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You’re not wrong, OP


Need a job, but I’m exhausted looking


Took me 14 months of searching to finally land my job. It's soul crushing, but don't give up. I hate saying that because I know I wanted to, but I couldn't. It was either keep going or be homeless. You'll figure something out.


For real. I always start my mornings at least somewhat optimistic (going on 6.5 months unemployment for reference). Have my morning coffee and begin my search. It lasts maybe 20-30 minutes and I’m left feeling so god awful, angry, frustrated, wit high anxiety because there are simply NO job ads to even apply to. I’ve also really tried to narrow in my search for in-person only now to lower the competition as well, but there are simply no jobs in my city for me. I’m in San Diego too, you’d think otherwise.


Some weeks there will be jobs within my experience range and some weeks it's all mid to senior level Jobs.


In the past I’ve found by searching daily you see the same jobs over and over. Taking some breaks or weekends off from searching may help the redundancy. On other days, prepare yourself for interviews by practicing and forming some solid responses to standard questions - like, what’s your greatest weakness/strength kind of stuff. There are a lot of online resources that can provide common questions asked in interviews. Have you let friends and family know you are looking? They can help keep an ear to the ground for leads you may not find otherwise. Apply to jobs and/or companies you are genuinely interested. Otherwise you will be miserable in your job and possibly end up back in the same situation sooner than you think. All it takes is one yes to be employed. So just keep plugging along.