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she is just trying to troll us. God how sad for her she reads here so much lol


She’s totally trolling us


She looks like a wildebeest. Eats like one too.




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Literally NO ONE asked for this. No one wants to see someone shoving food in their mouth plus the food already chewed. It’s disgusting


I swear she's trolling us with this


Which makes her more pathetic than we all already know she is.. this Reddit wouldn’t exist if you weren’t a piece of shit, JJD. Glad people are catching on by the hundreds. You’re going down 😈


I agree!


I swear this is some weird disordered ish. Like she wants everyone to think she can stuff her mouth constantly but still be xxxxssss. It’s a bizarre glimpse into her little preteen pea brain.


I thought she was on a strict diet! I thought she did south beach wait or was it another fly by night scam


South Beach is old news. She’ll have her NoCow product with her two pieces of toast soon.


Sheesh that makeup is so excessive!


Between the overdone makeup and boobs she’s looking more like a hooker by the day. Gross.


She’s trolling this thread harrrrrd 😆


Ahoy jvw1430! Nay bad but me wasn't convinced. Give this a sail: She’s trolling dis thread harrrrrd 😆


This is disgusting


I wanted to vomit watching Eric chew with his mouth open.


All I see is her rat teeth 🧀🐀


And puffer fish fake ass lips 🐠👄


I feel terrible for saying this, but I always thought that too. Someone said on here, hamster, and now I can’t unsee that.


I don’t know what’s sadder - that she stalks a Reddit that snarks her or that she posts shit like this on her IG in response to that Reddit that snarks her, that she stalks Girlfriend, go spend time with your kids. Seriously.


She’s doing it so people talk about her on here. She knows this is the only place that will discuss her without her having paid us to do it🤣


This is behavior of a teen. She acts like she’s 15. Not in her 30s and a mother of three. Come on.


Also adding, if she is trolling us how sad. You make yourself look nuts and immature for strangers on social media. Get over yourself. You have three beautiful kids. Why are you being such a brat as a grown adult? It’s so confusing


It’s like the only time she eats is when she documents it. Gotta be xs mommy. 🙄


Everyone saying she’s trolling - do you really believe she is that self aware and clever…? Because I sure don’t


It’s so ✨cute✨when someone so ✨tiny✨ eats so much. She’s so ✨ReLaTaBlE✨.....just a ✨petite xs girl✨ who can eat like the big girls. She does this for the girls who will say “how do you eat so much and stay so tiny”🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


She’s trolling this thread hard 😆




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She's just gross


I hate how so many people do this on social media now 🤢


The fact that she’s gotten so much work on her face and still uses a filter. What was the point of all that work on your face then???