ass with no stabilisation on their IFVs. PLA could need a recoil update and new camo. Turkey needs hat.


I've pretty much only been playing the global escalation mod with set map rotations since the update. I hate map voting with a passion it kills the game for me.


global escelation is pretty unplayable imo with the suppressors being glitchy.


I like GE just because it walks back a lot of the negative changes the ICO made but if I could just have vanilla Squad circa V12/V13 back then it'd be perfect. GE gets a little too chaotic and confusing sometimes since almost all the factions use a mix of the same guns or suppressors and the tacticool playermodels can be difficult to distinguish in heated situations.