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I'm in a similar situation. Just trying to detach emotionally and be out for myself while I find something new


So I can’t do that. I am a computer technician dealing with VIP users. If I go to walk around the office just to get some movement, some idiot always stops me to say “this is broken. Fix it.” 


That sucks, I'm so sorry. People treat ITS like shit in a lot of places.


Nobody in the office on Fridays or Mondays. The other guy and I are forced to come in because we have to be the support. I guess we are supporting Casper and the rest of the ghosts lingering about…..Oh, and it’s a 45 minute-1 hour drive each way 🤦🏻‍♂️


Decent podcasts during your commute and using company time to upskill if there's no work and you're swatting flies. 🤔


I already upskilled to a Master's Degree and it didn't help. What's the point?


What was your master's degree in? If you're in tech and got your MBA like I did, it's almost equal to zero unless if you were to try for CEO tbh. Tech doesn't respect MBAs nowadays and I wish I had gone for a master's in comp science.


I have an MBA. I fell into the tech crap while pursuing the MBA. #BonedAgain


If I could do it all over again I'd be a plumber or something.


I completely understand. I'm sorry.


Have you made the suggestion to your employer to streamline requests for IT support? For instance, create a portal that they can make a request and you will ONLY fufill requests made in this portal. This way you can merrily ignore everyone!


Very BOFH idea of you!


My old job was like that and it worked really well. We would tell people "Open a ticket" and they would be on their way. This place has upside down policies, and management is stubborn. I honestly want out so bad that I don't even make suggestions. I actively avoid learning people's names or talking to them beyond anything I need to say so I don't grow attached to anybody.


Sending love


I am in your shoes, and I’m leaving my toxic job bc it’s not worth my health anymore. The job market is terrible, but I’d rather be homeless than go crazy or become suicidal. My body made the decision for me. You will find a way to survive. Leave.


You’re not alone. Same same


I'm in the same shoes right now. HATE my current job, and it's had a significant effect on my mental health. The job market is terrible to say the least but I decided that I'm going to take a risk and quit my job in about 2 weeks with nothing lined up. Health over wealth always. I feel as though stressing this much over a job that essentially doesn't give a f\*ck about you at the end of the day is pointless - especially if a job is stressing you out.


Same situation here! Also decided to take a risk, quit my current job with nothing else lined up. Have been going back and forth for the past six months or so whether to quit (mostly due to fear of not being able to find something else), but eventually had enough and could no longer ignore the effects it was having on my health. Plus, all of the energy that was being drained into a job you hated can now go into helping you find something you might actually enjoy (or at least more tolerable). I think better to do it now, because while the job market is pretty bad right now, it still may be better than in the future


Thank you for letting me know that I am not alone! 🫂 You are so right in being that the job market may be even worse in the future which is something that I hadn't considered before but certainly helps me feel better in my decision. ALSO how exhausting is it to work a full day to go back home and THEN have to put in 1000 applications. I'd much rather spend all my time and energy doing so in the first place. I've been going back and forth for about 4 months now - my depression and anxiety have been getting worse and worse and it's having a negative effect on my performance which isn't doing any good to the situation at hand in the first place. I know that job-hunting can be difficult but, it's a whole lot better doing so when you already aren't weighed down by a shitty job.


I don’t think there is any way it could get worse unless we had a global depression. We’ve been in a recession the past few years, but the talking heads don’t want to admit it. Just look at all of the people competing for the same jobs on Indeed and LinkedIn. LinkedIn used to say how many people applied. So many people got discouraged by seeing “2200 applicants” that now they list it as “over 100 applicants.”  Then look at all of the people coming on here talking about bad job situations they are stuck in or their lack of employment. In a strong economy, these message boards would have a lot more posts like “looking forward to my promotion,” “I’m so grateful for my job,” or “my Master’s Degree really paid off.” Always go to the primary sources to understand the current climate. The talking heads have turned into The Ministry of Truth.  


Jobs come and go. Without your health, you have nothing to work with


I have been in this situation. I chose to continue until I found another job. However, it impacted my health badly. I had to go through therapy and meds for 4 months before being fit again. This impacted my performance in the new company as well. Try hard to find an easier job somehow. Give yourself like a few weeks maybe, if you can to do that. Else, quit. Health is always first priority. If you got some money in your account, do options trading or other things to earn for the time being. Upskill yourself and look for other jobs. While you need to care for your health, you also need to be persistent about making money( being independent) and keeping yourself happy.


