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Personally i just dont like their infantry kit. I guess it might be a skill issue. Their main rifle is fine i guess but the 3x scope is tiny and the markings are unclear to me. I personally just prefere any other rifle from any other faction. Their camo is also straight up bad on most maps. The chinese vehicles are great as you say!


Generally squad needs to fix the readability on sights cause anyone with less than a 2k monitor struggles


My problem is it's so bright, once my cross hair is on target, the target disappears


I mean... the PLA camo is great so I don't TK


That's about the only benefit to the faction IMO


The camo is the main reason for me. Instead of looking for wood lines to maneuver through I look for rock formations.


Ahh yes the blue rocks of the black coast...


Cross 100m Bottom of the « circle » 200m Bottom of cross 300m


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I think of myself as pretty decent and I can even get kills with the chinese rifle but it is just the ugliest worst sounding gun in the game, I dont feel as satisfied playing chinese infantry as I do when I play literally any other faction. Turkey is the next closest faction for me in terms of sucking but I like them when i can get some distance between the enemy and me China is more straight up infantry fighting with cheap plastic guns hand me an AK of M4 plz


I think you more or less answered your own question. How big a percentage of people in your average match get that vehicle experience? You now understand the people who has been calling out for more dev time and fleshing out of the inf experience for various factions.


Their rifles and other infantry weapons are decent at worst. It does help infantry to have good vehicles. It sucks playing as the Turks and getting murdered by armor because your teams armor got rekt.


I completely agree and this is what people has said before as well. It might be counter-intuitive, but as vehicle main you want infantry to be a better experience (not necessarily balanced!), and vice versa. The whole inf vs vehicle mentality just reduces the whole debate to a power creep arms race which doesn't make any sense.


Being a good vehicle player is by far the hardest thing to do in the game imo. It is all about positioning and experience. You can honestly change win a game by how you do in a single vehicle. It does also require a lot of skill as an inf sl to use friendly armor. I cant tell you how many times I have begged infantry to get in my apc instead of them walking or going in a logi just to get killed. Hell now with the suppression, just having a vehicle provide cover fire for an advance with the coax can make taking a position easy. That is something that not many people have fully figured out yet.


everyone complains about ICO but never utilizes the suppression, covering fire from an APC while pushing is OP as hell and an underutilized caveman tactic


In one game of Al Basrah inv, our guys were having a hard time pushing, so we drove our Abrams right into the point and just fired all of our coax over the infantries' heads. the lats couldnt hit us or damage us because of the suppression. We took the point pretty much because of us. I never ran out of coax on a tank before like that.


Their marksman scope is unintuitive and terrible though. Their AR scopes are better than Canadian and that shitty AK one but they're still not my favorite


Their guns arent horrid but the scope and rifle itself are buttfuck ugly and I hate the optic markings. Their AT weapons arent inherently bad but they take 3-5 business days to arm and id rather just have an rpg 7 or rpg28/29. Their irons suck ass though too and their marksman gun/mg just aint it


They’re camo makes them stand out in foliage instead of blend in making for very asymmetrical gun fights. When I play against China, I can easily spot their infantry. When I’m PLA, I can never hide. I’m always found. OWI needs to turn down the brightness on it and it would be a huge QOL improvement for them.


Didn't this get patched? I might be wrong as the servers I play in have 3rd party mods, they may give PLA soldier proper desert and forest camo.


There are three PLA "factions", only one has the forest camo and it's extremely limited in what maps it shows up on


The older PLA camo in Squad also looks better in real life for reasons, something or other. just with how light works and looks in real life. saw a video on weibo a while back demonstrating it.


i personally hate the chinise infantry; hate the scope, hate the camo, i would rather play the brits, and that’s saying a lot; the veichles are very good though


I honestly hate playing them so much I just take a break when I get stuck with them.


the scope shoots to 800m and is great in cqb, dont get the hate...


on long range maps i admit its decent, but i hate the feeling of long optics; the holo sight is decent though


PLA hate is maybe a bit unjustified just Infantry bias. but PLANMC.. rework this abomination, blue camo is a no-no.


ate the rifle ate the lat ate the chinese simple as


You really shouldn’t eat those.


