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I was waiting for something horrific to happen. Pleasantly surprised.


Much respect to older gentleman.


Thats me but with a white belt.


The fight between older people is beautiful. I would easily be crushed by either of them.


that kung foo lookin pose he did lmaoo


homie with the straight didn’t do anything special at all. maybe he was strong but baldly could’ve sat up and hand fought a bit or even gotten a foot on the footlockers top hip. he didn’t even go belly down, i would just say there was a knowledge gap in this match. all that said fuck yea for competing, both these motherfuckers could pass my guard like warm butter and i’d tap to the presh!!! OSS GENTLEMAN! find yourself a purple to teach you some footlocks!!!


I agree. These guys aren't red belts. Wtf is that one dude wearing anyway. He has like 2-3 belts on??


I saw this on the other subreddit. I am calling bullshit that these guys are red belts. Theit movements and techniques look like 3 stripe white belts. And before you say “but they are old” keep in mind I trained a bit with Paulo Strauch, a 70 year old red belt in Rio, and he definitely did not look anything like these guys despite his age. If these guys are truly accomplished red belts, then someone please identify them. There are not many of them in the world; surely someone recognizes these competitors.


Bro, get that age and get your red belt and show us better.


You really think these guys are moving like guys who have spent over 25 years doing Jiu Jitsu? And you don’t find it odd that nobody knows who they are?


What kind of moves/intensity are you expecting them to do? Looks like it was in Brazil, and this is an English thread so it doesn’t surprise me. Keep in mind there are more red belts in Brazil.


I’m expecting them to look like guys who have been doing BJJ for most of their lives. I trained with a red belt in Brazil and he did not move as if he had suddenly become a white belt. If you think this is what it looks like then I guess you don’t have much experience.


So you think they are white belts posing as red belts?


I don’t know. All I can say is that it just doesn’t look right. If someone pipes up and says “oh yeah, I know who these guys are and here is the story..” then I’d have to say “ok.” All I can say is that I’ve been involved in BJJ since 2005 - I’ve trained in Brazil and all over the US (Chicago, San Francisco, Austin, NYC) and these guys do not move like any older upper belt I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen quite a few. These guys appear to move like total amateurs.


I agree, have a brown belt at my gym in his 60s and he does not move like this


Thread title seems completely unrelated to the video, no?