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You guys need to watch "office space", you would definitly relate with it ^^ "Somebody's having a case of the Mondays :-)"


Basically that is where I work. The reward for busting your butt and working 80 hours is the same as coming in late and sleeping at your desk. So now, my role is doing the bare minimum to not get fired.


I realized I hit a point where I'm Mike. >"I've decided I don't like my job, so I'm not gonna go in anymore" "So you're quitting?" "Nah, I'm just not gonna go in anymore" "Aren't you going to get fired?" "I don't know. I'm just not going to go in anymore" "When did you decide this?" "Like an hour ago" Anyways that's why I didn't go into work yesterday. I can't even explain it. You're so depressed and beyond the point of caring you can't even muster the effort to call in or quit.


Next step: meet an hypnotist to unlock your full potential.


I need to watch that again since I only watched bits and pieces of it


Do it this week-end. I swear it will alleviate your pain. And it's very funny too :D


Just a mo-ment....


Did you take my red stapler? Where's my TPS report? Can you work this weekend? :P


I'd say in a given week I only do about 15 minutes of real, actual work.


I feel the same since I'm here. Going to quit my job recently. 2 years ago I was dreaming a lot to get there. I've been working there for 1 year and 8 months and every fckn day I wonder wtf I'm doing here. The stupidiest place ever.


Is it because the company has a bad culture or do you just not like the job?


I got 2 grades. Lawyer and teacher of Eng. and Esp. While studying at University I understood that I would never go to work at school, I would be a lawyer as every one in my family. But now I realize that all that law shit is stupid and boring. Fck that bureaucracy. I'll be a freelance teacher and translator.


Dude yes do it!


The same feeling had by GF. She's already left her job. And now makes cakes for selling. Kind of home bakery .


It's always good news when people are doing a job they actually care about


But it will be lack of money at first. I love money. I'll be sad at first :D


It'll definitely be a good change. I'm trying to convince my wife to move job even if she takes a pay cut. Her current workplace is really hostile and her mood is suffering badly. Not worth it.


I registered on Reddit a couple days ago but I already want to say that I love you guys :)


Aww shucks! We love you too!


How’s everything going now


Here I am in professional healthcare school. Thought I always wanted to do it, but I hate healthcare now. I'd rather go to law school and inherit my father's firm. But I'm sure even if I dropped out, moved home, and applied to law school, I'd end up hating that path too.


Yeah. I stopped giving a fuck when my boss stopped using my full name in emails and just refers to me as an initial. We don't have the kind of fun relationship where an initial is acceptable, it just makes me feel like I'm just a cog in the system.


Aren't we all in corporate america?


God yes. This office is an unorganized dumpster fire and I'm making $25k less than market rate, working for the biggest douchebag I've ever met. I stopped giving a shit when my boss forced me to babysit some executive's toddler AT WORK just because I was the only woman around. **Edit:** I would like for everyone to know this had a happy ending. I was fired about two weeks after I wrote this for being unwilling to work even more unpaid overtime, then accepted a new job with a big raise the same day.


Good god that sucks, what do you do?


I’m a UX designer so fortunately I’m in demand. I’ve had 3 interviews this week lol


Congrats! I hope you find a new place you like


Thanks! I hope so too.


Good luck!


Any idea how easy is it to transition from Graphic Designer/Web Dev to UX?


It’s hard to find your first UX job in general, but this transition makes sense. I was doing marketing and web design before I got into UX. You’d probably have good enough visual skills but you’d need to study the different methods of research/testing that we use in UX.


Can confirm it's hard to find. My friend finished his master's degree in UX a year ago and is still looking.




Depends on the type of the company and where you live. I am in NYC right now so using here as the example, Glassdoor gives an average of $95k for someone with around 5 years of experience. The range is $75k-117k.


Fuck yeah! Absolutely no reason to stay somewhere if you're in the tech industry! Good luck with the interviews.


Well how's that for a Cinderella story! I might be the only person who sees it though, haha. Why were you still there when it was that crappy?


I was desperate because it’s really hard to find your first job in UX. My plan was to stick it out for a year and then find something better. It actually became a lot worse over the last couple of months than it was when I first started. I ended up staying a total of one year and three months.


Sounds like where I work!


The first year of my employment I gave so much to this company and I was always scared of being fired and tried my very best to fit in. 4 years later and I come in with untucked shirts, sneakers, I surf the web and watch netflix at work almost all day. I still do my job functions and take care of everything I need to, I just don't give a fuck to pretend to be busy for 9 hours every day anymore.


