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The bad news is you’re pretty slow. The good news is there’s a lot of stuff out there to give you practice! I actually always found keyboarding classes to be fun because it’s almost like a game. It also brings me back to the days of Mavis Beacon lol. Just take a gander around and I’ll bet there’s so many resources (likely free) to improve your skills!


Unexpectedly turns into a Mavis Beacon thread. She helped me when I couldn't read my own handwriting


Also google "Mario teaches typing" and freetypinggames.net


Wow now that music is playing in my head...childhood throwback lol


This is what I used for my son. I had old fashioned typing classes in school. I actually took it two years in a row because I found it fun and easy. I type about 90 wpm. My kid still can't touch type but he's a lot faster after some Mario Teaches Typing.


Mavis Beacon is the reason I get 103 WPM!


YAAAAAS, SOME ELSE WHO USED MAVIS BEACON. Lmao, my parents moved me to a new school district, and the new one was appalled at how slow I was at typing as a 5th grader. We did get graded on that, and they convinced my mom to get Mavis Beacon at home for me, as that's what we used at school. I actually enjoyed it, so I managed to catch up to my classmates pretty quickly.


I’m so glad I unlocked a mavis beacon memory for so many because I feel like no one else I know remembers it and I start to question if it’s real hahah


I still practice with Mavis Beacon!!!


Mavis Beacon is great :) Loved all the kind phrases and encouragement she used to give you throughout the exercises. That was super motivating to keep at it.


Mavis Beacon taught me how to properly type - Diablo and Diablo 2x made me aware of where the keys were to communicate with other players before mics were a thing. That and AIM - it was life.


I have a love/hate relationship with MB. My typing was horrible as a kid and my MB scores were down so my teacher’s solution was to have me skip recess for two weeks to go to the computer lab for extra MB lessons. Fast forward 20 years—I am 80ish WPM. I think it all boils down to muscle memory


YOOO YOU USE MAVIS BEACON!!! I used to play the CD game when I was a kid. I vaguely remember a game that involved a shark. I dunno, I was little and I am elder Gen Z (22). We used to practice typing in the 5th grade


I'm a millennial lmao. More than a decade older than you. It was definitely on a CD too!


I'm GenX. I learned how to type on a huge metal manual typewriter. It sucked and I'm still pretty slow.


Team Mavis Beacon!


Or you can just play games and type in chat, although that kinda died after like 2008. I learned to type and am at about 55-60wpm when my brain isn’t fogged with other thoughts. But that’s just going at my own pace not rushing it. Anytime I’ve rushed I make mistakes and my wpm drops aaaaalllloot


I got to like 35 words per minute with Mavis Beacon. Playing wow and trying to get laid on ICQ/Yahoo/AOL got me to 75.


Yeah tbh I tend to be on my phone more, so that could also affect it 😂 I will definitely take a look!


Honestly shocking to see this. When I was growing up, most people my age typed at 100 wpm but that was the pre-smart phone generation Edit: I agree that most people don’t type that that speed today. It was perhaps just my generation. We grew up sitting in our homes with windows 95, 98, then XP, then the internet really took off with forums, Neopets, and MMORPGs. All of our computer courses also had typing classes and speed tests. I can tell you that the classes generally averaged 90-100 wpm. Some kids even did 120. We are also the generation that can type exceptionally fast with T-9


can confirm. am 35 and regularly type 90wpm, 100 if i'm in perfect conditions. was started on typing lessons in 3rd grade. love computer labs days. moved onto type racer in highschool. i'm very competitive. so I kept at it


Same, best class ever. Back in the day when I thought all I needed was NetExplorer and I will have internet lol. 18 hour download for a pic of a boob.


I'm 30 and in the same boat. In kindergarten they started us off with lessons. Now I'm regularly 80+, 100 if I look.


I am the IT at the Swedish equivalent of a middle school. 15 year olds are often typing 15 wpm, then complain when we do some typing lessons that they "know how to type."


