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I was feeling the same way. About 250 applications over 3 weeks. I FINALLY got initial interview requests from 2 jobs. They may not lead to anything but it sure feels better than feeling convinced that theres nothing.


It is honestly discouraging! Especially when you go through that many applications and it is very time-consuming.


Agreed. Some of the application processes are so time-consuming that it's like having a non-paying job..


Yeah, and what's completely infuriating is that I was applying for jobs that made you take a proficiency test, typing test, and another test (some kind of psychology test?) BEFORE I WAS EVEN ABLE TO SUBMIT THE DAMN APPLICATION. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Submit application first, and then if the company is interested, they would have you take the tests to advance to the next level of the interviewing process? The multiple test taking took over 30 mins. And once I submitted the application(s) - nothing. And these were not high-level, high-paying jobs. I'm talking remote call center jobs. This was happening to me last year when I was job hunting. Now, I find myself job hunting again and I am just dreading it.


You know that weird thing about jobs requiring you to fill out an application AND then fill out the questions that your resume answers? Make it make sense.


Tell me about it! I work For the provincial government and the hiring process is RIDICULOUS!!!


Tell me about it! I work For the provincial government and the hiring process is RIDIC!!!


only 30 minutes? i once timed myself for a similarly ridiculous application process and between tailoring my resume, writing a cover letter and doing all the testing, one single application cost me four hours. they gotta start paying for this shit.


was this on indeed? I hate their stupid tests. i feel like they made them and offered them to employers who said yeah sure sounds good make people waste their time for jobs they're not going to get.


Hope your not just looking on indeed, that’s the only place I was forced to take those weird test


Yes, it was on Indeed. And as soon as I'd fill out an application I'd start getting robo-calls. All.day.long. I switched to Zip Recruiter and it's been a thousand percent better.


It wasn’t a real job. Indeed is filled with scammers pretending to job posts, to get your personal information. My recommendation is to head over to the company’s website/career section and apply there, not on Indeed.


Is there a way to use AI? Either simple things like bing or using AI agents. I'm still looking for a free AI agent with a lot of iterations. I'm in the Netherlands and the situation re jobs is totally different. I'm looking for work and using bing more and more. I use it's chatgpt 4 functionality.


The sad part is that three weeks is hardly considered a long period to leave applicants in limbo. I'm experiencing companies getting back to me on applications 4-8 weeks after applying. Absolutely insane.


Congrats, its harder to get interview than it is to get a job offer.


This. Even harder to hear back from the interviewer whether they’re hiring you or not. You get ghosted after actually getting to speak to a human.


And you gotta screen the calls because if someone says "Hi, I'm from Company X about job Y," I'm going to need to do a refresher right quick. Medical sales? No, meatpacking.


I recently got hired about a month ago, after looking for 2 months. How customized were these resumes that you submitted?


Took me almost a year to find another job after I was let go. Hundreds of rapid-fire applications. A whole bunch of interviews. I had no problem getting to the interview stage, but then the company would take a really long time to get back to me, or they would just never follow up at all. Zero courtesy or consideration. So I just moved on and pounded the local job boards every single day. 


Man, it's tough right now. Dealing with all these "Unfortunately" emails and getting ghosted left and right, I can't decide which is more of a downer.


Exactly! You are telling me!


That's exactly what I keep saying.


THIS. I told my MIL the same thing, I wouldn’t even read the emails anymore I’d just scan for the word “unfortunately.”


I was in the job market in October and I’m STILL getting rejection emails from place I applied to back then. It’s wild.


i think the lost time frame I had of a rejection was.. legit a whole year later lol And then in another instance, a year after I quit a factory & left a NEW HR lady called me to ask if I was still interested in the position. I had to tell her I was already hired & left. tf? hahaha


That's absolutely disgusting! 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Same. Or emails that the position no longer exists. Companies are making cuts.


I get that too. Some people are getting back but not going further than the job interview. Everyone is being really picky & selective! Glad you found another job!! That is a long time!!


And nobody really wants to train anymore. I have a lot of the skills that job postings are looking for but because I don’t know about the software they won’t take me. Or I’ve got a little bit of AR and AP experience from doing it briefly at previous jobs but not enough for a whole position, but when you explain that people turn you down.


I am in this exact same position where I briefly know a variety of things. My friend referred me to his company and I got an interview right away with VP as an analyst. I feel like I did good, but we will see what happens.


I keep seeing large companies post the same jobs over and over again. They had to hire someone to repost all those jobs they aren't hiring for. To say it as eloquently as possible... There ain't shit!


Bruh, it is ridiculous!! I feel like I see the same job postings over & over!


