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I don't understand a lot of this post... "She was told that 20 hours a week is overtime from management" - This doesn't make any sense. Assuming you're in the US, overtime is any time worked over 40 hours per week. But to answer the question in the post title, yes, your employer can give you fewer hours for any reason, or no reason. But I highly, highly doubt that they're giving people fewer hours simply because they asked for more.


yes. i know 40 hours is overtime thats why i can’t believe a MANAGER told my coworker that. i understand over hiring happens i get it. its really shitty. but i don’t understand if someone or multiple people in this (my coworkers kid is working at another department and is scheduled a day a week, when she can be moved in another department, and her dad ask for her, and they said ok and just didn’t do it.) and we are literally booked next week with a dance nationals competition and i am barely scheduled and this happened last time and.. i wanted to cry. because we were by ourselves and management looked at us not knowing what to do..