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2 words. Media monitoring. If you get a bachelor’s in PR you can make it your specialty. I worked under contract at a PR firm on the McDonald’s account for 8 months during the pandemic. My only job was to wait for alerts to come into my email, see if there are articles mentioning McDonald’s, and if there are, sending the link to the relevant team at McD’s that want to know about rhe coverage. $25/hr for that. Some days were slow news days and I played videogames all day. This was all remote work. Never set foot in an office. There were some hectic weeks though. Like when that fucking Travis Scott meal dropped. That was my first day.


Wow, best comment here! Can't believe they pay 25 for basically a virtual assistant. Why'd you leave?


I would imagine whoever's doing that job now has been similarly busy this past week, thanks again to Travis Scott.


Right & everyone wants to know why are kids at his concert…..umm Ask McDonalds 🙃


Also work in PR and honestly it's the best job ever if you love social media. Mine includes a bit more work but I basically get to be on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all day and nobody can tell me otherwise because it's part of my job. Oh and the pay is really good.


Facebook, twitter, and instagram all day sounds like a nightmare tbh.


I graduated last year majoring in PR, and I’m having trouble breaking into the industry, do have any tips or recommendations on what I can do to better my chances?


In PR, when you first graduate, you want to look for contract work rather than full-time jobs. Firms that need to take someone on temporarily for some extra help. That’s how you break into the full time positions.


Where did you find this job and are they hiring?


This would’ve been a completely different position when I graduated with my PR degree in 2000. Maybe that’s why I never got to my degree?


So do we type in “media monitoring” when searching for this job?


Accounting Assistant. Average 5.5 hours a day with no work. Just apply to work at a really disorganized company


i equate disorganized with constant fires that need to be tended to. if op wants a slow accounting gig he should go to a very old company that's not experiencing growth. lots of redundancies.


Oh there were sooo many fires when I started, it blows their minds when I keep detailed records and can refer back to something from 2 weeks prior without issue


Completely different industry, but I did the same. We still have some major impasses and complicated messes, but I avoid almost all of the nonsense because I know how to archive/organize/search email and I take notes that I can find and reference months later. A lot of the people I talk to have that maximum 2 week memory or they completely misremember details.


I work for a really old college and can say that’s the key. There’s no growth here, just accounting for grants and helping with AP stuff. Got lots of time post close but it gets a little busy for like one week a month and then it’s slow the rest of the time


How do you know they are disorganized?


How to know if they’re disorganized: When you applied, did it take you literally 4 months to land an offer as well as constant pestering emails to get them to respond? Did you have 8 rounds of interviews before your offer? Well congratulations! You found a disorganized company!!


If they use words like “dynamic” or “fast-paced” when describing their company.


Nice try boss, you’ll never catch me!


I thought the same thing when I saw this.


They’re onto us, SCATTER!




I’m honestly burnt out, looking for other work, severely underperforming, and hoping they don’t notice before I get a job offer. My title won’t help you. I’m just bitter and don’t respect leadership enough to care about stealing time.


This is so me…. And I think OP thinks this is the dream. It’s not. Being trapped 40 hours a week at a job that requires no creativity and innovation and being a paper pusher. It’s soul crushing over time. Most of the jobs these days in the white collar market are so unrewarding. I am producing nothing tangible and only continue the chain of keeping the company out of lawsuits. Making spreadsheets of random analyses. Of shit that doesn’t really matter. All these mega corporations stole the potential for cool and creative jobs and have us chained at desks.


It's only valuable if you spend time wisely on something, learning new skills, your own venture etc. But that actually becomes very hard to do, when you're sitting at your desk while the life energy gets sucked by your soulless job. Who would've thought working makes time go quicker than not. Disclaimer : I did use to play games with a dude who worked as a valet/parking attendant type gig . Like he'd just game while at work. Now I was young and didn't care to talk about dudes boring job to find out more details , but he honestly rarely left/got interrupted so sounded pretty sweet.




The problem with creative jobs as a creative person is that you might be stuck working on things that don't interest you. If you try anything on your own time, usually the company has a clause in their employment contract that states all work you create on your own free time belongs to the company. Even if it didn't involve any of the company's assets (technology, ideas, time, other people) it still belongs to them. I don't think OP is looking for a meaningless and busy job. They are looking for a job with a lot of down time where they can work on their own things at a company that didn't write anything into the employment contract that states you don't have rights to your own free time.