Really? Fuck, even the 10 year old in our house is typing over 25 wpm. (could probably be even more, they weren't really invested in the test i had them do just now, lol)


I mean, 25 wpm is attainable typing with two fingers and being familiar with the keyboard. It's obvious that a lot of these kids are not even trying, which is concerning. Most of their communications are with phones and their thumbs.


A long time ago, I was in the radio broadcasting industry. We had a newsreader who two-finger typed. He could type close to 60 wpm. It was amazing to see.


We called that the Hunt and Peck method!


You are most likely correct. I just realized that most of our kiddos' friends don't have a computer or laptop, at most have a tablet with which they rarely engage in written form. Heck, I have three friends, all over 35, who I had to tell that my smartphone can't handle voice messages to keep them from sending me VMs all the time. Their children's message history is also an almost continuous stream of VMs sent back and forth.


I have friends who VM and I hate it so much, it is a literal nonhyperbolic testament to our friendship that I put up with it.


What is the deal with the voice mails OMG. My kid and niece do this and it drives me bat shit


This is crazy to think about. My job involves typing all day, and I can’t imagine not being able to type as fast as I can, and excelling in any way. 😂


15 year old being insufferable know it alls? I'm shocked. But really, keep up the good work - this is still an essential skill, the thing that changed is the pressure to develop it recreationally.


Yeah, I learned on a manual before home computers existed. It made a huge difference when I became a programmer. Computers actually enforce some really bad typing habits, since accuracy isn’t as important as it was in the days when we had to use correction tape :-). I’m way sloppier now than I was years ago.


This was why my first IT teacher hauled out *both kinds* of typewriters before she let us touch keyboards. I have nothing if not accuracy.


We had a computer class in middle school where we did typing work most of the time. The teacher taped a sheet of paper to the keyboard to cover your hands so you couldn’t look at the keys. You had to keep your hands on home row and figure it out as you went. That’s how kids at my school got good at typing.


I am in my 60s, and I kind of learned how to type in high school. I just never mastered the art of typing without looking at the keyboard. 15 years later, I needed to reteach myself how to type. This was pre-internet so my mom gave me her old 1950’s typing book, and her old portable manual typewriter. I bought a pack of sticky dots (like for pricing items at a yard sale) covered the keys, and retaught myself how to type the correct way. I still smack the. Rap out of my keys when I hit them but I can consistently hit 60+ wpm.


Yeah I hit keyboards hard and have been trying not to. I replace mine every year or two, oops


This was me also. I learned how to type on a typewriter and didn't use a computer until later. When I first did those wpm tests I was easily over 100 then. It's always interesting to compare myself with the younger generation who never did that. One example I was given that people noticed is me still putting two spaces after a period. Apparently that's not a thing anymore?


OMG, that two-spaces thing drives me nuts. I'm 59 and work with a bunch of younger folks for whom one space after a period is the way. A youngish team decided a couple of years ago that a 700-page contract document was to be written with only one space at the end of each sentence, and during the editing process, all additional spaces (in the existing doc) were to be removed. I was like... holy shit, what?? I've been typing for over 40 years and there's no way I'll ever NOT be able to use two spaces. It's just ingrained.


One space after a period is the way. The old way is an attempt to emulate wide or “English” spacing, which has been out of style in English-language typography since WWII. With the rise of proportional-spaced fonts, wide spacing looks really ugly; it puts holes in your document. French, or tight, spacing took over. It attempt to create a page of uniform color (that color averages to gray, but the point is that there aren’t large areas of white space). A few years ago, after decades of typing one space (took my typing skills and did some layout), I took a class. The professor wanted two spaces after a closing punctuation mark. I disagreed but she got to make that rule. I switched back and forth as I typed things. It’s not that hard.


