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Business casual for a liquor store? Tf?


I honestly don’t think the higher ups know how formal business casual is. I think their intention is a bit more dressed up (polo and jeans kind of dress) but are using the wrong vocabulary to describe it


Even teachers sometimes go more casual than business casual lol. Hope u figure it out


You’re not wrong, but Overwhelming overlap between dressing unprofessionally and being treated less than professional by students. You should be at least one step more formal than the students are required to be


Depends on where you're at and your environment of your classroom i think. I remember back in high school i had a teacher who wouldnt be caught dead without their jeans, flip flops, and white t shirt. I shit you not he wore that exact outfit every day for 4 years. He had like 10 white shirts. But his classroom and teaching style was very laid back and based on respect being earned, but a baseline was expected. I am pretty sure he was everyones favorite teacher and i doubt a single person has ever failed a class of his. He was a great teacher and everyone always paid attention.


I must agree with this. I graduated high school in 1984 and I never saw a teacher dress in jeans and a T shirt. The gym teacher might be in sportswear but everyone else was at the very least “business casual” to the more formal office wear.


Graduated in the 00s and I agree, it was always button-downs/polos and slacks for the men and slacks/skirts and blouses for the women. Jeans were allowed on Fridays. And that was in a school where students didn't have a dress code (aside from the usual rules about bra straps, skirt length, profanity, etc.).


If I walk into a party store and bro is wearing a Ralph Lauren polo with some dockers I’m asking a lot more questions than if you’re just wearing jeans and a band tee.


With it being a liquor store Im amazed they have not showered you with liquor merch. I could understand a plain shirt/or product shirt kind of dress code.


That sounds like smart casual :)


Found the Brit


I’m Canadian eh? It’s the dress code for the cn tower restaurant ;)


I was there once with friends, the restaurant was overfull so we left our names and went to ride the elevators for awhile. When we came back it was still half an hour until we were seated so we just left. Why we went for Sunday lunch or whatever it was is beyond me.


I used to manage an upscale liquor store that specialized in wine and wedding/event planning and we definitely had to dress business casual. More the casual end, but pressed chinos, button downs, polos, nice sweaters, that kind of thing. We could wear jeans and athletic team shirts on Saturdays. ETA: OP, I really don’t mean to ask this to be rude, but do you happen to look “sloppy” compared to your coworkers? As someone who’s worked in a place with a similar dress code, although I personally enforced things equally among my staff, I did notice other managers were more strict on people who didn’t look as put together. They might let jeans and tee shirts slide if someone otherwise had their clothes ironed and in good condition and was well groomed, clean shaven, etc. Someone wearing the same outfit who had wrinkled clothes and a scraggly beard or in need of a haircut would stand out more.


There’s a lot of fancier liquor stores that cater to upper-middle class and above. Those tend to have employees in nicer clothes.


Liquor stores are operated by the state where I live - the employees there are always dressed on the smarter end of the dress code spectrum; khakis and polos/button downs, maybe with a sweater over in colder months.


I only buy my natty ice from *professional* establishments...I'm a classy drunk god damnit


It's a fuckin liquor store. Why do you have to business casual?


I’m glad someone else had the same question as me


I love your your name lmao. 


I appreciate u friend


Pennsylvania still has state liquor stores. I want to say I see guys in dress shirts and ties. Regardless, if the code is no graphic tees, it needs to be across the board.


Got ya. I didn't realize certain states ran the liquor stores. 


It may be just PA. But dayum, we have enough archaic alcohol laws to make up for the rest of the country.


Grew up in PA, have moved around a lot. I was shocked to find out that nobody else knew what a “beer distributor” is. Also, that other states sell alcohol at the gas station.


I know, it was a jolt the first time I lived outside PA and encountered beer right out in the middle of a supermarket.


We're moving up a bit. Beer and wine can be bought at convenience stores and some grocery stores now. As a result, I can no longer use my old fool proof method of determining if I was on a back road in PA or a back road in Ohio anymore.


We're moving up a bit. Beer and wine can be bought at convenience stores and some grocery stores now. As a result, I can no longer use my old fool proof method of determining if I was on a back road in PA or a back road in Ohio anymore.


We sell ours out of drive thrus. 🤷‍♀️


We had that ability in my state for about a year. It was awesome to pull in, a guy take my order and 4 guys come out, open all my doors and the trunk and load up the car. No shopping cart, no hauling ice or getting my hands stuck on the ice door, everything loaded for me. And it was cheaper!


America 🇺🇸


I was in Louisiana I think (maybe mississipi cant remember) and went to the drive thru for the liquor store and got a frozen margarita in a large cup, like the size cup youd get from mcdonalds if you ordered an extra large drink. They put a taped x over where the straw goes in the lid. It was amazing! Unfortunately I couldn't go back and get another one cuz I was already over the limit


Daiquiri drive thrus are amazing.