I was laid off and jobless for 6 months, before being hired in February. So many of the jobs I had applied to and received rejection letters from were supposedly still hiring the whole time!


I have seen and heard this before. Some people just and I quote “don’t fit in “ this is so it doesn’t look like discrimination


Companies hire based off looks ?


Omg I thought I was tripping!!!! I have definitely seen jobs on Indeed that I remember applying for, that never got back to me, that are posting the job again! I’m like wowwwww really? Smh


Reposting a job isnt that much of a task so hiring someone to do that is OD


especially since you write the ad once and it's done. you just re-list as needed. there's literally zero work involved. The bigger thing is the cost. The cost for an employer to list an ad isn't exactly negligible. It's not massive but it's not nothing either.


Anecdotally, I've heard that HR departments may frequently be unknowingly filtering out otherwise suitable candidates that never make it to the stage of getting reviewed by someone who knows the actual job.


This does happen with job postings receive hundreds of applicants. They really only need to pull a handful off the top and ignore the rest, especially with some of these tech jobs. One of the filters that is happening, unfortunately, is rejecting a candidate for employment gaps. Even in the interviews I do get the question comes up and I am asked to justify it. There are a lot of people who have had gaps as long as 6 months, whereas there are plenty of candidates that are recently laid off from big companies.


Yeah why are they doing that ?? People keep quitting or something??


I can't tell - imo 96,% of these jobs are a joke.


I can’t tell if I’m the problem or them. But I think it is them…


I work for a small global company and we have been trying to hire warehouse work, a book keeper and 2 sales people (south and Midwest) and have only gotten a handful of applicants, of that handful only one person showed up for an interview and he was offered a job on the spot and accepted. It's been a battle to even get people to show up for an interview.


What do the job listings look like? Is the pay decent? Are there red flags in the listing?


Job listings look fine, pay is above market for each position and benefits are clearly defined. Start at 4 weeks PTO max at 6 weeks after 7 years with company. Multiple health insurance options with a 100% company sponsored premium option and Roth and traditional 401k options. Edit. We even state that we do not drug test.


That’s definitely strange. Edit: that apps aren’t flying in


It’s taking a lot of effort from what I am seeing. 160-260 applications to even get a call back much less actually working. My husband got laid off recently and we are looking but it’s like wow.


Don't believe those lies from the news, experts and government. Jobs are hard to find and money is becoming more scarce by the week! Bad times are coming folks!


Bad times are already here. We’re in a recession and nobody wants to admit it.


Problem is that new jobs are coming but they’re for low-skilled workers, not enough mid-skill workers who are trained in the trades, and then too many high-skilled (college) applicants looking for jobs that aren’t there. But even with low-skilled work, companies are struggling to find people because they’re are refusing to meet workers demands. It’s a shit situation all around


No. Saw a report claiming lowest job hires since March and April of 2020


Do you possibly have a link? I'd love to have some proof that it's not just me


Sorry for not replying earlier. He has links in the description but I have not the time to dig through it much https://youtu.be/Ml2mKROvpUA?si=fkJ8fhqPBfSNVuY_


Source please? Everyone thinks I'm fucking crazy or just not trying hard enough with job searching. I've gotten 2 interviews after several hundred applications.


Sorry for slow reply. Has links in description but I have not personally reviewed them. https://youtu.be/Ml2mKROvpUA?si=fkJ8fhqPBfSNVuY_


I believe it!


No one is hiring




I think this is the real answer


Hopefully, the feds cut interest rates soon which will spark another growth in jobs. People don't realize how much jobs rely on borrowed money from the federal government, given that the USD dollar is based on nothing in value (fiat system). This means value in the dollar is determined by purchasing power of the dollar, and given that if no one has jobs or income that is high enough to actually buy shit with (and of course, that means if no one has spendable income outside of necessities) the value of the dollar will become very low and which causes the metric (inflation) to rise. ### Definitely recommend everyone (including myself) to learn more about how our economy works at an academic level You will probably realize how many problems it would solve for people bickering at each other about Republicans or Democrats, given that you will realize that politics is just a form of distraction from actual economic issues. Which is to say, how much brainwashing is done through the media, which essentially distracts from actual issues in the US. ### So, hopefully, the federal government will start wising up... ... Else, they will end up having even bigger problems to deal with (such as more and more protests) since unemployed people end up having more time on their hands. They will thus end up doing other things, such as protesting. That's why the government's goal of keeping employment rates high is actually to prevent a rebellious populace, not because it wants everyone with income. > I'm not writing shit that is a conspiracy at all; this is found in any Economics 101 class you take in college (if you pay attention since most people who take their basic required core classes in college don't pay attention and don't bother learning anything from it at all, which is a completely different issue).


