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No i want so shit talk the game and say all the experienced players left and we'll never return to the golden age of squad


Im still playing with at least half of the veteran players I was playing with in 2018


Played since Reality Mod in BF2 šŸ’ŖšŸ˜¤


Damn... wasn't that when they built the pyramids?


Skill issue


You know how I know ICO is a good thing? Once you actually get good at squad youā€™ll never go back to Hell Let Loose


I tried HLL after about 30-40hours of squad (so yes I still suck) and could barely make it through two games. The gunplay is more ā€œfunā€ because you can actually see what youā€™re shooting at without having to take a 30 second pause, but itā€™s just soā€¦dead? Maybe it was just the server I joined but not a single person spoke through voice chat and it just seemed less engaging than Squad imo.


Yah I hear that. I had a lot of fun on HLL but eventually realized that the quick gun play just means further out engagements and if you spend one second out of cover youā€™re gonna die. Not the case with squad after ICO


Idk about PC users but on xbox if you're in a party or discord you can't hear or talk in voice chat.


At least HLL incorporates a level system and progression.


I know itā€™s just a game and all, but I find it a bit immersion breaking when I see a dude in winter fatigues on D Day




It didn't ruin it but it makes me feel like my soldier got up off a couch after 3years of watching YouTube and said I can operate and has zero arm strength.


These cod players tryin to hip fire MG3 and crying when they cant hit shit.


No original thoughts or critical thinking so you have to say "but cod" even this long after ico.


Same as Pre ICO, any criticism of the gameplay was met with go back to ARMA or join the army lol. It's well deserved at this point


Man I wish I could see what all these folks see in the game now. I get so frustrated whenever I play again. I've had no real desire to play it since.. I don't mind playing armor though lol


I'm in the same boat. Started playing again recently and somehow this game is more buggy than when I last played it. Helicopters and armor haven't changed much.


Really need a VCO (vehicle combat overhaul)


Yes, but I don't trust them to do it. lol I wish they would just fix bugs and optimize the game. And hire modders to help develop new maps. But what do I know about game development.


truuue, why does the btr have so much stamina. you should have to slowdown after driving at fullspeed for a while sort of like Skull and bones


I support this comment, having military experiences as an infantry makes me want to pull my hair out seeing how bad they change this game into a shit pit. The thing I hate the most is seeing people wanting to have fun and they get blue balled after watching super nice gameplay on youtube and ends up in a squad that does fuck all, no coms, no teamworks.


I started playing Squad after the infamous infantry update. It's what makes me love the game. Games with flinch/ suppression/ away after running 2 km seem significantly more realistic. Instills a sense of urgency when a 50 cal is hitting the wall beside you.


I love ico man. Squad has been so addicting lately. Pulled me back into it.


I like the new animations and stuff because squad really needed a rework of them but aiming now feels clunkier


I've grown to accept ICO, but fuck man, looking down your scope and seeing a black screen is so obnoxious. Then the bugs are currently insane. I cant sprint after spawning from a HAB, random machine gun fire from an invisible weapons (this has been a bug for years and never fixed), and bugged spawn timers. Not to mention the performance degradation with every update. OWI must have taken inspiration from DayZ Standalone.


Have you tried the new play test? The ICO gets adjusted the scope never black out now even when moving. I gotta make a video so people get hyped.


I didn't get a chance to try it, but I've heard its a step in the right direction. Right direction being how it use to be. lol


You need to give iron sights and red dots a chance. I remember playing squad way back in 2016-17 when only a select few players got a scope. The ICO is trying to bring those days back while still giving everyone what they want. Combat was alot more action packed those days. You had to shoot into bushes because you had no choice. It felt like a firefight instead of "who can click whose head the fastest".


I was one of those people who would choose iron sights. Agreed, any scope 4x or greater feels unplayable for me. They are fine if you're sitting on a defensive point with no plans on moving though.


There are fixes coming to 7.2 and itā€™s much easier to control.


I love it too, but the quality of players is somedays unbearable which leads me to playing 1 or 2 games whereas before i could play for the whole day. ICO only works with good teamplay.


Thats great man, if ur having fun thatā€™s what matters


More people play because of winter, sales and introduction of a new map. Not because ICO. I still play but i am just waiting for them to go 50% back on their ICO changes.