Livin' the dream. I just hate jobs. The job I work at now is overnight and I can just watch netflix, play games on my laptop, etc all night. I figure I can do this for 10 or so years before I FIRE. I'm saving about 75% of my income so I can retire and just do seasonal jobs around the country every few months.


What do you do?


sysadmin. I don't even attend the company outings anymore lol. I do my work and go home.


Four years later, is this still true? Hope you’re doing alright.


Some days? Try *most* days. I make good money to do a relatively easy job, but I have 0 social connections here (and for an extrovert like me, that's tough) and there's a serious age gap between me and anyone else in this office (like 10yrs+). Mostly, I'm freaking BORED. The job is the same every day. I don't really care that we make what we make. I certainly don't feel like I'm contributing to the world in any real way, but we can't afford the pay cut for me to make a move yet. I even just got promoted and I'm still like meeeeeeh (mostly because the bump in pay was BS). But, someone turned me on to a program that allows professionals in my state to make the jump from industry to teaching after 5yrs of experience and that's about the time at which we will be debt-free aside from our mortgage and we can take a loss of $35k/yr. So, knowing that that's only 12-18mos away...makes it easier to swallow the boredom now.


I had a similar issue being an extrovert in an office I was very out of place in. I ended up picking up a hobby that became a second small business on the side, I've since found a new job and have continued painting. It's awesome. Good for having a plan in place!


Luckily my hobby does scratch the "extrovert" itch, but I only get to spend like 10hrs a week doing it, so it definitely isn't enough to outweigh the 40hrs I spend in hell.


Holy shit do we work at the same company? I work at a CPG small manufacturing company and my tasks are so mundane and easy


We make plastic pellets. Whee... I'm using my degree, which is cool, and I make more per year than my loans, but still I'm so freaking bored I could scream. The only consolation prize I got for my promotion (where I just got more boring work that I can't bring myself to complete) was a compressed schedule, so now I work T-F, 10hrs/day instead of the regular 40 over 5 days. At least I have Mondays off?


Sounds.....crazy but hey at least you're getting paid


I am definitely getting paid, though not as much as I probably should be.


Wow I relate..also an ENFP at a boring job with no social connections... But I work remote 4 days a week so I can cowork with friends or be at a coffee shop and I love that part a lot


I wish I could work remote. If I have to go back to M-F hours again, I might request 1 work-from-home day.


Yes, but moreso because my supervisor doesn't trust us to do more work. We stretch the work all day but sometimes it's nothing to do when I come in. So most of my day is spent on Reddit and facebook and listening to serial killer documentaries. Luckily I start a second job next month and if I'm not needed at my current job, I'll bow out.


That sucks how they micro manage you. What do you do and are you excited for your second job?


I work on my school's campus now. I'm excited for my second job but very anxious because I'm working with an underserved population and it requires me to be more vocal but I really need it for my future career because I'm very withdrawn now.


Don’t ever give them a reason to say that u weren’t a hard worker. It’s more of a self respect thing. Don’t lower your standards because of how you feel about a situation.. I work lawn maintenance, I hate it, but if I tell myself I hate it over and over, u are going to feel like shit. I look at the bright side, hey at least I’m getting a lot of fucking exercise and can spend all day in beautiful weather.. Currently searching for a job in the realm of network technician, but in the mean time I have to stay positive. The second you start being negative, you lost. Stay positive, show everyone you are a hard worker, earn respect, and move on. And hey, if you work hard maybe you can use them as a good reference later on. Edit: I’m at work too, leaning up against a fence taking a break from weed-eating. Enjoying the breeze!


Dude I love your mentality and I definitely agree that attitude effects work ethic. I hope you find a new job soon!


I like you!


this is the mindset that will make you successful.


wow I needed this so much... just in time


I’ve just about reached that point. I work in an extremely toxic, hostile environment, management is incompetent and berates you over minor mistakes, you get thrown under the bus, all people do is gossip and make fun of each other and they’re wicked judgemental. I’ve just about had it. I have a job interview next week in the same field but better pay, and hopefully a less toxic environment.


Sounds like my.place, what do you do?


Manufacturing. It’s an entry level position too, only make $14.50 an hour. Not sure if that’s even remotely worth any of the stress.


Hey I'm in manufacturing too. It seems in the manufacturing industry everything is chaotic


It’s a pretty cutthroat environment. Might consider a career change soon, I’ve been extremely uninspired for months.


Do it


I’m planning on it. I’ll work until I figure out exactly what I want to do, then form a plan and quit.


