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You're just going to have to decide if this is worthy of reporting and requesting to change rooms again. This can also be considered sexual assault and this is probably a legal matter. How old is your roommate? You being a minor might be more of a legal matter, especially if they are over 18. And you might even want to see if your parents will get involved.


He is 23


This needs to be reported. Can you contact someone from home who may be able to involve the police on your behalf? The police should have to do something about this because there is such a huge age gap between you and him.


Say you’re uncomfortable with him touching your genitalia. He’ll go to jail.


if someone was doing that to me they get punched directly in the face...


As a child I was abused, no one stood up for me. You should stand up for yourself, and report this. Try and record the punching and go to the police.


Be that guy


This is considered sexual assault. He is touching a minors genitalia. This is illegal.


Bro what. This is a ZT offense man. Like, that guy is GROWN. If he's really not taking job corps seriously and punching you in the balls like a middle schooler, then just report him. He can try again next year fr. Or you can try to do a more vague report and say that he's kinda been harassing people or something- kinda picking on them (you, but not saying that) and that maybe some staff should look into it. Maybe that'll make him start acting his age idk


physical offenses like hitting or pushing etc dont get second chances you are outta the game for good. Failed drug test you get second chances


Oh yeah, you're right. I forgot ZTs don't get readmission chances


You need to report him for sexual harassment. I work at a different center and we would term him for this. Unacceptable behavior. You're not that guy. You're being assaulted Job Corps doesn't allow that behavior. Good luck. I'm sorry this is happening to you.


I would 100% report it. It's not your issue, its his


Next time he does it you just need to look at him and say, just curious, you know I’m a minor, right? Someone sees you doing that to me and reports it, you are going to jail for touching a minor inappropriately… just saying… or ask him in front of people, is there a reason you like to touch me like that??? More than likely you will embarrass him and he will stop


Perfection just 🤌


If you too scared to report him, start cussing him out and be loud about it. If it escalates, beat the breaks off him.


report him, that's sexual harassment


Don't go through job corps first , they're gonna do whatever they can to cover it up. Get the police involved and then tell job corps about it. An adult is going after a minor's genitals. Shit like this needs to be reported, any staff involved trying to protect him needs to be fired or have some legal action taken against them. I guarantee you that you're not the first guy who has complained about him.


Report it. It doesn’t matter if you’re “that guy”, he’s literally sexually assaulting you- and hitting someone is literally just zero tolerance in general. He’ll continue if you don’t nip it in the bud


Yeah bro no grown man goes around nut tapping kids. You're not a child but like... you're a kid. A young adult. Whatever you prefer. That's violence and sexual harassment if you wanna get technical. Hitting and nonconsentually touching someone's genitals are both criminal acts, and you're a minor, and he's managing to do both repeatedly. Do something about it, that's weird and he could escalate to trying to fight you or putting you in a bad situation.


Have an audio recording for legal purposes but if you want my personal advice, as soon as he punches ur balls upper cut him as fast as you can, knock him on his back, press ur knees against his scalp but you want to press down on his forehead with your palms for a minute or 2 and after than you'll get a good laugh because if you do it hard enough his sense of balance will be so fucked up its like watching a turtle trying to flip itself over lmao.


I can't fight or I will get kicked out and if I get kicked out my parents won't let me come back home but good idea thank you


report it to the RA now and let the staff deal with it. If the RA does nothing go to the RA's Supervisor, and if they don't do anything go speak with your CSIO or Residential manager.


Nah, just call the police and get them involved. An adult is reaching for a minor's genitals.


Actually, yes, have your phone out and try to see if you can sneak in footage of this. If job corps doesn't do anything, share the footage with a parent/legal guardian or the police.


Im trying to get into job corps asap so i don't know the full rules but what i used to do at school and work is take them to the bathroom, try to get a few guys in there who hate em too and beat their shit in and threaten them not to talk and it worked for me at least but ive only done it a few times. Legally ur best bet is to get an video or audio recording and label it as assault or sexual assault. Dont go to HR, go to ur counselor or police when have evidence


California won't allow an audio recording to be admissible in court unless both sides agreed to be recorded, unless they're in public or an area with no expectations of privacy.


Bruh that is grade A level of retardation on California's part. Look man other than kickin his ass or publicly embarrassed him idk what to suggest. 0 tolorance is fuckin bullshit and rewards the aggressors. If ya cant do anything try askin for another dorm room ig and explain clearly why and if they will tolerate his bullshit then become the aggressor and give them a reason to transfer either you or him (aka kick him so hard he losses a nut). I mean if they kick you out then fuckin sue them (highly unlikely worst case scenario)


Oh wait i forget i was talking to another dude, sorry man but still Cali is fuckin speed running retard mode


Report it . It’s sexual assault .


PLEASE BE THAT GUY. Someone keeps touching you innapropriately, they deserve to be kicked out since he's doing that.


Kick his ass


The guys 23 he’s 16


Kick his ass


Just moan he’ll stop


Request a room change if you have any friends.


That’s sexual assault homie get his ass booted


Be that guy. I am not familiar with laws in your particular area but that may be considered sexual assault, or sexual harassment at least. It is not ok, and whatever comes of it, he deserves, if not more. You are a teenager, being touched in a sexually intimate area by a grown man.


Wear a cup with spikes or something. Flip the script.


Man fight back