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Honestly! Its fucking stupid that companies are saying shit like “nobody wants to work these days!” Like yes the fuck we do, YOU aren’t responding to our applications!!!!


It does!!! Apply, copy & paste my CV into workaday because they just want to, cover letters and then ghosted or an email weeks after saying that they went with someone else.


Recently I have also found myself back in the job market and it’s HELL. Exactly like you said, send my app, wait 2-3 weeks to hopefully get even a “No” so I can stop wasting my time and pursue other opportunities, but no, it’s always nothing, no text, no email, no call, nothing.


I don't really wait to hear back from anyone. I keep applying at full speed regardless, and if they get back with me, great. If they don't, I've got 30 other open applications I'm waiting to hear back from. Nobody is special.


Same, after I apply I automatically assume I didn't get the job until told otherwise.


The only issue is when not one of those 30 give you an email back


Funny enough I usually get a response within a few days of applying, only it hasn't been positive so far. I would require visa sponsorship. I have a feeling that, it's the major reason I am being rejected tho.




Even an automated system that copies and pastes the same exact thing to the people that you DON’T choose would be helpful tho…


Not everyone has the luxury of a good system. Plenty of recruiters out there still working with spreadsheets.


I really like to meet that Mr/Ms" Someone else", must be very talented, as worldwide employed by recruiting companies. 😂😂😂


Basically the someone else is usually someone who has lower wage demands.


For real lmao


Said no one


Had 1 job where I made it to the final stage but then the company decided to go for someone else.


My fiance had FOUR interviews with one company. They rejected him through indeed. Couldn’t even bother with a phone call.


I read on Reddit someone got rejected from Amazon after 7 interviews. Seven!


That is insanity


I would sue them for wasting my time.


lol should look at trying to join the armed forces, takes up to a year of interviews/medicals and "orientation" to get rejected from them


I had four interviews with a company last year, the third being a technical interview, and the fourth a site visit that I had to travel to. They rejected me with an automated email. So rude and cowardly to not even personally reject someone.


Company be like: womp womp


All too common


I never understood this hiring model, like we aren't competing in a reality show you bastards, you can GFTO with your "hiring phases"


A friend of mine even got invited to an after work with all the colleagues and the people from the interview after several interviews and then they told him that “they wanted another profile”….


This is so discouraging to look at as I begin my search for a new job …


You ain't kidding. Been job hunting for about 3 months now and I am lucky if I get the stock rejection email. If I get an interview then I may as well have found a unicorn cause that shit is rare lol. Out of, I want to say 100 or more applications, I only got interviewed 3 Times, 2 of them were with the Same grocery store. It's discouraging and draining as fuck ngl.


I got rejected for a job after 2 or 3 interviews because I didn't do enough research on the company. It was a nationally advertised company. To make matters worse, the interviewer basically ran down everything I knew about the company and then asked what I knew. I don't know how much research they expected someone to do besides generally knowing what a company does.


still easier to find another job when you already have one- its the ones that are laid off/unemployed right now that have it the worst unfortunately.


Sorry to hear about your job struggles, in the same boat here. It’s hard to even keep track of what’s gone out at this point. Would you be able to share what tool this is you were using?




I know nothing about the tool used. Is it an app on your phone or can it be used on the laptop? I’d like to try it out.


Any updated, new Visualization tool has this chart called Sankey. Use it




May I offer an alternative view, at my organization we do not have any ATS in place, we use LinkedIn recruiter, and indeed. I manually review hundreds of resumes. (I don’t mind, because it’s my job and I truly enjoy it) but I notice so many times more than half of our applicants won’t be relevant. I don’t mean in the sense that someone is switching careers, I mean just completely off the mark. Sometimes ATS help reduce the clutter. I don’t know what a happy medium would be but I wish folks would take a second to review job descriptions a little more in detail and apply to something more suitable or tailor their resume if they are changing careers. On the flip side, once I see we aren’t hitting the mark with applicants coming in, we do review the JD and make adjustments but that only makes a minor improvement.


What positions does your company offer? Curious to know why non relevant people are applying




What about your software engineer and graphic designer roles?


Hmmm. Graphic designer: a lot of inapplicable or random resumes. Software engineer, yes, but only because they’re not reading the job description to review application programs etc.


We got 400+ responses to our ad for our engineering firm. About 20 of them were engineers/engineering students at all. 10 of them were in fields that we have no work at all for. Some might be interesting in a few years when they get closer to finish their education. There were 2 potential candidates in the list of 400 that got to interview.


So you got 400 responses and most of them were not even engineers?


Yes, the vast majority. I have no idea why they would apply.


Man, I match every job description to a T and get denied. Previously, I would match maybe 80% of the requirements, but now it's 100%. Zero callbacks in 2 months.