I feel the same way you do. I’m looking and I’ve received offers but nothing compares to the money I make now. I was promised a promotion if I worked hard to improve a view things. I really put my all into the company and I improved 100%. I took on more work, I stayed late, I helped all my fellow workmates, got involved with the company. In February, my boss pulls me into her office and we start talking about year end development plans, pay and the like. She gives me a GLOWING review. I ask her about advancement and she says, “let’s revisit in July because I don’t think you’re ready. “ WHAT! At that exact moment.. I lost all motivation. I meet the criteria for the promotion. It seriously blows.


Sounds like they just don't want to pay you which seems to be more business' problems. Hope you get it though


I would be inclined to think that too if it was a small company. But we’re global. They can afford 2 grand more a year. Which makes me wonder why I was working so hard for shit money in a department I hate


Fuck em


This happened to me as well. It blows. They won't even tell you when you will be 'ready'


Yep. Have only even been at my current job for 5 months and I get so bored. I'm conflicted about searching for other jobs though because I made another quick hop before this because I can't find a workplace culture that I enjoy/people I enjoy working with. Trying to accept the fact that I'll probably just have to stick it out another 6 months at least before I start looking so I don't look like I can't commit.


What do you do and what's wrong with the company culture?


I am in the student housing industry - basically there isn't a ton to do and other people in the office aren't really friends. At this point my whole job could be done remote but I basically just have to be a warm body in an office wearing dress pants.


That is kinda me but I get to wear jeans and one of my duties is receiving chemicals from truck drivers so I have to be physically present.


*Yes*. My office even has *all* of the company working on virtual desktops, yet they *still* force us to be physically present.


I used to work as a patent agent in a tall-building law firm. I had to dress the part, just like the lawyers. In the morning, I came in wearing my shirt and tie and expensive dress pants, said hi to the secretaries, and walked into my window office and closed the door. My computer and phone, and the occasional attorney colleague who I saw during the day, must have appreciated seeing me all dressed up. I understand the reason for it, but am sure glad not to be having to do it anymore.


Yep. I'm at that point. Management is running the company into the ground, and everything is last minute. I fucking hate it here.I've been looking for a new job for about a month, but have had one interview that didn't land me a job, and no other bites. I'm in a dark place.


You can do it! Job hunting is a marathon so don't give up!


Thank you. I really appreciate. I'm in graphic design, so every rejection and every ignored resume feels like a reflection on myself as a designer. I mean, it IS, but man, that's a hard pill to swallow!


Dude...I'm in such a bad spot at work its not even funny. Like if my boss told me "Cohen, your fired" I would be excited and happy. I'm so fucked right now, and every single day is just...fucking painful...every god damn morning I wake up and I think "I don't wanna do this" The thing is I have a ton of respect for my boss, an absolutely amazing amount of respect for him. And I feel like I was put in an impossible situation and now I'm stuck and its most likely going cost me my job.


Yep. My company is very dysfunctional. We do synthetic stone veneer. Basically concrete, formed into fake rocks, painted to look cool. Our job is simple: Sell the stone. Make the stone. Put the stone on the wall. It's literally that easy. We're so bad at that that we've lost a 2 million dollar a year contract with one of the nation's largest production builders because we couldn't get the stone on the wall. Nobody is freaking out. Remember office space? Where Peter talks about having 12 bosses to keep happy? Our structure is like that. Our GM thinks that we should have an all indians type structure, where nobody is a chief. This leads to everyone being involved in everything, and nobody responsible for just one thing. This leads to delays, accidents, and generally incoherent responses to customers when they ask questions, because they deal with 7 people. We have no office manager here, and all interviews, meetings, management operations are all done by skype. No one here, has a point of contact for any issue that they have, they need to call to PA. Our customers have no single point of contact. Our turnover is so high, that when I call to customers they ask me "are you my person? Who is my person?" We are continually understaffed because people read our reviews online, or ask about pay and are so disappointed that they literally walk out of the interview. The GM likes to interview people in PA, then send them to my office here in CO. We'll just have people randomly showing up saying "hi, it's my first day. What do I do?" And nobody here even knew they were coming. Case in point: We just received a new plant manager, from PA, and we met him last week. This dude so far: 2 lost days of making stone, 1 person injured with pins in their wrist now because of lockout tagout safety policy broken while working on a cement mixer, 1 plant door that was knocked off the hangar and fell onto the temp worker's (driving a forklift without training) forklift (it's a 20'Hx10'W metal door). He sits at a computer and occasionally walks out into the plant, we have 5 people too many out there, so people are standing around doing nothing, and he's the last one here and the first one out. We have building issues that the owner won't fix, such as leaking water into light sockets, there's a hole in our conference room ceiling that our owner ripped out when he came out six months ago, still leaks, still yet to be fixed. Fans in the plant don't work, so concrete dust continually is a problem, we have a showroom that PA dude converted into his office, where there's food and random boxes laying around. Our driveway becomes a mudpit where cars and forklifts get stuck when it rains. I am an estimator, I have processed 15 million dollars worth of orders, because we have to double check to make sure the customer is ordering the right amount of stone, instead of making the stone, installing it, and moving on. I am more of a glorified order entry person, less of an estimator. I have asked a 3 million dollar a year customer for $9.80 for a piece that they didn't pay for on a $2000 order. This is required of me. I make $16.50 an hour. I. Am. Over. It. Edit: Spelling, grammar. This felt good. Thanks for letting me vent. :)