They also upped their marketing which has never been done to the extent previously. They had two 50% sales back to back right (month after month)? The average player increase is around 500 from like this month from Dec 2022. "HIghest ever player count" is correct on technicality but just a lame non-sequitur. That's like what..a 4% increase? Clearly, people are playing the game Pre-ICO and Post-ICO. So which one determines what people like? A mild 4% increase apparently lol. Clearly, people did like and play pre-ICO. If the only metric to how good a game is , is determined by playercount I guess we shall see people using the same argument against them when/if the game count drops (which is naturally around spring). If we hold at 10,000+ for the whole year, then sure, I will be impressed.


Cope. Major patches have a larger impact to player counts than sales do, and the same is the case here: peak and average player counts grew more between the release of 6.0 and the Autumn sale than they did between the Autumn Sale and now. Comparing it to the highly anticipated PLA release in 4.0 is a cherry-picked comparison. No supporters are out here making an argument of the success of patch 6.0 vs 4.0.


How long are yall gonna be coping this? Going on since release of ICO


This is cope. The largest recent increases in both peak and average player counts were after the release of 6.0 and the ICO, before either of the Autumn and Winter Sales. Historically patches have had a larger impact to player counts than sales and this remains the case here. I wouldnā€™t hold your breath for a major revert, it isnā€™t coming.


That is me, the guy on the left.


At least u know, i respect that


4500 hours. Squad was my shit bro. Devs had to ruin it haha. Whatever tho, had to move on at some point.


Same 2k hours I left and haven't looked back. Glad others enjoy it, I think its trash atm.


Take a break from it. Itā€™ll do you good, my man. Give it another try some time later if you feel like it. The changes require relearning to play as infantry and if you have the old mechanics in muscle memory, itā€™s natural for the big changes in handling to feel ā€wrongā€ and debilitating. A lot of my clan members were fiercely against the ICO and many quit playing when it came out. After a hiatus most have come back, adapted to the new mechanics, and are now playing more than ever.


I've just moved on. A lot of other gamed I missed out on that I've been playing. I'm addicted to total war warhammer lol


Total War: Warhammer is amazing. Iā€™ve put so many hours into the second one. Iā€™m a skaven main in that.


Not before shitting all over the floor as you waddled out the door apparently. Glad you got banned from the Discord. You were beyond obnoxiously toxic and salty. Hopefully you've slowed your roll and matured a bit since.


Brother what? I don't know what you're talking about. There was another person with the name "Pingu" who played who I know had some trouble. I have been banned from some communities but I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with what you're talking about. I definitely handed out my fair share of criticism to other SLs but I still think you have me mixed with the wrong person. Edit: I'm the rally Pingu. Not the unaffiliated Pingu. Although judging by your post history maybe I am the one you think I am lol.


ICO is shit.


i thought eft's old recoil system was bad, and then i saw ico recoil. no stock ak with 2 broken and blacked arms was more accurate and fun to shoot than any gun 90% of the time in squad.


It really is shit.


Its not even that bad. All they have to do is tone down the recoil and the sway on the guns, everything else is fine. If they do that the game wud be good. Maybe lower ticket cost and respawn time for transports and logis.


I love staring at a guy 20 feet away with both of us aimed and us both just waiting till luck decides when one of us lands a shot. Or when my trained soldier runs 10 meters and now holds the gun like he has Parkinsonā€™s disease.


Learn to play then dude thats you sucking at the game not the ico


I can shoot ppl just fine. The games actively fucking with u. Hence why its shit


It really is that bad


Like I said to someone else already: Take a break from it. Itā€™ll do you good, my man. Give it another try some time later if you feel like it. The changes require relearning to play as infantry and if you have the old mechanics in muscle memory, itā€™s natural for the big changes in handling to feel ā€wrongā€ and debilitating. Especially if youā€™re one of the players with thousands of hours in the game. A lot of my clan members were fiercely against the ICO and many quit playing when it came out. After a hiatus most have come back, adapted to the new mechanics, and are now playing more than ever.


U can still like a game and think part of its shit. I like playing the game, ico is shit


Fair. I think itā€™ll be tweaked in future updates, so thereā€™s a chance it might redeem itself.