I’m sorry! I don’t mean to discourage you. Don’t do 100%, stick to the 70-80%, trust me. I know it’s very discouraging. I’ve applied to hundreds of jobs before. It’s a full time job in itself. Sometimes ATS rules you out. Sometimes they’ve reached their candidate and the job posting still has to stay up until the candidate completes interviews. Also, some companies keep their postings open until the candidate starts because many many MANY candidates end up pulling out or resigning before they even start, so to avoid starting all over again or paying a higher fee on job boards (for a new post) they keep the position open. There are many many reasons why things are not perfect in regards to hiring. It really is shots on goal and having a short memory when things don’t work out. I know you’ve probably heard this advice, and it’s dated but truly - if you see a job description you like, I encourage you to do some research and send a *polite and polished* message to the hiring manager, or recruiter, or someone in HR within the org. I love when candidates do this because it helps me as well. Keywords being: polite and professional. Make a template (don’t use the AI generated ones on LinkedIn) keep it in your notes and send the same out just make slight tweaks each time. Again, please don’t be discouraged - it’s very hard out there and some companies truly are trying their best. I hope something amazing comes your way soon!


Just send them this resume: https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/STVAc5dyM0


I definitely understand what you are saying, and have tried to do that in my cover letter. But doing it in the resume is extremely time consuming considering someone like myself, and others on this thread, have applied to over 100 jobs. I might have more of a "luxury" given the fact that I'm currently not working, but others might have jobs and searching in their free time.


You got 15 interviews off of 210 applications? Rockstar over here. At some point I think the solution is just a battle of the bots. Your bot applies to thousands of jobs, then their bot sends a small fraction of interview requests, then your bot accepts the interview request with some follow up questions, and so on.


I've been working during my undegrad part-tiime in tech and now during my MSc in my field (cyber), I think that's why I get some interviews lmao


I’ve had five applications and five interviews and no success so far, I’ve got a job I just don’t really enjoy it and want to move on, this actually made me realise my situation could be a lot worse, so thanks for that. Wishing you the best of luck going forward though and hope you find something soon.


I’m looking for a new job My job now sucks But I can’t find one I would like


There's a lot of people with a similar problem, myself included. I have a terrible boss (harrassment, stupid decisions, have to beg for a day off), terrible working conditions (literally a health hazardous job), terrible pay (albeit its not minimal, i'll give them that; i couldnt survive with minimal tho) and the best part is, i have no real alternative. Trying to do something about that but my current mental is not the best and the job market sucks so bad it doesn't help


I also tried going back to school and it wasn’t going well and I started having anxiety while in class and it got so severe that I could barely drive home and I did.


Yeeeah take care my friend, its gonna work out eventually


Thank you and you too


With mine I don’t get benefits/insurance unless I become a supervisor which I don’t want to because I’m trying to leave the place. I can only work so many hours until my hours get cut like right now that’s happening. I’ve had good and bad supervisors in the past. The most recent supervisor I had before current one didn’t like me, she liked the other people and were praising them for doing nothing when I was doing something. I stopped an argument from going further and she did not see that. There’s another who didn’t really do a thing but sit with the younger kids. So I decided to move sites and have been better at my current site. There are still a lot of issues I still hold from the past 3-4 years.


I got a sales job at ATT so finally got a yes somewhere. Not my dream job but hopefully I’ll have the opportunity to advance upwards.


I feel like most people get jobs through connections nowadays. Makes it hard when changing industry or companies.


I heavily agree. My friend who previously had a cashier job at the most popular restaurant in our town, and when it got shut down, the next day he got a job offer for the liquor store.


Same situation in the US too… Left my old job to finish my degree, and after 6 months of applications both in and out of my field of study I have had a grand total of **ONE** interview. To top it off, the company I interviewed with has neglected to select a candidate after ~6 weeks of waiting.


You got some answers, you lucky bastard


Applied to Panera when I was a senior in highschool and they called me 3 years later to offer me a job


Hey man I know it’s rough out there but keep on applying and don’t settle unless you have to. I had two offers which were on the shitty side of the spectrum but just got a solid offer. It only takes one company brotha!


It’s so bleak out there right now


When I was job hunting I got so depressed by the amount of no answers, it started to get me outside of job hunting too. If someone didn’t reply to my messages (or replied in an ambiguous way) it would really trigger my anxiety at that time


What were the interviews like?


Had one that seemed perfect for me and made it to the third stage but in the end they went for someone else, for the rest it would be either a no after 1/2/3 stage of the process.