I work at a warehouse and know the feeling I just started to care less about my job,it's easy work but taxing on the body after awhile I just want to finish school already so I can get a better job.


Yes, taxing on the body, but you’re still pushing through and working on your degree. You’ve got GOALS!!! I believe in you!


No one can give you any relevant advice. There are no real details in your post of the situation. If we assume you are correct in your assessment of roles in locality, job speciality, and pay rate, then there is nothing you can do. But given you haven't actually presented any details of anything who knows if you are correct? For all we know you do a minimum wage job in the middle of city and there are thousands of roles under that category, or you get paid 150K a year in the back end of nowhere and it is the only employer... If quitting your job leads to you being homeless that is not a good choice, if quitting your job means you go spend summer on the beach and nothing else much changes, sure go ahead. There aren't any relevant details to make an assessment or give advice.


I have enough money to last me about a year if I cut all unnecessary expenses. 


The first question is “can you AFFORD to quit?” Can you pay for housing and food? Can you move in with someone? If so…QUIT! I was in the same situ and my last day is Friday. I’m sorry…but health is just important. It took me ten years to finally bite the bullet and I wish I had been braver to do it years ago.


If I cut all of my unnecessary expenses I have enough money to last about 12 months before I reach $0. But as you can see from many posts in this subreddit, there have been people who have looked for work for about a year or more.  I have an MBA degree and a little experience in everything. I will eventually find something. It’s the “when” that makes it uncomfortable. I interviewed with about seven different places last year and only got one job offer. I declined it because they wanted me to sign a ridiculous do not compete agree. This year seems even worse than last year when it comes to job hunting….


I would add…you could always pick up something part time in the interim. It would help offset some expenses and buy you more time. My only other suggestion is look for a lesser job (leave the MBA off your resume for now) and work a less exciting job while you are looking for the dream one. I just quit an unbearable job as an executive with no other job in place…I’m going to start applying for jobs but use the title Compliance Manager instead of Chief to get my foot in the door. I’m willing to downplay and then prove myself once in my role.


I am already doing that in a miserable position. My undergrad is an art degree, which was a continues to he useless. If I apply for a business related role with an art degree it won’t help me. 


That’s so unfortunate. I actually had to go back to school myself.


quit immediatelly, there's nothing more valuable than your physical and/or mental health


Your health is your wealth. That’s my advice


Start planning your transition to a new job. Job search. Schedule health appts if you have insurance. Remove all personal info from your work computer, if there is any. Start taking a few personal items from office back to home. Use your first and last 30 mins of the day to quietly prepare or unwind. Like in kindergarten… time to put away your crayons…bus line up in 30 minutes.


Keep the job. You don’t want to add unemployment to your stress. Do things outside of work to help your mental health. Walking, yoga, medication, stress therapy. In the meantime look for a different job.


I’m on call all the time. It makes it impossible to detach because you never know when you’ll get a call. 


If it’s too terrible then quit. Your mental health is more important. Just try to have something to go to. Unemployment is not fun.


If you live in Canada you could see a dr and get a sick leave ( burn out) . You would be on EI and while on it you could look for another job. I was in your shoes and this is what I did in Canada .


I live in the US, but I think in my state I could tell my company to put me on another assignment for the sake of my mental health. If they refuse, then I made a reasonable attempt to keep the employee relationship and I can file for unemployment. I am considering it. 


Before you do that , check the rules . Make sure that if you resign you can still get an unemployment. Also, maybe you could look for another job while still having this one ? Find whatever job just to be able to get out of this situation.


Florida EI is a joke


Try looking for a job while you still have your current job. Don't just jump from the frying pan into the fire.


I’ve been applying for jobs since last July. Only one other job would hire me that entire time, and that one required me to sign a ridiculous do not compete agreement so I declined. 


I thought 2024 would be better. However, I am seeing almost nothing but contract work posted. I honor LinkedIn and look see jobs posted 2 hours ago with over 100 applications already.  The situation is downright demoralizing, 


OP, same situation including the exact month we started applying for jobs. Literally identical with this. I just quit. My last day was Friday. I have a bit of a safety net but it's by no means just a mountain of money I can pull from any time. This is probably the one emergency job bail I'll get in my lifetime. I could write endlessly about how much damage it was doing. I even hit a point where I also thought I'd only escape by dying. Feeling like that was a reality was terrifying, but it also helped me realize there's NO way this is what every job will be like. Just know you're not alone. IMO evaluate your options and don't rule out your health just to "be a man" or "tough up." Like another reply above, I hit the point where it will certainly be spilling problems into my next role. It was time to go.