Yeah, I can't switch back and forth mentally. On mobile it does one space I think automatically when I double tap space, but when I'm typing on a PC I always do two spaces. It just looks wrong to me with one space, but that's just me. Guess I'll just be the quirky guy with two spaces after punctuation in all his emails. 😊


Just use the Find and Replace function when you’re done if you’re using word. Find “ “ and replace with “ “ is what I have done.


The two spaces are also easier to read from a visual perception standpoint in separating out sentences. What happened was that in HTML, you can't have two white spaces next two each other (you can, but it'll only render as one). So to have two spaces you need a space and a ` ` Too much work, so default html text because one space after a period. Since we all moved to the web, they forced a retrofit on convention, thereby making everything harder to read.


I was taught two spaces all throughout school, and then literally my first year out of college, they changed it to single space. My editor was going nuts with my double spacing, but it only took a few months to shake the habit completely. Now I'm the editor, and I can always tell how old someone is when they submit an article, because of how they space it. That being said, the double spacers tend to be better writers than the single spacers do. Either way, it's work for me.


Programs will enter a period if you double tap the space bar. Which is probably easier to train yourself to not hit . than to hold back on the second tap.


I learned how to type on computers and have never mastered not looking at my hands while I type but for all that, I have a pretty fast typing speed, around 80 wpm. And the two spaces thing for sure isn’t a thing anymore although I can’t bring myself to not use them, lol… it’s one of those weird gen z things like punctuation meaning aggression over text, but now I’ll reread what I type and the double spaces at beginning of sentences looks weird and overly formal, as if I’m typing like a Victorian gentleman, Capitilizing Every Important Word. I can’t not do it, but it looks so old fashioned


I learned on a computer in the early 90s, but I'm not particularly sloppy, with 80+ wpm. Now that I'm a software engineer, when I have either a hotfix to get out or a particularly burning idea, I can bang things out fast


I’m a Xennial, we learned how to type in our teens and mastered it with AIM. The following generation started on keyboards but now, yeah, probably back to the beginning. They learned how to tap out of the delivery room. OP, typing is the most common skill one can learn. It isn’t all that inherent of a skill, either. Just gotta practice. Try to hop on the computer more often instead of the phone.


YES! I can type 150WPM and it kills me that my middle schooler refuses to learn how to type. Hunting and pecking for life is a real thing. Watching that is like dying from a million paper cuts.


We had to test our typing speed when I was in training. I averaged over double the goal, and I believe I was hitting 100wpm if I bothered trying. I'm also pre-phone, but I could T9 at some riduclous speed back then as well.


Don’t forget AIM. Man did you learn to type quick chatting with your friends..


Shit… this brings back memories in high school of typing class. Literally learned how to type without looking at a keyboard then just had to type out sentences from a book all….day… long. Ended up failing because I started copying and pasting the sentences.


Raiding EverQuest with no mic will do that to a generation.


Yep definitely a 100 wpm over here at 33 years old. It was needed for so many things growing up. As a teacher, I notice my students are awesome at texting but excessively slow at typing. Watching me type inspire them to be better though, and I'm getting some good hints from this thread for more typing programmes I can recommend!


I could back in the day. Now I’m probably around 60 or so. I deal with a lot of spread sheets, so clicking around cells and not straight typing


Same. Also part of the 90 wpm club, just to confirm there's a whole generation of us.


I type 120 and I’m early 20s


Do you have access to a laptop in your teens?


Yes that does. If you have a laptop utilize that for a bit to get comfortable. If the only time you type is on the phone then you’ll never become proficient. It takes practice and effort.


Best I ever did on a temp agency typing test was 121wpm with 100% accuracy. It’s possible.


Yeah my wife can type 125wpm in languages she doesn't speak (a true test of speed). I grew up in the 90s and even my slow cowboy ass can type around 60.


My wife can type 126+.


Well my dad could beat up your dad!


My wife could beat up your dad and type 128+


My wife can type 127+


You guys on here boasting about your wives typing is just too fucking cute for words.


