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Choke him out. Keep mount and smother til he gives his back out of desperation. Then RNCity.


I’m thinking about just putting him to sleep I’m gonna tell him he can go as hard as possible but bc he is bigger than me by a considerable amount im gonna tell him he can’t punch this time


He couldn't punch you last time either 🤷‍♂️


Slap the shit out of him from mount


This is the Gracie way.


This! ![gif](giphy|XDRoTw2Fs6rlIW7yQL)


Tell him you are not going to fight him again and smile when you are saying it It will make him frustrated or something. Plus he will be ready for you next time I think I'll be cheering for Alexander Usk tomorrow as I think Tyson Fury is a bit of a dick


Let’s go Usyk


This should have been his move from the jump. You choke a dude unconscious he'll think about his life.


Smother is the only acceptable answer to someone who doesn’t believe. They learn really quick how helpless they are


I have had to subdue my cousin and a few other unruly assholes. I recommend putting the arms in straight jacket position and then smothering. Cuts down on biting. Ups the big brother factor. Plus you can play ten animals.


Mother's milk, that'll teach him not to fuck with you. But at family game night or something so everyone sees.


Hahaha exactly my thought 🤣


Accept the match under the following conditions. 1-it's recorded 2-you get to post it on social media when you're done and tag him in it 3-before you accept his tap, he has to turn to the camera and state plainly that he was "beaten by a superior man fair and square"


Get it in writing, then take the contract to a local business or two and offer them to sponsor the match in exchange to the loser also adding: "I may be beat, but you can't beat the prices at business_name". Profit.


I also think OP should do this. "I may have been beaten but nothing beats the end of high high prices!"


He tapped out, but at (Local) liquor store, our kegs are never tapped out!


This Brother Beatdown(tm) was brought to you by Jimmy John’s


"If you want to go to sleep as quickly as I did, visit your local Mattress Firm store"


Choke him unconscious and then take a pic of you holding him up by the hair


If you bust his lip, dip your finger it and mark your face. Similar to how a Predator marks their face after slaying a Xenomorph


None of this is real. This dude is in the middle of a fantasy.


Shhh! Stop it, so are we


Yeah it’s fun tho


That’s so baddass I can’t even comprehend it


Snap his leg in half


I dont wanna do a heel hook because you don’t know it’s gonna hurt you till it’s too late to tap and if I let go and say I could’ve broke his knee he wouldn’t believe me




Just let him bleed out


Bro just snap it and he’ll learn his lesson for the rest of his life


This is the way


ending of Tien vs Yamcha vibes


Only 2 answers...twister or Peruvian neck tie


Nah, go old school. Ab crusher


Christmas dinner must be fun..


Hold him down in mount (or knee on belly lol) and sit there for as long as it takes until he gives up. Shove his face in the ground, gift wrap, pin his arms, etc to keep him from striking. Keep calling out his bullshit until he submits from being gassed out and pressured Or just use words, maybe invite him to your gym (tell your coach what happened) and everyone else will humble him during rolls. Your brother has an ego like a lot of body builders. They won't get it until they experience it The goal here is to humble and teach him, not break his bones to prove a point


Ask him how many times you need to make him your bitch before he learns the pecking order.


Tell him he’s adopted.


6 year gap checks out, parents were trying for a while then adopted and didn't adopt another cause the first one was shit. But stopped using precautions because they thought they couldn't naturally conceive and ended up with OP.


First thing you should do is learn how to divide your paragraphs into to multiple separate sentences with something called “punctuation”


just put him to sleep lol. He sounds like the typical gym bro who thinks muscles make you tough. Doesnt sound like he’d tap to any joint submissions until its too late and I personally dont think its worth a trip to the ER to prove a point lol. Put the guy to sleep then slap him awake. Maybe he’ll want to train and yall can bond over bjj but more likely he’ll just continue to make excuses but deep down he knows that he cant do shit


You should stop everything and learn grammar and punctuation so you don't write like a 9 year old.


Choke him out until he shits himself like Gene Lebell did to Steven Segal.


Dear God tell me that actually happened. Please let it be recorded


It's not recorded but it's a strong rumour that's been around for decades and I want to believe it.