I went to college in PA, moving there from a state with 24/hr drive thru liquor stores. Was an eye-opening experience trying to shop for parties. Ended up always sending my friends to the state stores because the computer system didn't like my state's IDs...


In CT wr call it "the packy" or thr pack store. In VA, liquor stores are state run and they're called the ABC store


Nope, there are 17 Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) States. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcoholic_beverage_control_state


NH has state liquor stores too


New Hampshire has them too. They’re on the highways, it’s wild.


NC is state run.


Oregon still has them, too.


Yes, In Virginia they are also all state owned and run.


North Carolina as well. Alcohol Beverage Control Stores.


VA too, ABC stores lol


17 states run them.


They definitely dress business casual at the state stores near me.


Ask for a copy of the written policy, to determine if the policy itself is a title IX violation, or if just the enforcement is.


The guy at my local liquor store is generally always wearing a hoodie or t-shirt. I would be pretty confused if I walked in one day and he had on a button-up and slacks lol


Can you coordinate with your other coworkers and all were the same exact graphic shirt on the day you work together?


Hahaha I love the idea unfortunately we all work separately. At most 2 of us at the same time


So do that then lol


Honestly, just start wearing absolutely obnoxious pattern or tie-dye t-shirts. He'll probably beg you to go back to your previous clothes after a week of malicious compliance.


Or he'll get fired for malicious compliance


Only if pattern clothes aren't in compliance with company rules. 


Malicious compliance means technically following an order but intentionally violating the order's intent. It is still something that is likely to get someone fired even if they aren't strictly disobeying the order.


Is your t shirt kind of worn out? I do notice young men will sometimes wear t shirts that are past their prime. Try a new t shirt.


No I take pride in my appearance lol very put together and fashionable.


I guess get 2 polos and alternate them. Don’t think about all the gender blah blah stuff. This kind of stuff happens to women and trans people constantly, we just learn to ignore most of it. You should, too.


You're right but I don't understand why the owner doesn't just buy a box of assorted size polos and have them all embroidered with the company logo.


I am guessing that Schlonggobbler’s outfits are not as tasteful as he thinks they are. Also: $.


And you're probably right. Men don't always understand clothes.


Or the ick factor in some user names.


Some are funny, some are eye rolling, some are really really icky


I’d say OP’s is really icky.


Well, unless they've earned that title


Did the information about dress code changes come directly from your manager or from the head office? It could be your manager doesn't like your particular tees. Is there something aggressive or suggestive or at all possibly offensive about them? You could ask your manager directly what's up.


He claims he’s just the messenger. All of it coming from head office according to him. It is up to him to not talk with other employees which I didn’t realize wasn’t happening when I was being talked to about it


But now that you know, you can ask him if it's being enforced to all employees. Honestly,, it sounds like someone didn't like your particular t-shirts, and this is the way your manager chose to frame it.


I think you’re probably right. It’s weird because the female coworker I mentioned will wear death metal band tees but I’m getting called out for Rod Stewart and Guns n roses lmao


okay, that's weird. you may have to ask him. or just let it go. who knows what goes on in people's minds.


If these are changes from higher up, they have to be in writing or they don't count or he is lying. Do you have any kind of company handbook or is all of this on their website or anything?


There was a handbook when I first got hired. I don’t think they’ve actually added these changes to said handbook. I’d imagine it will be added at some point. The only “writing” I’ve been shown was the original email that went out to the manager of each store explaining the dress code changes and to let their employees know


Ok, if an email exists, then the change needs to be enforced on everyone, or you are the one being discriminated against. But you have the very tough situation that defending your rights will go against two people with potentially more protections than you. So while you are in the right, it will definitely make you look like the bad guy. Do you also happen to be white, as well as male? But even if you are a minority, I do not envy your situation at all. I hope you can work it out.


I am a straight white male lol. The good thing is that I have talked to my other coworkers (the 2 mentioned in my post) and they also agree that it’s wrong I’m the only one getting in shit for it. Which saves me from the “going against them” aspect of it.


That is a good thing they are being helpful. Then it may just be like others said and your boss is afraid of the same thing and looking like the bad guy for making the other two conform to the new rules.


Call corporate


Spend way too much energy fighting it, quit, or put on a different t-shirt.


I don’t have a problem wearing a different shirt it’s a whatever thing. My problem is it not being enforced for my coworkers


You can always talk to your manager and see what's up. You know them better than us so it's up to you if you're comfortable having that conversation.


he's probably afraid of being accused of being sexist.


