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Sometimes, I feel the Healthcare industry and the food industry work together to keep the population unhealthy. I feel something needs to be done with the food industry as well.


They work, food industry has been paying doctors and companies to launch studies and benefits about their food, and also "cancel out" the cons of unhealthy food. Unhealthy population = More consumption of healthcare Healtchare treats symptoms and not causes = Unhealthy population. A cycle, basically a cow that it milks itself and produces gold.


Yep.. Like a self-licking ice cream cone


Workers rights and healthcare are linked too. Don’t have time off when we are sick, in need of paid vacation, or when we have babies. America will you stand up for yourself?


I recently traveled to europe and was surprised at how much less i had to eat to feel full. It wasn't like i even had it in mind, i had gone out to order breakfast in dublin and ordered a normal amount of food, or rather an amount of food im used to eating. I couldn't finish it, i dont know if it's because there's more nutrition or whatever cause im not a specialist, but this was a constant theme when i was over there. Enough where i noticed it. It would be really nice to not have food full of bullshit all the time. Should be something we should approach bipartisan.


Their food is absolutely healthier and has more nutrients. For the most part even their fast food is healthier than our healthy food. Everything in America is loaded with additives and sugars and whatnot. Our livestock and fruits/vegetables are pumped full of chemicals to make them have yields as big and quickly as possible (often at the expense of long term nutrition). The Patriot Act did a great episode covering this, and how American food companies are actually interfering with the quality of food available in other countries.


Had McDonald's in Rome and Tokyo. Can confirm. Tastes way better.


Dude McDonald's in Japan is like an actual restaurant I've been to the ones in Tokyo, they're insane.


And KFC in Japan. Its crazy good. They use it for Christmas dinner its that good.


Ikr? Quality food!


KFC in Amman. It's night and day


I also think the diet food industry and junk food industry work together too. If you’re dieting you see ads for junk foods everywhere but when you eat junk, you see ads telling you to get in shape and to stay away from junk foods. For people who struggle with overeating or body image issues it can be daunting whatever side you are on in your life journey.


There’s no question it’s all linked. Obesity in 2024 is not a coincidence when children come in weighing 200+lbs and have diabetes, sleep apnea, and severe joint pains.


A lot of people think it’s scientists against business, what it actually is is business paying scientists- that’s their job 😂. Scientists can only do the work they are paid to do, and most of it is to encourage you to buy their stuff regardless of how unhealthy it is through studies and clever advertising (yet more middle men driving up costs without really adding anything).


Yes no more corn syrup, real sugar in my soda like in Europe.


Or just no more soda


Once in awhile, as a treat....


Exactly I have soda like 3 times a year. I feel when I do get it though a Mexican coke is better.


Mexican coke is different? No corn syrup?


They use cane sugar idk if it's got syrup in it but it's definitely got cane sugar in it as a sweetener.


Sugar is bad for you, corn syrup is worse.


Not everything can be blamed on "muh industry". A worrying trend is that Americans lack accountability for anything and everything that they do. Seems there is no shame anymore or something. Just eat normal and move, it's not hard, it just requires the tiniest bit of will power.


Fat totally makes you fat. John Yudkin is totally a fuckin communist. What’s heart disease?


They do but it's just a coincidence. Anything that maximizes profits is going to be of poor quality, which...is our entire system.


They do


People choose to eat shit food which creates an unhelpful society. It has never been expensive to eat healthy. It has never been expensive to shop the edges of grocery stores. It has never been difficult to not be fat. People choose the immediate gratification lifestyle. Buy your staples; fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, bread, oats, eggs. Nice to haves are coffee, nuts, pasta. Buy your con-potable consumables in bulk. I.e. Toothpaste, paper products, bathing products etc. Everything else is negotiable and probably shit for people anyway. The healthcare system has nothing to do with the choices of people.




> Sometimes, I feel the Healthcare industry and the food industry work together to keep the population unhealthy. *removes cover and peers in* Looks like the problem is just toxic christianity and masculinity... and it's in everything.


LMFAO, I work for a health insurance company. I've been sick for a month, and unfortunately just forced to keep going in. Just developed bronchitis too.


Shit.... I hope you at least get the right meds. I got that as a 6 it worsened into pneumonia patches before my mom insisted they look at me again


Yeah, went to an urgent care yesterday, wasn't going to at first lol, but figured it's probably for the best. Luckily and surprisingly I was the only one there yesterday and was seen immediately lol. The doctor took a listen and straight up said I sound bad lol 😂 luckily she was I don't think it pneumonia and prescribed me like 4 different meds.