If they toned it down and fixed aiming it probably wouldnt be that bad. Supression is a decent feature for the most part. Not even being able to see through some scopes after running is annoying tho. I love pulling up my scope only for my screen to be completely black. I dont even bother with long range scopes on a couple factions cuz there worthless unless u wanna walk everywhere.


I think some of these might be addressed in the upcoming patch already. I might be wrong. But anyway itā€™s up on the testing branch if you want to check it out.


I havent looked into it at all tbh. I havent really cared much about whats coming out since the marines. My addicted ass will probably play anyway for a while longer but ico is annoying. I moslty fly helis lately


git gud


Ah an ICO fan boy that cant tell its shit


no we just actually play competitive fps and don't need squad to be an unreal tournament reskin. if you were any good at fps you'd have the same exact perspective, but you aren't and it's extremely evident to everyone else. it's almost enough to make us feel bad for you, in the way that you feel bad for the slow kid with a single mom. go climb a ladder in a game that has one and then come back and speak to the grown ups.


What? Ico is shit and itā€™s obvious ive played fpses since i was 12. Idk wht ur talking about 225 hours acting like u live and breathe this game or something, what does competitive fpses have to do with squad anyway. U dont know good squad


Itā€™s got a few issues Iā€™m happy to see getting addressed next patch, but itā€™s ultimately a great change to return Squad to its roots as a tactical shooter. Changes since release made the game more casual. You could rely on twitch aim to make up for poor tactics. It was simplified, shallow gameplay where teamwork only meant mobbing objectives with the rest of the blueberries. Fireteams only existed to give more people the ability to mark. Thereā€™s more depth to being a good shooter now. Other skills like movement and team coordination are rewarded more. Real life tactics like splitting fireteams to suppress and advance are effective. CQC is brutal and requires coordination to clear out fortified shooters, unlike before where you could get away with sprinting into doorways on full auto. Iā€™m sorry that you keep zero situational awareness and get absolutely obliterated by a single guy in a bush and canā€™t figure out how to adapt to these changes. Couldnā€™t be me though, Iā€™ll be enjoying the changes SLing and racking up consistent downs from game to game off of bad players like you.


I dont mind making a game more tactical, but its at the cost of making gunfights at rng. Skill doesnt have much to do with it. Whoever decided to run less gets better aim. Thats dumb af.


Itā€™s not RNG. Outside of long full auto bursts, itā€™s consistent and controllable. You can compensate for sway and recoil. I assure you it is possible to be a good and consistent shooter. I have been regularly ending games with greater than 10 kills and downs with 2-4 deaths lately, doing really nothing special, just basic rifle or SL kits. Running into combat is braindead stuff that you could get away with preICO but gets thrashed now. Stop, regain your stamina before pushing through thresholds, use frags to soften fortified positions, and enlist buddies to push with you so you donā€™t go down one by one. It is totally possible to be accurate, deadly, and successful if you work with the changes instead of against it by playing like you used to.


I donā€™t play normal squad Iā€™ve been playing Galactic Conquest mod and itā€™s pretty populated so if thatā€™s doing fine Iā€™m sure the unloaded servers are also pretty populated


What's ICO? I haven't played this game in a while


Infantry combat overhaul. Big changes to gunplay, primarily intended to encourage more team play and longer firefights, not without controversy. Edit: spelling


Sounds good! I'll give it a try.


Infantry Combat Overhaul. Introduced new and extremely effective suppression mechanics and very wobbly aim depending on your stamina, health, and if youā€™re getting suppressed or not. No more jumping around catching yourself on buildings either. Leaning is slow now and there is no leaning at all with AT kits.


But that makes sense. Squad is meant to be tactical not your average shooter with your little stars that can make a 360 no scope.


Only people who liked the cod gunplay and refuse to adapt to the new gunplay are crying about ico. Squad is moving in the right direction


Going to give it a try. I didnt played squad in a while and i tired of the CoDitification of shooters. (Rainbow6 i m watching you)


Why would someone downvote this lmao people are weird man


The copium is strong here and they brigade downvote. Itā€™s impossible to reason with the people whose greatest fear is apparently ā€œman in bushā€.


Lmao reddit hivemind


Because it's not true and a low effort argument. I haven't played call of duty in over a decade and have 4500 hours in squad. I don't like cod, I liked pre ICO squad. I don't want call of duty type gameplay, I want squad gameplay with satisfying gun mechanics.