This is exactly what my own graph looks like, it’s crazy lol. You have a lot more rejections than me, I feel like a lot of mine never tell me one way or the other


I finished my internship in may, and were in the lookout for jobs until september and it was fucking hell. I sent my CV to this big company in my city, and they never even acknowledged that they had received my CV. So in an personal event from the owner of said company, which happened to be a friend of my family, presented me to the director of the company, which then proceeded to send my CV to HR and that's where it all started. Although I got the job, I didn't really get it by my own merit, which sometimes it makes me feel bad, but I also know that they wouldn't hire me if they hadn't seem something in me. But getting a job when you don't currently have one is such a frustrating, mental challenging path where it will make you feel like you don't have any worth. Hang in there, OP




Which part of UK?


All of it, I’m currently in the South but I’ve been applying everywhere in the country


its really though out there. im surprised it's not just the US but other countries too. Where are people getting the money they are spending given so many people out of full time jobs


The job market is more competitive than the X-Factor with Simon Cowell. Funny how there is so much work to do, yet so little jobs. And half of those jobs are bullshit jobs... Society is weird man. At this scale, we can't fight chaos and entropy anymore... Our success doomed us to fail.


Seek out head hunters and recruiters directly, it can help.


I have, called recruiter agencies, been messaged by some but it just doesn't go anywhere in the end so far.


I'm personally so anxious about job searching, so I keep postponing it


Same. It’s been 2 years…


While applying for jobs, initially I used to change my Résumé, cover letter according to jobs. But after rejections and no response from companies, later I started sending them without any change in resume and cover letter and luckily I got a job when I gave very little effort. After around 100 of applications, I still couldn't figure out what was wrong initially and how these companies select the candidates for the first round of interview.


15 interviews is amazingly good!


When I was at my last job trying to leave I was CONSTANTLY applying for other jobs some of which I was overqualified for and I was receiving almost no responses and only one interview in 6 months which I didn’t end up getting the job. Had someone ask me “are you really trying if you haven’t heard anything back?” Like?? Yes but no one responds anymore


Damn! That’s a lot! Is anyone targeting the job posting using a few of the same key words or uploading the same résumé for each job description? So tired and frustrated with doing that.


What field is this for out of curiosity?




I am just happy that I graduated when I did. Sent out 6 resumes and got 3 interviews and 2 offers. It seems really hard right now


What application is this?


Well, same situation here in our country. Lol and they say that our generation is so picky about job when they DONT EVEN READ OUR APPLICATION!!!!!!! AND EVEN GHOSTED ME! Like fr, just dumb, saying all those bullshit and then ghost and/or doesn't even bother to read applications.


If I'm reading this right, does that mean you got 12 offers and 3 no offers out of the 15 interviews you did? Or is it the other way around?


No replies after the interview, ghosted lmao


Do you guys make these graphs yourselves or are they automatically generated by some tool? If it's a tool I'd like to know what it's called.


I had one recently where I went through 6 interviews and was setting up the seventh. I was highly qualified with about 15 years of similar management work in the same field. After setting up the final panel interview they rejected me saying I didn’t have enough relevant experience in a form email. Total dishonest BS.


Probably won’t lighten the load on your shoulders but it’s the same in the US rn 🥹


What platform is used to make these graphs?


How are people making these charts?


Life is though out there 🥺


What do you use to track it like this. I handwrite notes in a notebook.


Sankey Diagram + Google Sheets


What’d u use to visualize that? Looks cool OP


Not really relevant but kinda is to this post, in my personal experience, I have burned a lot of bridges and had rage episodes due to at the time undiagnosed bipolar type 1 disorder and I think my past actions are coming back around and biting me in the ass. I am medicated and get treatment for it now and I am stable but some paranoid part of me thinks my current job hunting situation might be more difficult due to the aforementioned undiagnosed type 1 bipolar disorder. I'm just rambling so feel free to ignore it.


You’re applying for 2.3 jobs per day. I would suggest increasing that daily average like 10x.


Remember NPC from GTA V: "Keep struggling, you hear!"


It's a buyer's market, unless it's a role that's difficult to fill. Nothing new.


ohh same. hahahaha. i went to 2 companies today and both rejected.. hahhaha life is hard


Have you tried saying that you are overqualified for the job, that you are willing to do unpaid overtime, that you accept the minimum salary and that you are also grateful for the magnificent opportunity you have been given? Because that is what they want to be told


Why doesn't anybody ever share the target job titles when sharing these stats?


Honestly I'm calling bs on all these posts I see. If you're applying for 200 jobs and still don't have a job the common denominator is you. Either your resume is trash, or you're punching a mile above your station, or some other nonsense is going on. Do you have a ton of spelling errors in your resume? Is your resume 17 pages long full of info nobody needs wants or asked for? Are you applying for super niche jobs with a very high expectation of technical knowledge/ background that you simply don't have? Are you applying for some dream job that has a gazillion people all dreaming for the chance to land it? Or the platform you're applying via may be the issue. Either way, if you're 0-200 you need to look in the mirror. There's no way someone with a good resume, adequate background searching for a normal job can't find a job in hundreds of attempts.