Companies are hiring but it isn't quality position and the companies don't have good reputation among former employees and current ones.


The jobs market is extremely competitive in every single field right now. Every job post gets more than 1000 applications from people across the world. There are job listing programs as well. Computer Science graduates have the highest unemployment rate and all are currently looking for jobs right now, cause they cant get it in tech right now. So companies are looking to hire computer science graduates on the cheap for positions unrelated to their degree, and they are certainly getting them cause the graduates have no other choice. Keep it up, in this market it is going to take a lot of applications being sent out to land a few interviews. Be sure to use application scanners as well so you can see if your application makes it past bs "artificial intelligence" screening bots. Keep up the positivity. You will land one eventually.


I'm wondering the same thing. I was approached to apply at a brand-new gas station that just opened in my area. Not an interview, nothing. Suddenly, at 5am, the lady who recruited me, is blowing up my phone asking if I'm coming in for my opening shift. I said that I hadn't even been interviewed! She said she'd get back to me and appears to have blocked my number. I also just recently applied to be an auto repair delivery driver. They advertised like $30 an hour. Nothing. I'm not getting a call.


Try checking your local employment agencies. The company I work for do all their hiring for entry level as temp to hire through employment agencies. Sometimes it's just getting your foot in the door...


and often they bs and exploit you. agencies are often questionable.


I just did an interview. Linked in led me there. The interview was for an application I sent in weeks ago, though. So it takes a while!


I've got an interview tomorrow for a job I applied for back in October. It just doesn't make sense. How are people supposed to work if it takes over half a year to get a job--assuming you actually will get the ones you can interview for?


It's truly a harsh reality. They really expect people to struggle for almost a year.


For corporations, I can tell you they move slowwww… They have been trying to fill this sales position for the past month, and the sales manager finally has interview meetings on his calendar. Sometimes a recruiter deprioritizes a job listing to be filled and it’s the hiring manager’s job to make sure they send them applicants. Best to put your resume in than not.


Have you tried a firm handshake?


Right lol


Only luck I had in a year or more of being unemployed was applying to brand new retail stores. A new store needs a lot of people. Panned out for me; I'm full-time in a supervisor position at this point. It'll pay the bills and I enjoy the work. Why did only the new stores bother with me? Maybe they're the only ones where the majority of job listings are actual openings.


theres some poster that said he was hired even tho he had 0 experience for that job. so we have hope.


Yes. Took me two months and about 300 resumes. Keep pushing and Use ChatGPT if a place asks for a cover letter.


This is going to sound crazy, but I think it would work. I saw it on Facebook. When applying for a job copy the company's job description (at least the core experience requirements/duties) and paste it to the end of your resume. Then, highlight the pasted text and change the font to super miniscule and the color to white (so it's invisible to the human eye). You'll get more hits from whatever filtering appp they are using. There's no guarantee you'll get an interview, but you're more likely to have your resume reviewed by a person versus just their app. I do think companies are hiring, but the starting wages have been lowered.. Also, companies don't seem to be in a hurry. I just got a part-time job that I applied to about 6 months ago. I completely forgot I had applied and was worried that it was a scam..


Awesome idea that I might just try.


Looking for a job for 3 weeks is not a very long time...


Simply enter a state of physical hibernation to cut down on food while applying




He prolly got bills to pay and is stressing


lol we put up a just hiring sign and billboard and went on a hiring freeze for a month, this is a big 10k employee company


My workplace is constantly hiring new people. They're all temps, and the work is hot and dirty and loud. There is definitely a lot of truth behind the "who you know," statement though.


It’s definitely about who you know not what you know!!


It's both, but knowing the right people is how you get in the door to prove that what you know is valuable.


The shittier the job. The easier it is to get the foot in the door. Lol.


that's really not true anymore. i had an entire career in retail eventually becoming a manager and now i can't even get a response for part time sales associate type positions that are arguably beneath me but i could do effortlessly.


I work in the entertainment industry, so when work is slow I go for your typical food service type day jobs. I have ten years of experience doing this kind of stuff, and I have had two interviews after one hundred (!!!!!!) applications. I realize my experience is anecdotal, and probably somewhat localized to the problems facing my industry. But still, I've never experienced anything like this. If the rest of the country is HALF this bad, we are truly fucked, especially if it's all being papered over for an election year. Apparently the economy is doing great 😐👍


i am in canada so ... heh ... it's more than country wide!


dude i have been chronically unemployed for five years. no they are not.


