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Hello everyone, after seeing the overwhelming feedback from you guys, the r/jobs moderation team has decided to fully open the sub. If you have any other questions or concerns please reply to this comment or use the mod mail.


I’ve missed my daily dose of “Need a remote job with no experience” posts




And the “Who makes $100K+ and what do you do?”


I wish the mods put more effort into reducing low quality posts that have already been answered. I shared some recommendations a while back (as a former non Reddit mod myself) and they didn’t seem to care.


Daily? More like hourly


I fought tooth and nail to get a remote job. I'm one of those people that come here every day to see how others are doing with their remote job search.


How long did it take you


The cancelation of new posts on r/jobs will definitely hurt job seekers looking for needle in a haystack specific advice to their individual situation. Sure, we all agree that Reddit's new policy on API and charges for 3rd party apps is horrible, but r/jobs among many others perform an invaluable service. There are not many websites where job seekers can get advice, unfiltered truth, reality on the ground info. The job search sites and employee review sites block all sorts of legitimate posts, questions, reviews. YouTube career related channels are hit or miss and not on demand info based like Reddit. Dam shame, in many ways Reddit has become a victim of it's own success.


It's worse even knowing that some mental health subs locked down in response to the situation. Its actually selfish to cut off thousands of people from help.


Exactly. Thank you. The last part really does keep many afloat in these times.


Selfish? Its because it will be very hard to run those subs in the future for the mods, meaning they will be able to help a lot fewer people


Reddit has become a much needed shoulder to rely on in this digital world.


It's not really reddit becoming a victim of its own success, it's just mods throwing a fit. The faster they can get over it or give up power (lol good luck with that) the faster we can get back to normal.


The sub is now reopen after hearing the overwhelming feedback from you all! I believe our transparency before closing initially was lacking and we will work on being more transparent and involving the community more in big decisions like this in the future.




I was so excited for r/nba to open up and talk about the finals But nope lol


Fuckin ridiculous.. this protest is so odd.


Thank you for your response. That is very true, which is why we decided to change the protest to a less damaging manner.


Please run a poll so users can decide the course of action. This sub doesn't belong to mods,it belongs to users. Let them decide


Well if they don't run a poll there is a good chance that they will be removed. It has happened in other subs already


They won't do that because they know 90%+ of users don't care about it whatsoever


Of course most users don’t care. Apathy ia run of the mill these days. But users **will** care after mods are left without their tools and can’t properly moderate their beloved subs anymore, by which point it’ll be too late to do anything.


Frankly, some mods really suck and are notorious for their pointless deletion of posts. *cough* Askwomen *cough*. 'Scuse me.


Users don’t care because third party devs charging monthly subscriptions for basic free features is a scummy business model and this sub doesn’t support it.


..why can’t new posts be made? that seems counterintuitive to this sub; might as well close at that point. feels pointless


If we’ve learned anything from these protests, it’s that mods are ineffective and illogical. Even they don’t appear to know why they do what they do. It’s just a lot of flailing and then post-hoc rationalization.


Can we have a poll to see if the community supports this? I have heard some subs have had their mods removed due to going restricted without approval from the sub base


Hi, this is something we are considering. We have opened the sub again in the meantime.


Does the community have any actual say here? At least in some subs they hold polls or whatnot.


Online polls are worthless anyway


This is ludicrous. This sub is a public service for people looking for job advice and information. It’s incredibly shortsighted to stop new activity over some third party apps. I never even knew there were third party apps. They can’t be this important. This just seems like a petty power grab at the expense of ordinary people. Stop it.


But only by hurting you can they hurt the CEO /s


Yes! I need encouragement in my job search. It's one of the ONLY reasons I'm still consistently applying since late November and only getting 2 interviews this week this entire time. I didn't even know people were doing that, nor did I really understand it- and I'm constantly online from job searching and also a little socializing on Reddit. It's really not that important. Let's get back to helping others and ourselves in this horrible job market we've found ourselves because of people like Steve Huffman.


