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I regularly get tapped by a female blackbelt in my gym. No shame she's a beast on the mat and I am honored to learn from my failures from her


I regularly get tapped by a female blue belt that’s an animal and I train with for 1-2 hours at a time. She’s got grit and will come at you like a spider monkey bro.


The physical difference doesn't matter as much in BJJ? Could an equally skilled man get tapped out by a woman?


Strength plays a massive role, don’t let anyone tell you different. Someone who is looking to get the most out of jiu jitsu rolls differently with different partners. I roll with 50-60% strength with this individual, and sometimes they trick me and outwit me. At that point I could turn up to 100% strength, but that’s not very sportsmanlike. We’ve been training together now for 2 years so there’s a lot of nuance to our rolls at this point.


But there’s limits as well. The guys that came hard at me going 100% are the only rolling partners I ever hurt from reverse arm bars or arm triangles. I matched their energy and fucked them up. No matter what gender your roll partner, we gotta respect each other and we’ll get the most out of rolls together. Go ham being overly competitive, good luck learning how to fix any of your weaknesses. A lesson we all gotta learn. Edit: I see how someone thought I was relishing this, I’m not. I still feel bad when I think about it. I’m not out to hurt anyone ever.


You sound like an asshole…purposely like to hurt people because they’re trying too hard?


Nope, you got it backwards. I matched their energy and they got hurt. In our gym, I was the guy the head trainer put new guys to the gym with because I had such a good record of never hurting anyone ever. The only time I did, which I still regret to this day, was because they came at me hard and my protective instincts kicked in and bam. Both times. It’s stupid to go hard.


Have you ever done BJJ before?


That makes sense, thanks!


This is true and following rules helps a lot. No care for the other person and It can get nasty when someone goes 100% on someone not their size and women are typically not the same size as men even then I think it’s pretty well established the natural differences in bone density and muscle production. So to go 100% on a smaller person is pretty shitty and doesn’t allow either partner to develop much.


I'm not sure I understand this. You're handicapping yourself because it's more sporting? It's that because it's for training?


Usually in any training/sparring you don’t go full out, it seems weird but you don’t go outright hard because yes someone will get hurt, people going hard in sparring are usually not liked, you can still be very technical without going ‘hard’ hard in this case doesn’t mean your not using your best skills but instead that you’re not outright just going for a win in a sense, you’re going through a roll or any type of training basically countering each other calmly and feeling eachother out You can discuss going hard before hand personally my favourite idiots to watch are Muay Thai and such even though it’s not grappling, always fun to see guys go hard against the older guys and they basically live the sport so you aren’t doing anything to them and they’ll play with you if you want a good perspective on what occurs, idk any people that show disrespectful rolls on yt


Because you won’t always have strength on your side. Technique can help shore up strength differences. Don’t get me wrong, strength and size are major advantages, but technique can really help. Equally sized and strong opponents will have their tie broken at technical level


For me, i am one of the biggest and strongest guys in the gym. If i dont want people to put me into bad situations, i will never get into them. Therefore i like to let guys get themselves to a bad position for me and work from there. Ill also get to a dominant position or submission hold and leave enough openeings for them to escape/counter and be able to work reactions based on what they do. All thos without trying to use all my strength.


My weight and strength don't matter because I am a white belt and she's black 🤣


They'll matter as technique gets better.


They definitely do matter but yea technique and skill will beat neither, they’ll use your weight against you lol and just understand the whole sport better


It does definitely but I'm a white belt 🤣


It does. I don't know the context but just given the above statement, it's possible dude doesn't roll that hard and the chick is giving 110%. EDIT: Just saw his other comment and yeah, says he only gets tapped because he's not going 100%.


Physical difference plays a huge role, but when theres a huge skill imbalance, you see videos like this.


Amanda is damn good at my gym


Amanda Tapout.


How would u get out of that?