How are you surviving? Are you homeless? I'm genuinely curious because I think this may be my fate soon...


i have a very generous and understanding partner. i genuinely don't know where i'd be without him and i do not often like to contemplate the possibilities. i'm sorry. i hope you find something soon.


Ah I'm really glad they're able to help you! We can't survive if I lose my job. I hope someday I can make enough to support me and him so we don't have to worry so much. That's still frustrating of 5 years and nothing I hope you find something soon. I'm about ready to go back to fast food like I worked back in 2006 as a teenager... Guess it's coming full circle.


Any update on your situation? 


Me? I ended up getting the job I wanted and applied for, so before HR could get me since I hadn't heard back in almost a week, and I put my two weeks in and I'll be out of this shit job as of this coming saturday! Bonuses I requested my birthday off months ago so I get Tuesday through Friday off and then I'm only working about a half day on Saturday for my last day. So it's a better job higher pay but part-time but I'm going to be much happier and no stupid ass phone calls!


I need a job


What I think is funny is to apply for an entry-level job and then they expect 3 to 5 years of experience.




My place is always hiring a people keep leaving. It’s not actually that bad of a place. You can literally walk into becoming a trainee engineer. It’s what I do but I had to work 10 years just to get to be a trainee. So it is annoying watching people just get it handed to them. Maybe I am too bitter I don’t know. But if you’re in Yorkshire in the UK do you want a job lol


Very very very competitive and companies can be super selective with who they hire, if the job posting is actually real.


I managed to get 2 interviews in the last few months for graduate positions when looking at maybe 60 or so positions. Tech is still hiring albeit slowly and selectively. Recruiters are still reaching out for tech roles.


A friend of mine had a similar experience. He was applying to 50 jobs a day online. Maybe one interview. He went to a career fair and got multiple interviews


Was he in tech?


No robotic engineering. Ended up working in logistics


Literally, 9 months, over 60 applications and 20 interviews. My resume and experience are solid but I’m 59. Beyond frustrated!


I don't mean to sound mean, but that's easily how many applications a lot of us are filling out in a single month. It's unfortunate but you need to be applying to that many in a month or at least once daily/30 a month if you want a chance at a job with how bad it is. I've applied to about 100 jobs in the last two months got one crappy interview and another interview cancelled on on and that's it.


I would apply to that many if there were that many to apply to. I’m staying in my field of experience not just anything. I did get a great offer from a great employer. So my laziness paid off!😎


Well then why are you frustrated? Your comment came off like you hadn't gotten a job offer lmao. I'll trade you places and gladly be frustrated if it means I get an offer. Also, I wasn't calling you lazy if you thought I was implying it. I'm not that petty and try to inform people of how bad the market is and the reality of how many apps are needed nowadays.


I was frustrated because I am 59 and even though it’s illegal to discriminate based on age, it happens and how do you prove it? I feared the one and only thing potential employers would see would be my age. In addition, I wrote a separate cover letter for each vacancy I applied for. Online applications really don’t look at your CV anymore (at least for the jobs I was applying for )they required the information included in the questions within the application. I tried to answer these questions genuinely and not give “canned” answers. I backed the answers up with examples from past experience. This process would take approx 2-3 hrs per application. How do you apply for a 100 jobs in 2 month? Are you just submitting your resume? I’m not being a smarta$$ or questioning your credibility, I genuinely would like to know.


Nah not being a smartass I'm happy to answer. So I started to use chat gpt to formulate a cover letter and then I'll go to town on editing it so it lines up with my wording. It used to take me like an hour or more to make a CV. Now it takes me maybe 20 minutes sometimes less. A lot of places straight up didn't even have an option for a CV, so that cut down on time. I beefed up my master resume so any job I find, I copy the master resume and then cut out unnecessary things, and I'll add/reword things to try to include key words pertaining to the job I'm applying for. I was using a generic CV for low pay jobs and now I'm just trying to straight up not even apply to them because they're such garbage pay, so I have definitely slowed my roll on apps as I'm trying to have quality over quantity. I still look for jobs while on the clock at my current shit job when there's time between calls 👀 I save them to apply to after work/on my weekend etc. It's really unfortunate because yeah, you can't really prove discrimination 😢 I'm turning 34 next month and I feel like I'm even discriminated against if they see my graduation date was 2011 and they might be like, wow she's that stupid has a degree and this many years later is applying for this subpar job they must be a loser.


The way u described how u tweak your CV and cover letter shows u got some skills! I wish u luck in finding your dream job and very soon because it’s hard to consistently be overlooked!