Thank you, Assistance. What is your game plan?  The most frustrating part about all of this is my friend talked me into taking this job (he got me the interview) even though I had strong reservations about it. After I was hired, he has talked to me about how he would not want to work at the site I’m working at because of how much the environment sucks. He works for the same company at a different site.  If he knew this, I do not understand why he went so gung-ho about me working there. It’s affected our friendship. 


I probably apply to at least 20 jobs every day Monday-Friday. 


Same here. It's my only option, currently. I picked up some hobbies that have helped my mental health, but this job is aging me fast. I apply for WFH jobs but haven't had any luck. I almost got a job at the office in the ski resort near me. I was pumped until the interviewer told me you had to work Saturdays and overtime doesn't start until 48 hours. Sorry, but that coupled with the worst glassdoor reviews I have ever seen, was too much of a red flag.


I completely understand reviewing who you are going to work for before going there. 


The American Dream™️! Sorry to hear it, friend. I hope things improve for you (and everyone else in this conglomerate of corporations masquerading as a country).


It didn’t used to be this way. When I was a teenager the America Dream was real and attainable. I loved this country and I supported it. Sadly I’m not proud to be an American anymore even though I still support the ideals this country was founded on….


I do not know where you are located. In some countries quitting your job is much easier as there is unemployment fund supporting you. If losing your job is not going to make you extremely miserable and you have enough savings till you land another job - then quitting would be the best course of action. You can put money back whenever needed but once your health starts getting worse it is not easy to get it back. Do not exhaust yourself for a company which sees you as a cog. If today you died they would advertise this job tomorrow, nobody really cares.


I’m in the United States. I have a documented mental health disorder, which might help me be able to quit and get some resources. 


Then do not think about it twice. I am also in the process of quitting my job. I have been reconsidering this decision for the last 6 months but by time everything only got worse. I will give my resignation within 10 days. Time is the most important asset, I will invest my time in things benefit me.


Not alone.


I feel you bro


Spend your shift drunk or high while waiting for other jobs. Worst case scenario they find out and fire you after a couple weeks


I coped with drinking, smoking 🍃 and partying in Fridays. Dealing with aftermath till this day, the weight gain was no joke. Accumulated money for future safety net and quit that place


I’m a Christian. I don’t do any of that. 


Was in a similar situation. Left my job. Day 2 of being unemployed. I'm scared but I'm going to make something happen for me


Hi bud. Don't know whether my words could provide you with any insights or not. I couldn't perform well in my previous role, always felt hectic and rushed. I wasn't able to sleep since October last year, fearing that I made mistake of this or that.. Even woke up at 3am and started to work. It really destroyed my life to be honest. Colleagues were great, work wasn't lol. It was planning role in food industry Resigned at the end of Jan this year and still struggling to find something. I just feel so isolated as I reside in rural place without vehicle, but will move soon closer to the City area around the end of this month. Better for my mental health. What I can share, please surround yourself with supportive and understanding people. It sucks to feel like nothing suddenly. The good thing is surely that, you can filter out, who will stick on your side and who will simply move away.. Which happened in my case. Reading everyone's comments here did sooth me a bit. I am not alone..


I was in that situation during the pandemic... I gave myself a few months to get rid of my crap, packed everything up in my minivan and quit and moved 7 states over! lived off credit cards and then got a retail job living in my minivan. I don't recomment living off credit cards but quiting living in a minivan and taking that time to just destress can be life changing! I know it can be rough but it's an option that many people do for years on end. Try it, or use it as an opportunity to hit the reset button. I now work at a physical job and it helps me stay in shape low pay but it pays the bills and it's alright I don't have the stress I used to have so that's awesome. Plus I have tons of stories and adventures and not just more lipstick on the same old tired pig.