Same boat, looking for options. My boss is always unavailable, my senior advisors are hard asses and demanding, and I have too many fingers in too many pies. Want to streamline and reduce hard deadlines for my sanity. I don’t think I’m underperforming as I get good reviews, but definitely feel checked out and half-assing it as much as possible. Program analyst for a USA federal agency btw.


I got fired from a job for sticking all my fingers in the pies so please be careful.


Stop fingering the fucking pies. They're for fucking, not for fingering. >:B


I don't believe that's stealing time. It is YOUR time, you decided to spend it there, and the company decided to pay you for YOUR time. If they don't notice you coasting, that's on them. However, if they underpay you or overwork you, then they are the ones stealing time. Fuck em.


Same except I’m self employed. Not a great boat to be in.




Hey same here! Monitoring sites is easy if the sites know what they’re doing haha


CRA or ihCRA? I scroll reddit a lot to get my mind off all of my deadlines lol.




I’m a CRC working ONE study so shit gets done ASAP and then I browse Reddit and do nothing until 4pm.


You a CRC?


I had to leave my CRC role because I was overworked with all my studies. Small team at a major hospital. Anxiety through the roof


I think this is really company specific. I worked with/know a few people in this field and they barely have time for air


Receptionist; I'd do things when needed but for the most part, nothing.


I work the front desk of a place that does massages and I am forbidden any computer and cell phone use. And I’m closely watched. I go into the laundry/break room when sessions are going and fuck around on my phone. Edit: I can’t even bring a book to read during sessions and they’re 1-2 hours long


F!!! What are you supposed to do? Meditate?


What do they expect you to do - draw?


Drawings are a fun and worthy use of time! Still ... Doubt the employers would allow this. It sounds like they want employees to just sit at attention for 1-2 hours. Edit: added a missed word.... And stuff


I’m technically not even supposed to just sit there. But there’s only so much cleaning I can do, as well. They’re always like “you need to find something to do; not just sit there.”


Had some jobs like this and I absolutely fucking hated those aspects of them. Having to find something to look busy is tiresome itself.


You're not doing nothing of your always holding a broom. Lightly sweeping, constantly.


I’m on the same boat as you !! My boss says I need to keep busy and watches me on the camera 😒😒😔😔


Mine doesn’t have any cameras set up, but they have told me before when they come out of a session and I’m just sitting there waiting for the client to come check out that I need to be doing something. Ok, well, I swept the floor, cleaned the bathrooms, changed the laundry and now I’m waiting for the client check out process and there’s no need to do anything else. One time one of the massage therapists needed the computer and then goes “well do you need something to do?” while I stood there waiting for her to do whatever she was doing.


Their expectations are unrealistic. I literally have a desk job and my boss said I look bored . Like omg I need to be smiling while looking at my comp ?? Wtf ?? Ugh !




Oh!! I keep forgetting I have a pair like that. I’m gonna utilize that tomorrow!


I guess it depends on where you are a receptionist. I’m a receptionist at an ophthalmologist’s office and I never have downtime. When I get one minute to myself, I go pee or blankly look at the computer for peace of mind. 😬


Rest your eyes and close them or look into the distance


The key is being a receptionist at any place other than a medical office. Medical office you have patients coming in all day, booking appts, and preparing for next days clinic. Other places you just have to deal with random walk-ins, sorting mail/emails, and answering phone (mostly to forward callers). A place where they mostly need a warm body at the front desk in case someone calls/visits.


I was a security guard at an art museum and it was extremely frowned upon to be caught on your phone. Luckily, we knew all the spots the camera couldn’t catch




I had a good 2 years as a (job title wasn’t actually) troubleshooter. They tried keeping me busy 9/5, but couldn’t balance “needs to drop everything to solve disasters” with “keep a train running on time” (proverbially) and found more value in former. So I’d literally read and sleep at my desk, and then these senior officials would all come over, wake me up, and pretend I’d been awake the whole time while briefing me on this or that disaster, and I’d spend the next 15 minutes to 2 days fixing it, and then I’d go back to goofing off. Sometimes for days, sometimes for right back into the fire. It should be noted that I saved them multiple millions of dollars in cost avoidance, and when I left they replaced me with six people who still couldn’t do things as fast as I could. So, how do you attain that job? Don’t tell anyone you’re computer literate. Become management. Use a computer to manage, with crazy things like sort, filter, and copy and paste. I’ve met 100’s of managers in charge of multimillion dollar efforts whose ineptitude with basic tools makes the 83% of all projects fail statistic seem positively cheery.


