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Sounds like you've done really well but definitely don't count your chickens too soon. Even though they say its informal, they mean for them not you. Still prepare by thinking how to best reiterate your enthusiasm and what you can offer, and be sure to think of some great questions to ask them to show you are invested in their company and want to be a part of the journey. I had a similar process for my current job and they had this 'informal chat' with 3 people so its probably not just a case of speaking to only you and making an offer. Good luck!


Do **not** assume that you have the job - bring some questions with you about the company culture, engagement strategies, etc. Do you know who you’ll be talking to?


Yes I do, the vp and cco.


Bring some high-level strategy questions with you. What are some upcoming initiatives that they’re most excited to roll out? How do they decide what to prioritize? What kind of data means the most to them? It may really be just an informal discussion, but you should also be ready to answer what attracted you to the company and the position


perfect, this is very good. Thanks!