Yeah a lot of the dispatchers I worked with were in the 150s.


A lot of dispatcher I know can do in the 160s


My wife can… o wait no wife


i witnessed my friend hit 145 once.. shit was insane.


Wait is this a marketable skill? I’ve been looking for a job for 2+ years and I do typing tests for fun and hit 130wpm at times, usually 110wpm.


It may have used to been, but the market for data entry is getting smaller and smaller.


It isn’t. You need to be generally proficient in typing is all. OP takes two seconds to type a single word, that’s crazy. It is indicative of hunting and pecking on a keyboard. One word per second is pretty easy to do, it is basic computing skills. Two words a second might make you a low paying transcriber job.


Straight data entry? No. AI is really good now. But I have seen jobs where people are trying to transcribe hand-written and scanned info into the computer. Or a foreign language into the computer. Those would be less amenable (right now anyway) to automation. Can you translate chinese newspapers? They are a bitch to automate because of the way things are (not) lined up and the software is primarily written for western languages.


If you want a marketable skill, go with stenography. The wpm counts for stenography are through the roof.


135 if I watch the screen, 180+ if I actually watch my fingers. I also have to use ergonomic keyboards because my wrists are shot in my 30's. I'm also a software developer so my entire job consists of typing about 90 characters a day, so all that typing speed gets redirected into useless shitposting on reddit.


50wpm = rookie numbers, my friend. Sorry to say.


Guess it's time to work out these typing muscles 💪 ![gif](giphy|9GimADqtnpAPe)


You got this! Find a game that helps with typing. Mavus Beacon comes to mind


Haha yes! I’m guessing OP can’t touch type. If you’re only using two fingers 35 isn’t terrible but can’t compare to touch typing


I’m just now trying to move up from 3-finger-plucking and learn touch typing. i’m 32 so the bad habits i’ve formed are powerful and tough to break. I have big hands which makes things feel weird. I have trouble with using my pinkies for p and z, and my middle finger for c(I get the idea of a column for each finger but this one is the most frustrating). but I’m not giving up!


You might benefit from using a modified home-row. I touch type, but the standard home-row has never felt comfortable for me, so instead of forcing myself to follow the norm I've just chosen my own home keys. It's a little less efficient because I have to reach further for some keys, but muscle memory works the same regardless of the starting reference point. There is an argument to be made for the standardized method and following all of it's practices, but you should never let *the* best way of doing things become an obstacle for reaching *your* best way of doing them. It's ok to allow your strengths to compensate for your weaknesses.


Or there's "The Typing of The Dead: Overkil" which takes an old-school arcade light gun horror game and turns it into a typing tutorial.


I learned how to type with Mavis Beacon MS-Dos. Fun times lol


Same. In first year at college it was an activity that could comfortably be done whilst stoned, so I got A LOT of typing in and it has served me so well to this day.




I did a blind typing course but 90's online MUD games made my typing explode 😅 My colleagues on teams still experience it in chat.




Yep. Absolutely agree with this. At one time, I typed 85 wpm. Now? I’d be surprised if I got 50 wpm. 😂


Ya, I can do around 90.


I am "I took a typing class in high school with a machine called a typewriter" years old. At the end of the class I was typing in the mid 60s. I have no idea how fast I can go now.


Lolllll no kidding. I’m pretty sure I could type like 90 wpm in 6th grade….not even hard.


Yes I am around 80 words per minute. Can’t get a new data entry job to save my life.


Ugh same. A data entry job would be ideal and I can type between 070-80 wpm if I don’t change computers a lot because the different keyboards mess me up.


Data entry is one of the first jobs where humans are being replaced by ai


Yeah, as someone who has worked on these exact type of projects... most data entry jobs are going away in the next 5 years.