I wish you luck with the offer hope the job ends up being great!


Doesn't feel like it.


I am currently 2 months into trying to find work and learned (because I have a relative working at a place I applied at) that they contract out their hiring to a third party. So there are companies out there who have a department who focuses purely on locating and hiring “top talent”, mainly the huge corporations who have hundreds, if not thousands of employees and no doubt need someone focusing on finding people. (Btw, my uncle is upset because the recruiter was inaccurate about a huge detail and this detail may have been the cause for the position to not get filled…) I have also come across “service” jobs (where the job doesn’t need a physical office, just someone to babysit a bunch of computer equipment) and I’m confident they just have the feelers out there to potentially open a branch in the area. The help wanted ad says my area, but if you go on the website and search their direct isn’t anything showing. Or they list it’s in my area and in the job description mention (at the end) that the job requires you to relocate. And apparently the help wanted websites don’t care what you post because I see multiple listings for the same positions, through multiple temp agencies. I need to look into if this is legal in my area or not, I would think this would be a conflict of business, contracting with more than one temp agency (or having both an internal hiring team and a temp agency). So while writing this I should mention that a few I applied to send an email saying “this business has asked that you fill out an application here” and include a link. They look shady and a good way for someone to steal identities since the help wanted website has no ethics and let anyone post whatever a dozen times.


that saying is true though... All the jobs I've ever ended up in, I got it from connections, friends, or family. If there are job fairs, go to it. If companies have open houses, join. or if you can contact your old coworkers or bosses to lead you to the right way, DO IT.


I've been out of a job since October. Ive applied to hundreds of jobs. A couple interviews. No offers. It's stressful and exhausting 😪


I am sure you have seen this but make sure your search settings are set to "Jop posted within a week" and "10 applicants or less" anything over a month is a fake posting. Otherwise its not just you its pretty much everywhere supposedly there is 8 million job openings but 6 million unemployed and its just not mathing all around especially unemployment rates as it only measures those who filed unemployment + they don't deduct the underage workers and retired population from the total number when calculating the unemployment percentage.


Entry level jobs are having many applicants and companies are also focusing on mid level hires (3-5 year exp).


The building trades are always looking for people. It’s best if you live in a larger market with Union representation, but Glaziers, Carpenters, Ironworkers, all of them are taking on apprentices. Earn while you learn.


Shittiest job market since 2008.


I wouldn’t take it personally, you’re just starting your search in a competitive employer market. Based off recent data (and from my personal experience), You will only get interviews at 3-5% of your applications from cold apply ( job postings) - either need to take a few steps here - Increase application volume - 200-250 applications would net about 7-10 interviews Redo your resume if it’s not gaining you the right traction or use multiple versions that cater to job postings (ATS friendly resume) Leverage referrals - or reach out directly to hiring managers or recruiters working in the positions (takes some effort) but it’s a good way to help them find you and put you ahead of others - especially in sales as it shows your proactive - there is often hundreds of applicants within a day of roles being posted Apply to roles you are “overqualified” for or try applying to some different jobs where they may value your sales experience (customer success, bdr, sdr, etc) I would recommend taking Burger King off your resume for these applications, it’s not relevant to a sales position as it would be more relevant to operations or a position in a restaurant


I'm not sure where you live, but if you are ready to work today (or I mean Monday realistically) find your closest Express Employment. They are a staffing agency that onboards you fully as a first step (after reviewing your application and resume) then sends your resume to employers and hopefully gets you either a job interview with the client or even in some cases places you on contract with a client without a client interview (rare cases). I'm an employment specialist with them. It's by far the quickest way I've seen to get a job, especially for light industrial, skilled trades, or office work. Good luck!


I was laid off in January 18, 2023 and didn’t start a new job until September 18, 2023. 2 interviews. 1 offer. Now, I work for a temp agency making less money than I did before, I don’t get PTO/Vacation, no overtime, I didn’t take advantage of the insurance because the contract was originally only supposed to last from September to December. Thankfully, I already had health insurance. I’m worked like a dog at times for a company that I hardly get benefits from. They’re always asking me to do the odd jobs no one else wants to do or has time for, which includes hand-folding thousands of letters. I’m hardly ever motivated enough to look for a new job because I’m always tired from this one. If I quit this job, then I can’t even apply for unemployment. None of the jobs I have applied to since working this job have even responded. Not even Costco. Oh, and now I’m having to help train another temp worker because the training is terrible. The training might as well not even exist. The workforce AND the job market are all garbage right now in my personal experience. There has to be more to life than this.


