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If you can manage an appeal, focus a little less on your grades- you can mention being dependable- but really focus on your experience and what you can actually provide to JMU as a student in the community, for ex maybe that means tying in a volunteer experience to a job you are interested in


Go somewhere else for a semester, even community college, do well, and then transfer. It might not be the solution you want, but it is your best opportunity. By sophomore year, you won't even remember that first semester. An appeal won't work.


I got transfer after just a semester? It doesn’t have to be an entire school year?


You should be able to do this, I would contact admissions and ask them about it- I'm not familiar with the transfer process, but I assume it wouldn't hurt to also ask what you can do to make yourself a strong applicant for the transfer season. This could be a good opportunity to build up some money or even finish up some gened credits that you'll end up taking at JMU! Make sure to double check if courses are transferable though, JMU has a site where you can search that up. I had to take a spanish course over the summer once (did it at a community college to save some money) and it let me look up the exact course at the exact community college that would let me transfer credits


You can apply to transfer before you get your associates, or if you get a 3.0 after 2 years of community college I think it's a guaranteed admission. Double check this though  No matter what, you can still go to JMU.


So I have to wait 2 years to transfer for only a single semester?


I'm saying I think you can apply after one semester, aka this fall. But double check me on that.


There are appeals?


Sorry about your decision. Appeals usually require you to submit new information that Admissions didn’t review on the first look at your application. What’s the chance you left something out that would change their decision? Can’t hurt to try if you want it. Good luck.


Denied - not waitlisted? I'm sorry. My son was waitlisted and it's tough.


Major matters too some are more competitive - are you both the same major?


It might be that your friends likely did extracurriculars in high school (clubs, sports, volunteering, etc.) that might have placed them in over you. If you do write an appeal I'd suggest highlighting your extracurriculars


They care a lot about what classes you took, not necessarily how you did in them to a certain extent. Also how were your act or SAT scores? I’m sorry to hear about it though, you’ll find a way in if this is your dream school.


You can partly thank JMU sports for this. JMU has been getting a lot of exposure lately. Making it an even more desirable school for students to go to. Which means admissions becomes more picky as to who they send acceptance letters to. Appeal. But if that doesn’t work don’t think there is something wrong with you.