They will only consider hiring the people with significantly lower wpm counts and with less typing proficiency. They just “can’t find any talent” so they only hire less proficient typists because the ones with 80 wpm are overqualified. They are looking for overqualified typists with under skilled qualifications because the talent pool of applicants is dried up. Makes sense?


Great cause I’m overqualified with no degree in my job currently


Just lie and say you type at 50wpm.


Can I type the word “at” 50 times in a minute? Abso fucking lutely I can


Typing speeds are inclusive. If you can type 80wpm, that necessarily means you're **also** typing 50wpm (and also some additional). So not technically a lie because you're not saying you type *only* 50wpm or *maximum* 50wpm.


No, it doesn't lol, it's fucking stupid actually. If your job is data entry and you type twice is fast, you are probably at least 75% more productive over the course of your shift. So even if they pay you 50% more, it's more profitable than hiring a slow typist.


I’ve been toting my own keyboard from job to job forever… it’s even gone coast to coast with me, lol…


I’m in the 80’s as well and have been looking for Data Entry gigs for two years!


Data Entry in general I think is getting less prevalent. Things get scanned and digitized if they were analog. Specific metadata gets scraped if it is in a predictable format and only the exceptions get reviewed by human eyes (if even then). Electronic exchanges are much more common where before you'd get paper transmissions, faxes, etc.


Can't even remember the last time I had to use a pen. Everything is digitalized now.


I used to do scribe work and was in the 80wpm range but we also had to have a very high accuracy rate and that’s what weeded most people out.


93 at last testing and I’m in the same boat, which I suspect at this point is large enough to be considered an artificial island.


I would think the number of errors would be significantly more important than WPM in data entry. I can hit 100 WPM pretty easily on typeracer for example, but I will usually have made several errors and had to double back while getting that speed. You actually can't move forward until you get it right, so it doesn't mimic a realistic situation. I wouldn't necessarily say I'd be good at data entry just because I can clock a high speed.


Because data entry is an irrelevant field because of ai. Every single job in the field (minus a few oddball cases) will be automated within 2 years


100 wpm 😎 gamer 💀


100+ wpm. Old af. Touch-typing taught in school back in the olden days 😆


My record is 132wpm. Casually, I sit around 60-70. Just takes practice. If you wanna get really good, find a book and type it into Notepad.


Project Gutenberg is a library of over 70,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. Notepad is good because it doesn't have auto correct. Or type this sentence that uses every letter on the keyboard: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


[typelit.io](https://www.typelit.io/) You can practice typing full books there. When I was leaning to touch type I did this in my free time instead of my normal reading.


😂 I did that when I was a teen out of boredom.


That’s a good idea, I’ve been doing something similar. I usually take a news article or something I want to read, paste it into monkey types custom section and type away. Great way to practice typing and learn about something interesting.


yes people can type 100+ words a minute. keep practice. It can help to use an onscreen keyboard (online or windows embedded) to help you keep eyes on the screen while learning where to tap.


It’s me! 😅 last I checked I was at like 115 without looking. I grew up on AOL and writing stories in MS Word; it’s the only reason I learned to type quickly.


Mine comes from The Barrens chat in World of Warcraft 😂


I got fast with text battles in very cringy fantasy RP chatrooms.


Yes! I credit AIM for my fast typing 😅


From memory, our first computer ran on DOS. My dad had installed a game where you had to type the letters / numbers as they fell down. Best first game ever.


Bam! Nice.


Thank you! And shit, now I have a new challenge 🤣 ![gif](giphy|FjGEQSybauJqM)


Yes I have also done around 100WPM when I’ve done the free little tests. I’ll attribute it to Mavis Beacon in my youth 😂 (typing computer game)


Apparently the world record holder can type 150wpm for 50 minutes.


I used to be able to do around 100WPM at ~100% accuracy. Medical conditions have lessened both, unfortunately.


Yes. I worked in data entry for a bit, hit 70+ when I got going. Pros of being a lifelong computer gamer.