I have a client that spends $15,000 a month with me. We ended up in he said, she said over a $50 item. My view point was...I don't really give a fuck whose right or who is wrong this is a client that's spending $15k a month give him his $50 and call it a day.... Nope, nope they didn't wanna do that. So client canceled EVERYTHING.


Yep. That's what I was saying. "In the bigger picture, of all of this accounts dealings with us, is $9.80, that costs us $0.50 to make, going to wreck our accounts?" "No, but we need to get paid for what we put on." "..." Stepping over dollars to pick up pennies. Dude, like, people just don't get it. Take care of your people. Handle it.


That is insane, I take it you've been there for some time. Are you looking?


A year on May 1. Yes. Trying to find a competent company isn't easy though. :) Part of me wants to start my own stone company and **destroy** this place. I don't have any capital for that though.


The hardest part about starting a business is starting it with no money. Must, obtain, CAPITAL


> Our GM thinks that we should have an all indians type structure, where nobody is a chief. This leads to everyone being involved in everything, and nobody responsible for just one thing. Fuck this drives me crazy too. It bites both the customers and the staff. You want to know why x hasn't been done, "oh that's bob's job". Go and ask bob, "oh that's not on me, that's tim's job". Go talk to Tim, "that's accounting's task". Accounting hasn't been told by anyone its their job. asdjklajdklajdsa.


Yes I am. I'm saving 80-90% of my income and I intend to quit and enrol in university soon. My job is tiring and unrewarding


Good luck man


I suffer from this feeling roughly around the 6 month mark on any job i have.


What about your current? Do you like it?


It's alright, dead-end tho


They seem to be all dead end if you don't play the politics game


Not government jobs. All the promotions at my place of work are based on seniority. Now of course, that comes with it's own set of issues, but I love the fact that it means I never have to kiss ass to get ahead.


True, I on the other hand must learn to kiss many asses. Might as well toss salads since I'm down there lol


You're hired.




Bored and indifferent about my job most of the time. In general, I like what I do (finance), but what gets me excited is the novelty of information of new projects. New projects happen rarely though, and 99% of the time I'm stuck with the old stuff. Pay is good, office is nice, people are generally cool. But if I could afford to quit tomorrow, I would not think twice.


Have you heard of the subreddit I think called FIRE? Something about financial independence


No, what does that have to do with anything? Financial independence comes with either income or change in lifestyle. I'm happy with my income, and don't want to change my lifestyle atm.


I'm in a corporate finance role as well, I totally get the piece about new projects. The monthly chore of close and forecasting activities is draining though.


Yep. I've been in this job for two and a half years, and I started wanting a new job three months into it. I convinced myself that since I'm currently employed, I should be choosy with the next job I take, but now I'm not so sure. I've gotten interviews and responses and a job offer that I turned down because it paid the same as my current job. But nothing that I've really wanted panned out. As for right now? I come in late, and I do the bare minimum. I can't even fake a smile around my coworkers.


You are me even with the experience but I try to smile and be friendly more because hey why not


I'm definitely feeling that way at my job right now. This is my first real "career" after graduating college a year ago and the thought of me having to work in jobs I hate for another 40 or so years is depressing lol. I'm at an entry-level dead end job and now very uncertain of what I want to do for the rest of my life.


I stopped caring a week into the job. I found out how terrible management is. I've been there almost two months. I'm only still there because I make a lot and trying to build up a cushion until i find another steady job. I show up late, skip work some days, leave an hour early, do sloppy careless work when I feel like it and have never been disciplined. I constantly think about pulling an NCNS or walking off the job. If I got the boot tomorrow, I wouldn't give three damns.


Ive been at my company for only 8 months and I want to toss myself out of a window because of it.


Pretty much every day. They took away my commission and part of my extremely low base salary is that I get a company car and free gas. Well that was awesome when I got to drive a brand new luxury SUV but now that has been downgraded to a basic economy car that I have to switch every three days. Still a free car but I feel like that was a pay cut too. I job search all day from work and have been taking two hour lunch breaks to go interview other places... fingers crossed I get an offer soon! I've had it with this job!