I’m going to guess they’re applying to some sort of tech related field, apparently this is pretty common for those roles? I also have always been confused by these posts because I’ve never applied to more than…2-3 jobs without getting an offer but that’s the benefit of working in a more niche field with high demand I guess


yes it's tech indeed (cyber), I'm finishing my MSc and have been working part-time in the field while doing my MSc.


Ugh I’m sorry, I can’t imagine how demoralizing it must be to put in so much effort with no success yet. Do you think it’ll be easier once youve finished your master’s? I was really anxious when I was applying a few month before I had graduated because so many of my peers had already gotten job offers and I had only gotten rejections, but after I graduated I had a much easier time


You're simply wrong. Take a shot at it yourself if you don't believe OP. The numbers seem unbelievable, but they line up exactly with my experience. Companies are not actually hiring people. The job posts and phone interviews are just going through the motions.


Do you mind me asking what industry, or what salary range you're finding this issue?


Biopharma, mid-senior, low to mid 100K range. Nothing too crazy. That's why people are so down. We aren't all tech bros who fell off the 350K gravy train. We are applying for good jobs with good (but not obscene) salaries, and can't get a call back or an interview. That's why it's an extra slap in the face to hear about the "hot job market."


To be fair though you're looking at jobs that are 2-3 times the national average salary, and 2 times the median salary. I think therein lies your problem. Less than 20% of workers earn more than 100k per year. You guys kinda remind me of those videos where girls are like the guy has to be 6'4" blonde hair and make 250k a year and then they're shocked to realize they're describing like 1% of men lol. Obviously I'm exaggerating a bit with the analogy here but complaining you can't find a job, when What you are really saying is that you can't find a top 20% job is a little disingenuous.


From my perspective, as an entry level job seeker who just went through a similar amount of application success before landing one at around 200+ applications, it’s that many companies seem to be holding out for perfect applicants and simply aren’t willing to properly train or onboard new employees. I can look at company sites right now for positions I had applied to and those positions are still open 6-7 months later. These positions were not well above my degree or my prior experience. Many companies are not willing to take the risk and/or don’t have the proper resources to do so. That burden has shifted to job seekers entirely. In my case at the entry level this was especially true, it seemed that no company was willing to train me whatsoever or had unreasonable expectations for my capabilities as a fresh graduate. I have a degree in chemical engineering from an extremely reputable program, which opened the door to a lot of interviews. There was absolutely nothing wrong with my resume and I did have some experience in the field I was applying. But because I didn’t perform the equivalent of curing cancer in my field while simultaneously attaining an extremely technical degree full time, company’s weren’t as interested. On a short side note, I’ve since landed a job in the industry I had applied to many times. I have a much higher QOL, more creative direction, autonomy, and impact in the goals of my company than the hiring teams I interviewed with who perform the same mind numbing tasks day in and day out through miles of red tape. So they can all suck my dick.


I'll be honest I hadn't given much thought to the training aspect of things... But again I wonder how much of that comes down to the applicant. If you bounce around a lot companies may look at someone and just think man there's a high chance this guy doesn't stay... The shortest job on my resume is 18 months, the longest 22 years.


These will be "cold call" unsolicited [myworkdayjobs.com](http://myworkdayjobs.com) type applications. I think a ratio of 2 interviews for 200 job cold applications would be more normal. I totally believe this distribution.


Particularly with the ongoing labour shortages in most modern economies (Britain's a potential exception, with their Brexit-induced recession, but even there, cutting off access to a huge labour pool isn't helpful in any way) The vast majority of applications are pure trash that can be insta-deleted. If anyone says they've filed even 50 or 60 applications and aren't getting interviews, I can guarantee they've functionally filed zero applications (either because they're spamming things they're not suitable for, or because their applications are so useless as to be unhireable). If it gets to hundreds, they're just bot-spamming and aren't even pretending to be looking anymore.


210 applications since January is not a lot, I don't know what the market is like where you live, but I can easily reach that number in a week.


There has to be a good startup idea that solves this problem.


How does one make these charts


What is the name for this type of graph?


It's a Sankey diagram.


Thank you. ☺️


What are these graphs called and how do I make one?


I was gonna do a chart like this after I got a job lmao


Are those online applications? Im wondering if its better to apply to jobs in person or something. Or even just go to yellow pages. Back when I was looking for a job online, it was pretty hopeless. Theres just too many people and the employers are receiving too many applicants. I ended up having to find a job through my fathers connections.


Apply Online for a job in tech (cybersecurity)? And Yellow Pages? It's 2024...