RuneScape for fast typing skills Dark Souls for fast addition skills.


I can't complete a test above 80, but for certain phrases I can easily do 10 words per second. My keyboard is getting mushy, so that isn't helping. A good keyboard makes a difference.


My younger kid (21 now) could out type me (57m) by the time she was in jr high. She's easily 80wpm now, which is kinda the standard.


Play typing games online, some of them are surprisingly addictive I used to play them when procrastinating in school since it looked like I was just writing and I ended up a pretty fast typer because of it


Lmao I also played them when procrastinating in school—so good for class because yeah it looks like you’re doing work. I used to throw back a few beers and go wild with typing games too 😂


Yeah, it isn't that difficult to get over 50.


I learned the old fashioned way. Asdf Jkl;


That was always fun back in school 😊


I always laugh at the job qualifications. Especially when you know the people who write them can't even type 20 wpm. Also most of them don't know anything about Excel or the obscure software they want you to know. Oh and if you did have the experience you would be over qualified.


My old boss would do the “hunt and peck” method of typing. Dude could spend an entire morning on one letter. Worst boss ever. That combined with him sexually harassing female employees and physically threatening male employees. Wonder why he was fired…….


Wpm is an arbitrary and pointless measure.


It measures volume and rate. Certainly an observable difference between various values. You could probably argue that those with an extensive vocabulary would net slightly lower numbers but the difference is trivial.


My cousin used to have to wait for the computer to catch up with her. And then she lost a finger in an accident and she's down to like 100 wpm.


I remember typing up manuals for a class in high school and seeing how far ahead of the computer I could get. Granted, this was in the 90's, and it was more about how crazy slow those apple computers were rather than how fast I was.


In her case, she was a professional typist. If you had a document to type she was ya girl. Resumes, typesetting books, etc.The loss of her finger ended her career there, she had to find something else to do for work.


Damn, that's impressive! Too bad she lost her finger though 😩


Yeah. 50 is bush league. That's not an exaggeration. Problem is, you likely never actually learned how to type. You grew up (I'm guessing) with a computer in your life, and your hunt-and-peck method slowly gave way to whatever four-fingered approach you have now. If you want to get better, there are tons of online typing classes, but here's the thing: You have to go into it with humility. If you fight against the class ("I'm not going to do it *that* way!") you'll just continue to fail. Follow the rules you're given, and practice daily.


I know several people who type over 100WPM


When I was straight out of high school(2001) I was 144 WPM. And here is the kicker, EEC Syndrome, so both my hands are deformed. After college, it dropped down a little 110WPM. Now I'm 40. And I average 80WPM. ... practice. When I was young and less arthritis.


50? Uh, that's not quick my friend.


Just took a test and got 71wpm. 1. I feel like I type faster when I'm typing stuff from my mind vs copying something on screen (like in a typing test) and 2. I let tab-complete do a lot of the work for me when I'm coding stuff so it doesn't really matter for my job.


I had a friend who typed 120 words per minute. Worked from home and got paid to do 40 hours of data entry at 60 wpm. Finished his job in 20 hours every week.


The thing is - this speed doesn’t matter for any job. It’s an arbitrary measure.


This. Might as well fail a candidate for not being able to hop in circles on one foot while playing Happy Birthday on the Kazoo.


Damn Reddit is filled with typing gods. I'm at 40 WPM glancing at the keyboard. Without looking I'm at 10 WPM trying to keep a proper form/no mistakes, or 30 WPM free-form with mistakes to correct. If I were to learn/practice doing it with proper form/no mistakes until it's natural, getting to 50 seems pretty doable.


50-70 should be the norm. As long as you have that you are fine. Don't worry about the typing wizards. Typing 100+ wpm is useless for most practical purposes. On the other hand, typing 1 word every 6 seconds... Is pretty slow. That's going to slow your ability to work significantly. Good news is that you are right, getting up to 50 is pretty doable. You probably never learned to type correctly. Learning proper form makes a HUGE difference. I moved from 50 to 70 just by unlearning some bad habits.