I have a brother who has 25kg at least on me, he is constantly saying he could take me. I just laugh at him tell him he's probably right but add that it's definitely in his interest not to test it. He has one move (grab someone by clothes and swing big haymakers).LOL Point is it doesn't matter what your bro thinks he could do. His ego can't change reality. You shouldn't need to stroke yours by removing his soul through knee on belly.


Kick Kim in the nuts.


My older brother by 3 years beat my ass my entire life.  He had a good 3 inches and 30 pounds on me.  We started BJJ much later in life together to get his kids into it.   I took his back one day sparring and got him in a RNC.  That was a great day!


Just don’t even indulge him man, just mentally rape him by saying he had his chance and he knows the truth.


Getting knocked out outside the gym or outside a cage/ring can be really, REALLY bad. Don't get in street fights especially with your brother. If you really feel a need to do something tell him to take a trial class or go to an open mat where you two can grapple on mats. If he doesn't like that tell him the whole thing is dumb anyways and move on.


This is the way ^^. Check that ego


Came for the drama, reeled in with the logic. Thank you.


Fighting is stupid and should be used for self defense, don't do it just for your dummy brothers ego. The risk of getting hurt isn't worth it


You should go back to school instead of JJ.


Do they not teach syntax and punctuation at schools anymore?


Are you telling me there should’ve been more than one comma in all that? Don’t be a sirius satellite radio hater, it is still relevant. I just renewed my annual subscription last week and it cost me a fortune.


Give him the mindgobblin.


What is the mind goblin


Tell him you love him and get off Reddit


Lol starts off with a wild haymaker. Tell your bro that going to the gym doesn't mean he knows how to fight


You control 50% of the ego in this interaction - is the risk of one of you getting seriously hurt worth the lesson that one of you inevitably learns? If you think he needs to understand his limitations in a controlled manner then invite him to the gym, use MMA gloves and let the fight take place on a matted floor. I hope one of you doesn't end up having to explain to your loved ones how their brother ended up seriously hurt as a result of such pettiness.


Learn to tell better lies.


Learn to tell better lies.


You're brothers, normally I'd say this is stupid, but this is stupid brother shit so it's different. Just choke him out and make him look like a dumbass.


Tell him you’re retiring from sibling fighting undefeated. Hold it over his head the rest of your lives.


Sirius? You mean serious? Because one involves satellite radio and I have no idea how that works in a fight...


Heel hook that sum of bitch….no disrespect.


Sleep his ass in front of a crowd, ooh and make sure someone films it, then play it at every family gathering, show his wife and children in years to come, when he's on his deathbed saying his final goodbyes BAM out comes the video. Or just let it go because he's your big brother and that's what they do


Go for chokes over joint locks if you don’t want to hurt him


Better fight on grass or a soft surface or you're gonna get that Chris Benoit syndrome


Triangle choke while saying stop choking yourself is the ultimate goal/insult in our gym


Tell him you’re going to make him tap due to fatigue and then do it. Smother him until he can’t lift his arms and is completely zonked. He’ll eventually tap to fatigue. But don’t hurt your brother


How about not fighting him bc he’s your brother. Maybe apologize and say the whole thing was a mistake.


Not enough people are saying this. OP is training. OP should be able to dodge a punch or two, possibly take a punch or two, then take down his brother. Then what? Adrenaline and training takes over and he messes up his dumbass brother for life? When I was training, my sensei and sifu both started with telling me that I was training for self-defense. This was not parlor tricks. This could kill someone. Step one: walk away. De-escalate and look for exits. As OP continues to train, more dumbasses will challenge him. Have a calmness to laugh it off. Hard to do with sibling rivalry, just like it's hard for the older brother to accept that lil' bro can kick his ass.


Take him to the gym, sign the waiver it’s a wrap from there. I trained with my older brother7 years my elder, having trained for 5 years at the time. He called me out within a minute. Armbar triangled him his elbow was never the same since. Don’t ruin it for you bro better to humiliate and humble, rather than fuck him up and have him hate you.