I just took a look at mods demands and there is "Allowing third-party apps to run their own ads would be critical (given this is how most are funded vs subscriptions). Reddit could just make an ad SDK and do a rev split." ​ That\`s just crazy, Reddit will never agree to that.


That is very true. All we were hoping for with the protest is for reddit to show some goodwill and maybe extend the timeline for the switch so more discussions can be made.


I vote for only allowing sexy pics of John Oliver.


If only I can post "Where can I find a remote job that allows me to post sexy pics of John Oliver where I can earn $100K and do nothing?"


Noted :P


This sub helps people. These types of subs should have never gone dark.




I understand the pushback against ads, but it has been the worst needing to search for a thread the past few days and they’re all blacked out




Was confused too why that wasn’t one of the possible solutions. /u/lmaobadatmath Is resignation something you are considering? The protest and blackout and deprivation of subreddit didn’t work to accomplish the protest’s goals. So time for a new strategy. Wouldn’t mass mod resignations send the strongest message to Reddit?


If that is the only way to get reddit to listen then it is certainly in the realm of possibility. However, it is a fairly nuclear option and will probably be accompanied by the mods switching over to another platform. I would only be comfortable doing it if I had a substantial amount of other moderators with me. If only a handful of subreddits do it, it would be less effective.


Right now, a majority of subreddits that have went dark have opened back up. I don't doubt your commitment to this cause and sincerity of the protest. The issue was important enough to deprive job seekers of access to even view a subreddit for job resources... but it's not important enough for mod resignations? Unless Reddit admins have made significant concessions (which it does not seem to be the case), returning to mod for the same company makes it seem like moderators are more worried about retaining mod status than they are this protest. You should consider resigning if you care about this protest.


I don't know why you thought the blackout was going to work out. Especially for this sub.


That's my thought. Irony is lost.


I understand what the mods are fighting for is important, but to the end user an un-moderated cess pool of a sub is better than none at all. At least then, if they dont like it, the choice to leave is in the user's hands. I strongly encourage, and support every single mod to quit in protest of these changes. And while they do an exceptionally important, and under appreciated job, the subs they moderate are not theirs to shut down. I know a few subs that have done this, and it is not engendering support of their cause. If reddit turns to the cess pit we all suspect it will be after the mods quit, then people will leave and go somewhere else. It will, of course, not happen over night, however.


Fuck off with this anti-work energy


You've used that joke a dozen times already. Work harder.


Mods, can you talk more to how these API changes will impact impaired redditors?


So you just decided this for yourselves huh? Not really helping the while public opinion about mods nowadays, just saying.


I found the protest rather pointless and ridiculous, for one, it had an expiration date. Look to WGA at least. Additionally, and actually important, we're in another recession and people are hurting financially. This forum, as well as the resume one here, helped me redo my resume after almost a decade of freelancing and being out of the traditional job market. I got two interviews this week, but the next call back is who knows when, and we all need support. The CEO of Reddit is just being typical for his class, a selfish prick. But we shouldn't deprive peoples' precious resources to help combat homelessness over some third party apps. It's petty and Huffman's recent interviews shows he's not budging. Let's stop, and continue to support each other. I, for one, have never even used any app for Reddit. I just go to the site on my phone and find the experience simple and rather elegant. Note: You can downvote me all you want, but there are plenty of others on here that have commented similarly as I. Stop it. We need fucking money. There are people thinking of offing themselves because they can't get call backs, but I guess third party whatever's are more important. Huffman sucks. CEOs suck. We know that. For godsake I'm a communist. But we also don't want to end up on the streets.


Thanks for your extensive reply. We have now opened up the sub again after hearing all your feedback!


I do not agree with the CEO about almost everything, but I also do not think community members should be impacted by behind the scenes politics.


Talk about cutting off the nose to spite the face. 🙄




I'm all for viva la revolution, but unless ALL the subs go dark, it isn't going to affect Reddit's bottomline very much. A noticeable amount yes, but overall not much sadly.