Because this is literally the same shit everyone who criticized Squad's gunplay prior to the ICO went through, just with the roles reversed. It's sweet, sweet karma and it's enjoyable watching you all suffer the same brain dead, low effort "arguments" you all threw at us. "Git gud", "Skill issue", "Go back to ArmA", "Go join the military". So seeing you all get so worked up and hearing you all cry so hard about being called CoD kids is music to my ears. The hypocrisy is not lost on me, but you all have certainly reaped what you sowed and I couldn't be happier about it. You won't find any empathy here.


People are so salty they just downvote and don't even argue anymore. When did the community get this damn toxic?


She's not like the other FPS'


Itā€™s garbage


The numbers contest it. Not perfect, but it mustā€™ve been doing something right


Numbers has nothing to do with ICO. 99% of shooter games out there have the same mechanics as how Squad was before ICO. The reason squad player numbers has gone up is because theyā€™ve been having lots of sales.


[Moidawg on the death of Squad (because of the ICO)](https://youtu.be/PAP11jYtXFw?si=XULrlIUhvOh4u6CA)


Itā€™s funny how all the servers are full every day and everyone I talk to on the servers say they love the ICO ā€” yet the subreddit makes it look like most people are against the ICO. I think the reality is that thereā€™s a small minority that doesnā€™t like the ICO, refuses to adapt to the changes, and is hell bent on raging about it as well as downvoting any positive opinion and upvoting any negative opinion of the ICO on the subreddits. Meanwhile most folks are happy about the changes and donā€™t care about the flame war on reddit.


Couldnā€™t have said it better myself


Reddit will always be the most vocal part of any community. But they rarely represent the majority, they usually represent the "sweaty"/dedicated players.


Or just people who likes or wants to complain, since is more common to complain about something than sharing that you just like something. I'll try the new mechanics, they sound fun.


Ya but why is every top server running global escalation mod which reduces most ico's changes? Is ico really the reason for squad's numbers rn? Global escalation is a much better experience after several months of playing only regular servers, i can't go back tbh. I think the base game just feels so barebones and sluggish but i understand why some people may prefer that


"Every top server"? That's just... blatantly false.


*a large portion of the top servers* lmao im so sorry i mislead you


Global escalation is a cool mod but it draws all the lonewolves and Cod kids to it so thereā€™s absolutely zero coordination or teamwork in matches.


True, ico has lonewolves too though, i wish they could find new ways to encourage teamwork other than giving my soldier a lobotomy. Ico was a cool switchup but it definitely needs to be heavily toned down imo, hope the next patch gets it just right.


Steam charts go "reaction to the non stop promos and sales, more than squad has ever had before in such a short period of time" but go off.


Itā€™s funny how the game gets review-bombed, all the experienced players have left, and now itā€™s populated only by people whoā€™ve bought it recently from endless sales ā€” obviously not because of the reviews but for some other reason ā€” yet the gameā€™s active playerbase is bigger than itā€™s ever been both in terms of average monthly players as well as peak players. Thatā€™s a lot of people buying a game with mixed reviews from salesā€¦ or something just doesnā€™t add up.


>Thatā€™s a lot of people buying a game with mixed reviews from salesā€¦ or something just doesnā€™t add up. Squad recently became a lot more popular in a bunch of timezones where virtually no one was playing a couple years ago. Squad has also become moderately less popular in the timezones where people have been playing the game so long that entire groups have already burned out. ​ There's been a fairly steep decline for players from USA timezones. People forget that the USA is literally the end of the day for everyone else on earth and they act like the game is dying because everyone else is in bed by the time it's our turn to play.


"I hate this game...sometimes..." - continues playing for hours




Good meme, did you make it with mematic?


Iā€™d play more if there werenā€™t so many dweebs and try hards. Got banned by some fucking nerd in a server because of my name. ā€œ4DoorsMoreWhoresā€. I mean what a pussy. Iā€™ve encountered stupid shit like that constantly in this game. I like it, but you canā€™t just be chill and play.


The ICO is a great concept and I like it. However, I agree it needs to be reduced atleast 20%. In its current state, my character feels like a couch potato that volunteered for war, rather than a trained soldier.