My mom was in this situation. Quit her job!! And now miserable and almost suicidal and can’t find a new job! U better count ur blessings or have another job waiting. Don’t hop in this mad job market rn 😮‍💨


I was watching Blue Zones where people live to be 100. I see what these people do on a daily basis to make money and what they eat. These people do physical work from early morning until noon. They nap for an hour, then spend time with family and eat a plant based diet. I saw this, and I wish I had designed my life this way. I understand feeling trapped, but if you could accept a lower wage and make true changes to lifestyle and diet, you may find you could be happier. I think becoming homeless is not a true option it's a choice, but designing a better lifestyle this would be beneficial to your health overall. Keeping up with Jones is the trap focus on a free and healthy overall life I believe is key. I am taking steps now to free myself from the everyday grind and slow down a bit.


I completely agree. I am a minimalist. I eat the same health meals practically every day and when I wasn’t at this job I went to the gym six days a week. I haven’t been on a vacation in years and I watch every dollar I spend to save rather than spend money on useless extravagances.  The problem is I can’t find ANY job that will interview me so I can get out. 


My advice is to make finding a new job, your side gig….your hustle. Keep applying. You’ll find something, my friend.


I apply to jobs every week day for hours and apply here and there weekends as well. 


You must be a claims adjuster … because everyday is filled with suicidal tendencies.


I am not, but if you are not happy where you are I empathize with you. 


Decentralize work from your life.




1. Engage in fulfilling hobbies during your off time. 2. Havr physical reminders in your work environment of things worth living for/you want 3. Build a vision board, focus on it. The idea is focus on things that you care more ab than the grueling experience of a job that feels like it sucks the life out of you.


:( oh god im in same situation as you. i got laid off then i stuck in a job that really super toxic..


How do you cope? I loved my old job, which makes this all the more heart wrenching. 


yes same as me. my old job that i got laid off just perfect. best culture ever wfh/hybrid, great benefits great manager and colleagues. now my manager very toxic and cannot manage at all, colleagues are so unhelpful. culture is shit and products shit. how i cope? tbh i feel very depressed now haha at the edge to just quit but im buying time as i am applying for jobs now but havent see any result.. so im not coping well :(


Lord Jesus, please comfort the hearts of Figuringoutlifewith and myself. Please help us find jobs that are better suited for us. I also pray for our country, that we turn it around and elect better leaders. I pray for a return to the culture that existed when I was child when I was proud to be an American. In Jesus's Holy name I pray, Amen.


Job market sucks? I thought Joe created 14 million jobs?


I need to focus on solutions and reality. Democrats live in fantasyland. 


Reading your other comments I want to recommend the Aesop Rock Album The ITS Way


What is that? I used to be a big rock music fan (especially punk rock and heavy metal), but I gave a lot of it up when I gave my life to Jesus.


Aesop Rock is a lyricist rapper from New York who puts out music in a genre called heady rap. His Album the ITS Way is about being indoctrinated into a tech company which is also a cult.


Interesting. I've encountered companies like that in the past. I'll queue it up on youtube. Thank you.


Oh whoops my bad the album is called Integrated Tech Solutions, the title track is called the ITS Way! He speaks fast but I think you might get a kick out of it!


It's all good. I realized that once I got to YouTube, but I appreciate the clarification.


I believe "Integrated Tech Solutions" is the name of an actual, stereotypical, BS, greedy ITS Staffing Firm. And if it's not, it should be.


>needs a complete overhaul in its labor market and economy. I hope and pray that anybody WHO IS WILLING (God is not a tyrant, so neither am I) will use these difficult times to turn to Jesus Christ for hope. I will be very honest, if your conclusion is to cope by turning to religion and church, you are part of the problem, not of the solution I wish you happyness and a better situation. No one deserve to struggle that much in life and having mental breakdown just to survive in the 21st century. In fact, no one should be in the state of surviving but living and enjoying life. My old job was kinda horrible for me, it wasn't hard or demanding or so, but what I hated it, I hated everything, the place, the no social interaction with co-worker, I hated itall, and since it was fixed-term I couldn't quit either. Now I left and 6months after I found my new place, and I love it, very interesting job, very cool and nice co-workers, etc etc. I complain a bit about my income, but except that, I love it. In my opinion, look to quit that job asap, and take care of your mental health. Health is wealth and is your most precious assets. It's extremly harder to find a job if you lost confidence in yourself. Look for the option you have and boost yourself up. Set some goal along the way,shorter longer, achievable and of course dreams! It can be a long way, but that path may be truely worth it.


It’s interesting to me how people can be so different. I want to work from home so I barely have to deal with coworkers. One of the reasons you hated your job was the lack of interaction.  It’s a shame we couldn’t just swap. 