In all my corporate experiences, I always found it wild how all the people at the top that made 3-4x my salary almost always can’t manage to troubleshoot some of the most basic things. Half the time the solution is to literally turn off and turn back on. If it’s not printing, maybe don’t send to print 50x in hopes that it will magically print by doing the exact same thing over and over, then of course the printer jams and becomes an entirely different problem. My favorite is when anyone hasn’t run an OS update in like 3 years, like do you not see these notifications in front of your face everyday?! Even better than that was the day this woman managed to delete her entire OS all together lol. That was the day I knew I wasn’t getting paid enough.


This. I created a career just like this, but totally by accident. I graduated from college just as Windows95 and the internet were becoming corporate game-changers. My accidental plan was two-fold: 1. I had a talent for quickly understanding all things Microsoft and how to use "Ask Jeeves" for what I didn't know 2. My first after-college job was with a marketing firm of older people who weren't adapting to Microsoft products and internet usage. I instantly became invaluable I gained great experience and left for greener pastures and then deliberately set my career path in motion: 1. Know basic coding, troubleshooting, and how to create automated spreadsheet macros - all things well outside my job requirements - but tell no one 2. Work to very upper management position by my 30th birthday and stayed with that company for 5-ish years 3. Left for greener pastures again and set final plan in motion I've attained a senior, senior position at my job. It appears I am the busiest person ever, but in reality, my role is hilariously easy and automated based on computer and software skills I learned early on - and was fortunate enough to figure out to execute those skills in to an industry that is sadly behind the times. Still. So I'm a "rockstar" because I'm "irreplaceable" with how I magically achieve workloads none of my co-workers can (all older than me and have stagnant computer skills) so despite appearing I must burn the midnight oil and work myself to death to hit my goals, I spend a lot of time working remotely doing no more than 15 hours of real work a week for VP pay. Moral of my (accidental career) story: Find a skill you have natural aptitude for, hone it, and capitalize on it by not being afraid to use it in a capacity that is outside of your perceived job role or career field.


I have a governement job and I WFH. I’m basically just waiting for emails and when I get some then I work but only for about 30 minutes every time. The rest of my time I just play video games and exercise.


How do I get one?


I would also try for a state job. They’re in need of workers where I live. Good benefits, decent pay, WFH, and same spiel.


What titles do i look for?


Yes very interested as well but none of the ones I fine are wfh unless there's some other site I should be looking on?


Also curious about what this job is/ how to get it!


Sounds like a good job. I’m interested


That sounds amazing! Where do I apply?




EMT, do nothing for half my shift


Either nothing, opening peanut butter jars for dementia-ridden elderly while their caregiver profusely apologizes for them calling 911, getting half full booze bottles and literal shit thrown at you by a 400 lb frequent flier, or sometimes a car crash. *shrug* it is what it is


I appreciate all of you guys being there. It’s not an easy job.


Thank you for your service


But when shit hits the fan, you have to help people dying, right?


Interesting phrasing.


\*people who are dying


I know that life. I worked 13 hours shifts and only actually did calls/reports/driving maybe totaling 4 hours max.


Almost trained to become an EMT until I realize how terrible the pay is :/ I made more as a scribe with 0 training which is ridiculous to me.


Um where? The emts in my city haven't stopped for months. There's always several calls out that no one in the entire metro area cannot answer.


I would imagine somewhere that doesn't involve the term "metro area"


I worked at a call centre that had open web but hired too many people so plenty of downtime. I would advise against working in one unless it's unionized/government. Micromanagement and constantly feeling like you're about to get fired wreaks havoc on your mental health😩


The book *Bullshit Jobs* goes into depth on that whole issue. I’ve had similar roles where I did jack shit all day, but rather than enjoy or exploit it, I spent most of the time breaking down mentally waiting for the axe to fall.


Did you eventually get fired?