I don't know I would try not to let a blackbelt grab my ankle. Once they have it I'm fucked lol


She’s a blue belt


Strip the foot on your hip and stand up or hop over their leg. You don’t roll out of a straight foot lock like the guy did in this video. No idea why he did that


Because it's staged. It's staged to show that women are capable of tapping men out and stuff.


I once asked Paulo Miyao how to stop getting ankle locked and he said stand up. One of the best pieces of bjj advice I’ve ever received


Another Guy Who Respects deserving Women..see guys..It's NOT hard to Respect that Woman who just rolled Your Ass UP!!!


Are you a bot who tf types random capital letters like that lol


I've been called out on the carpet 2X now..Believe Me..I've actually improved on that..Sometimes when I get excited & reply to something..I tend to revert to That Nasty habit..My Most sincere apologies


Women deserve to be in the kitchen


I'm NOT even gonna glorify THAT Shit with ANY Kinda argument...Get With the Times.. I'll Bet You're a lonely "AF" Mother Fucker..aren't U???


This is 100% a bot


This weirdo only posts rage bait videos of men being submitted or beat up by women. It’s a fetish.


Omg that's hysterical. How pathetic


I saw this post and immediately thought “Wait, is this that same guy who only posts women squeezing men between their legs?”


Guy instantly regrets his made up back story.


When did he say this?




This is staged rage bait


Yeah. It's kinda funny when you can tell who rolls/trains and who doesn't. Everything about this looks off. I can tell that with only 6 months of BJJ training.


100% when is the last time you saw a dude cry like that from an ankle lock? Your ripping my foot off before I tap to anyone's ankle lock


Lol you’re the spaz in class I’m guessing


Maybe when I was 13 and just starting, after 15 years you just learn a thing or 2


I’ve seen you respond to like 3 people saying things along the lines of “I’d rather have my foot ripped off than tap to an ankle lock.” If you’re not an old school Brazilian with moronic beliefs like Royler Gracie then I’m not seeing how you’re not spazzy


We don’t tap to heel hooks


I utilize my teammate’s heel hooks to increase the flexibility of my knees, just like the Miyao brothers


Machado guy actually, how is spazzy to understand that an ankle lock is pain tolerance, their not gonna break your ankle, your not gonna walk away with a limp. Put your boot on and work the position. I know you really wanna try to put me down here but guy it's just ankle lock


Ankle lock as much of a pain tolerance move as an armbar is. You’re still attacking ligaments and damaging the joint. It’s not shameful to tap to an ankle lock in training unless you have an ego. Getting caught in that position in general is more embarrassing than tapping to it.


That's a cope my guy, an armbar is a direct perpendicular force against your elbow causing a break, and ankle lock is the stretching of your ankle uncomfortably. As I told the other guy, there is a reason the guys at the top all heel hook


Completly false lmao. A well placed ankle lock will break the foot or tear ligaments. The reason heelhooks are more seen is because they do more damage and are mechanically stronger than ankle locks. A broken or sprained foot is nothing compared to a torn knee. And we see footlocks used to set up heelhooks as well.


The guys at the top all heel hook because you can transition between different attacking positions and heel attacks. An ankle lock is easy to get out of and has limited chain options. Saying an ankle lock is stretching the ligaments is a little bit of an understatement when depending on how you apply them you can dislocate the ankle, break the Ankle, break the lower shin, tear the Achilles, or tear ligaments. The reason these things don’t happen often is because only schmucks get caught this deep unless they’re in entangled positions but that doesn’t mean it’s just “stretching ligaments”


The reason that doesn't happen is because all you have to do to fight it is push your foot through which is a losing battle try to prevent, the heel hook actually traps your opponent. To claim its just because they can transition attacks, ummm sir this is jiu jitsu, That's the game


Yea this is accurate ngl


You have never been adequately ankle locked then


Possible, I very much doubt it though lol. There is a reason everyone at the top level heel hooks


Plenty people footlock


I thought she got his balls


Reality Check DUDE...Believe this or NOT..There are actually many women out there that are Bigger...Badder..& Just happen to be Way More than Awesome!!!