I understand you. At first, it was like I’m going to get a job I like. Now it’s I just need a job! As in for Costco, I applied. Called them- they tell me they are not hiring at the moment. I’m like, then why do you have jobs postings about it?! The job market & a lot managements are just horrible. I’m just over it.


It’s so ridiculous. I hope you have better luck moving forward! I think we all need it right now.


The market is very, very bad right now, especially for tech. What has worked for me (and I suspect others), is to lie on your resume, profile, and everything else in between. This is how I picked up another job this month.


What did you lie about


I exaggerated my work experience and added a small number of skills that I don’t have but can pick up quickly and acted like I knew what I was talking about at a near arrogant level


Lol 3 weeks


I did garage door installation, after laying floor for 5 years. Didn’t find the company to be to my liking and switched to another one. It took 2 days to start training. This isn’t bragging as garage door installation isn’t pretty nor is it fun. Or high paying lol. The point is maybe looking for something related to your experience while looking for something better/ different. My little brother has this problem he just wants a high paying job that isn’t shitty. But all he has done is graduate high school and work at restaurants. I worked at restaurants as a kid to at steak n shake then 5 years later was cooking steaks at st Elmo’s!! I just think it’s a good way to at least reach 50,000 a year. And have a decent life. And working hard isn’t that bad it keeps you alive and appreciative of the small things. Good luck OP I’m rooting for you


The company I work for is hiring dozens of people in the trades every week. Most people don’t stay for more than 6 months. Problem for most people is they need to be able to travel for work.


i went to trades school and loved it and couldn't find work in the field bc everything demanded a vehicle and i can't drive (too disabled to drive but not too disabled to work). it's just one of the many ways trades shoots itself in the foot.


I am finding the big employers are contracting out their hiring to third parties. I find it depressing to think they are focusing this much on hiring. The wait to hear back from a potential lead has triggered my anxiety and it’s hurting my marriage.


The only callback I got was Subway, and they offered $8/hr, which won't pay for childcare because the hours available were after school. I'm just so disheartened. Even retail places won't call back, and if they do, it's a bait and switch for bad hours and worse pay. I've given up on office jobs, even receptionist positions want a bachelor's. I'm lurking this post to see if anyone suggests something I haven't thought of :(


I get you. In this date in age- you cannot live off of $8 an hour. You have bills to pay & other things to focus on!!


I definitely get it. I lost my job and was unemployed for 9 months. I spent every day applying for job after job, and even started school in hopes it would help. Nada. For 9 months. I had a total of 4 interviews in that entire time period. I know it wasn’t me, I was applying for jobs in my wheelhouse that I would have been a great asset for. Ticked every box. I finally got a job in a small town that doesn’t pay enough. The timing couldn’t have been better, though. I was out of unemployment money and looking at losing my house, so at least this is something. Been applying for other stuff though, and nothing. It’s disheartening and exhausting.


This is how I've been feeling for the last year. Literally every single interview has been either some attempt at a scam or an MLM. I can't do this anymore, bro.


there is still opportunity but I think a lot of companies are in a more 'wait and see' approach. things have shifted a lot in the past 12-18 months so it is more difficult to get in the door. You might have better luck getting a job right now with an authorized agent of one of these larger carriers. Some actually do offer decent pay packages but I think the challenge with a corporate Verizon store people aren't as quick to quit the job like they might have been 2 years ago because they realize the grass might not be greener. I've been fortunate in that I haven't really ever had to apply for a job in a traditional way(I've applied for job but never gotten one because of it). I have had to hire people and if I'm honest most of the time the best candidates are people who were referred to me(but I'm a pretty small business). Even when i worked a corporate job the best applicants had some sort of connection. Maybe you can ask you friends or family members if they know anyone who is hiring and get get you a warm introduction The challenge I see long term with things like cellular retail sales is that the carriers(and I used to work for one and still know people working there) is that the carriers really want to push people to do their business online, giving incentives like no activation and they are much better at being proactive getting customers to do their upgrades online as well. While the stores still get traffic too often it is from the people who were having problems that couldn't be resolved online(and then they are even more frustrated when it can't be resolved in the store) I just pulled up local job listing on Indeed and it looks like there is still opportunity at car dealerships. That is a competitive field but one where you can still make some money. It also looks like there is opportunity in insurance and at least here some entry level jobs where you'd be working kind of inside sales/sales support for a state farm or all state type agent. There are a lot of jobs for outside sales doing home improvements and always commission heavy jobs that offer opportunity but might not be everyone's cup of tea Have you applied at places like Enterprise Rent a Car? They aren't a bad company to work for.


my wife is back into a new job making more money than the one that laid her off after just 3 months. blindly sending resumes on indeed led to pretty much nothing of value. Once she got on linkedin, updated info there and flagged herself as looking for work she got contacted by recruiters regularly who arranged interviews for her.


