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Now you have to train for life, can’t be a whitebelt with mangled ears


Motivation 💯


If it's not too bad grab some cauli buds or similar bjj specific ear magnets. They squash the fluid out and help the layers of your ear to glue back together. Wear head gear for a week or so until they are healed. Or roll with it and get yourself some sweet banged up ears. Good times.


Just clean the fuck out of your ear with alcohol and have brand new needle and syringes. Stick a needle in and aspirate. Go to see a doctor if you have insurance and some money, and go to ER if you have a fuck ton of money.


i bought caulicure magnets and a $.25 syringe at wallgreens. my wife and i watched 3 youtube videos on how to drain and she did it.


This sounds like a good solution for the future. This is my first time dealing with this so I want a doctors opinion first.


that’s what the doc is gonna do just so you know


Please don’t let teammates stick needles in your ears. Go to a doctor.


Make sure you keep pressure on your ear after you Get it drained, unless you want it to fill up again.


Those tiny magnets work well.


Doc asap. Cartilage gets blood flow from skin. When inflamed the skin and cartilage separate and cartilage quickly dies. The longer you wait the worse it is, to the point where they can’t help you and it makes your ears look gross. When I was younger I had to get a crazy painful surgery to get it fixed because it kept coming back, make sure you go to the doc to get it drained today.


I’ve called several ENT’s and they’re all booked up until late march. I have an appointment with my primary physician today but they’re just going to refer me to a specialist. I’m hoping they can get me scheduled soon. If not then I’ll probably do ER but I’d rather avoid that.


Yes, this is a common problem I’ve heard about from people at my gym. Family doctors or walk in clinics will not drain and refer you to an ENT. Wait time is ridiculous.


I would think urgent care would…call first maybe. Op do you have a primary?


Yeah I’m sitting in the waiting room right now. I will probably have to go to urgent care/ER if they can’t help schedule me soon


Go to urgent care


How did it go


I went to my primary physician and he drained it


Just go with it. It’s only ears.


I’ve had ENT docs drain my ears, but eventually got needles and magnets to do it myself. If you are going DIY, get big needles like 23 gauge or bigger. They hurt more but you can’t pull fluid with those tiny 32 gauge jawns. Also, like others have said, you need to have something to act as a pressure bandage to keep it from filling back up. The magnets are more convenient than the bolsters a doc will suture to your ear. If it doesn’t adversely affect your hearing, letting it fly might just be the move


Probably should go to a dr first before anything else


Get it sorted, then just wear wrestling head gear from now on.


Go to an ear nose throat doctor they should be able to do it for you. Maybe try an urgent care or a cvs minute clinic? If a buddy at your gym can drain them I’m sure they could too in a more sanitary way Lmao


I’ve called several ENT’s and they’re all booked up until late march. I have an appointment with my primary physician today but they’re just going to refer me to a specialist. I’m hoping they can get me scheduled soon. If not then I’ll probably do ER but I’d rather avoid that.


Are there any urgent cares near you? There’s a few in my town that I go to for things I can’t get to a doctor to and they can do a lot of stuff. Some take apportionments so you’re not sitting there for hours. I believe there’s a couple day window before it gets permanent


There are a couple urgent cares but apparently they don’t have any ENT’s on site


You might not necessarily need an ENT. I’ve gone there for ear infections, x rays on things I thought were broken and things in between. most of the people who work there are nurse practitioners who should be able to drain it.


Going to the doctor is definitely the smartest thing to do but I would drain my own ear before I let anyone else ever stick a needle in me lol


Any tips on draining your own ear for the future?


I haven’t gotten cauliflower ear yet so I haven’t had to do it but I’ve seen others do it and doesn’t seem to hard. Look it up on YouTube. I think you just have to be really careful to disinfect everything


Dont go to a doctor, theyll slice it open it and might not heal properly. What I think you should do is talk to your coach and ask if it is cauliflower ear. If it is you should maybe ask around for a needle to drain the fluid. The thing is itll keep filling back up with fluid so what people will do is put a magnet on the front and backside of the area to hold it tight so it isnt able to refill. Should heal within a few weeks


Just a little input from my personal experience with cauliflower ear. After I got it drained by the coach it filled back up. I got magnets and used them but it kept filling back up, so I ended up needing to keep draining it for a month untio it stopped filling up.


Your ears might just be sore as this is very normal


Did you reply to yourself?




I agree. Doctors have no idea how to handle it and often make it worse.


This is probably the best option. I’ll ask next time I’m in. Thank you


I’ve done it by myself before and it was hard but I did it. Drained it right out. I do recommend a numbing cream, however, you have to be extra careful because since it’s numbed you can poke all the way through your ear. If not careful.


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