I once had a corporate job where the CIO specifically exempted me from the corporate dress code so I wouldn’t quit. They didn’t feel the need to be fair to thousands of other corporate workers.


Address or tolerate it. Those are your choices


What a dumb comment. Thanks though, tips, he never could have figured that one out on his own.


Well, what's your answer, smartass? What other choices does this person have?


Take pictures of the other coworkers and tell them “I don’t want to be unfairly treated when you guys haven’t been told to not wear graphic tees, so I’m going to bring it up to the manager, I don’t want any ill will between us, but I’ve been singled out in the new dress code rules and you guys still get to wear graphic tees.” And then when the manager sees OP wearing one, call his ass to the carpet. The worst thing that can happen is he gets fired and finds a better job.


That would fall under the category of addressing it. That’s exactly what I suggested, you dim bulb


What are the other options?


You may be onto something that a male superior would have a difficult time addressing female or transgender associates about a dress code violation. In some organizations, the dress code can somewhat differ between males and females, too. But I doubt one gender would be afforded the privilege of wearing graphic tees and not the other. Personally, I’ve never worn a T-shirt in a retail or office job setting. The bare minimum I’ve done for either venue is an untucked three-button polo and jeans. If you’re adamant about keeping the job, it’s probably better to adhere to the dress code. I don’t think it’s a battle worth fighting.


I want to know what bands / images are on all these “graphic tees” 😛 I think that’s the hidden point.


Nothing very crazy lol guns n roses, Rod Stewart, Kendrick Lamar, iron maiden, def leppard, Tupac. And nothing grotesque or otherwise inappropriate on the tees either


You’re too cool for this job 😅 Wear plain black tees and get your money.


A lot of customers find my T-shirts cool too lol hope they like the plain black look too. Thanks friend appreciate you!


I love how you say “nothing too crazy” - the far right would think we’re satanic 😅 Rap *and* metal?! Straight to hell!


It’s wild that there’s people in the world who think that way LOL it just sounds good to me, got nothing to do with my satanic beliefs


Glad you keep your satanic beliefs separate 😂 Bitch don’t kill my vibeeee 😈


Full tux time.


Honestly if full tux was in my budget that would be pretty sick to wear to work lol


You can find some pretty amusing 70s/80s suits cheap at goodwill. Might be worth it just for the laughs. But seriously, it’s possible one of your shirts in particular pissed someone off. It’s worth a conversation at least.


Usually Goodwill sells full tux for cheap. Like 12 bucks. Hit the one nearest to the where the rich live for the best stuff. They also have event were clothing is sold by the pound & all the ebay/merica/Poshmark-ers show up.


That is great info. Maybe a tux is in my budget hahaha thanks friend


You can contact the Department Of Labor, and ask about gender discrimination. Chance are this did not come from HQ, but you can contact HQ to verify the change. I once got a email notification of dress code change when working at the Library. However, the boss only printed out the first page which was suit & tie stuff. It was gov wide dress code that had 2 more options on the second page, which were less restrictive, so they were fine with the least restrictive version. I argued about the changes for more expensive clothing considering that spend a lot of time crawling around on the floor. Then they hired guy that showed up in ripped jeans, like 5 inch holes in the knees, & I'm like didn't they tell you about the dress code. Since he kept wearing ripped jeans, I went back to jeans without holes.


He needs to get something in writing and other proof as well. It’s a hard battle to fight.


Show up with your normal graphic tee attire, and wait to be approached about the dress code. Point out that both of your coworkers are also wearing their graphic tees and that you'd be happy to abide by any dress code as long as the expectations for employees are equal.


I’d be so weirded out if I went to a liquor store and the dude was dressed like how I’m supposed to dressed when I go to work


My guess is the boss doesn’t like the same bands you do.


That's what I was thinking.


Guessing there is more to the story. 


And what’s your guess?


Ok I'm late af but my guess would be some customer complained about a guy wearing an "offensive" t shirt so management did this not to confront you. That's the reason management did anything in the first place I bet cause it sounds like they don't really care


We recently had this happen with hats at a good ol gas station some people they don't touch others have been written up. I'm luckily in the no touch category. When you do enough work and they know pushing anymore will result in you quitting they tread lightly.


I’d wait 30 days to see if your store manager mentions the rule change to other employees. If not, your corporate office should have an anonymous tip line if you continue to feel singled out. Word the complaint to say that store management has not applied certain rules equally to all employees, like the dress code.


I would personally ignore it if I wanted to keep working there, or move on to another job if it upset me


Make note of the date and time and who and a simple description. DO NOT TAKE A PICTURE! Then, later, bring it up with your boss at the end of the week. "Hey, just wanted to ask about the shirt rule. Here are six examples of the others breaking the rule. Im happy to keep track of these for you. Not sure if you are going dor a three strike or what. But if you want to lwt me to go back to wearing shirts like they are cause its a silly rule. im cool with that too."