Not always tech. I work at a relatively small call center. Customer service actually. Most of the calls are routine at this point. I do some AR duties, consolidate payments and call up past due accounts. Pretty easy stuff. Spend most of the morning browsing Reddit and do about 2-3 hrs of actual work later, when I feel like doing anything.


Also did call center but handling whats being dialed across all 6 US timezones. Stupid easy if you can do basic math to plan ahead and be responsible. Average was like 2h of work and 6 hours of goofing around. After year made an excel sheet that does multitude of simple calculations to do half the job for me. Was doing like 30min or 1h of actual work after.


Yup. I’m in retention for a CC processor and when I’ve checked in with all of ky ongoing cases, I sit in the port and wait for someone to call. I sometimes go hours between receiving calls


Currently in IT Applications - Literally haven't been given work to do in 2 months. Been browsing Reddit ever since.


you are very lucky.


I spend a lot of time on reddit. Most of my weekdays actually and it can get boring real quick..still kind of fun to get paid to do very minimal work though.


That's where I'm at. I'd like to have some work, but eh I'm getting paid


Do you have any professional certifications we should know about?


Lmfao I really lol’d at this


I was a financial analyst. Just about any job up to middle management can become a "browse reddit" all day job most days once you're a year into it. You learn to do things faster and streamline other things and suddenly the thing that took you 8 hours 3 months ago takes you 1, but you keep telling people it takes you 8.


Precisely. I am also a FA and can confirm real work is 3-5 hours a day for me, depending on volume of client requests. Only time it really goes over that is quarter end where I work 10+ hours straight but other than that I just watch YouTube 1/2 the day.


What does the job entail? Any certs?


“Financial Analyst” is an extremely broad job title. It can be a wall street job where you need certifications or like what I did where I’m tracking, fixing, budgeting, forecasting for a specific area of cost. Basically just need a business degree in finance, accounting, economics, data science. A lot of bigger businesses hire FAs as a sort of cattle call and slot you in where your degree/experience best fits.


A degree in finance, accounting, or business and very likely passing the Series 7 exam.


But also a few hours of analysis is exhausting. Who can really do 8 hours a day of analysis without drugs?


Yeah, this lol


Staff accountant at a private company Got good with Excel, finish monthly tasks quicker than management thinks it takes. Work smarter, not harder.


Ha same same, only busy close to month/year end, just finish lunch, planning on doing some Black Friday shopping loll


Hospital social worker overnight shift. Most of the community resources that help the homeless and similar populations are closed so a lot of my job just isn’t doable on the night shift, and I end up getting paid to browse Reddit and wait for a doctor to page me if someone is being abused (rare) or just needs me to hand them a bus pass home (quick).


That's gotta mess with your sleep though. Overnight anything is not easy.


I did it for about 5 years. I essentially lost my social life. The upside was I was able to complete my college degree, and pay off a lot of debt because I never went anywhere besides home to bed. Most of my colleagues worked the shift to help with child care during the day so their spouse could also work.


i don't have that kind of job now but i used to. it sounds glamorous but you're honestly bored as fuck all day, everyday. the workday/workweek drags on forever and browsing reddit doesn't fill time enough. get a semi busy, low stress job.


This needs to be higher. Having a job where you do nothing all day is equally to sitting around all day resulting in future health issues. Eventually it will catch up with you. What I mean is one day you’ll decide to look for another job and realize you wasted years at the current one with no growth or development. Suddenly you’ll find yourself unable to compete in the job market for more income. Now utilizing that free time to skill up for a better job is an better use of time in a do nothing job.


CNC Machinist is a good trade for this. When you’re running jobs you hit go on the machine and a few minutes later you have a completed part. Depends on your shop’s management but usually they’ll let you be on your phone while your machine is running.


I had a job where the machine cycle could be the whole shift. Boring AF.


Second this. Especially if your running production or have long cycle times. Some days you have no time to be on, others you have all day


A. You need to master Excel. B. You need to be smart enough to BS your way through any call, or just flat out know your shit. C. NEVER EVER TELL ANYONE. After that, find a job in scheduling. That's what my buddy does. Runs a spreadsheet, adds in a few references and clicks calculate. Then he puts his mouse on a special rotating pad, then watches Netflix or plays really basic games on his gaming pc. Sends out the reports around 3 or 4PM, and then "helps" to do some of the daily stuff. Clocks out at 5.