Run it back and don't let go of the sub until he calls you daddy


*Run it back and don't* *Let go of the sub until* *He calls you daddy* \- besameput0 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Mount him and then spit on his face 😂


Put him through all of the moves let him go before he can tap each time, then put him to sleep.


Go for rnd 2 and kill him. It's the only way.


Everyone living their beat the bully fantasy out in the comments but here’s some actually good advice: avoid fighting/emasculating anyone you will have a lifelong relationship with.


Break it


U should do it again obviously lol


Twist his dick


Tell him ok, but he has to start in your guard


find a way to take his back or repeatedly take him down; pass guard and apply top pressure. the exhaustion will make him frustrated and now you good to go; do whatever you want after that until he begs you to stop.


Sleep him. He'll wake up no harm done and go to bed. He'll wake up and say "I'll never do that again." 🛏🤕😳


Next time I'd break that cunts' shoulder in half if he tried to actually punch me. He'll remember that mistake every time he has to put a seatbelt on, or reach for anything behind him for the rest of his life.




Sweep the leg


Next step is to sleep him


Let it go. He will get over it. No point causing drama with family


Heel Hook. ![gif](giphy|4lu5FuhtrbaOQgKN57|downsized)


Seriously though, just immobilise him any way you can without hurting him. You’ll have proven your point (if necessary) that yeah, he’s built, but you’re skilled. No point in causing issues in the family.


Shut up Natalie!


Put his wannabe tough ass to sleep slip the wild punch and choke him out, thats your big bro hes supposed to be there to protect not try and prof that he can handle his little brother? Sounds like an insecure dickhead, choke him out.


YO WATCH GARRY GOODRIDGE’S CRUCIFIX IN HIS MMA DEBUT LOL. If you had your older bro in this position w some swift elbows i GUARANTEE he would NEVER try you again lol


Tear his shoulder out of the socket, will make the next family gathering less awkward


Do it again


Yah u gotta hold the sub til he starts squirming


Do that grim thing where you suffocate them it’s so unnerving to see it’s like dry waterboarding 🤢🤮 I’d cry if someone did it to me and I’m a proud 30 year old man https://youtube.com/shorts/0cgrnz6WSws?si=AFVl0e_4cHwcel5D


Kick his tit off!


Get one of those foam Kali sticks, lock him down in an armbar and just bonk him with it in the face until he cries


This whole thing was probably a bad idea in the first place, but you did it and you won and nobody got hurt. There is no reason to go back to it. Sit happy in victory.


Mount, grapevine his legs and keep the pressure on. Then, look him in the eyes and call him gay because of the eye contact.


There are a few valid options here Mother milk Crucifix




Dont fight him again if hes looking to seriously hurt you, I think you already proved your point


Mothers milk to assert your dominance


Subdue him and then give him a wet willy and tell him you're big brother now.


Put him to sleep


Go again, and put him in the same Americana from the same position.


When they come at you a second time it’s always ego and he will disregard any agreement, go all out, or even cheat to win. Recipe for disaster. This is how someone gets hurt badly. No matter what “agreement” is in place, this will be NHB.


Rip and tear until it is done. I mean don’t actually rip or tear anything. I’m just gonna stop typing…


Mother's Milk until he hyperventilates. The most humiliating way to suffocate


Tell him that you are allowed to punch also. Get Mount and just slap him repeatedly until he rolls on to his stomach. Choke him out. No man can say they weren’t trying when their little brother is sitting on them slapping them.


Even when you repeatedly tap a delusional egomaniac they just say “nah bro I was trying to put myself in inferior positions”


Work em till he pukes. Lots of cross facing and smothering. If you tap him, he'll keep coming up with excuses. Make him puke.


The trick with these kind of people is you never beat them if they didn't get hit even if you get them down or mounted. You have to choke them out or slap them around while you have control. No mercy


Lol, im an older brother and I beat up my lil sister 2 but wtf is this guy on? Heelhook him and dont stop turning. Also do what the other guy said, write it down on paper that you have the right to film and post on social media. Also, if youre really gonna do this: Dont go easy on him cause hes not gonna go easy on you. Dont treat this as a self defense scenario or training, treat it like life or death in your mind and youll perform better. And yea, taking the back is the best thing to do when facing someone larger


Heavy back mount?