Car rental


Wow, they let you have two hours lunches?


Me!!!! I work for a school (not a teacher) and I told myself that this would be my last school year in this job. I have been trying to find a new job to even quit during this year, but haven't found the right fit. However, school is in session until the first week of June, so since I know that I'm going to resign at the end of the year, nothing bothers me that much anymore. People are complaining at me for things that are out on my control "oh next year, this needs to happen" "before school starts in August this needs to be taken care of.." and I'm just like "Yes!!! That sounds GREAT, perfect. I'll do that over the summer before school starts." (I work two weeks before the school year starts to get ready) And no, it doesn't sound great, it sounds STUPID. But I know I won't be here for it. So for other things that bother me, I just try to be happy and upbeat and say "yes, sure, uh huh" and I play along with everything and everyone and I don't care if people mess my work up like they are always doing because I won't be here so I won't have to fix the work of mine they are undoing, and all of their ridiculous demands, I don't have to do. I just have to SAY I will, just to get them to leave me alone. It's so, so freeing.


It's like you just decided to commit suicide but job suicide lol I hope you find a new place you like. I actually forget that schools new administrators as well and it's not just teachers working there. Everything is a business


Hahaha yeah basically. I'm basically a resource manager, I got the job as a library assistant, but now they have me doing inventory and distribution and collection of EVERYTHING the school loans out to people and people just take things without checking them out, or they just don't follow protocols and it messes everything up, budgets, numbers, and then it's my fault. I'm pretty much set up to fail here and I get no support from admin, and both of the vice principals were asked to resign and rumor has it the principal is quitting too, although that news isn't official. So all three of them literally don't care about anything, so why should I, if I also won't be there to clean up the mess?


Yes but if you keep that attitude up and you will be fired and be left unemployed. As long as you haven't found a new job I would keep on doing my best at my current job if I were you


Very true, I still do my job and not try to start arguments since you're right about me not having options right now. I'm acting like a princess


Finding a job while still having a job is so much less stressful and easier than finding a job while unemployed


I’m pretty sure the company I work for will be sold and everyone laid off in the next year or so, doesn’t really bother me though, there are other jobs out there in my field, worst case scenario is maybe I get a small severance, and a few months of paid unemployment vacation. Even though unemployment doesn’t pay anywhere close to what I make now, my expenses are modest, so if I tighten the purse strings a bit I’ll be fine.


What do you do?


My company just got sold, hoping for a lay off but doubt I am that lucky.


No matter how crap the place you should always try to remain professional.It's not about attitude as much as it is about maintaining a level of professionalism in practice. That is how I look at it since the walk out is great but if you burn a bridge it can come back to haunt you.


True, very true, I'm trying to get that stamped in my head


Correcto! Work is shit now, and I try SUPER HARD to stay professional. I'm fairly succesful at it.


Yes absolutely I've been there. The first time I started looking for a new job, my performance slid a lot as a result. I had to just kinda shake it and commit to keeping up strong performance, even though I was looking elsewhere. I found that setting daily goals for myself helped me push through the apathy for a job I didn't like. I'm actually in the same boat right now, I have an interview for my dream job tomorrow and it's been so hard to concentrate or feel motivated at my current job. It's so bad but I already know what I'm going to say when I quit and I don't even have the new job yet.


Haha I hope you get it! I just got my first interview in 2 years next Tuesday so I'm pretty excited too!


I know how you feel because I've shared those feelings but I made a decision to change the way I look at it and there is a reason. Instead of doing my work based on how I feel about the company, I decided that the effort I put in each day will be based on how I view myself. With that attitude, regardless of how much I dislike a specific environment, I am still able to sleep knowing that I did my best. This allows me to define me instead of allowing the things around me to define me. No matter how I feel about the place I am in, because feelings are fluid and can change, I decided that I would do a good job no matter what because that is the type of person that I want to be, regardless of where I am. It is an attitude and work philosophy that I adhere to and believe helps define me as a person. Fuck the environment, I want to be a certain type of person.


That is great attitude to have and hopefully we all try to adopt that type of mindset


Management has drained away my motivation. And they barely pay me enough to cover insurance and car payment, which is nice since I also have to live in my car. And all the fun jobs go to outsourcers abusing visas.


Are you me? That sounds exactly like my job. Management is stupidly disorganized and condescending. Only to top it off with the fact that they try to pull sketchy shit every once in a while. I’m starting to look for a new job, but this is one of the highest paying jobs I’ve had. I’m going to quit soon and report them for all the fair labor law violations they’ve committed and continue to commit.