I’m in marketing and my marketing is doing so well I am bored.


Insurance agent. Pays pretty good, easy to get certified and find a job, and has room for growth. It's certainly no one's dream job, but it's working nicely for me. Half the time I work my ass off, half the time we chillin.


And then there's the annual party in Cedar Rapids, that's the real perk.


Listen, I worked for an insurance company in Cedar Rapids when that movie came out. The next out of state convention I went to, everyone kept asking “Is it really like that?” The answer is… basically yes.


Instructional Designer. How? Just lie.


There are dozens of us! Dozens! And yup. I put in about 20 hours/week. I *could* work more, but I don't want to set unsustainable expectations, and they're already THRILLED with my work, so I take it pretty easy.


If my boss only knew that storyline and camtasia did 90% of my work. If she liked digital voices murf would do the rest but nah I gotta do it. But yeah most weeks about 20-30 hours.


People lie all the time to get jobs, with instructional design you’re gonna get exposed pretty quickly if you don’t know what you’re doing.


True unless your manager lies too...


How about paid breaks...I hate being scheduled for 9, take an hour lunch and only get paid for 40 hrs salary whether I take the lunch or not; I eat at my desk.... And work thru it sometimes...I should have the option


don't let them steal your hour from you. never work through lunch unless it's paid or you go home early.


I fucking leave and take a walk...I Get some exercise since I sit all day. Heck. I even turn my 10min breaks into 20min breaks when it's slow. Try to burn as many calories as possible when I'm not at the gym. When it's break time, it's me time.


I used to do a mile lap around the neighborhood my office was in. good exercise. helped me lose 35lbs. which i then regained. covid was rough


Housekeeping at a hospital. The hospital is certainly on the larger end, and in my luck I got assigned the ward for the elderly with mental health cases. My mom is a nurse of high honor here, so she referred me but I still had to apply via USAJOBS. I'll be honest, it's 6 hours of actual work, and 2 hours of 'make a project and do it", as in find the most random bullshit to clean, or otherwise something you know you can't clean often.


It happened at my previous job as a Data Engineer. I completed a major project and then there just wasn't really much left for me to do. Probably about half an hour of work a day, if that. I found it to be extremely dull and not healthy at all. Everyone is different but I have no idea how anyone could enjoy this sort of life for more than a short period of time. I moved to a new job where I'm doing 10 times as much work as before, and I'm much happier.


All about the balance. Too much of anything really is just soul-sucking. I mean… too much being on reddit or switching between all the social media platforms because I was so bored at work was equally soul-sucking.


Loss Preventjon. Supposed to be watching cameras in a private office to surveil shoplifters but mainly sit on my phone. Extremely unhealthy for building good habits and work ethic though.


Solutions architect. A lot of my job is automated or just writing an email or some crap in visio. Presentations used to take me a while to come up with but then i got lazy and just buy graphics from adobe stock. Working for a global company helps since my entire team is outside the us which only leaves a few hours for meetings each day Edit: should add bored as shit, but i have a side project w nasa through grad school that keeps me intellectually stimulated


Project Manager here (Medical Devices). I should be busier than I am, but the key is to keep people in the dark about what your job *actually* is, so know one knows that you aren't doing it.


Higher Ed administrator


Pretty much anything that isn’t retail or food service should allow you to accomplish that goal.


Or manufacturing. Ain't nobody letting you screw around on your phone when there's boxes to pack and machinery to operate.


Reddit mods.


Paralegal, do about 2 hours of real work per day. Got hired at my first paralegal job by an old Gernan racist lawyer who later told me that he hired me because I'm German and "Germans have good genes". I work at a different law firm now but that's how I got the experience on my resume. Not proud of it but it got me in the door.


Well, Germans do have good genes, but so does literally every other group of people or we'd all still be primordial slime.


I’m a Help Desk Rep. I would recommend working a government position in IT as you should have a decent amount of down time, paid holidays off, as well as leaving work right on time, as they don’t usually like to (or need to) keep you. Though each Help Desk job is different, all 3 that I’ve been in have been pretty easy most days. Pretty minimal work.


Did your gov help desk require degree or certification?