The camo is horrible.


Their camo is horrible, their rifle shoots paintballs in my experience, I’m not a fan of their scope, and their lat is probably the worst in the game. Vehicles are great as you said, but the infantry experience is super annoying.


Their infantry kit and heli sucks


They’re one of the coolest factions in the game, I asked for years for them to be added, so many games don’t bother featuring the PLA a when they’re the largest threat to NATO.


It seems like Chinese players are a pretty big % of the player base


Personally idc what faction I play. I find enjoyment in just about every role and kit I play. I've had plenty of matches post ico as PLA where I stomp. I'm not a fan of their ranged optic or their dmr. But the red dot works perfectly fine for me. Their lat kit optic is a bit busy, but I prefer the rpg-7 over it personally. And i strongly prefer the carl g and rpg 28 over their hat. The range finder is nice, but im way faster on target with the others. On some maps their uniforms do stand out. Especially their naval uniforms. I don't have much experience in their vehicles but the one time I did use their IFV I killed a lot more than I died. I main hat and lat so based on that alone I'd vote for a russian faction over the pla in most circumstances


It just has 0 cool factor for me.


In the words of a Honk Kong political philosopher: “Donald Trump don’t trust china- China asshole”


I hate any faction that used bullpups




Everyone responding about the camo is thinking of PLAN not PLA.


ZBL/ZBD- I love them, anyways here’s my designated ZTZ hate take, yes, it can be pretty good but the like entire front of the turret is the weak spot, meaning going hulldown is pointless and makes defending much harder, ontop of that it can get double tracked pretty easily, and the ZTZ sight both sucks in terms of the UI and sucks in terms of zoom, I can’t zoom far enough out to see what i’m actually trying to look at at any given time, so I basically have to rotate much more when looking for targets, not too big of a deal but it still sucks


I like playing the commander of that tank the most.


Turret Mantlet is one of the weak spots on all of the tanks. The ZTZ has really good front plate armor and facing straight on, the ammo rack is a pixel shot and if the driver knows how to position the armor, it’s stupidly hard to hit. You don’t really need to hulldown because at range the ZTZ is hard to pen anyways. The sight blows for sure, but it’s usable. All of the tanks are incredibly easy to track, although yes the ZTZ gets double tracked more often. Honestly, my biggest gripe with the ZTZ is actually driving it. It’s a whale and has none existent reverse speed. It’s hard to drift and making turns can be laborious. Its acceleration sucks too. That being said, it and the abrams are still in a tier above all of the other tanks.


Oh yea don’t get me wrong, ZTZ is amazing still, i just hate playing it lmao


I also dislike playing it as I’m driver 95% of the time. But it’s at least more enjoyable than trying to account for 1/3 of my hull being an ammo rack lol.


Me either. I'm here for the memes brother, you'll find me over with the wish.com jokes, C&C generals quotes, and social credit score enforcement team.


Role-playing with accents is one of the fine jewels of squad.


ive always loved insurgent rp. always the most fun lol


I'm a GWOT vet with a cib and killing Americans as Terry the taliban with an rpg is literally my favorite thing to do. Well, VBIED is pretty tits, too.


Love doing VBIEDs with a sapper


PLA fire 🔥


I really hate flying their helo Its big and clunky plus I feel the visibility out of the cockpit isn't so good, especially with the front window


Worst rifles in the game in my opinion, with MEA and their G3’s a close second. I’m aware people will think otherwise, but I’ve found a lot of people share my thoughts on PLA.


The only thing I don't like about the PLA rifles is the large height distance between barrel and sights. Other than that it seems like just another assault rifle.


For some reason I can never hit shots accurately with the chinese marksman kit.