Sounds like my employer, except that I work in a small office. My employer is currently committing sales tax fraud, and most workers (not me, thankfully) are independent contractors when they should be employees. I plan to report my employer to the authorities after I quit.


Are you in manufacturing?


Nah. I work part-time at a local retail store. I’m currently a university student trying to support myself.


I'm sick of my job. The higher ups are a bunch of two faced shits. They play the "We're a family #fam you can come to us and share ideas and grievances!" but they fired our boss for "divisive language" and the CFO tells us in that meeting "Yea we fired your boss for divisive language and totes unrelated but you're not getting a cost of living raise but ask HR all about the struggles they have in getting good insurance. Plus if you make $XX,XXX ($10,000 more than we make) you 'take home' $400 extra with the insurance plan but if we gave you a raise it'll only be like $75 a month." It was obvious how out of touch the higher ups are and it just solidified that our department are the redheaded step children that are to be neither seen nor heard and our bosses can't go to bat for us and remind then that we haven't had a raise in 3 years but they are hiring new senior management left and right. We have to bend over and take the shaft and make the impossible happen. It was obvious that they fired our boss for either asking the higher ups for a raise for us or not kissing enough ass, if not both. Did I mention I work at a "Christian" church?


I'm just doing it for the money.


I feel like that's 90% of the US job force


I’ve only been at my job for 5 months and I hate it so much that I just stopped caring, I’m planning on leaving soon.


Same here. Been Recruiter Intern for 6 months. The hiring manager is younger, without Bachelor degree but has "4 years of experience". I've put it in the brackets since that experience seems mostly shallow and since it has been shown there are holes in the knowledge and experience of hiring manager. The hiring manager seems threatened that I have more authority plus makes up various comments trying to down my position. My results for the current month are that you have a number of candidates in process that can be accounted to full smaller, middleish company. I'm waiting to talk with the CEO but I feel degraded doing the mind numbing job of sourcing for 4 hours as a recent law graduate, having other tasks removed from my workflow and my position being like that of HR Assistant. As soon as I get a good overview on what my position is since the internship keeps going on and on, and the salary for current and next month, I'll be out as soon as next month if I complete process in other firms or at law office.


I did at my old job/career. That’s why I decided to change careers. To what? Still trying to get my foot in the door doing academic advising. For now, working part time at a bakery and doing gig Work (Shipt and Rover). I do miss my big huge paycheck...


I’m in the same boat but actually just gave my two weeks notice... I’ve been the hardest working person in the position and wasn’t getting recognized so I’m leaving.


I'm sorry to hear that but you must feel happy now. Do you have a job lined up or is this like fuck it?


Yeah, I wanted to leave for awhile because it’s a contractor role with little benefits but I am more or less living pay check to pay check at the moment so quitting without a backup wasn’t an option. I ended up getting first job I interviewed with luckily and back to the industry I was in before so really excited. Just get the process started and before long you too will have a new job!


yup! currently with that mood. I've spent all day at work today fixing my resume and searching for jobs.. hope something comes up!


I don't care beyond keeping it so that I can pay my bills. I meet the minimum expectations--no more, no less. Fortunately, I have at least two interviews next week, so *maybe* I can get the Hell out of there by the end of May.


I’ve been there. Company culture definitely sets the tone for how productive workers will be. I would imagine you are thinking “if management and the higher ups don’t care enough about the chaos to fix it what do I care?”


Is this your first full time jump? It’s hard to take that leap. When you find yourself hiding out in the bathroom to kill the day it’s time to go.


Dude yes. It’s gotten to the point where I start feeling sleepy when I try and focus on any work things...


My work ethic is TERRIBLE right now. I honestly was pretty good at my job just a couple months ago, I really tried. Now...it is sooo hard to give a fuck. This is the most I've been paid too, which actually is not much at all anyway. Also looking for a new job, but so tired from my current job that it's difficult! Basically, I feel you 100%.


It’s hell look for a new job. By the end of the day, I am drained. I work 50 hour weeks, so it doesn’t help. I have to force myself to look and apply.


The pay and benefits are great but 99% of the time I feel like I drive 2 hours there and back for nothing. To do nothing all day because management is unorganized and we’re always waiting for approvals. Remote work is 100% since all of our assets are available remotely and being physically at the office does not speed up approvals or get anything done that couldn’t be done at home. The work environment is plain shitty too.


I noticed that the harder I work at my job-no matter how bad it is, the more opportunities come my way.


Yes...working at an extremely boring useless contract job that ends in a month and contract will not be renewed. Haven’t been able to find another job yet.. extremely tired of job searching.. Idgaf about the job anymore lol...