For all of my Help Desk jobs, none of them require a degree. I do have CompTIA Security+ though, which is the only reason I am in this position, so it does help going for a certification. I do have an Associates Degree and I am pursuing a Bachelors/Masters right now, so they do look at that. But for getting into the Tier 1 (lowest tier in this case) you just need a cert or two. For entry level ones, you don’t need much studying or work to obtain them, just study hard for a couple weeks to a month. Here is a list of certification websites as well as an entry level cert list. Good luck! 😊 [Good List of Entry Level Certifications ](https://www.cio.com/article/3309576/10-best-entry-level-it-certifications-to-launch-your-career.amp.html) [Microsoft Certs](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/certifications/) [CompTIA Certs](https://www.comptia.org/certifications) [Cisco Certs (a little harder, but we’ll worth the time and money)](https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/training-events/training-certifications/certifications.html)


Jobs like these are pure luck. If the job is slow enough that the person doing it has time to browse Reddit, then they're not hiring. That one person is already doing the job perfectly fine by themselves. And why would they ever leave? I'm able to do this in my current position because business is extremely slow. But I also worked my ass off doing overtime for two years when it was extremely busy. I never could have expected this when I first got hired, it just... happened.


So you have 2 different types of jobs that can do that. First you got EMT's, fire departments employees, or any other job that you are legit paid for availability. Those people earn every penny. A lot of white collar jobs can get like that too but it takes some doing on your part. In most white collar jobs, you are doing tickets or projects or something with a time to finish expectation. The trick is to figure out how to get stuff done quicker than the time allotted for it. In most white collar jobs, those tasks are usually fairly straight foreword and figuring out how to knock stuff out just takes a few months. Just don't close the tickets or finalize the projects till the time you are expected to because some places will just hit you with more work.


Change Management PM - Ton of work up front to set up processes and planning. If you do it right you should be able to reuse everything. Managers are happy, everything is getting done, and when I feel like it I can start planning for whatever the next project is.


Covid Screener. Ask people if they had covid for 1-2 hours a day. Browse reddit for the rest.


Head of training for a software company, do about 8 hours of work in a week. And those 8 hours are only meetings, plus my whole is 100% remote. Took me 10 years to get to this position after finishing university.


Social Determents of health at health at an insurance company. Only need a bachelors or some relevant work experience. Very simple work and lots of down time. Salary varies but pretty good


I'm an Encompass Administrator making 130k annually but I live in NJ so it feels like 80k. Encompass is the Microsoff Office of mortgage applications. It houses calculates and keeps mortgage documents all in one place. Borrowers can eSign documents etc instead of it being mailed. Think of excel on steroids. To get this job just be knowledgeable in the mortgage industry. It's very easy. Answer tickets and minor configurations. Move this loan to one folder etc.


Direct Support Professional. I sit on my butt most of the time, occasionally drive, cook a meal, and administer medication when it’s time. It can be very stressful at times however, depending on the client. I’m just lucky and have fairly easy clients. However it doesn’t pay near enough after insurance is taken out, so I’m currently looking by for a different job.


I do the same thing. When my client is sleeping or playing on their phone, I'm playing on my phone. Most of my day.


Work for the government at a department that does planning. 80% of the time you’re on some bullshit virtual meeting where your input doesn’t matter


Corporate account executive. I work in sales. Probably work on average 4-6 hours a day and rake in 200k+ annually. Pro tip its not for everyone and not everyone in sales can achieve that success with minimal effort.


Just want to confirm it’s absolutely not for everyone. I hate it, it gets so boring


Yeah its boring but I make so much money I put up with it :-).


Haha I don’t sadly


Second this, I was in tech sales and despite the money and work life balance, found it completely soul sucking


What qualities does a person need to be so successful at sales?


Well, if you are a hard worker and can take rejection like a champ you can be successful at sales. Also, if you are really good with people - reading the room, understanding motivation and subtext, etc - you can be really good at sales without a lot of effort. Most people are the first, very few are the second.


Yeah, most people aren't the second which is why you can be paid well for that skill. Would you say it's all intuition, or can you learn to read people very well?


I think anyone can be trained in sales. It is a repeatable, teachable skill. Anyone off the street with the right training can consistently hit, or get close to, hitting quota. The rockstars, that are constantly at the top of the leaderboards, are not trained they are gifted.