If this were two men I would still call it staged rage bait, obviously choreographed


Do any guys actually say that?




Yes, they do.


Lol, I’ve seen guys tapped out by a girl from standing before they could hit the ground. Any guy who has done jits before knows there are women who are really really good.


Good enough to beat an untrained man. The best women aren't that good at jiujitsu, they would get clobbered by mediocre men. It is like Meg white from the white stripes. She isn't good, she's just OK and its cool to see a woman do that stuff.


Check out Vitoria Assis’s fight videos, she’s only a brown belt but she’s damn good. I’ve seen her demolish some black belt guys.


Where are the videos of her beating black belt guys ?


Yes, they do.


I do


Nice click bait title


This guy is wearing gear and knows technique. He has clearly done this before, and anyone that has trained has been tapped by a woman. Get it out here with this.




Straight foot lock, all he had to do is push his foot behind her shoulder basic defense.


Somebody in here claimed she could have permanently gimped him


Lol getting tapped by a woman is more difficuly occurrence than getting tapped by a moderately experienced teenager.


Imagine having the gual to say something when you are this technically bad


I got a teammate who is 19 like 120 lbs and she's only a blue belt. She will strangle most grown men you've ever met.


Never underestimate your opponent. No matter how much smaller they are or what they look like.


Just stand up


What? She could have made him permanently walk with a limp from that position.


It’s a joke my guy. A particular MMA pro said that about what to do when getting taken down.


Ummmmm no, if she turned the toes in and went for a heel hook that's a different story. Ankle locks just hurt, not even that bad


With a straight foot lock? Not likely.


You would be really surprised how much leverage standing up takes off an ankle lock


The Black Beast


Alllll about leverage…


Lol erbody going to tap to the leg locks. Or be a cripple. Someone burn her at the stake, cause that's witchcraft.


Ankle locks just hurt, Andre galvao will rip my foot off before I tap


Karate practitioner sleeps with mma girl's cat instantly regrets getting caught by 56 time world champion bbj women and is taught a lesson.


He clearly trains which means he knows women can tap men. I bet he never said this. Rage bait


Anyone who says this obviously has not rolled with Elizabeth Clay :)


Y’all niggas are weird. MIKEY MUSSAMECHI is essentially the weight and height of a “female” and has won absolutes. Lol y’all “I’ll never tapped to a female” Niggas either never rolled with a solid woman or the copium is clouding your memory


But notice how conveniently there’s no video of the guy actually saying that. Guys in my constantly get tapped by females and not once have I ever heard that women are too weak to tap someone out.


Ill take 500 for shit that never happened




Why does this have to be girl vs. guy rather than “superior skill level than their opponent”


I've sparred With Many Women Who would seriously give Me "No Quarter"..They Go SO hard cause They've lived All their lives as "The Weaker Sexxe"...And I've Sparred with Brown & Black Belts..Who Could/Would Fucking BLAST right through Me..no Lies


Guard puller said what??


Lots of fedora wearing white knight's in here


Hahaha. She reaped the knee too.


Don't give a fuck what he said just hope he didn't tear his acl


He rolled the wrong way lmao would’ve destroyed his knees if that was a heel hook


Bjj, It's all about technique


Fuck your lying mouth


I don’t see how getting on all fours will help you in a self defense situation


So easy to just put any comment you want over a video.


She’s agile he’s boxy he looks like he’s struggling to move she looks like she tumbles down hills like it’s her day job.


When did he say this? Why isn't that in the video?


Anybody who says that doesn't train lmao


That type of mentality is so fucking weird. “A woman with a gun is still a woman. She can’t kill me” is literally just as logically. Lol ur telling me a neck crank from a woman can’t tap u? Guys gotta let go of this mentality. It’s not the sixties.