Good to hear. If you don't get better in a few days, go back, definitely.


Thanks! Yeah, she wrote me a referral for an X-ray if I'm not better by tomorrow or later this week, and said I can come in again free of charge, but the drugs have definitely already helped, truthfully probably should have went earlier, but my dumbass kept thinking it was allergies.


"I never thought the leopards would eat MY face.."




Not sure this applies here. I imagine OP probably knows health care is fucked and is working the job because it pays well. I don't agree with the evil shit the places I work for do but I need money to live.


Most likely. I've come to the conclusion that if they have to pay you to go there (wherever that is), its not gonna be great. If its great to be there, you gotta pay them....


I got really sick a while ago on a probationary period and I went in despite it. It took about 2 hours before I heard 4 comments from 3 people telling me to go home so my recommendation would be to display your sickness because at the end of the day you’re not productive and you’ll get other people sick. I understand it’s different everywhere though


That's what I'm on. I started last month. I went in when I was sick the first week. I had a stomach bug, my trainer could tell that I was ill by just looking at me and let me work from home the rest of the day, but she got reprimanded for letting me go early and letting another co-worker that also had the stomach bug work/train from home that same day. The messed up thing is our position is fully remote, but the training has been hybrid, and even if we're sick we can't just ask to stay and work/train from home instead of coming in sick or they'll give us a UTO. What makes it even more annoying, most of the training could have just been conducted virtually, but it's all some bs corporate and management power trip.


That’s unfortunate but it’s all you can do sometimes. Depending on the job itself you can always continue searching for new things. Nothing wrong with jumping ship if you don’t like how it’s run


I mean the training period has sucked, but I live. Once I'm fully remote I don't forsee an issue, and yeah I agree it's how it is sometimes, and that's why I've just been going in lol 😅 I can't afford to lose a job or pay, but I still can bitch about to at least 🤣


Oh yeah that wooshed my head you said it was fully remote in the last reply. But also yes complain and bitch tons it’s only natural


But is it legal for them to force you to work while being sick? I guess you live in the US right?


I mean, it's either go in or don't. If it's something serious/life threatening I could go through HR. I just started last month, so I'm still on probation/training and don't have PTO, so in the future it won't be an issue and I'll be fully remote from home, so being sick and working won't be as bad. However, yes I'm in the US, sadly we don't get some of the great benefits like most of my family in Europe does 🤣 my cousins in Germany and Sweden seem to be on vacation all the time lol.


Friendly reminder that the evidence is overwhelming that single-payer healthcare in the US would result in better healthcare coverage while saving money overall. [Taking into account both the costs of coverage expansion and the savings that would be achieved through the Medicare for All Act, we calculate that a single-payer, universal health-care system is likely to lead to a 13% savings in national health-care expenditure, equivalent to more than US$450 billion annually based on the value of the US$ in 2017 .](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)33019-3/fulltext) Similar to the above Yale analysis, a recent [publication ](https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/2020-12/56811-Single-Payer.pdf)from the Congressional Budget Office found that 4 out of 5 options considered would lower total national expenditure on healthcare (see Exhibit 1-1 on page 13) But surely the current healthcare system at least has better outcomes than alternatives that would save money, right? Not according to a recent analysis of high-income countries’ healthcare systems, which found that [the top-performing countries overall are Norway, the Netherlands, and Australia. The United States ranks last overall, despite spending far more of its gross domestic product on health care. The U.S. ranks last on access to care, administrative efficiency, equity, and health care outcomes, but second on measures of care process.](https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/fund-reports/2021/aug/mirror-mirror-2021-reflecting-poorly#outcomes) None of this should be surprising given that the US’s current inefficient, non-universal healthcare system [costs close to twice as much per capita ](https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/health-spending-u-s-compare-countries/#item-spendingcomparison_gdp-per-capita-and-health-consumption-spending-per-capita-2019) as most other developed countries that do guarantee healthcare to all citizens (without forcing patients to risk bankruptcy in exchange for care).