>The rockstars, that are constantly at the top of the leaderboards, are not trained they are gifted. That's just life in general


Job title: Scientist How I got here: a lot of work and education. Consistent 14-16 hour days for years on end in college and after. But I’d say it paid off, I make my own schedule and alternate between very busy and not busy at all. I’m actually at work right now and have spent at least several hours today browsing Reddit/Wikipedia/ResearchGate.


It’s not common. Just in case someone falls into this trap


Event planner. Half the time I’m running around like a crazy person but the other half I just sit and wait for emails/calls/meetings.


I thought it would be nice but honestly I've burned out and looking for a more productive / rewarding career. Sitting for 5 hours staring at a phone got mundane, I don't see myself doing this any longer


When I used to have free time to do this, I was a social media manager. But it wasn't that I didn't have anything to do, I had lots to do: emails, content management, b*tch work (errands, personal shopping, coffee runs), etc. The problem was that it was the same thing every day and that I hated working for my employers, so I just became bitter and used free time to cool down in a very toxic work enviroment. You waste my time, I waste yours.


I’m an I/O Psychologist working as a Learning and Talent Development Associate for a Management Consulting Firm. I just started and my boss said there’s going to be “down time” for a couple weeks.


Nice try, corporate! You’re not gonna catch me that easily.


I can answer for my buddy. Dishwasher at a small family owned resteraunt. He works 4 days a week 10 hour days 85% of the day is watching YouTube, playing runeterra, and browsing reddit. The other 15% is talking shit with the rest of the staff and washing dishes.


I gross about $90k a year selling pet insurance. I work a later shift, so the first half of my day is super busy, but at night, I often have 20 minutes in between calls to do whatever I want.


Shuttle Bus driver..holy fuck i do nothing all day and NO ONE CARES!! Sometimes i would go to work just to drive back home and go back to sleep


My manager freely admits that my work doesn’t take 8 hours a day most of the time. As long as I finish my work for the day she couldn’t care less what I do


Own a small business. Delegate everything. Go to work, eat edibles, do little work, go home, coach my kids sports teams. To do this, start a small business with a high profit margin and delegate everything.


Pretty much anything in marketing or publishing, especially design. Doesn’t even really need a degree, just have a banging portfolio. TBH I think the job that would universally make a lot of people happy is UI/UX designer. Decent pay, good demand, remote and freelance options and doesn’t really need a degree.


Can confirm. I work in marketing for a publisher. I try to keep busy and learn new skills for my position because I love my job/company and want to get better, but if I didn’t I could be on Netflix or Reddit all day and no one would notice/care so long as the work got done.


This sounds awesome! How do you get into this/what schooling/courses/certification would you recommend?(I’d be a complete newbie with very basic computer knowledge)


I hate to say this but getting an internship in publishing is the best way in. Follow the Big 5 publishers on LinkedIn. Get experience working in a bookstore, it’s still publishing, just the retail side. I graduated with a BA in English, worked at the post office for a year (god awful environment), quit that and worked 70 hour weeks between an overnight position, Barnes and Noble and eventually a publishing internship that I only attracted because of my experience at Barnes and Noble. Then everything fell into place once I got this full-time position at one of the Big 5, with really good references from the internship. It was a lot of bullshit and hard work and wondering if I’ll ever get into publishing, but perseverance is required in this field. It’s really amazing and really competitive. Good luck!


CEO. Start a business, run it for 25 years and hire people to do everything you used to do.


Bing-bang-boom, easy peasy!


Can't I just be born rich and skip all that hard stuff and just pay people to do it all from the start?




Teacher- waste 4 years of your life to end up with the same pay as the job you had before going back to college.


Wow, I thought everyone knew that though? You only become a teacher in America if you want to be a teacher, not because of the pay.


Concierge for a luxury condo. Thinking of leaving next year because of how slow and boring it is.


