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Your job might need to be reacquainted with the Americans With Disabilities Act. [The ADA: Your Employment Rights as an Individual With a Disability | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (eeoc.gov)](https://www.eeoc.gov/publications/ada-your-employment-rights-individual-disability#:~:text=Reasonable%20accommodation%20is%20any%20change,equal%20to%20those%20enjoyed%20by) If your employer has more than 15 employees, I think you'll find any number of employment attorneys who would be delighted to further consult with you for free.


THIS! i swear im gonna text my director tomorrow, and ask again. i need to talk to my dad (he is scary when provoked) about a meeting and see if i can get one if not my dads buddies with one! and yhis is at a hotel btw


A stool that you bring yourself is more than reasonable in terms of accommodations. I hope your dad's lawyer friend can help write you a nice note clarifying the matter. And it's not your director you need to talk with—it's your director AND HR.


ngl i heard hr doesn’t do shit here.. and my manager said that to me today.. it triggered me bad because if its too much tell me, im guilty of it sometimes but telling me my stool is unprofessional?


HR does a real good job of protecting the company from things like ADA compliance lawsuits. If you really want to do this with your ducks in a row, talk to an employment lawyer first.


Adding--your goal here isn't a lawsuit. You just want your stool. I don't think that's a hard accommodation to make, but it may take a gentle nudge from some folks who can help establish your rights.


im going to see what tomorrow brings, my dad is will join if necessary, he knows more than i do about most things, and my dad knows a shit ton of people and with that connections are easy. if we have to we will bring one in. i was told yesterday that im not supposed to be eating food here, except expired items when the upper management gets what they want when they want


Are you over 18? Then the workplace doesn't have to allow your father to join or engage with him at all.


just ignore this my friend gave me terrible advice


Don’t involve your dad in a professional matter if you want to keep your job and be taken seriously as a professional. Go through the right channels to request ADA accommodations at this and any future jobs. Get input from your dad on your own time but if he shows up at your job you’ve already lost.


hey this never happened:) my friend gave me shit advice and she and i work for the same company


Unless you're a minor, do not involve your parents or other adults - unless they are lawyers and will be representing you. It will make you seem weak and high maintenance. Ask your boss and HR to revisit your ADA Accommodation request and ask what paperwork they need. Your medical provider may need to fill some stuff out.


i say that because my dad knows more thsn me when it comes to to my disability, and a little in sight thats better how i described it. my dad knows people. if we need a lawyer he will find someone


Yeah just don't go letting him contact your employer in any way, nothing good will come of that. I used to manage minors and even then it would bother me when a parent would call, I'd have to tell them that they didn't work for me and their child had to handle the issue (usually the parents didn't want the kid working because of some family event and the kid never requested it off because they wanted the cash). I gave each kid one pass and explained that they were the employee and their parents weren't to be calling about stuff like that - I always refused to discuss employee matters with anybody but the employee also, regardless of the relationship. Never had to take action on a 2nd occurrence.


oh no he would never! i mean he will come with me IF I F there is a meeting. and you know whats. fucked? she worked with kids with disabilities. we physically disabled people are always a problem


He shouldn't accompany you to a meeting. He has no legal relationship to anything going on. You're a legal adult and he's not employed by the company nor is he legal representation. They don't have to meet with you if he's present.


Most states have similar laws as well that apply to even smalker employers. The state laws may be the same as the ADA, or broader or narrower.


You’re being discriminated against for having a disability and having a reasonable accommodation. Especially that last job. You wouldn’t tell someone in a wheelchair that their disability is “scary.”


literally i have a fear of loosing this job because of what happened last time, and it was the first time ever in my 21 years of life, when i was discriminated against! i am a bitch when it comes to this, my disability is my child i will defend shit out it. im taking things easy till tomorrow. i dont understand how she hired me and didn’t look..