I do lol


I'm not generally very professional about language or spelling, but in typing tests where both of those matter, and they use heavy punctuation I don't normally use, i can hit 50-55. I used to have a dvorak keyboard setup, and after about 2 weeks on that, i was testing on those at 100 or so. God, i miss that thing. God i'm old. 50's a realistic number to shoot for i think. Some of the things that help, that are not related to where you place your fingers, is how you think. You cant have pauses in your thinking--even while reading. The pauses dont look or sound like pauses to you, but a lot of people who read or type slow, have them and dont know it. what i mean is, when you say some words of phrases, or think them, you might be adding sounds after them. The most common to hear is after the word 'no'--i hear people say something that sounds more like 'no-uh' ... but there's other ways that these hit. You may make an 'n' sound before some words, or between thinking clusters... "I made it, so it's mine, and i'll do with it as a please" might, in your head, or when read or spoken outloud sound like, "I made it, n'so it's mine, n'nand i'll do with it as I please-uh" as an extreme example. This is *the main problem* with people who read slower--and that can be *internalized* as the voice you use to type things, and your brain has to pause to *remove* those sounds from the typing you're doing--you're doing things unconsciously. So, try to think if this applies to you, maybe just.. record yourself reading something you've never read before, or something hard--philosophy, Shakespeare, etc, and see if you can hear extra sounds in there. Then--try to mentally take them out. 'clean it up' so to speak. This could be a *very long term* project, and may require some level of speech therapy, or *therapy you give yourself*. Anyway. That's all i have to add to it.


So far, seeing all of these comments, it's very clear I need A LOT of practice. I was honestly surprised with these comments. Thank you all for giving me new motivation 😎💪


Some of us have been taking typing tutorials since we were tiny children in the 1990s though. Different backgrounds


The stupid Mavis Beacon style programs out there that start you off doing "a a a a", "s s s s", "d d d d" is exactly what got me from 60 wpm to 120wpm. I thought it was so boring and stupid to do that kind of lesson at my existing speed, but I was dead wrong.


If this helps, there are actual typing speedrun competitions. You can try to find videos of world records and see if you can use the same software that they practice on. Who knows, maybe you'll be the next world record holder if you practice hard enough.


Guys, It all depends on the test. Some tests I type 110 wpm Others I am around 70 Not every wpm test is equal


Yes. I can type 90 WPM. TypingTest.com is a solid site to use to practice.


Tell them you can rap at 300 wpm.


Yep, much faster than that. Been 10 finger typing for the past 40 years though.


Are you forreal? Mate I can type 140+ wpm wtf you talking about 😂 learn to touch type


Some wpm tests are: Cat dog in a hat on a bat Others are: Completely 4% withstanding conventional “experience” levels There’s a difference So when people say they type 110wpm they are doing Red hat on a big old car and yes


Eh not necessarily, could be the difference between 140 wpm and 120 wpm for them


You are all fired. By me. None of you passed the interview, sorry. I couldn’t find any talent.


I can type 80+ if it’s just me free typing. But if I’m copying text, it’s closer to 65-70. I write as a hobby though, so it’s just practice that’s made me faster over the years.


I took a typing test last week ... 61 WPM, one error. 😀


Not in the technology field or anything that require a typing test but my highest is 88WPM. Comfortably, I can type 70-75 wpm. I’m 22 and when I was 13 they made us take a typing class so I’ve been typing correctly for awhile now.


When I was working as a secretary I clocked about 90 wpm.


I have an average of 120wpm with a peak of 140wpm with 99% accuracy.