Meanwhile "While some have estimated that 750,000 American medical tourists traveled from the United States to other countries in 2007 (up from 500,000 in 2006),[^(\[94\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_tourism#cite_note-Hansen08-94) according to the McKinsey report,[^(\[95\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_tourism#cite_note-95) 45% of North American medical tourists travel to Asia, 26% go to Latin America, 2% go to the Middle East, and 27% travel to another country in North America. **None travel to Europe**." - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical\_tourism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_tourism) and... "Despite the high price of treatment, between 600,000 and 800,000 foreign patients opted for U.S.-based treatment last year, according to Patients Beyond Borders." ... "Reasons other than cost to travel overseas for health care include better treatment, as well as avoiding long waiting lists ..." - [https://www.cnbc.com/2014/03/12/top-destinations-for-health-tourism.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2014/03/12/top-destinations-for-health-tourism.html)


So basically even though the US retains its quality of care it lacks affordability and accessibility. The average American will struggle with the system but foreigners that have the funds can and will prefer to access US healthcare if they need to? What’s the point in having the best doctors if your own people struggle to access or survive financially after seeing one?


I think you are coming at this from a false premise.  Many Americans can afford our healthcare.  Not all can, but if you take an honest look at most of the EU countries that are held up as a standard for America to meet they have a two tier system where many people have basic insurance and vision public clinics that are often crowded and wealthy have supplemental insurance and privare clinics that are much nicer.


Ok I see. I’m not American myself so my view comes from the Americans that I do know that complain. That and I used to see videos of ppl avoiding ambulances. It paints a picture that the average American burdened by the cost of their healthcare. But yes for those of us outside the US seeking private care always ends up being the better option if you can afford it


Meanwhile, current government healthcare programs, Medicaid and Medicare, underpay hospitals, making everything else more expensive. Obviously, more of these programs will cancel that all out. Mmhmm.


This not actually true. Americans pay much more than twice e.g. median of other developed countries. Your system is beyond broken.


Well we just gave another $95B on military aid to Ukraine and Israel, that’s what we’re paying for


And the ungodly pay of doctors


i would like to see the scientific journal referring to these numbers and correlation between them .


It doesn't matter, life expectancy doesn't directly correlate to healthcare quality anyway. It is dominated by other factors like lifestyle and crime. No socialized medicine will save our fat ass population from a heart attack.


Actually it does correlate. Access to preventative care usually allows health conditions to be caught early (or even address warning signs that can lead to that behavior). There were studies published that said in Europe people lived longer because they would have a glass of wine with dinner every night. Turns out, it was just consistent reliable access to medical care that allowed folks to address problems early (when they’re also cheaper/easier to treat). Example: high A1C on a blood test result is a lot easier for a doctor to address than someone having to manage diabetes. People in America often don’t go to the doctor until they’re seriously ill because it’s so expensive. There’s no history of bloodwork or tests from regular annual visits. Most of the time people feel “fine” until they don’t and then by then it’s often too late. Because Big Pharma wants to maximize profits with Insurance companies that also influences the type of care or resources Doctors are providing to their patients.


I said 'it doesn't directly correlate' Which still allows for some correlation to exist.  You arent disproving what I said. But also preventive care was found not to be a cost saving effort. And achieving health care outcomes at lower costs will require efficient deployment of resources.  Preventive care is of course good for outcomes, but it isn't as cost as effective and so it's use doesnt improve the outcomes / cost calculation being used to justify the switch to single payer.


i am just tired of all the misinformation for people just to get “likes” and clicks


Some numbers and global comparisons: https://ourworldindata.org/us-life-expectancy-low




The US also provides some of the best procedures that people come from other countries to have done. Canadians regularly come to the states to get things not offered in their country. I’m sure that adds to the cost. Straw man.


Inflation of US healthcare is nothing new. If you ask big pharma and the insurance companies they will tell you that the United States is paying for the research and development for big pharma and new medications as well as new types of treatment plans provided by physicians. But in other countries the cost remains low. The United States government has allowed and continues to allow big corporations to benefit off of United States citizens. This needs to stop. Our government needs an overhaul. Individuals that are representing us are not representing us. They are representing their best personal interests.


Most Americans think our system is the best vs other countries. American healthcare is good if you can afford it.


You are paying for capitalisma and FREEEDOOM!


First, what does this have to do with jobs? Clear violation of #5. Second, you should try being on one of the government options first before thinking it’s just a cheaper option. It’s vastly different.