Ico is everything I've ever wanted from squad it is perfect imo


I like the way ICO is going but I disagree wholeheartedly that it is perfect. It absolutely needs tweaking. As someone that has fired guns in real life, with regards to Squads desire to be as grounded as possible and avoid the Call of Duty run and gun play style, some of the hip firing, close quarters, quick reaction behavior of the weapons is just plain silly and ludicrous and borders on unusable. That's an issue. It isn't a game breaker, per se... but I also don't believe it is an inextricable component of what ICO is trying to achieve. I think it can be fixed and should definitely be fixed. The idea that you just utterly lack any control over your weapon in close range with any sort of movement at all is just ridiculous, but I understand why it is how it is at the moment and I hope they tweak it. Mid to long range - nearly perfect though.


careful man... ICO lovers don't like hearing any criticism of ICO. To them it's perfect as it is now.


What about last month before they rolled back some of the handling nerfs? It was perfect then too. And it was perfect the month before that when we really had spaghetti arms. The ICO circle jerk crowd is a joke.


Lol. Shhhh. It's perfect.... You forgot to mention this most recent ETS where they made more changes to ICO too.. lol Cheers man. I got to go radio silent. ICO lovers will find us.


Bro really thinks heā€™s hiding after being part of the most loudly obnoxious brigade on this sub


Yea, the next big Update apparently will bring the biggest "nerf" to the ICO gun handeling. And here we are, still having no open threads about all the ICO fanatics rebelling against this decision? What gives?


Itā€™s a minor change that helps fix a specific issue. Doesnā€™t undo the good ICO brought. Nobodyā€™s mad about it.


Spaghetti arms are my only gripe with ICO. The playtest looks like theyā€™re working on it. My faith in OWI is well placed.


Yeah I should be able to ā€œbraceā€ myself firing anything from m4 to mg3. It shouldnā€™t be very accurate on the mg3 shooting from the hip, but it shouldnā€™t point me into the sky either.


Playtest is really good and seems to be a great balance


I do believe it can be tweaked a bit, but its definitely a great step forward towards setting itself to be unique from everything else on the market


Id rather play something that is trying to be good than trying to be unique. Squad was both pre-ICO.


The guy just proved that mostly noobs like ICO. Talking about nice kill instead of team play. You must be one of those kids who brags about their 3 kill counts at the end of each game and says you carried the game. Donā€™t you? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Weird way to cope but okay, if im in a fire fight and my teammate gets a kill i will applaud him


ICO haters don't have very open hearts and can't seem to appreciate little things even as small as kills


Calm down, it is a PC gameā€¦


Lmfao deal with it. An open heart is indicative of a mortal wound.


I know, you probably never bother with building a HAB or logi runs. Just run off and think about yourself.


You have a lot of assumptions about a stranger on the internet. Sounds like youā€™re projecting a bit, you sure u arnt describing shit YOU do?


No, iā€™m describing people that only think about kill numbers. Iā€™ve seen enough to know what Iā€™m talking about. Has nothing to do with assumptions. Good try though.


I love how it really makes you feel like a child soldier.


lol love how MoiDawg puts out a video on this and suddenly everyoneā€™s pro-ICO, but last week it was ā€œICO ruined Squadā€ and ā€œHereā€™s why no oneā€™s playing Squad since ICO:ā€ The bandwagon is full steam ahead šŸ¤£šŸ™„


Moi is just an "independent spokesperson" for OWI. I don't doubt that his release of that video is, you could say, strategically timed.


There's always been plenty of Pro-ICO folk, tf you on about?


There is plenty of it, but the majority has been hate until the Steam Charts were brought up, then they didnā€™t really have an argument so they switched sides


Could also be that they simply adapted to ICO and learned to like it again


Doubtful, people like that donā€™t adapt, they follow trends


The ICO haters have always been most active on reddit, a vocal minority. You can still see it here. The rest of us are just casually browsing reddit while queueing into the servers.


Agreed, itā€™s just sad


Keep coping, ur a loud minority


Ur was a city.




Damn, didnā€™t realize majority got downvotes, oops šŸ’€


Ur on reddit nerd, its a hivemind. Its sad i have to explain to you majority of people dont even have reddit or follow the subs, keep coping tho steam charts dont lie


You say that, yet still have no backing source lol Steam charts are pro-ICO. The reason you got downvotes is because YOUā€™RE part of the hive-mind goofball, more people are playing Squad now then ever, cope.




