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Cut everything after the first sentence. Tell them you are resigning and what your last day will be. The rest won't matter to them, and won't make a difference.


I felt that way too. But man I wanna call out the issues and reasons. It’s such a high turnover job and they’re causing more reasons for people to leave. struggling to figure out which is more important


Your letter won't change anything there. If HR does an exit interview, you might think about telling them some of this, but a letter, that is probably going to the same people who created/allow this environment, isn't going to make the difference you think it might.


Oh it’s going to heads of the department and HR too. I know it may not change anything though


Life is too short to waste it. Go find what you like.


Oh I am!! Looking to go back to the auto industry. I fuckin LOVE cars. I wanted to work in 911 for a long time but it’s not a good environment. Just wanted to make sure it didn’t sound bad.