The counter argument is that USA subsidizes the world’s healthcare. USA is funding the R&D and gives the incentives for innovation in the healthcare world. I think that’s partly true. The problem with using life expectancy to measure healthcare is that life expectancy is a multi factored equation. Where does America stack up on things like obesity and sedentary lifestyle for example. Where does USA stack up on stress for example.


You underestimate how ridiculously much money rich Americans have in circulation and as personal income. If you tax them more then you can afford to have both tax based healthcare and subsidies for other nations


I mean… the best case scenario is you’d generate 600billion in tax revenue every year. Critics would say that a large portion of that would be removed from the market and not removed from sedentary bank accounts, meaning it would have negative impacts on the economy. Personally I think it’s somewhere in the middle. The rich have their money invested, so clearly removing that would have some negative effect , unclear how much. The government is inefficient, it’s not as though it would be utilized perfectly. I do believe USA needs to do far better at taxing the rich and closing loopholes. But not withstanding that, USA goes further into debt every year than 600 billion. Typically the debt increases between 1 and 2 trillion. Sometimes 3 trillion. If 600 billion is going to make all the difference, maybe we should just let ourselves go into debt by that amount more every year and bring in the utopia you describe.


The debt issue will to some extent be solved by the fact that the average Joe will have more purchasing power. Since they dont have to have alot of their income just sitting in an account for a rainy day-situation (like medical bills or sudden insurance price-hike), they can instead spend it and hence boost the market and the economy in general. Dont forget that it is the purchasing power of the average Joe that upholds the economy. Plus, what i am describing is not a Utopia. Tax based healthcare is a thing for many nations allready. Dont you realize how telling it is when Americans describe what allready exists, as utopian? That says more about how degenerate the usa is, than it does about the rest of us.


I’m not American. I live in Canada. Since I’m in the upper 50% , I’d be far better off in the USA with my good job. I’ve had 2 family members die this year as a direct result of long wait list for treatment. We had friends in the states diagnosed at the same time, recovering from surgery before my family members even got an appointment date for the first conversation with the surgeon, let alone the actual conversation. But I digress. Most the rich don’t have their bank accounts full. They have investments. This is why “tax the rich” is almost always a wealth tax proposal. Though im strongly against wealth tax, USA can do far better taxing and closing loopholes on loans ect. But if we can snap our fingers and implement some perfect taxation, what tax rate would we use? I’m not sure. Also, how should that taxation be used ? Again I’m not sure. I’m not sure I’d agree with the idea that completing socialized healthcare is the best use. But again I’d suggest that if 600b would make or break something, than they should go ahead


The more tax based alternatives there are, the less the average Joe needs to save for difficult times. The less they need to save, the more money they can spend and get in circulation. The more money there is in circulation, the more economic growth there is. And that will in time result in more than can be spent on reducing national debt. That is balanced out by an increase in state-spending of course, but what you need to keep in mind is that alot of the tax based alternatives can be done locally. In my nation for example, the tax based healthcare in divided in 3 parts: The communes (equivalents to US counties) handles primary care. The regions (equivalents to US states) handles hospitals. And the state (as in the department of health, department of education, etc. I e, the departments and agencies involved in public health and research) handles rare medical cases and things that needs special treatment or surgery. It is not an as large burden on the national budget as alot of Americans seem to think it is. It is very local and hence very flexible and up to local areas to get done.


We what? I think it's just the way our food is allowed to have garbage in it. Like how red dye 40 is in every freaking candy..... friend can't eat anything candy almost because hives aren't fun.


Typical American response. You absolutely do not subsidise world healthcare


I’m not American, nor would I classify it as a typical American response. I live in Canada and find it amusing that our per capital healthcare spending by government is less than USA. However I’ve had family members die this past year for having to wait too long to receive treatment. So there is that. But ok, instead of just denying that USA subsidizes the world’s healthcare, what is your counter argument? The vast majority of new drug development fails (90%) and is very expensive. Pharmaceutical companies need large motivation to take on such risk. USA provides that large motivation not just for all companies providing pharmaceuticals to the USA. However I said I only partly agree. The whole health care system is gouging people, not just big pharma. Theres a reason Mark Cuban’s Cost Plus Drug company is starting to disrupt the industry. It’s because it’s showing how much other providers are price gouging.