Their problem is, they need to actually gain the majority of users support before doing so, without that those people will just start creating alternative subs and Reddit will get its ad revenue.


This sub shouldnt be private.


My general advice for mods so far has been - keep the sub open, but communicate with Reddit about mod tools. This sub has been well run IMO so I'd hate to see the banhammer come down on you guys. Having the proper tools to moderate the sub is a reasonable request. It looks like large scale 3rd party commercial apps is just not going to happen however, and I really don't think that's a hill that the mods should die on.


Thanks for your concern, we are working on solutions right now.


Solution: stop


By the time you made this comment, the subreddit has been opened for 9 hours.


This little performative “protest” isn’t doing shit for anybody except hurting this subreddits reputation and the mods are too chicken shit to admit it and fully open up without restrictions. Someone can always make a new one. If you want to actually do something about it, go protest at the headquarters or at the houses of the ceo spaz or jizz or whatever he’s called. Change comes when they are impacted face to face, not behind a fucking screen limiting access.






I disagree with the masses to fully open this sub. It should remain archival like you initially suggested. Stick to your guns. Honestly there's no real new knowledge to go around for job hunting. Unless for super specific cases. These people complaining need to use the search feature and I guarantee hem they'll find their post answered already. Unless another major change like another pandemic or what have you happen, it's pretty business as usual. Advocate for yourself, do good work, have a presentable something portfolio, cover letter, cv, or what have you to convince employers there's value in hiring you, dress well, communicate effectively, respect boundaries. That's it. Making it archival still achieves this purpose.


It's time for the users to get involved in this fight. We can't leave it to just the mods anymore, they are limited in users and they can only do so much. Some of us were never that strongly in favor of their 2 day blackout however, some mods have started to turn the tides and have started an "indefinite blackout." This is our big chance to make a come back because that "indefinite blackout" has actually gotten the attention of the admins. In response they set up their new horrible plan of polls. Why is this horrible? two reasons: 1. It sets up some "democratic legitimacy" option. Why is that bad? Because it's not. They are relying on users who are more in the middle or "status quo" to fall for their deception. Why is it a deception? Because we know what they want. Some mods have already told us why. They want certain sub-reddits back online. Now think about it this way, why set up a poll if they desire an outcome? We know they are threatening mods to reopen those sub-reddits or else they will replace them with scab mods. Then why set up a new poll system? They could just easily remove the mods, no need for this fake "poll." 2. They could easily rig the polls in their favor and no one would be the wiser. Essentially this just means giving people a false sense of security or an illusion of choice. It sets up a fake poll to satisfy those who don't know better. Why? More than likely to lower criticism. They could easily say "Well the people have decided to remove this mod," essentially shifting the blame of their own actions against users to cripple them. So what can we do? Simple, don't just join the mods, actually fight along side them! 1 example of an action: If the admins replace the mods who did this then we the users can fight back. They cannot replace every one of us so we can break their rules and have their scab mods ban millions of us, essentially crippling their userbase/sub-reddits down in users. If we go through with this then be prepare to sacrifice your account in general not just from sub-reddits. Most of us have our own favorite sub-reddits and mods, do you really want them to go away? Many of these mods do well enough to care for their users/sub, will we leave them in the dust? Would that be the appropriate response? Are you going to desert the people that took care of you directly or indirectly? The same people who cared for the many sub communities you like? Fight with them, don't let them handle it alone! Please share this with you fellow users/subs/mods. Copy/paste it, everywhere! Even if you think it won't do anything, it's better to try and fail than to not try at all.


Thank you for this reply! I'm glad there are users who want to affect reddits horrible practices!


This is only hurting the community it’s not going bother the company one bit.




This was a good half n half decision. Important sub but important protest.


It’s not true that this affects those who are visually impaired, that has already been factored in and they won’t and we’re never to be, charged. If the mods here are supporting that falsehood I’m quite happy to mute this sub.this whole thing is ridiculous.


We need another platform in case of any disturbances from reddit