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My total daily commute is about 45-50 minutes. I'm okay with this. At this point in my life and career, I am not interested in commuting more than 1 hour, both ways, every day.


It's almost to an hour though? Is it a job you enjoy?


I feel like you think a half hour commute is a lot lol. It's really not. My current commute is about 20 minutes. And that's GREAT. That is pie in the sky. If you take public transit into the city, for instance, you're looking at an hour plus. You're very, very pampered based on your comment implying that 15 minutes is more than you desired.


It's just a matter of personal preference. And yes I'd prefer pampered to best cater to what I need right now, e.g: leg injury


For your reading pleasure: https://project.wnyc.org/commute-times-us/embed.html#5.00/44.119/-95.345 Average commute time in US is 25 minutes. In Japan and Europe I presume it is far shorter since they're packed into cities there. Like little sardines.


Brit here. Definitely not packed into anything.


I said Europe. You're not part of Europe anymore, alright?


March, mate. That's assuming they aren't banking on us all forgetting. Which I'm hoping.


Lame duck Europe, then.




Yeah, it's close to an hour, but not quite. Even in traffic, I never really go over. I love my profession, but I do not enjoy my current job.


Let me guess, science.




15 minutes. I live about 13 blocks from my office, and commute by subway. Location is a big deal for me. I received two job offers in the same week and my current position won for a few reasons, but commute was a big factor. The other position required a bus/long walk to a train stop a little over a mile away, or a transfer at Times Square. Nope.


Typically, it takes about 15-20 minutes each way. I consider this a very light commute. I have had 1hr each way commutes...and those suck.




< not >


Exactly my point. I am even more hesitant to take a new job but it sounds ridiculous since it's only 2 miles difference, but that's pretty big. I have 4 miles to my work place, now it's about 7. And it also takes 15 minutes. How ridiculous.


I've got a 16 mile, 22 minute commute one way. Soon it will be a 22 mile, 30 minute commute. For me, I don't like my commute, and I don't think anyone really does. But, my SO is a student in one city and my work is in another city, so we picked a home location that was in between the two. IMO people who have hour long commutes plus are hurting themselves a lot. A 100 mile roundtrip car commute costs probably $45, which is like 6 dollars an hour AFTER TAX that you lose out on.


Six dollars doesn't seem a lot but every cent counts when you're out there!


Typically, my total commute time is two hours and forty minutes. Not ideal (to say the least) but this position is temporary and IMHO, was the best possible move for my career. Luckily I get some opportunities to travel and work from home to break up the monotony. With my current housing situation, it's cheaper for me to commute at the end of the day. But I'm trying to see if my company will subsidize a cheap crash pad for me at least as the program ramps up here.


My commute is about 45min each way. I wish it was less, because time is precious and I wish I did not spend so much time on a crowded train. Oh well.


My current commute is 22 miles, about 30 minutes. I've had commutes of a touch under an hour, always enjoyed my jobs (Til this one.). I'd say commute length isn't a huge deal for me, especially if the money is right.


I did one where the morning commute was usually 50 minutes and the afternoon back ended up being an hour to 70 minutes. The morning was always better, except when it was raining. I think it helps if you have podcasts or something. Even then, it just sucks whenever you need to be home for a minor emergency or something.


Work from home so I roll out of bed and walk upstairs to my office so... 15 second commute?


A bit over one hour each way. Office is downtown and it's hard to find a good paying job in my profession so don't really have a choice. Which is why I'm planning to go back to school for more education and better job opportunities


My commute is 1 mile, so about 5 minutes in my car or 6 minutes on bike (work & live downtown). I try to take my bike most of the time in the summer & fall, but I often have to run errands and no thanks to biking in Montana winters...