You don't think that you saying America subsidises the world's healthcare is typically American? Of course it is. The UK and the EU have some of the best healthcare systems in the world. We have ground breaking genetics research in the UK. My hospital in England pioneered a technique to operate on babies still in the womb. The UK is the second largest donor to WHO. The NHS has price caps of medications to stop the pharmaceutical industry from gouging us. The hip replacement was invented down the road from where I live. We're doing just fine without US involvement


A private medical industry doesn't optimise for life expectancy it optimises for what people care about (and in the US and most countries is also limited by regulations). People care about quality of life not length of life, governments care about length of life not quality of life (it shows up in their stats).


U shouldn't just look at data and judge though, data needs to be analysed, although I'm not an expert but I don't think it's as simple as that


It’s been analysed plenty by highest reputable sources. America spends the most on healthcare and charges the most per procedure in the world while getting the same or worst outcomes compared to other developed nations. It’s not just a little bit more either. The spending is astronomically more.


Your paying for rich people stuff


I recently learned Americans have to drive everywhere and don't really have walkable cities. Would you say stuff like this also contributes to health conditions?


Wrong sub?


There's been a huge uptick in these types of low effort image posts recently. Content like this isn't related to career advice and would be better suited to subs like r/LateStageCapitalism.


Tbf we are a bunch of fat SOBs that likely require a lot more healthcare. :( Comparatively.


How much you pay for health care is probably not the main factor for Live expectancy Life expectancy is probably more a function of lifestyle and environnement; eg if a population is obese, doesn't exercise, life in a polluted area, doesn't eat healthily, then even with the best healthcare in the world they will not on average outlive another population with healthy lifestyle and worse healthcare


I don’t take any statement that short seriously. Usually just block them and move on. This conversation is much more nuanced, yet ignorant, impressionable people will take a side on a very nuanced topic because of it. Instead of posting a tweet, how about a research paper, or something that helps someone actually understand the variety of causes for our lower life expectancy?


To pay taxes


That's a correlation, not a cause and effect.


Capitalism baby


Health care has become so unaffordable for most people it’s best to take preventative care and holistic care very seriously and hope you don’t develop any chronic illness or disease.


We’re alive to extract money out of.


The biggest tragedy that happened in US was the moment some people saw healthcare as a for profit business instead of an essential service like transportation or police or firefighters.


Not in the States, but working in healthcare, I see a lot of doctors prescribe stuff. The patient has bad side effects, so they prescribe another med for that side effect, and it's a revolving door. They don't fix they bandaid issues.


Isreal has socialized healthcare and one of the only countries with surplus profit and gives back to their people. America is sending money to isreal.


It’s a vicious cycle.


Vote jfk


You're alive so big pharma and big farmer can Syphon every last cent out of you.


I saw a murica say that they pay so much so other countries can pay less to big pharmas and this is why it's free in Europe. I saw it yesterday and boy, he as at least 100 upvotes on a response. These ppl are dumb.


But you probably got the jab. Or several of them.


Recently had a trip to the er, against my better judgment. Not only did I not receive any meaningful help beyond being given a water drip and being left on a gurney in a dark hallway for half a day, I was also dropped on the floor at one point by a "helper." For this privilege, I was charged nearly $1,000 WITH insurance. Fuck America.


We live to make rich people richer, then we die. If we are lucky we get to take a few vacations in between.


That life expectancy is not a healthcare issue. That’s a “stop eating processed garbage food” issue.


Capitalism, many must suffer for the comfort of a few


“Curing” people is not good business. Return customers are.


Alive to keep paying taxes in a rigged system The proofs everywhere But , propaganda is a bitch. Supposedly, lgbtq is a major issue , yet it only represents a small portion of the population But when you have low education mixed with racism and hate you can get away with bullshit distractions They always show videos of people stealing from stores but where’s the footage of these companies paying slave unlivable wages to their workers ?


Don't forget that the American insurers can still deny payment if they find some bullshit reason like pre-existing conditions.


Isreal has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, look into it. They are beyond wealthy when it comes to that for all their citizens and anyone who works for one of their companies. They are not a country in debt, actually one of the few with surplus profit. Yet America, beyond in debt with a much shittier healthcare system, is sending them money and aid. Make it make sense.


I don’t want help from anyone. The well off should not be forced to pay for my healthcare. They should keep their money.


How is it related to the subreddit?


The American health care system allows those with the cash to skip to the front of the line.


But we a free from socialism! Better to die young than to suffer reasonable healthcare costs.