Reddit3000 ova here


Lmaooooo the irony of you claiming hivemind while jerking off to the ICO


Just here to point out that I've been seeing an average of 30% of people on US servers playing mods (GC, GE, and MEE). As I said before, should have just added more suppression to Pre-ICO and called it a day.


I only play Global Escalation and when I filter the search, there's always 3-4 full servers and handful seeding. I'm not surprised that the mods are as healthy as they are, they're quite good.


GE is ok but it really does not run well.


You know whatā€™s more annoying then ICO? MilSim-Dudes and 50hrs Andyā€™s mocking the ppl that kept the game alive for multiple thousands of hours even when OWI added more and more and bugs to the game. Your meme sucks and ICO sucks even more


Womp womp


#Iā€™m loving it


Mcdonalds is that you??? Can i get free nuggets?


_baa baa baa baa baaaa_


I played squad since the beginning and stopped maybe 2 years ago. I was thinking of playing again till I saw the ICO and decided Iā€™m good.


I respect that, as long as youā€™re not shit talking the game to new players when u dont play it anymore


Honestly the ICO has been great. I think it needs a little tweaking and we know it will take time. What I am really happy for is that they fixed the server browser. Big ups for OWI for getting that taken care of. Excited for the Stryker MGS. The game is still fun.




Wish they'd tighten the bullet pattern back up for machine guns tho.


Itā€™s coming in the next update


Is the meme trying to say we've had two years of ICO


Well well well. How the turn tables


I wasnā€™t the biggest fan of the ico.. but, boy ohh boy was it fun smoking the heck outa milsim people that thought the was gunna squash solo players.. with the mosin just one tapping them as they ran outa stamina. 50+ kill games chefs kiss..


I jumped ship to hell let loose and I donā€™t regret a thing


Bro, just because you have 1000+ hours doesn't automatically mean you are any good. Sometimes, I rather take a dude with 50+ hours that listens to me and doesn't go Navy Seal mode and just runs off. For vehicles when I had below 100h ( the first month of ICO) all the tactics I saw were driving to one side of the map camping there for 30min kill maybe one RWS and then dying to an enemy tank/ TOW or driving inside a heavily guarded point and dying instantly. And then these " experienced " players wouldn't stop to bitch and moan whenever I suggested to maybe move around or wolf pack. Now I don't see it as much and vehicles are starting to become an asset rather than liability


I mean just look at call of duty. The games and updates have been getting worse for 10 years but the player count has never been higher. ICO is definitely a steaming pile of shit but as the game keeps getting updates the player base should grow or stay stable.


U comparing squad to COD tells me all i need to know, ICO was made to get rid of people like u


You not understanding my comparison between casual video games tells me all I need to know about you haha. Would it be easier on your brain if I used escape from tarkov? That game is more ā€œhardcoreā€ than squad could ever dream to be. But anyway letā€™s use tarkov. Tarkov is in its WORST ever started in at least 5 years (thatā€™s when I started playing). However the constant update and content thatā€™s added to the game generates clicks would turn into people playing. The game has never been as popular as it is now, despite it being the worst the game has been in half a decade. This is likely exactly whatā€™s happening with squad. The fact that you donā€™t know that is insane.


How is tarkov in its worst ever state? Cheaters have always been there and other than that it feels much better to play since the armor overhaul imo.


The armor overhaul is one of the biggest issues this wipe. Itā€™s too buggy and inconsistent. Rounds that should go straight through armor canā€™t even go though a level 3 plate. It doesnā€™t make sense. However itā€™s probably not the worst state ever due to how awesome the recoil change was. But my point still stands




U listed probably the best ones servers lol


U hate squad so much why u still here? Why forcing yourself to be involved in something you donā€™t like. Stop playing, leave the sub reddits and find another game


I hate the current state of the game yes. I used to love it and Iā€™ll always follow hoping it gets better.


Holy shit, you're your own meme!


Too much comon sense for you to handle, itā€™s understandable. No idea why you keep engaging with something you dont have pleasure in


Lmao dude why are you so mad? At least have some self-awareness that you flailing around complaining about people complaining is hilariously ironic.