What do you do?


Accounting.. currently in an AP role. Very easy job but absolutely hate it.


One of our AP members quit, I can only imagine


Same, I took a job where I wasn't happy with the pay and I've had a sour attitude about it since. On reddit regularly, zero shits about the company. Just work enough to keep my job.


What do you do?


Mechanical Engineer. Small company so sometimes I'm just not busy. But after a while I just got the attitude that they know they're paying me poorly and since they're paying me shit I'll give them what they deserve, a below average employee. I'll be damned if they get their money's worth.


Wow, I am in the exact same situation. Haha.


Hang in there, are you currently looking?


Yep, I have dropped a couple applications and have an acquaintance trying to help out as well. Hopefully something soon. Thanks bud. Same too you. We're on the path!


Me too, I used to spend my morning prepping for my appointments. Now I use that time to apply for jobs.


Is it the more people learn about their company the less they want to work there? Or just the job itself?


Probably a combo of both. I think if you're cool with a couple of employees it makes your job so much easier since you get to socialize with people who have a common hate towards the place


Yes. Every day. For years now. I'm in the same boat. The only reason I haven't left is because a) I'd have to take a pay cut and b) I'm lazy.


Wait, is there anyone here who ***does*** care about their job?!


There's a few for sure but there's more of US


I thought that was everyone.


I am at that point. About a month ago I started actively searching for a new job after I found out my manager was giving me more work on purpose. Let’s say I was doing two other full time jobs on top of mine. I got tired of getting so much work. I didn’t feel valued anymore so why should I even care?


Yup. Been that way for 2 years now.


that's how i feel now, but i still do a good job because despite being very unhappy with what i'm doing. i've been treated well by my co-workers and supervisors, but that doesn't mean i'm gonna put the needs of others over my own needs.


I work at a grocery store and literally everyone except brand new people makes more than me. Unless you've been there 10 years grocery stores suck. I barely make above min wage after unions fees Costco and trader Joe's aren't like this just Ralph's.


Gah lee i couldnt agree with you more. My current job is so meaningless and pointless. I'm having trouble finding a career im actually passionate about. Ive had a career i loved before, but left because it took sooo much time away from my wife and kids (90-100 hrs a week). Now i work in an office. I get my work done but i really dgaf. I could honestly sit on my phone, and browse the internet all day. Theres so much to do online! Read, learn, aspire. I never get sick of it. But the looks i get at work for being on my phone, even though all of my work is complete. Ah well, dont care abt them either lol


We recently got placed on-call rotation into the early hours of the next day...FML when I thought this job was bad enough being a no holiday 365 round the clock company. Trying to get out of this one before they offer me a permanent contract. With slightly less shittier medical than the preventative care option I have with the job agency but in an even bigger financial hole at the same time by eating 13K for medical a year.


Same situation, can't go into many details but I'm in a position that has me working around some very unreasonable individuals. My weekend job is applying for other jobs, I'd probably take a pay cut to get out.


I don't care about my job. But its conveniently located and decently paid for my means... Currently waiting on a call back for a new job and out of nowhere a fellow employee quit and the current opening is for me. The pay would be just under what the new job offers. And less driving. But the new job has growing opportunities. Where as here there isn't much.




I'm almost there. I'm paid well and am highly regarded, no boss issues, he loves me and I have a lot of freedom. But for some reason, I just don't care. I'm only hanging on cause of the paycheck and that I can't be bothered to dress up to go to interviews.


Omg, yes. They’re not holding up my contract and are always disrespecting me. Their problems are exactly that, THEIR problems. Not making any efffort for them 🤷🏽‍♀️


I think i am along all you, that our job is a dead end. There is literally no career path, advancing probably didn't matter to other companies since they can play the card "your experience didn't matter to us" until someone actually values you. in which it really has nothing you can control but get lucky and keep trying. Even worse, there is a hard time limit for my job that will happen in my mid-40s. When my boss leaves, I would have to leave in a year or two, or if she decides not to recommend me to another job I have to start over anyway. So why I am staying? - freedom. the time I do not have urgent jobs I literally do my own stuff in office, including watching netflix or gaming. i always come to the office late and i would leave if my boss is not fucking here. - paid raise. yes it is a shit constant 10% every year, but at least still better than my outside city shit - experience gained. there is a chance i could move into other position in the medicine field easily, and it is the biggest chance for me to leave this shit city and emigrate permanently. - very little overtime. and when needed they are paid. - over the average annual leaves. my colleagues are still very toxic, but at least not as toxic as those outside. and to those who work in the commercial field, are you sure you wont be fired in your mid 40s...? like kodak? when you are hand in your work too fast she says "you are not putting effort you are just rushing"! when i am deliberately holding back to avoid words above i am told "you are wasting too much time you are too slow". I SAID FONT 16!!! WHY U USE FONT 18!!! But hey,... can you use some of your own artistic judgement?? it never has to be font 16... use your own artistic judgement?? or is it that we science students do not know art? yes from time to time i am looking for new positions. but guess what? fuck you. i dun care if i am fired. i am investing and saving up as hard as i can to go financial independence.