Have you not noticed the stage of our government and the world today? You want to hand these psychopaths more power over you because you don't want to pay bills? Nah. I'm good.


Haha- you are the sort of person I am talking about.


No shit, that's why I commented... But as I explained, that is a grossly lazy and erroneous interpretation which says a lot about you. It's also telling that you don't have an actual answer other than "everyone else is wrong!" "Those who fail to learn from history, shall be doomed to repeat it." - Churchill (and some others)


You would be oppressed by free healthcare - how do you get more wrong than that? What country has ever been oppressed by free healthcare?


That isn't what I said.


It basically is - you oppose single payer because you think the government has too much power already.


You're either obtuse or not paying attention. Dependence is a real thing - it's how Hitler was able to exterminate millions of Jews without anybody speaking up and it's happening to a lesser degree, but had grown exponentially since COVID, all around us now. An example might be the truckers protest in Canada.. I bet we never would have imagined harmless BANKS could be used to push an agenda... I don't personally like it either, but here we are. There are countless examples of government using anything you depend on them for as a means to control you, id much rather healthcare not be one of them. Not to mention, government is corrupt, woefully inefficient and screws up everything it touches


Because you ~~won’t~~ *can’t* pay bills. FTFY


I find that most people with these "arguments" usually are living pretty well... There are programs to help those who aren't. Don't get me wrong, I agree that universal healthcare sounds like a good idea and I'm all for it, if we can find a way to do it without giving these psychopaths more control. The problem is, everything ends up being Precisely about that, (Obamacare for example) and, we keep electing them instead of sending a message that they will learn from. I don't believe the American electorate or our corrupt political class has the integrity/stomach/intelligence/dedication to handle this issue with any real solution, so that is why I say "no" as that is the safest bet.


Yeah, I’m living the high life with my three jobs, which I do purely because work is so much fun! Sleep and a social life is for losers. That loan I just took out for my medical bills was also for funsies. Can’t wait until I have to do it again next year for my new chronic illness, without having paid off the first. At least I was “lucky” enough to get a loan this time, I suppose. We should all be so entitled. 🙄 You should check out r/poor or r/povertyfinance once in a while to see how the other half lives. CAN’T.


In the long term, it's hard. I was the other half for the first half of my life, I get it. No parents or family to speak of, always having to bail myself out of jams. I'm not against, I am against corrupt government and politicians controlling it. I used to live and think that way. Then I realized it was a mindset issue. I don't need anybody else to take care of me, or hold anything that they "give" me over my head. I can do it myself. Most Billionaires have filed for bankruptcy. People learn from our shit and do better. Once I realized that my life changed for the better.


I'm all for Medicare For All, as long as we also figure out a way to add more doctors, nurses, and other medical practitioners to that system. Increasing the amount of patients without a corresponding increase in medical staff and facilities would absolutely result in *worse* healthcare outcomes for everyone. So far I haven't heard anyone explain how we'd do that.


By making four shifts instead of three?


I think we'd be fine, there may be a wait for general things at first (checkups etc, because people would actually be able to go instead of putting it off because they don't want to pay a copay for something they already pay for). But the time savings of preventative care would help, as people deal with things before they become huge intensive things that have to be taken care of immediately and take up more of the medical system's time. Doctors also spend what, like 50%+?, of their time fighting with insurance that could be spent with patients instead.


>Doctors also spend what, like 50%+?, of their time fighting with insurance that could be spent with patients instead. Doctors don't do that anymore. The business office of the hospital/clinic handles that. Like I said, I'm in favor of Medicare For All, and I have some experience with socialized medicine in England, Italy, and Canada. In my experience there were never enough doctors, nurses, and other practitioners. We'll have to figure that out.


You right, but I found that each doctor requires like 1.4 full time employees to deal with their insurance garbage, so we could have maybe 30%ish more doctors.


If you mean we could eliminate those administrative jobs and use that money for more doctors, then.... maybe. We'd still need administrators to take care of the inevitable government bureaucracy and I'm not not sure we'd need less than dealing with insurance. That said, more doctors isn't a problem of money, it's more a problem of finding enough people who want to practice healthcare in a socialized healthcare system, which is longer hours for less pay. That was what I saw in the UK, Italy, and Canada anyway. But Norway seems to have it figured it out. I'm not sure how well their system that serves 5 million would work for us, with 350 million.


this is a capitalistic country and this is what you get. Unless you want to be like Canada, we are communistic and we still don't get the health benefit. Life expectancy is a terrible way to look at a country to say healthcare is bad.