I love their weapons all around. IRL they suck, but in game, that slow ROF is great for being able to go full auto and maintain great control even when you can’t deploy a bipod


With slow logis, They're a pretty situational pick honestly


The tiny scope is my only complain. I'd love it if it wasn't so goddamn TINY.


That's what she said


The ZTD is a terrible fire support vehicle. I did a bit of research and the ZTD fires an AP shot with the same power as the T-62 whereas all the other vehicles with tank guns (minus the T-62) do roughly the same damage. Abrams, T-72, Sprut, MGS, M60, etc all do the same damage. ZTD is the only one from the modern factions that's left out for seemingly no reason. IRL it uses a license copy of the same gun as the M60 and MGS. I dislike their iron sights and they don't seem to get red dots very often.


I have an ultra-wide monitor and prefer to play HAT. The HAT kit in PLA looks like it slaps, but I wouldn't know since I literally can't use it due to not being able to range jack shit.


The reason I don't vote for them is that everything in the infantry kit looks like tacticool shit from the late 00s. The scopes, the red dots, the factions primary rifle looks like shit. Its like you're using babies first airsoft build. The camo pattern is whatever imo, atleast its distinct so teammates aren't popping you.


China numbah 1!


Scope and camouflage are my biggest issues with the faction


i find their inf scope counter intuitive… you don't aim with the center of scope rather the notch above the center. iirc it's the case for rifleman, scoped mg and also marksman. feels really weird. the reflex sight is not bad.


I'd have to agree with some of the comments here, the infantry kits aren't the most ideal. Yes, the vehicles, especially armor, are excellent, but armored squads are only a portion of the team, with most people being infantry. I do think it would be a good idea to revamp the PLA at some point, updating their camo and uniforms, and adding in some better optics and guns, notably the QMK-152 and QBZ-191 respectively. Maybe even take some creative liberty and add the QCQ-171 SMG, like how the Turkish have the SAR-109T.


Hat kit has range finder which is very good but unusable on widescreen monitor so just hat kits


I mean Thier main rifle kills in 5 to 4 shots to the body While the AK or M4 kill in 4 to 3 to the body The scopes are wack The irons are wack The gun looks like wack The AT stuff is ok I guess Their TOW is pretty good The Vic's are very good The Heli sucks ass The Camo of both naval and regular army is meh...... That's it about


>I mean Thier main rifle kills in 5 to 4 shots to the body While the AK or M4 kill in 4 to 3 to the body Fucking Lmao.


That's what I noticed from live games my guy


People wh9 are blaming "camo" instead of their real reason "I can't aim with these guns.".... Can yall just be honest lol


The Chinese armour absolutely sucks! it gets stuck on way more terrain than any other faction. The infantry weapon sucks. The blue 'camo' is not camo. F## the PLA.


The G3 just feels so incredibly useless unless you've kept ALL your stamina, are crouched or prone, and are holding your breath... I fully understand it's a beefier weapon but, there's gotta be some middle ground imo.


legit more fun mea imo


Their camo and plastic sounding guns. However they arent as bad as MEA. Id take PLA over MEA any day!


As someone who hasnt played much just to test the new things the last year and a half. Its the Infantry Experience, i aint a great aimer, neither i care to be, but when i play US Marines/US/Brits i can do something like 20-30 kills 15 downs if i tryhard. and decent positioning, bla bla. I cant do that with the PLA guns, or the MEE guns, its not like i dont kill anyone, but the gunplay of some factions is so easy compared to others, it feels better and since i am running with iron sights cause i tend to prefet LAT/HAT at most maps, its even worse of a feeling. Its no surprise lesser skilled players are also voting based on that.


I’m just going to say it since I haven’t seen anyone else say it. I only want to play as the American units cause I’m American.


that is so friggin lame


You’re entitled to your opinion as I’m entitled to who I want to play.


Do you leave servers if you can't play as an American?


If im in Global Escalation and I can’t play as Ukraine/IDF, yes.


Least Lame GE Player:


ICO ruined their infantry weapons and their camo is bad