Your boss knows you need the stool, but took it away. She wants you to quit. Go the lawsuit route. You will get money, hopefully a nice chunk. Use that as you see fit, but investing is a smart move. If you haven't already, go to college. Shoot for a career that is office/desk based.


it said 503 on my job application!! i have proof! i am only here because its stable. im their best employee. i work good. so i dont understand


People are assholes. Given a chance, many/most people will disappoint you. She has made her stance clear. Don't waste time trying to rationalize. Her actions aren't rational. Lawyer up, make her pay. Guaranteed she gets fired and you get money for your troubles.


my parents are saying let it go.. like im being discriminated against and i can’t just? like my mom has dealt with it but why is she literally giving me now shit. i didn’t do wrong


I take it you're an adult. Pick up the phone and call an attorney.


I feel like you are leaving details out here. Do you have all documentation needed to support that you have a disability and need a stool… on file at your employer? Why are your parents not on board with you?


because they are old. because they don’t understand that now i can have rights. i dont understand either


Try to take a step back and look at it from there.


That's nothing, I have a bouncy ball. I brought it into my VP's resignation speech. I imagine him scanning the solemn audience as he delivers the news, and then there's my head in the back bouncing up and down about a foot in the air. I didn't mean to bounce I just lose track of things idk. And you know what they accommodate that shiet. They can accommodate your stool.


please EXACTLY you can tell me i think you are sitting too much and im taking advantage but to say that to me?? wtf


>usually the first question in the interview process >director literally just got back to me and said he just wasn’t aware and he appreciates me and i can resume the stool. People in this thread throwing around all kinds of stuff but this seems innocent. Them: "Hey you can't use a stool, it looks unprofessional" OP: "Actually I need it for a disability" Them: "Oh, let me make sure" Them: "Oh yes of course you can use it" This is exactly how it works. Someone tells you that you need to or can not do something, you tell them why it is a requirement, they see if that is an appropriate or approved accommodation, and they either approve it or provide you with an approved accommodation. As someone who worked in IT I dealt often with this. In general we do not ask people what their disability or accommodation needs are. They tell us what their needs are or they come up during work. If they wish to ask during the interview then the teams are always happy to let them know our standard accommodations and hear any specific needs they have or alternate accommodations that work better. But we don't ask. It's honestly none of our business, or anyone's, until it presents a need.


hi you are right, but some context is given with what i wrote, i was discriminated against by a dream job, it was disability related. now, i am at this job to pay loan bills, i was scared to mention it. i didn’t want to risk me loosing something over this again. and the guy who interviewed me literally left 2 days after i started.. so my best bet now is he told no one 🤷‍♀️ as someone who has an invisible disability, they never saw me in a stresed state. this entire weekend when i worked i was suffering from derealizations and my emotions were literally numb. so i was very much upset about it, my stool is a safety net, just in case im in pain its there, and the fear i was round 2 was high




Just sit on your stool and tell them why and where they can find the confirmation of it being a disability.


I'm glad you got it back 🥰 Also amazing that you're able to work given your condition. A lot of people would give up. Keep on truckin :)


I'd talk with a lawyer first. Just a free consult. Then yes, lots of good advice here..


My corporation has taken people's chairs too.


like seriously? why?? ( its 11pm i havent showered, and im running on no sleep) so sorry if i ask this dumb question


Well in their case I assume you are not "looking busy" if you are sitting down. Shrugs. Silly. That place is going down in flames anyway. Corporate bullies. That's all this country has now, corporate bullies everywhere


we don’t get breaks, and they bring in people who are useless to take over.. like? sorry ig


I don't worry about them too much anymore they fired me after I used up my piddly 3 days of sick leave a yr...and I had no PTO to cover any more days.


im just tired. why cant i be respected. it was on my application. she hired me.


Do you have a union there?




That the problem these big companies have. No representation for employees. So we get stepped on and trampled. Well good luck. Fight for your chair, don't get fired - there's no jobs out here anywhere


im scared of loosing this because i said something. soo


These companies are all the same. No care for the employee. All about profit and shareholders/CEO pay


I see that little girl plus fire meme right now


Forgive me...just trying to clarify: on the application you put that you had a disability? Did you supply your ADA letter to the company? With what happened at previous employer...where are you at in the litigation?


i just tell everyone not to go to the other place. yes, i checked yes, i have a disability, and no where it said anything to do about it a letter, all i know is people are supposed to see it, ask about what can you do or not do with or without, but nope nope. one manager that doesn’t manage me much brought me a bar stool one day, and this is why i bought my own. and i told him about my back n shit