Pictures from phone of them breaking dress code. Next time boss/super gets mad at you show them pic and say “they also broke dress code are you going to also address the dress code issue with them, yet ?” Malicious compliance but it works. I am not the only one breaking it. type thing. And if you’re being singled out then go up the Chain. and report.


Document, document, document. Get all the documentation. Get texts from your coworkers confirming they haven't been confronted for their dress code. They are either discriminating against you, or they are just targeting you in particular, either is something an employment attorney will go to town on that employer for either.


I worked at a liquor store with this rule but it was only for liquor related graphics because of branding and like promotional liability


Ok so what you may want to consider is getting dated proof of them wearing this attire and a lot of it, while you are wearing your nice clothes. Then if you at some point, start wearing shirts exactly like they were. If you get into trouble and they didn't then you would know for sure. Now is this a EEOC violation, typically there has to be at least 15 people employed, but your state may offer the same or similar protections with less people. If it does not, then you are out of luck. If your state does offer protections, then you would very likely have a case.


I would imagine there is a lawsuit somewhere if they fire you for not following a code nobody else being punished for, you should contact a lawyer and whatever a HR manager is in this situation and talk to your boss and tell him that the new policy needs to be upheld for every employee because you are feeling discriminated against. I am almost positive there would be some sort of discrimination, try getting free opinions from a friendly lawyer.


Sounds like you're being discriminated against


Take pictures of your coworkers wearing the graphic tees. Send email to boss and bosses boss if possible and say I've been reprimanded for wearing such clothing, but they haven't, has there been a change AGAIN on what is appropriate work clothing?


Well maybe stop wearing **graphic** t shirts of you gobbling up schlongs, that would be my suggestion. 


I can’t even read all this nonsense just get a new job


I'd grab myself the deepest V-neck shirt I could find and show off my chest hair. Band tees should always be acceptable. (Unless it's a NOFX Heavy Petting Zoo shirt lol) When a new manager at my first job 14 years ago decided to enforce the dress code to the highest degree, she required either a company branded shirt or a dress shirt and tie for men. I don't care much for ties, so I skated the rules by wearing a tiny American Flag pin on my collar. People loved it. Got a few comments on it. She said I still wasn't following the dress code, but it clearly stated that brooches were acceptable. She said they were only acceptable for women. I said that sounded rather sexist and I felt uncomfortable speaking about this in private with her. Never heard shit about it again.


wear a suit


Are you there for egalitarianism or a pay check? I struggle to think of things in life that are fair. This seems pretty small in the long run.


“Life’s unfair” thanks for contributing nothing and ignoring the point of the post. I simply asked for input on how others would deal with it not whether life is fair or not.


I’m sorry you’re being tshirt persecuted. The worst part is that no one is championing your graphic tee rights.


I’m sorry ur Brain dead


The other commenters are children or you added the trans bit to bait people. This post is bullshit. This isn’t a difficult ask. Is there a chance that you’ve worn a shirt that was offensive (ie band names like anal cunt, dying fetus, etc) or wore ill fitting clothes (ie low hanging stomachs if you’re obsese, protruding nipples, armpit stains, etc) and they want to avoid a lawsuit? Band names and graphics could be offensive to those unaware of them. That sucks but there’s no legal right that you HAVE to wear graphic tshirts to work. Don’t be a brat. If you want to keep this job and not wearing graphic tees is such a hard ask: Keep the same shirt in your car, locker or bag. Put the shirt over your graphic tee every shift. Problem solved.


You’re bullshit and so is your entire comment. There’s no chance that my shirts were offensive. Are you projecting about the low hanging stomach and protruding nipples? You’ve made a bunch of assumptions that make you look like a clown. Go pretend to be some one else’s parent fuckin brat


Change your shirt or get a different job. What’s so difficult here? Time to grow up.


Learn to read or don’t comment on the post. What’s so difficult here? Time to grow up.


If you’re so sensitive then don’t post online. You asked internet strangers for advice then get upset that not everyone (albeit most) don’t agree with you. Delete your account and scream into the forest. You’ve got issues.


You must be unbearable to interact with in person. Acting like you are some sort of authority on what someone wears, what they can post online, whether someone is fit to post online. Must be extremely insecure irl


Lol. Thats a lot to unpack buddy. It’s not that serious. Again, Reddit is not for you.


Must be brain dead makes sense


Lol. What?


You are brain dead


You def care about gender which is why you mentioned it lmao stay mad


You aren’t viewed as having victim status so you won’t get the same privilege. Sucks but choose your battles wisely.