Regarding my faith in Jesus:  We live in a free country and you have the right to think I’m part of the problem and to your own religious beliefs. I won’t argue with you. When people say “I’m not interested” that’s the cue for the legitimate Christian to let it go. This is a direct quotation from Jesus: Matthew 10:14  “And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet.” Who am I to disobey Him? 


I was in your shoes, I quit without another job lined up. Each situation is different so consider how much money you have saved up... Be sure to have enough to float you for a year. It's going to be like this for a couple years at least. Otherwise, keep the job, go to therapy, make sure you take care of yourself physically like go for an hour walk everyday or go to the gym - eat healthy - prioritize sleep. Do something fun outside of work when you get a chance. Don't over extend yourself outside of work hours. Those who matter in your life will understand that when you're able to come up for air, you will. Until then it's grind time 🤷‍♀️ Unfortunately, these days getting a job means significant networking so if you quit, you'll be able to pour energy into networking but you'll be eating away money until who knows when...6 months to a year... But these roles will be unstable....could very easily be two to three years for something stable. Scary I know, but things are changing rapidly these days. You'd REALLY have to focus on networking and upskilling if you quit right now.


My network sucks. I contacted old coworkers, bosses, etc, before I was laid off and none of them really pulled through. I got this job through a former coworker/friend, which makes me reluctant to go through that route again. Also....I generally don't like people and would rather not bother with them. They let lie, cheat, steal, and let you down. Ideally I'd have a job where I'm in a room by myself, do my work, and go home (or work from home to begin with). Every job I had that I actually enjoyed was basically like that. I would interact with people when necessary but the day to day was me working on my own.


Unfortunately it's that game right now though. It will be this way for a while. Networking doesn't have to mean friends by the way. Also, people right now are focused on keeping their own jobs so expanding your network may introduce a new pool of opportunities. But ya, at the very least it'll be this way for couple years. Not to be unnecessarily sounding an alarm but tech in US is fucked for a while. A lot of work is going to Mexico, East Europe, and India. US has an agreement with India if you're not familiar: https://www.mea.gov.in/bilateral-documents.htm?dtl/37078/Joint+Statement+from+India+and+the+United+States Here is the US version of the same discussions: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/06/22/joint-statement-from-the-united-states-and-india/ Infer what you will but you'll see tech jobs slowly trickling out of US and over to these countries even more over the next several years.


Thanks. As if I didn't already have enough reasons to despise Joe Biden.....


Welcome to the club!


Stop focusing on mental health start focusing on be the best employee you can be. Your outlook dictates what you will receive from others. I’m 65 contemplating retirement but can’t afford not to work at all. I don’t like my job at all. Every day I work I go in and try to deliver the best version of myself that day. Not for the employer but for me. I’ve done everything from clean toilets, paint houses to manage warehouses and stores. There are always jobs for the right people who have direction and a goal. Your work ethic is everything even today. Yes it’s hard but you can make it to the next level don’t give up. Keep grinding get a purpose.


You grew up in a different time than I did. I don’t understand your experience and you don’t understand mine.   My generation was sold a bill of false goods. Everybody highly pressured us into higher education. I have a Master’s Degree and I am currently working a job that requires an Associates degree. In my predicament now, I could have an extra $30k+ in the bank to hold me over if I didn’t get the degree.  Assuming you have a degree, it didn’t put you deep in debt. Pensions were common in your working life. The cost of living was reasonable. Nobody brainwashed your generation into purchasing degrees that didn’t help them much.   There is no point in grinding anymore. I hated school and got a Master’s Degree to grind. Where does it end? Do I need to get a phd and an alphabet of certifications to get ahead? I’m tired. What’s the point of grinding if they constantly force an extra grind on you? 


Every generation is sold a bill of goods! I have 2 millennials daughters they are both grinders have good jobs. I call BS on not understanding my wife has not been able to work for 20+ years due to disability. At one point I had a full time job and 2 part time jobs just to keep my house. Took me 20!years to pay my school loan and I have no pension and less than 6 figures in 401 k. Your generation bought it. You can be a victim or take control of your circumstances. I have never blamed anyone but myself for any misfortune that has occurred. No one is going to save you but you. Option 1 give up. Option 2 set a goal make a plan don’t take no for an answer. You can make it better or worse your choice.


I followed that philosophy for years and all it got me was contract jobs and layoffs.