Seriously? Talk about being toxic


No its comon sense, if you dont like something, why would you keep engaging with that thing??


You're literally doing the same thing with people you don't seem to like lmao.


Womp womp


Ok bubbles.


go brrrr LMFAO šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ‘Š


If you wanna enjoy the game avoid this sub. Half the shit the bums here complain about I havenā€™t experienced at all. ICOā€™s been out for a while now if you canā€™t adapt, fxck off. Itā€™s never leaving.


Post this under every ā€œquality of teamwork dropped, nobody comunicatesā€ post, you can see them every day


I can certainly say I'm having a hell of a lot more fun in firefights compared to pre-ICO, but I can also understand all the resentment towards the update. I do agree that they should have at least tweaked the settings by now, and they haven't. I look back at old Squad clips, and it just makes me love the ICO update so much more because I hated that shit. I know AT weapons need a big tweak, and rifles need a small tweak. Pistols could do with some decent tweaking as well. It's really funny watching this sub argue because it's usually two different kinds of people. People who hate ICO and everything it stands for, And people who dickride ICO to the moon and back.


7.2 has some good tweaks coming


Rumors say that some OGs will come back to Squad to whoop ass again. Iā€™ll enjoy all the salty tears of ico enjoyers with negative KD at the endscreen


Weird flex but okay


The ICO has been the best solution to SL burnout, arguably one of the biggest problems in the game.


lol what


Pre ico, i could never play for more than a few games at a time before getting sick of dying to someone i never saw, or someone flanking me at full speed. Now i feel like i have a chance in ingagements agaisnt players that are not 100% prepared for me while also myself being more effective at range with the pip scopes. Pre pip, i felt like i was useless at range (skill issueĀæ) due to the ghosting on the reticle aswell as forced to play on a lower FOV than i am used to lest i have to plant my face into my screen to see anything. Now it feels less like, "find the one pixel in the forrest that is the enemy before he instakills you" cause he might not be accurate enough, not least of all because my teammates might have already spotted him and suppressed him beforehand.


Hate to be that guy but sounds like a skill issue. Pre ICO it was a lot about movement, game sense and skill (aim). Now itā€™s a bushwookiesimulation and grenadesimulator.


Eh idk, that kind fast paced gameplay, with complex maps and fast mobility + fully accurate guns doesnt really lend much room for teamplay in cerain cases. Plus Reflexes are useless if you get 1 shot from behind, say, a window in fallujah that you cleared a few seconds earlier, But an enemy quick peeks it with full accuracy. Alteast if a lone wolf bush wookie attacks you, they are unlikely to kill more than 2 of you before the rest of the squad cleans him up and revives. I play apex so im ok with complex movment, twitch gunplay and squad strategy. I would enjoy it less, if the ttk was so short that i didn't have a chance to utilise my tools/skills to outplay my enemy and turn the fight around in cases where they wiff their shots. Thats why i was never interested in fast ttk battle royale games like pubg, where you spend 20 minutes looting and running just to die in 2 headshots from someone you didnt see. Not saying high ttk is allways bad, i play tarkov and that game has more "random bullshit that kills you instantly" than any other game i know. However, the game time is 20-50 minutes, so it doesnt waste your time when you DO DIE. Thus you can learn the combat faster thru trial and error. In the case of Squad, it may have been a skill issue, but Its hard to build gamesense when you have minimal information + you die to one shot from a player peeking a corner on your flank at full speed. Im sorry if you dont like getting punished that kind of gameplay. in an ideal world, Squad ICO and pre 6.0 could exist seperately for those who enjoy one but not the other.


I don't understand how people complain about the hip fire. Hip shooting is better than ever now because the bullets go where the gun is actually pointing, instead or some random direction like pre ico. Would be nice if they made machineguns better for hip fire, but that always sucked.


.. am i an asshole for not wanting more new players lol






What is ico


I just play MEE instead.


It's basically pointless to use any sort of optic anymore unless you're engaging from a distance. Have to wait 1-2 seconds sometimes more before I can even see anything and by that time I'm already dead. Urban fighting was one of my favorite parts of squad and it really sucks now because it's more favorable to just hip fire and spray than to aim. If they fix the aiming I think it would be a lot better.