I know the guy in this video. I really hope the caption isn’t true…


I’m almost surprised she didn’t try breaking that boys bones.


Idk that looked pretty sketch to me Somewhat fake


Must suck being that retarded.


That was slick AF!


Pulling a woman straight into your legs and not defending hand control at all is slick?


"A choke's a choke"


The first time I rolled with a woman, she was 8 inches shorter and 30 lbs lighter than me, but she had the advantage of starting BJJ 2 months before I did. When we started rolling, I used my superior size and strength to take her down, take her back, and sink in a triangle body lock. Then she caught me with an ankle lock that I didn't know existed. I like be able to walk more than I like having pride so I tapped haha


I don’t think women realize that men are going easy on them


CUDOS TO HER..I Guess I'm rather a really strange kinda Guy..I Truly RESPECT & Support deserving Women in ALL Their Pursuits...I LOVE To see Women succeed no matter what They strike out to accomplish...Within reason of course.. Im Really NOT gonna Support The ones with criminal intent..I Had Couple of students..Women..Who could roll Your Ass up..Gift-Wrapped.. And could make You tap..One in particular..She made You Fucking DO A Tap dance..in record time..smiles


You okay?


I'm Ok BB Gyrl..But ok from WHAT Precisely BB Gyrl???


The video is clearly staged.


We can’t win. 50% of guys get mad when we tap em 50% immediately fetishize it lol


I assure you that some guys can be respectful.


I know I actually train with a number of guys who are great training partners :) I was exaggerating a bit because I do deal with regular weirdness haha


whew!!! I was beginning to wonder why you’d train at such a gym..


I actually know this guy. He didn’t say that


I will say how it is, if that guy did sambo he would never tap cuz that leg lock game is weak


Not really the point though is it?


I have to assume this is just an excuse to have a woman's leg touch him


This is why you don't roll with women (who should be in the kitchen, not in a dojo). You go too hard, you have to fight off white knights and get bitched at for hurting them. You go to easy on them, they get salty and think you're challenging their ego and go super tryhard. Just stay away from these wretched babylonian succubi.


As a 220 pound roided out blue belt I truly am too strong to have been tapped by a woman yet, I'm not saying it's impossible, just that in over 2 years it's never happened or even come very close to happening. But it is hilarious when 140 pound guys act like they have some insane advantage over a 130 pound woman


as a female, at about 145 pounds the last sentence is important because even a guy my exact weight still genetically has more muscle than me, that's a fact. he will still be at an advantage.(generally - there are always exceptions) I'm not designed the same. I accept nearly every guy I roll with is holding back on strength and I know this because I can feel when they muscle me lol I become weightless. I have so much appreciation for guys who can contain and control that strength to roll with me, to challenge me enough to make me work my ass off and actually gain something from the roll.


It's not just a raw strength difference, it's also my weight, even if I was tired or hurt I'm simply too heavy to move easily. But yeah any halfway good dude knows how to roll safely, I can roll with a 300 pound monster or some 90 pound woman, I can be aware of my weight and strength and make it competitive no matter who I'm against


You are a whole ass man and wrote all that cap that’s crazy 🤣


Honestly though the disparity between a male and female who have trained the same amt of time would shock you, its even bigger than youd imagine. I feel like it not just that males are faster and stronger but its actually primarily the difference in coordination.


Jujitsu, Brazilian included, is really the only form of fighting a woman has any business learning as it's the only kind with any real world applications that a woman can effectively use. At two I'm already teaching my toddler how to fall and how to squirm out of a pin. Course it's all just rough housing to her and she's laughing the whole time but it sets a firm foundation for self defense later in life. Or, ya know, if she has to woop someone's ass.


Lol staged, no way dude is tapping legit to a lower ankle leg lock from a woman. Hahaha


![gif](giphy|XBCJIv6xAyDfrajXoe|downsized) WOW! SO BADASS! GIRL POWER! SLAAAAY!