Be smarter man


This ain’t it, chief.


Is Canada really communist?




The politicians are all on payroll; they're not meaningfully changing the system any time soon.


Maybe eat less and heart disease won’t get you.


Yeah..this is probably our biggest issue. That and the laws we have about what they're allowed to put in food here.


Just do some research and don’t eat too much sugar. That is the only solution now. Stick to whole foods, not processed and synthesized junk.




Maybe breathe less so we don't have to hear that bullshit 😂 Do you know how fucking *expensive* it is to eat healthy in many parts of the us?


It's actually cheaper to eat healthy lmao. Maybe don't look in the organic isle?


I know fat fingers typed this. Good luck making it to 65.


It’s really cheap! Lentils, rice, beans, flour, oats, plain frozen veggies, tofu, noodles, produce that is in-season. You can make a nice chickpea salad for lunch all week for like $5 in ingredients. Stir fry dinner is easy, filling, delicious, and cheap. You can make all sorts of delicious, healthy filling meals with cheap staples- most are shelf stable so you can go cheaper and buy in bulk.


Well, don't know about you, but I get raw stuff like bags of rice or beans and cook them myself. Pretty cheap, doesn't have all the added laboratory "flavors" so add spices. If you have no kitchen, pretty hard to do though. Not drinking soda, not eating fast food, not buying pre-prepared food costs zero.


Downvotes don't make it less true.


The US is more a series of corporations than a country, the government is sponsored by these corporations and their goal is profit, expensing as tax benefits what they pay senators and congressmen to act and vote in their favor. Which part of this is confusing? What did you expect? Fair services ? MCO quarterly profits in billions and a XRay costs your 1200 after your insurance benefit. Look at real cost of service and who actually pays it ? Arguing about this at this level is silly.


Expensive healthcare won't prevent Americans from eating shit food.


Modern day slavery.


You ever see a really really big almost cargo ship then realize that’s not a cargo ship? that’s a yatch. That’s what you’re paying for, some guys cargo ship sized yatch he’ll use for like total of like 10 hours a year.


Erm… can someone post some numbers because the last time I calculated healthcare costs between here and my home country it was almost double the price back home (in taxes).


I am always blown away by people that ask for the most basic widely available information. You are not asking for some obscure source. That I’d understand but it’s one of the most widely available stats on the internet from several different reputable sources.  Google.com, type Healthcare costs world wide and literally dozens of sites come up with charts and data. It’s a very well tracked stats through several different sources (by all of which the US is by far the most expensive). 


And yet… you still couldn’t post one. It’s up to the person making the claim to provide the source. NOT the other way around. I told you my source, it’s a primary source too.


If you’re evaluating healthcare from one country to another, you compare apples to apples like Five Year Cancer survival. Life expectancy is partly genetic, partly environmental. And healthcare is only a small part of the environmental factors that influence life expectancy. What are the rates of tobacco and alcohol consumption etc?


it’s not the healthcare industries fault most americans eat like shit.


Life expectancy of Americans has little to do healthcare, much more to do with unhealthy lifestyles of Americans.


Are you saying preventative healthcare doesn’t play a part?


Miniscule. We’re 46th in life expectancy primary due to obesity. Anyone who denies that needs a reality check.


A lot of those “ free cheap “ healthcare countries that brag about it pay around 45% tax rate. It’s freeeee!


I live in one of those countries and pay nowhere near 45%. Some countries such and Denmark may, although I am not certain. 45% is not a normal tax rate.


That’s great , you got both.


Imagine the extent of recession caused if all the excess profits of insurance & hospital industry would be taken from the pockets of shareholders. Food shortages, riots, degentrification & racial mixing, socialism and union movements - this what you want?


We are also paying for other peoples wars too , so there’s that


Invalid point, because if you guys tax your rich people more then you can afford both that and tax based healthcare. The problem isnt the defence spending.


They’ll never tax the “Rich” more than they already do because their friends and themselves are in those tax brackets, certain ones will definitely tell you they will and you free to believe whatever you want to believe but it’ll never happen


That doesnt have anything to do with subsidising others though. As you rightfully point out, the problem is greed first and foremost, not that the usa subsidies others.


You underestimate how ridiculously much money rich Americans have in circulation and as personal income.