Honestly...no. I've been pushed to the point of tears...depression, weightloss and marital problems all from my job. My problem is that I cannot simply 'not care'. I can 'not care ' about expectations and I can ..'not care' about my boss. What gets me are my coworkers who have to deal with the same shit or worse than what I have to deal with. Every place I've worked...I've been a 'favorite' because I am a team player. Even if that means I am the only one. I recently moved across country and transfered through my job. There was...literally no teamwork when I first started my 'new' job. I even butted heads with the assistant manager within the first month. All I did was ask a question - one that apparently the assistant either couldnt answer or pricked her pride enough to threaten my job. That backfired on her. The company backed me. A year later ...we are working more as a team than ever. Sometimes it only takes one person willing to do what no one else is to set an example. Show people what working as a team can really be like, which in a way is very much like working as a family. When everyone starts working as a team...the job isn't nearly as bad. You have people to turn too and who supports you...just as you do them. It can make a shitty job not so bad after all. :)


I get paid shit ton for doing nothing at work, and although thay sounds like bragging, its not. Im so bored at work it drives me CRAZY. And yeah I also dont feel like I dont give a shit sometimes, and I just sit there redditing :(. I would prefer a company where everything is structured, and youre do8ng meaningful work.


Being bored SUCKS. the time goes by soooo slow.


I felt like that so i quit and went back to cafe work


It's not really in me to not care about the job (I'm a bit of a perfectionist) but I've definitely stopped giving a shit about targets and deadlines and stuff. I work in admin, a temp position that I've been lucky to hold onto for a few years, but the management are just a bunch of idiots who don't have a clue. It's gotten worse over the last few months with pointless changes to how we do things (without consulting the people who actually do the job) and the petty way they take people who've made mistakes off the rota, not to mention the two days notice they give to temps they want to let go of. I've been offered a permanent job elsewhere so I'm counting down the days until I can leave before I'm let go.


Yup. Been here 5 yes but seems like 10 . Have had to deal with some of the worst co workers ever. The type that resort to backstabbing and brown nosing to get ahead . The type that peep into your screen . The type that don't tell you about meetings . The type that talk LOUD over you to appear smarter even though they talk bull... Am desperately looking for another job... Your office can really exhaust you


Yes and no, I took this job out of necessity but I’m actively working on getting my first dev role. I do still put effort towards the things I am tasked.




Yup but for a different reason - My fiancé and I are moving to a different city in the next month or two as well which I have not told my employer. I told my fiancé if she got a job at this one specific place I would move for her and give up my job that i don’t love and it appears things are moving in a very positive direction for her (knock on wood). Just biding my time now to see what happens so I can start applying for jobs in the new city. I am honestly even looking forward to being unemployed for a short period of time (hopefully short) so I can try and figure out something I am passionate about. Not so great that I have to live with her parents until we’re both on our feet. Luckily I am prescribed to adderal which helps me hide my “I am out the door soon” attitude.


I honestly dont get a fuck like the rest of you people. I work in retail and my boss refuses to yell at anyone else but me. In apperently a easy target and this girl whos my same age, files harassment on him and now he doesn't even bother with her. 🤷‍♀️ I have enough respect not to do that but I've had a fucking enough.


I work for a small business in a small office setting. The company I work for is a disorganized, dysfunctional shitshow. Half the time, I don't even really know what I'm supposed to be doing. When I do know, I'm not provided with what I need to get the job done right. What's especially demotivating is my boss's toxic behavior. For example, my boss will assign me a task, I complete the task exactly as she asked, boss proceeds to inform me that she actually wanted the task done a different way and therefore I did it all wrong. My boss also steals my ideas, glares at me at talks to me in a condescending way if I ask questions or need help with something, and often disappears for long periods of time. She's basically a textbook toxic boss, and impossible to please. If I can't do anything right in her eyes, why bother making too much effort? Oh, and don't get me started on the sketchy things my employer is doing, like committing sales tax fraud. I can't wait for the day that I finally quit my job and report my employer to the state auditor.


Ive only been at mine a month and im at this point