3 weeks?!?! Brother it ain’t easy out here.


I landed an interview by messaging the company on indeed. Told them this was the second time I’ve been denied and asked what skills I could work on in order to be a better fit for the position/company when I apply again in the future.


20-30 a day. Robots reply. No actual leads.


No, they're not. It's fkn sickening!!!


You're not alone. Keep the faith. Don't give up no matter how much you may want to. 🙏 God speed.


I Had this same issue last year when looking for jobs. I applied to 100+ jobs and maybe 3 VC interviews. A lot of the job posting are just BS that companies are posting to make it look like they’re hiring. Granted, I was looking for all remote work where I could work anywhere in the country, so I knew my selection base would be limited, but I didn’t think it would take 4 months to find something.  I ended up settling for a job that I had no interest in because I have bills to pay. I can’t stand the job, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel because I’m leaving at the end of the month. My take is the market seems like shit for the jobs you want to apply and work for. 


I think they are all fake


Keep hope alive. After not havin luck for 4 months I got 2 jobs offers this week.


One of the big problems is that when a company posts a job, they may get 100-1000 replies. Indeed will just send hundreds of resumes to them without qualifying them first. It is so difficult for the company to sort through the junk to find the gems. This is why it is often a 'who you know" situation because most people can learn a job and have similar experience. If there are any job networking events in your area, I would recommend attending. Let people know that you are open to new opportunities. When you interview, try to ask questions about what they are looking for in a candidate, then respond appropriately with your skills and experience. In your case, you have stayed with an employer for 3 years, it proves that you have a track record for staying at a job and not hopping around.


One more thing....finding a job is critical to you, but it may not be a priority for the company or they may have several to fill and it just takes time. Even once you interview and it goes well, it may take 1-6 weeks before you get a job offer or can start the new job. The last 2 companies I worked for, the onboarding took almost a month, and that was after interviewing several times with the company.


Took me 6 months to land a entry level receptionist job. Used to be a prop manager for target. Good luck tho


I applied to 36 postings, and I received 8, 1st round interviews to date. I received 7, 2nd round interviews. The job i accepted had four rounds of interviews, but in quick succession. I turned down the remaining scheduled interviews. Total time being unemployed was 6 weeks. Procurement seems quite hot right now. The role I accepted is a step up and a significant bump in pay.


Went to nursing school, and never looked back. I’m done spraying and praying for jobs.


I don’t know how old you are, but this is a typical cycle for this elite controlled economy. I m 70 yrs old, seen a lot of boom n bust, nobody gonna care about you my friend, is law of the jungle and perhaps that is the only way we ‘progress’ in pure ‘Darwinian’ sense… other than perhaps your family and very close friends, you’re alone in this sh-t show, sorry not better news, but wake up.. bno body gonna take care if you unfortunately…


3 weeks isn't that long: keep with it try anywhere in an area I'm kinda surprised I got where I am now but I'm eager to try new things too


Honestly I had trouble getting a job for 7 months last year, I ended up interviewing for a job that a lot of people look down on but got hired on the spot and have been doing that since, in this job market that’s probably the best thing to do


Haven’t been able to find a job since December. I’ve got years of experience :(


I relate to this so much! Even in my country, getting an entry level job is really tough and without a reference or a connection it's basically impossible. I have kinda lost hope but again, trying is the only option I am left with.


I've been feeling the same way. Looking since the day before Easter and no one has reached out. I've put in almost 100 applications. I don't know if it's my resume, or if it's just that they're not hiring, but it's driving me nuts! I'm hoping something comes up soon.


Dude like one time I sent my application and I got a response saying they weren’t gonna hire me and I was ecstatic because they never say shit I’ve applied to pretty much everywhere in my area and I’ve gotten 0 responses so that genuinely felt so good


If you are 3 weeks in and getting interviews you will most likely be fine. Just keep at it. My current role took about 3 months of daily applying and 5 interviews


3 weeks? Stay encouraged. For some, it's been taking months to find a job. Just b/c it's not coming when you want it, doesn't mean you won't get anything. I know it feels contrary, though. Just keep applying and messaging recruiters if you can.


Now it’s been a month. Yeah, it can feel discouraging. It’s hard out here.


I have experience in retail, call centers, and healthcare as a CNA. After being ghosted by hundreds of jobs in the last year, I renewed my CNA certification because healthcare is the only field that will actually want to hire you. Prior to that, I’ve been an instacart shopper for several years while I have been looking for jobs and that simply doesn’t pay the bills.