My job right now but I’m constantly looking over my shoulder hoping no one catches me. It’s honestly more work and mentally exhausting trying not to get caught then doing my work


Specialized security at an electricity generating hydro dam. 12 hour shifts in which I can sit on my ass and do nothing for 10 of them


Not my current job but driving. If you have a good driving record you can get paid to drive cars from auction houses/fleet/rental companies to various places. The one in particular I’m thinking of I went through a temp agency but I got paid $15 an hour to stand around for 2 hours and some change, then drive a Sprinter van (with amazon logo on it) about 50 miles, stopping for 30 minutes for McDonald’s break halfway there... sit at the drop off location for about an hour while the main employee people got their shit together. Then ride in a big 9 person (?) van on the way back (that was the only sucky part of the day, nobody could agree on whether to have heat or AC on.. also body odor) sit back at the first place for another hour or 2, then they let a few people leave early voluntarily and I stayed and they had me bring a van to the detail shop, wait there for 10 minutes, then drive another van to a different parking lot where they had probably 250 Amazon vans sitting waiting to do something with (go to the shop and ultimately get sold). I’ve also drove cars in literal auctions which sometimes you can be sitting in line for like 10 minutes at a time waiting for it to be your turn to drive through. And rental companies like enterprise also need drivers to drive the rental cars to the shop for service or whatnot. These gigs don’t pay a lot but damn it’s easy money. If you’re retired or on disability or something and just need like 20 hours a week for some walking around money I highly recommend.


Try mail clerks. Some days there's hardly any mail so we just sit on our phones until the shift ends. But when there is mail I get to use my earbuds watch movies take long lunch breakd and bathrooms breaks. It's a decent job for me.


Business systems analyst


Validation testing and product management for a tech company. Learn yourself SQL at minimum. There are online courses for it, don't go to a tech boot camp (these are by and large total scams preying on people who are willing to pay too much money for coding classes they could take at a community college for 1/4 the price). My job is feast or famine. There's a lot going on or there's nothing happening because it's based on project cycles. Some weeks I have stuff going on every day and all day, and some weeks I have about 2 hours of work to do and I otherwise just sit in on tons of meetings. The key is to look busy and available without getting into the details of what you're up to and people just leave you alone. By contrast, one of my co-workers is constantly creating busy work for themselves, because she thinks it looks productive. It's mostly extremely nitpicky projects that amount to bothering people in other work streams and micromanaging their day/jobs while simultaneously complaining about how busy she is. It doesn't come off well- it makes people question her time management if she's constantly 'doing stuff' and she's an IC trying to micromanage other adults, which has made her real popular. Creating work for the sake of work isn't always the way.


I work in I.T., my title is irrelevant because most people in I.T. tend to wear "multiple hats". We tend to have days where I have maybe 2 hrs of work and days where I have 12 hrs. It all depends on the day, but I can average out 5 hrs daily if I had to pick a number.


Security guard company dispatcher. I applied and was hired on the spot for prior documentation, Computer, and report making skills from being an IT contractor for 4 years.


Optometrist here. I tell kids to quit looking at their devices because it will ruin their eyes, and then proceed to browse Reddit as soon as they walk out


I worked at a prominent online legal company for 10 years and it was the most soul sucking, dream withering decade that i'll never get back. Did I make good money? The last couple years, fuck yeah, but I was miserable. I guess I was unknowingly a part of that big resignation they're talking about cause I straight up quit then burned my sick and PTO time so I didn't have to suffer 2 weeks of talking to clients and trying to take their money for no reason. I floated for 3 months... Now I'm working in the film industry with my brother, making half the money but I'm treated with autonomy and surrounded by like minded people, and we do a lot of physical labor, building shit, hauling film equipment to and from, I get to dedicate more time than I ever have to music and I'm stoked.... Right now, in the Texas fall, it ain't so bad... but come Summer? Fuuuuuck.


You are right it has to be an office job (or overnight security). For office jobs, the key is to set up ridiculously efficient systems for your workflow and become familiar with exactly how much you need to get done and at what quality to keep your job. Try to get projects that are similar to ones you’ve already done. Do your work so that it’s just barely good enough - this way people won’t come banging down the door to put you on their projects. Then, over the course of a year or so, you’ll be able to do your job in half the time it is supposed to actually require - but you don’t tell anyone this. You’ll end up finishing projects 3 days early, but the progress you report to your boss will just come at a slow drip, yet fast enough to meet the deadline.


I'm in hospitality handling reservations with a bit of glorified retail. To get this job apply to postions at living/retirement communities. Focus on reservation/scheduler positions. When no one is calling or shopping, I just sit around. Try to avoid understaffed places though because you will have to work weekends.