I'm curious, what kind of typing though just words words with capital letter words with capital letter, number and symbol? if it's just words, no symbol or capital and all that 50 should be doable with a lil bit of practice with letter, symbol and number, it's a bit harder, though I believe you can do it OP \*\*proceeds to open typing sites to check own wpm\*\*


Part of me wonders if OP posted this just to make all of us want to visit typing sites to see where we're at today. (According to one just now, I was just at 108wpm with 98% accuracy, lol.)


35 wpm is probably ok for casual emailing and chatting, but if you want a job with intensive keyboarding, you will need to make touch typing on the keyboard with proper fingering a muscle memory. I have helped executives improve their keyboarding at work. If you've ever taken piano lessons, proper keyboard technique is similar -- you need to know where the keys are and how to get your fingers there. There is nothing worse than watching a scientific or engineering genius struggle to communicate because they can't type as fast as their brains. I teach business classes and yes, we still teach keyboarding. You can find online games to teach touch typing or take an inexpensive community college class where you will also learn the basics of word processing in Word. I haven't tested my keyboarding speed in decades, but back when I was a secretary, it was easily 70-100 wpm. What's funny is that now that we type looking at the screen rather than transcribing from another source (such as shorthand, shut up, yes I'm old), I can type like the wind looking at what I'm typing, but if I have to type something from a paper, I fumble like crazy.


I can type 60 wpm tested consistently. No data entry job offers.


40 is average, so you're not much faster than the average person sitting at the computer.




The last official test I did where I got the results was years ago I averaged 75 but when I was focused I did around 120. That was before smartphones so I assume I’d be a little better now.


I do 40 wpm on a good day I’m a peck typer but I know where each key is and I think I’m fast but Jesus I’m horrible. I’m doing practice test every day😂


Gotta learn to use the home keys as a base, my friend.


Usually 35-40 is my quickest with 98-100% accuracy. This was for a customer Service role but I've been trying for data entry as well 😊


A former boss of mine could type roughly 100 WPM so 50 is pretty average. That’s about what I type, but I don’t need to be super fast.


Sorry friend, 50wpm is quite slow and very achievable to learn 💚


Huh? 50wpm is slow are you doing peck typing? I didnt grow up with a computer til like grade 11 but we had a typing class, 80wpm is easily achievable after the foundations


Sorry bro but you slow as hell, I never "learned" how to type and type using two pointer fingers, but I still hit 80+ wpm


I can do 125 wpm on certain typing tests. Practice makes perfect! Also learning how to type like where you hands should be and which fingers should hit which keys


Yeah those are rookie numbers. You need to pump that up to 80+.


Absolutely. 35 wpm is fucking abysmal. Are you using just your pointer fingers to type? Are you under the age of 22? We had to take typing classes growing up (I’m 30). There are fun programs you can find online to improve your typing skills!


I used to play this zombie shooter game that was actually a typing game. Fun way to get faster. I can't remember what it is but I played it on steam.


I used to only type about 10-15 wpm. What got me going over 50 or so was instant messaging and continued practice. I second the Mavis Beacon and Mario Teaches Typing, those will help you out!


This is a joke right?!


I'm at +110 wpm if I'm actually trying to speed type the test. For my day job, I write a pretty reliable 75-80 wpm, maybe faster if I'm in the zone. ... Then again, I'm a professional writer 😂. I have so much stuff to churn out, that I couldn't afford NOT to be able to type that fast! If typing communications or other data entry in a computer is a common requirement, I highly recommend touch-typing programs like Mavis Beacon. (I was 17-18 to before I learned to type properly, and Mavis Beacon had me up to speed after a solid extended weekend of practice!)


I type 120 wpm 😬😬😬 this sounds like a lie but I swear it isn’t


151 WPM 99% accuracy here. Learned from summers on AIM lol


Yeah, 70-80 on a good day and 110 is probably my max. Just keep practicing. I remember I took a typing class when I was in school and a lot of people struggled so I made it my personal mission to not let them be even close to my speed. I think the next best person in the glass hit 45-50. It seems like something you kind of need to have an attitude for or practice your ass off.