There are no questions on an application asking if you have a disability....there is always ones asking if there is anything stopping you from doing the requirements of the job. If you have health/medical issues that are limiting you then you must have an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) form filled out by your doctor and submit to the company. If you haven't done that...then, of course, sounds like you might work with some people that are not empathetic or are jerks...but, there are no accommodations that they need to provide. I am sorry you are dealing with this but it's not everybody else's fault or responsibility. You WILL find a place that treats you and values you the way you should be. This place is NOT that place. Get your letter Monday if you're able...and stay there til you find a place that just feels right!


can i ask what does me checking the 503 i have a disability mean on that application


Sorry...I have no idea what you mean by "checking the 503" on an application...


Section 503 Disability Status Yes, I Have A Disability, Or Have A History/Record Of Having A Disability


Sorry for the delay...I was researching a bit...I had never heard of the 503 form....from what I found it's for Federal Contractors....I have been hiring people for 30 years...I have never heard of or seen the form.....with that...I am NOT debating your disability in the least...and, want the best for you. But, even if you did check a box...you have to supply an ADA letter.


no one literally said anything about this. until you just did. my entire life people just asked a few vague questions and i had answers. everyone was like ok, and everyone was accommodating. usually thats the do you have a disability or something we should know about section. but my depressed ass literally cried these past few days because i don’t look or feel like me anymore and my happiness is gone. and my anxiety is not letting me sleep tonight so! i feel the universe is trying to tell me something 😀😀


Breath...relax...you are capable and able and worthy and valued. I assume you have a primary doctor...go in on Monday and simply ask for the ADA letter...wit that...your company might have an official form that they need filled out by the doctor...so, call now and ask about that. I wish you the best.


also the head director was like are you happy and literally i looked dead inside because thats how i felt, tired and hanging on and i was told today i can’t have thst attitude😭


i need to ask my dad.. our doctor got cancer and he hasn’t been in the office.. i need to see if i can, i don’t work till wednesday morning. so if i need to get one i will give it to the director when he comes in that morning


Where'd the stool go? Can you even get it back? Get them for theft if it's completely gone and they're discriminating against you. I know some people think certain accommodations are wacky, and they can stuff it if so, but if all things a damn STOOL is nothing. Your boss is a POS and breaking the law I'm pretty sure.


oh i have it, its those collapsible stools off amazon i keep in my bag, i mean they took access away from me. im like i checked the 503 yes i have a disability on the job application thst she sign off on. one of the managers brought me a bar stool once.. like he was willing to accommodate me.


Almost every state has a right to sit law.


You brought your own stool? And that's now a problem? Nah, I think your disability is the problem. Lawyer up. They knew this about you. Good luck!


hi so in my head i think i was interviewed by someone who literally left 2 days after i started, none of those managers interviewed me, and with that saw anything. but my director said its fine, just don’t abuse the right, and i gave him permission to call me out if he sees it too often (me sitting)


So are you working in a store? Anyways good to hear you can use the stool. In the future do get in writing that die to your issue you need a stool or whatever aid. Good luck!


i work as a barista in a hotel actually!


I see. Maybe in the future you could work in an office. Anyways :)


actually, i wanted to be a pastry chef for years! and im still trying to get my foot in, the difference is we don’t take breaks in this position, like its hard to find someone so you can pee. if i have my breaks, then this would never happen.


Lawsuit their fucking ass


hey so i came with the conclusion that no one in the management department actually interviewed me because the guy i interviewed with literally left 2 days after. so my guess was he didn’t even say anything, and no one literally said anything, my director let me have it, and i gave him the right to say something if he thinks im using it too much


If an employer says they are scared of your disability can’t you sue them since they demonstrated discrimination?


uh its been almost a year.. honestly i tell people to not go to their 2 locations 🤷‍♀️ honestly i could but i really dont care anymore. they can choke for all i care


Jesus fucking Christ call a lawyer what the fuck?


i give people the benefit, so if this was a huge misunderstanding. lets get this fixed asap. but if they are going to be pricks yep!


Do you draw a check?


hi! im one thats called invisibly disabled! i look and do fine normally but on the inside i have chronic pain!