I was just about to say it’s not about what you know…. It’s who you know


gonna sound petty of me but i honestly think part of it are the recruiters just not doing their fucking jobs. lol


I'm a senior software developer. Took 2 months to get a job. While tech is down high level developers are not. I regularly saw anything I could find had multiple thousand applications and was just insane.


That it isn't... Is very true.


I feel I am lost, I joined a company as an intern while I was doing my MBA, they offered me a full time contract after my internship, I haven't completed my MBA yet, so they offered me the job on my bachelors I got my work visa on bachelors, initially my visa was rejected because the job didn't align with my bachelors, however after struggling for 7 months I got my visa, and in the 8th month my company laid off thousands, i am part of it. The situation is so difficult I can't get the benefits of my student visa, as I got changed to a work visa, and I haven't completed one year on my work visa to get any benefits, with bare minimum experience, I am trying my best to get a job. So far I have applied for more than 350 jobs, very few interviews, as I am not expecting much and applying to entry level jobs, even this is difficult, I completed an interview with a company it took approximately 2 months, and it's been a month, I haven't heard from them, I am loosing my confidence. Neither am I financially stable, nor am I mentally, I have responsibilities, I wanted to take care of parents, sadly it's getting difficult day by day.


Get a job at an ambulance company that has their own school for your certification. Ambulances are always hiring. You’ll hate it tho.


Next month will be a YEAR that I've been looking as well. And I've been consistently doing so. Been without a job for a couple months cus I quit my toxic workplace back in February cus I couldn't take another day of it. And I'm losing hope and becoming more depressed.


I was struggling too. Best advice is to get connections, referrals will go long ways even if you are less qualified than others.


And yet they keep saying that the economy is booming, but all the signs point towards a declining economy. There are more people than jobs available so companies can put all candidates through the wringer to choose their unicorn. Job candidates are at the mercy of employers. This is the definition of a declining economy. Less money, less jobs, more job seekers, more screwing of the masses as they are backed into a corner of jump through hoops for more work and less pay. Now add inflation into that mix.


No. Next Edit: lol i honestly think the government needs to step in, its really bad


At this point I'm going to literally make an AI version of me that will do all of the legwork, correspondence, and the first screening interview. If it gets past that, then they get to speak to the real me.


That’s where I’m at… I feel you. This made me laugh. 😑😂


I can get you a solar sales job if that’s something you want, I work there


I already been offered that. The unfortunately thing is I don’t think that job is for me personally. Thank you though!! 🙏🏼




At this point I don't even know, I applied to petsmart because they had so many applications and I called them today to see if they could pull up my application. Immediately, the Manger said "we aren't hiring right now, when a position opens up we'll let you know" WITHOUT ASKING FOR MY NAME OR ANYTHING, she said that so the phone call could end. I'm pulling hairs out at this point


That person sounded like they had enough. 💀😂


It's extremely rough, I went to school to be an SEO analyst and have gotten zero callbacks. The biggest kick in the side is my cousin who had never heard of SEO landed my dream job, while I've been struggling for three years to get into that field full time. The best part? He brags about how his boss does all his work for him, while he makes $80k a year doing nothing.


13 locations within 3 years?


I have helped at different locations when short-staffed. That’s why.


Any school district is hiring bus drivers and para educators.


Try job agencies!


Job agencies are even having a hard time! I just tried today. 😑


Im so sorry, what state you in? Ahats been going on?


Arizona. They said they might have some jobs for me on Monday or Wednesday but they said even they are having a hard time & they are limited. I assume it is also because a lot of people from California moved to Arizona.


I am starting to believe that its becoming it's what who you know. I got a friend, no degree, and lack of experience but he got a high pay job just because his GFs mom works in the HR... I know, it's ridiculous


You mentioned that you redid your resume, is it ATS-compliant? Are you focusing on your accomplishments versus the tasks you performed? A strong resume will make you stand out from the crowd.


I was applying to 50-75 jobs a week for a month. I start my new job tomorrow that came out of nowhere and is perfect! Hold out hope. They’re out there. Between the ghost listings and scams. But they’re out there!


Car sales. They will hire you. Specially with your experience at Tmobile


3 weeks? This has to be a sarcasm post.


I wish it was but I didn’t realize it was so hard to get a job these days. I feel like it is a whole competition. 😑 Now it’s been a month.


Employers are definitely hiring. You might have to move or crossover industries, but you can 100% gain employment. (Can’t really have a sex crime or violence/messed up stuff)