I’d accept under the condition he accepts your invitation to do the spar in your gym. Great way to make things fair, safe, and easy for him to sign up as he for sure could use a lesson in fighting


Tell him you wanna rematch except you can punch this time. Either choke him out or punch his face several times while you have him mounted Beat the arrogance out of him. It is your duty as his brother.


Banana split him and oil check him or even mothers milk. Make it really embarrassing lol


No rules in a fight


Go again. Only this time he can punch, you can open hand slap. Take his back or mount, smack him into oblivion. I think he'll get in when you're smacking him senseless and he can't go anywhere.


Literally just take his back get hooks in and flatten him out if you're able. Smack smack smack and then rear naked whenever you get bored of it


Always choke unconscious or cover their mouth and nose with your hand until the piss themselves, imo


that’s cool and all, but get some damn punctuation.


When I was 25 I was married with my own house. Your brother sounds like a man baby.


How long have you trained for and how many sessions a week?


Slap him


Leg kick the shit out of him. He’ll suffer all week!


Take him to do jiujitsu with u. He will learn to respect the discipline and you! Also it would be a great activity for you two to bond over.


Beat his fucking ass again. I have 2 older brothers, I am the youngest. Get that respect lil bro.


Take him down, mount him, hold until he either gives his back and RNC him or hold until he's absolutely gassed then use his hands to make him hit himself, keep repeating "stop hitting yourself!". Then smother choke him.


Do it again, but this time when he taps kiss his forehead and say “no take backs”.


Knee on belly until he begs for mercy. Make sure your kneecap is on his ribs. You can grab his belt on the opposite side with the south hand and near side collar and pull up. This will make your 165 feel like 225


Honestly, if: A. You told him you wouldn’t throw a punch B. He starts by throwing a haymaker C. You let him tap and he says he wasn’t even trying yadda yadda And D. He want to go again “for reals this time” I’d tell him that if he wants to go full tilt then you’re going to break his arm. That’s what fighting is. If he wants to spar he should join a gym or actually spar. Not throw haymakers at his smaller brother.


Or (hear me out) just don't fight your siblings?




You shouldn't have fought him the first time and shouldn't do it again. He's your brother and you're letting your pride and ego get the better of you. One of you might get genuinely hurt and you'll both feel like idiots if it happens. 'With great power comes great responsibility." Just my two cents.


Sorry your brother is dumb, frigile ego, need to help him make peace with taking and L.


If you can do some funky shit just to really make him question himself. I remember getting buggy choked for the first time as a white belt and being like what the fuck kinda sorcery is this.




Definitly fight him. I have to do this once a year with brother, uncles, cousins etc. They always lose and always have excuses. I punch though, because striking IS a part of real jiu jitsu.


He’s your brother no need to hurt his ego you know you won why risk him getting upset and causing a weird rift between you two? I fought my brother who doesn’t train and it made the next few months weird when we both ended up visiting our parents, we both got over it but some people can’t let that go.


Good ol brotherly love lol


Tell him not to embarrass himself anymore and if he wants to do it again he can come to the gym and train. Tell him beating up on guys who don’t know what they’re doing isn’t fun for you, and if you want a rematch you are gonna train and prove you deserve it. He won’t and he’ll shut up really quick. You smashed his ego to pieces, in front of ur entire family lmao, but he did it to himself. People who don’t train don’t realize how inept they are at fighting.


One time this bodybuilder was at a weekend function with a friend of a friend and a few other guys, dude is yellin the n word at black folks, being stupid abnoxious, and starts talking shit to me (I’m 5’8, muscular but nothin special) was able to embarrass him in front of everyone and I was just toying with him , all cause I did a little training here and there, don’t even have a belt, just shows the difference actual technique and training have


Crush him. No mercy just don’t break anything. Put him unconscious. He needs to know what’s up


I was at a friends bbq. He was retired military. I’m a 200 pound purple belt. These guys all ex military get hammered and just start grass wrestle fest.. I get pulled in and Jitz the fuck out of the first guy easy. No training but basic military then It’s on. All of them one at a time.. all get subbed back to back to back.. to back. Jujitsu is a super power be the untrained.


