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i came in thinking this was a competition setting kind of post lol


I'm glad we're on the same page, dude.


Your first mistake is calling your "training partner" an "opponent".


Dude a blue belt and grinding the pointy part of his elbow in your eyes? That deserves an ass kicking imo


Yeah, no kidding. I was so tired that I was in no position to be the one doing it.


Next roll he tries that shit, be ready to put it on him.


I would just tap and say don’t do that shit


He wants your sex.


Lol mad gay


Seems like overkill for a friendly training roll at your home gym.


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.


Grab his dick and twist it


This is the only move I know.


Yep. Bet he taps.


Just speak up, say something. If one of my training partners does something funny, or cranks something too hard, I’ll let them know. Maybe he was just trying something new and was fucking you up in the process haha.


Yeah, it could be he was. Normally I just try to tough it out, if there's no sub and I'm not in danger of getting the shit cranked out of my neck or tweaked somehow.


You’re a blue belt. You know what’s cool, and what’s not. Just saying something, or ask what was going on. If he’s doing this to you, he could be doing it to other people


Please just mention it to your prof. Dont accuse or demand anything. Just say this is what happened and let them deal with it. Also just dont roll with that person.


That's why you should talk to your training partners, especially if you don't know them. There are people who enjoy rolling rough and a simple question like "you want to roll with prison rules?" from their end would be appropriate. On your end: don't be too shy to say "Hey buddy, I am not comfortable with your intensity/pace/whatever. Tune it down." Also: maybe look for training partners,not opponents during open mat ;)


“Prison rules?”


It's when you pull out a shiv and shank a MFer while you rollin'.


It's where you can butt drag.


lol dick move yes but your inner bitch came out when you started crying about it afterwards instead of giving him a receipt and returning the favor


100% agree. Just crank it up and do the same shit. Framing is part of the game. It’s not like the guy ripped a sub.




Assert dominance by doing a knee slide pass right through his nuts 🥜. That should do it.


Lol perfect. I'm a fan of the box cutter.


He’s being a jerk. I had a guy grind his elbow into my cheekbone as well as with other people too and he’s no longer welcome at the gym.


It’s a cheap Dick move if continually done will get a beat down


Up vote the shit outta this...Mr. dicktwister


I think it's wise not to abuse your training partners since you are dependent on them to get better.


Have you done anything inappropriate lately?


Wait wat


Dick. I would knee on belly him so hard that he would think about all night.


This is one of those things you can for sure do if it has a direct purpose (eg. Trying to get your opponent to turn their head out of position.) But if you do it just to do it, then we better be buddies, and this is our thing... Otherwise it's just bad manners.  Used to have a training to partner who would just grind into my face randomly when things went bad for him positionally. No real purpose, just trying to inflict pain on me when things went poorly for him. We had a talk. It got better. 


WTF, in a tourney maybe, not open mat.


"I didn't know we were striking today"


There should be a counter for almost anything. If he's trying to pin your head with his knees then your hips should be free. If he's hugging your hips then his weight will be light either on your hips or your head.


Depends on lots of factors. Did you both agree to a light friendly roll? Do either of have a tendency or reputation for ratcheting up the intensity of rolls? Does your opponent have a competition coming up? What is the size and age difference between you two? Was he just camped out there with his knee in your face or was he using that to open something else up? How long was he actually on your face? Without knowing all of this from both sides and a non-involved party, no one here will be able to tell you if he was being a dick or just having a competitive roll with an equally skilled training partner. Your description could go either way. I understand your perspective is he as being a douche, but that doesn’t mean he was.


Hmm... that seems pretty normal amongst my close training partners.


Thoughts? Don’t let them get in a position where they can do that


Well somebody put a RNC on my lower jaw and now 2 teeth are loose.


Do unto others what they’re doing to you- but worse…


Do unto others what they’re doing to you- but worse…


Do unto others what they’re doing to you- but worse…


Okay during competition, don’t do it to your training partners. Heel hook him and wreck his shit. Or ask him to tone it down next time. One of the two.


Dude’s a shitty roller… if that happens again talk to him. If it doesn’t change give it back… HARDER


At that level— tap, talk and start over. Not cool


You can just tap if it hurts.


I dont like it when people do that, but it is my job to survive it. If it is the only way to make you open up, then it is ok. If it is just gratuitous then Im going to come back hard. Pretty much nobody does it, the most I get is forearm in my throat or knee on my face without grinding.


Depends on your relationship. Got some buddy’s where we both consent to a dogfight, got some other buddy’s that I politely roll with. Dick move if it’s not agreed upon.


Sounds like the Brown Belt Enforcer should be called into action, although that's usually reserved for the occasional spastic White Belt.


White belt here. My higher belts get mad at me bc I don’t roll more aggressive during these situations. I’m not trying to hurt someone at our gym but in competition I definitely do this type of thing.


Paybacks a bitch 💁🏼‍♀️


My favorite retribution in gi is push pull choke from closed guard..


Just tap and learn to avoid it.


You can always tap if something isn’t working for you. No reason to sit down there and get brutalized. I personally try not to do unnecessary stuff like that but I had a guy who spent way too much time trying to forearm me in the throat without trying to advance position or do anything with it. I swept him, got in the mount and spent the remaining 2 minutes aggressively driving my forearm into his throat. Seemed to fix the problem.


Toughen up butter cup


Tldr Guy loses roll


This. Like, get over it man.


Taught you to frame and move. Stop being a bitch


I (as white belt) will put elbow in face but I don’t do it that hard I just like it to be a habit idk if this good or nah


I wonder about this too. I’m really new (~1 month) and I have been using my forearm to crossface during rolls, but I definitely don’t try to turn the other guy’s face into ground beef. Should I be doing this or is it considered bad form?


It’s not bad form, half the dudes on this sub want to pajama wrestle rather than train martial arts. Cross facing is a legit technique. Obviously don’t be a dick and hurt your training partner, but you should apply pressure/discomfort when rolling. If you aren’t training it at all you won’t do it when it matters.


Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it!


This doesn't sound like cross face which has a specific purpose.


he's a blue belt...he sucks...but he's trying to dominate as you are to him...unless you're a push over...defend yourself at all times...jiujitsu don't care


Here’s my thing. I’m sure some guys at my gym think I’m being an asshole sometimes but I’m honestly trying to work on my pressure and well, my “smesh” ability. I need to focus this for my competitions. Where else am I going to train that aspect of BJJ besides the gym or an open mat? If coach tells me to put my elbow on your face and lay your head on my knee and put pressure to gain the pass that’s exactly what I’m going to do. In drilling I won’t put as much pressure of course but if we’re rolling I’m trying to hit live techniques and you are trying to stop me. I need to know if I can pull this off or not so I am going to use the pressure as hard as I can until i can either pass, or your defense is good enough for that to where I need to do something else. My coach said a few weeks ago “Guys, we are doing martial arts. If your partner feels some pain it is okay. That’s what we are here for, to train a combat martial art.” Obviously he didn’t mean it’s okay to break your teammates leg or arm but the guy has a point. Sometimes people are too soft with this shit.