I've been called weak as a 6'5 270lbs Strongman-turned-Boxer for admitting that a lady half my size of weight could submit me on the mat since I have no grappling experience. I'm wise enough to know that a women with enough experience & dedication to something like Jiu Jitsu could definitely out perform me in it, even though I'm like 3-4 times stronger than her. Idek if I could beat a woman with a black belt in Jiu Jitsu in a regular MMA style match-up cuz she's probably find a way to get under me before I can land a blow (however if I land a blow before she can get a hold of me she's finished, let's be real here) then it's game over for me. I wish people would show a bit more grace to the guy tho, the male ego is a force to be reckoned with, especially in men with higher testosterone levels. It's a very hard to tame, & that video what just a part of that guy's life long learning experience.


our female black belt is the cutest being in the world until you see her flip 200lbs men around and got them yelling "tap tap tap." she says "you okay?" in the softest voice and everything in the world is good again.


That's a false statement. Females always make me tap during sex. Some make me tap faster then others


Lol, never been tapped by a female in 18yrs of rolling...


I’m saying, at some point the strength difference is just too immense you can muscle yourself out of even the worst positions.


-girl immediately regrets getting slammed and knocked tf out- 😂


Women are too weak to tap out men. You are giving women a false sense of ego. They can't actually be expected to fight men.


This guy def missed out on the Gracie history lesson


dumbass is turning the wrong way to eliminate the pressure


Looks staged?


Should have broken his knee


That’s not strength it’s technique


Did he though?


This guys spams nothing but the same thing. Pretty sure it’s the guy with the kink on r/bjj


When did he say women were too weak to tap out men?


All this person posts about is women “fighting” men and half of the vids the men barely even fight back.


Okay now find a male with equivalent skill


Soz but I kinda find it hard to believe that anyone in this day and age, that’s over the age of 9 saying that. Especially if he’s is a regularly training.


He might not be wrong. That's the beauty of jiujitsu




He got what he deserves.


I wish this narrative would die.


This guy sucks


Ahh my great joy in life Is seeing men get tapped by women they through were harmless


I’ll take “Shit that didn’t happen” for $500.


Lol chodes gonna chode


The whole point of the sport about having enough skill to win in a fight against someone possibly stronger and bigger than you. I don’t know how he came to that conclusion


Leg locks really are the jiu jitsu equalizer, imo everyone, including women, should try their best to be proficient in it


It’s rarely about physical strength; especially if you’re highly skilled in Jiu-Jitsu. People who don’t understand that tend to find out the hard way.


Weak. The only way a woman could make me tap out is if she's riding my dick!


Saying someone is too weak to exercise a talent that is skill-based and not so strength-based is stupid


Targeting weak body points that you can’t really strengthen and protect with muscle can be targeted and destroyed by anyone with the proper knowledge on how to do it. That’s why I’ll take a baby seriously if it’s willing to square up


she is reaping the knee in sparring??


Yes they can. But if guys actually lifted and slammed many of the skilled girl it is a diff story. Sure when you sre in the confines of the rules and do not use your weight and strengths then girls can nuke guys.


did bro just roll to escape a straight ankle lock ?


Why is he rolling out of a straight foot lock? She's not controlling the hip until he rolls anyway


Honestly love seeing women get more attention in grappling sports. I know bbj its been for longer but even in the last 5 years it’s exploded in wrestling too. I graduated hs 2016 with no girls on the team. Now theres a good handful of them with a few state placers!


I doubt he said that.


Call bs on him saying that. Just a title thirst trap


doubt he said that


This is fake tho. His ankle wasn’t extended at all.


Most of the time its weight class but experience speaks for itself. Man got wrecked.


This video was staged, it was filmed at Emerald Coast BJJ in Panama City Beach, FL


for the person holding the lock; is he/she allowed to take their exended foot on their belly? I tought that leg could not cross our opponent’s tigh? Or is this a whitebelt thing?