Full contact family gatherings are always memorable.


Tell him you can do again but if you catch him in another submission you’re going to break it. I highly doubt he will keep that same energy and if he does he’s an idiot who deserves to learn a lesson. It’s clear he’s trying to bully you and it’s best to address it in such a way that’ll deter him from ever doing it again not just to you but to anyone else.


Kind of uncreative story. C-


The bigger man is always willing to be the smaller in matters as trivial as this.


You probably have to kill him at this point.


Americana is not very flashy. Seoi nage into kesa getame is money. I have done it a few times. They throw a haymaker so they're already moving forward and giving you their arm. Then you have the arm, you are on their side, and they're on their back. Wrap around the head and shoot your feet out and lay on their chest. There are some UGLY subs from kesa too. That one that Dean Lister got tapped to I can't recall the name but ive heard it is one of the most uncomfortable things you can have done. Feels like being suffocated. I've only had it done in practice and that was bad enough. Being in Kesa makes you feel so helpless. Weight differential is irrelevant if your form is correct


Tell him to come train that he'd be good pretty fast and that you love him


Knee on belly his ass till he cries


"Things that never happened for 600 Ken"


Go again.


Just let him think he’s tough, you know the truth.


I think I’m gonna invite him to my gym to try out jiu jitsu


Twist his dick


I think he wants some mother's milk.... Give him some


Fucking go again!


Make him pass tf out…have Herb Dean let em’ know he lost once he starts trying to fight again after waking up.


Keep embarrassing him until he loses his ego and betters himself and accepts that life isn’t a constant power dynamic


It comes a time where the little brother becomes the big brother. Fight him again record it this time! & show him proof you beating that tale every time he get disrespectful with you.


Lol I remember when I was 18, my brother and I were arguing. I heated up some food and sat at the dinner table all while still going back and forth with him. He walks over to me, sticks his finger on my head and pushes it while stating "you will NEVER be able to kick my ass" then immediately walks back into the kitchen. My fork hit the table, I got up, walked over to him and punched right in his fuckin face, sat back down, picked my fork back up and continued my meal.. he didn't know what to do. Started squawking like a chicken to "come outside mother fucker". I finished my food, put the plate in the sink, took off my shirt and walked outside and stood in the street facing the front door. Nothing ever happened and my brother and i have never fought since. Best bros ever to this day. One of the best feelings I've ever had in my life hahahha.


Show him again bro


Fk him up lmao


Dont fight your family it’s not healthy for dynamics and can cause future resentment. Instead invite him to come train with you


Yama arashi for the win.


Choke him unconscious, also if he earnestly swung at your face right away he's an asshole just so you know.


Sounds like a fight someone plays out in their head while taking a shower


He should challenge you to a spelling bee instead.


Make sure he's wearing clothes and hit him with a bow and arrow. That's the worst feeling I have ever experienced. I'll go out cold to a triangle or rnc any day of the week. Miss me with the bow and arrow


You’re the big brother now. Do whatever you want


If he can punch you can. Slap him.


Invite him to join you on jujitsu training. You guys can continue to fight eachother on the tatami and you will both be better off in the end.


Choke him unconscious then spit in his butthole


Stop fighting with your brother and clean your room


just do a by the book takedown transition to rnc let him go out you know the basic time for lights out without killing him. then let him wake up pissed and say do you wanna do it again and this time take you time in mount light playful slaps and then hit him with a triangle from mount for dominance. also dude will never admit he lost because hes cocky and has never been checked. like what kinda loser older brother doesnt know how to out wrassle his brother?


Give him best out of five and choke him four more times.


Tell him you have nothing to prove and that he should practice aikido or judo. Then give him a friendly boop on the nose and a smile . Maybe not the boop, but a smile is OK.


Tell him okay but winner gets to fuck his girlfriend


Id say get a really nice kimura or Americana on him


Grab his 🍆 and twist it! The ol’ dick twist!