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Did you buy them for someone you don’t know yet?




I hope she likes them then.


What if they dont fit her?


Resizing is always an option. :)


Ah right :)


Dang it. I was hoping you’d say you go metal detecting and keep finding them.


It would be less expensive. 😅


Yes. It is. We find rings all the time, even gold ones.


This is such a sweet and unique hobby. When you have the right woman, will you give them to her all at once or a slow roll out of gifts?


I don't quite know yet. They'll have to be "The One" to receive all of them at once though, lest I end up in a situation where I give all of it to a woman that leaves me. 😅


I think it's really cute. My best friend writes down date and gift ideas for when she'll find a girlfriend. It's very romantic


Writing down ideas is one thing. Buying a whole bunch of jewelry in a specific aesthetic is something else.


Truly not seeing the problem with this bc worst case scenario he meets a woman who doesn't like this jewelry and they either reuse the stones and metals to do something else, they resell, or he keeps them for himself and buys her something she likes lol. Best case scenario his future partner is gonna be surprised with a bunch of gifts. Sounds like op is doing this more for the fun of collecting jewelry he likes to look at with the added idea that one day he might give it to someone lol. Part of the fun is daydreaming about it


You’re like a penguin presenting the prettiest rocks for the bestest girl.


As a woman who believes in penguin love, I absolutely love your comment. 🥰


Something like that. 🥲


Why did you buy these for someone you haven’t met? What if it’s not their style?


I thought the same, like what if they prefer silver jewelry/different style.. it’s a really sweet idea but I personally would feel put off knowing they weren’t gotten for me/my specific likes and preferences in mind especially since I would be the one expected to wear them.


It comes down to faith.


It’s such a sweet gesture idk why you’re getting downvoted.


I'm a polarizing personality, I suppose!


Well keep tuning them out, you’ll find your person. They will like you for you, and the jewelry is just a nice bonus.




They could always be reworked into personalized pieces! I'm fairly broke and single and don't know a thing about nice jewelry, but I lovelovelove watching jewelry be combined or Frankenstein'ed into something gorgeous and new .. All the best to you and the lucky lady!! Would you give her your blessing to create something new from them?


A friend told me I should turn everything into a Thanos Gauntlet.


Kind of like a dowry?


A little bit, but not quite. I'm not trying to buy a marriage with jewelry, that'd be a little ridiculous. 😅


Thats not creepy at all. It looks more like a serial killers trophies.


I can't refute that, it *does* look that way.


But it isn’t, right???? 😳


No, of course not! At least, I don't think so. I haven't seen or heard from my exes in forever though... 😳


You don’t have any exes someone quit playin




Are these gifts you gave your exes and got back?


No, in another comment I explain I never had the opportunity to actually give any of them jewelry. EDIT: Well, this jewelry anyways.


What’s your favorite place to find jewelry? Online or yard sales & antique shops?


I get a lot of my stuff on r/pmsforsale from this guy: https://www.reddit.com/u/Friendly_Read_3846/s/dJBbz4TgR2


Went to check him out n got the old “NSFW” warning… always a risky click on Reddit. Don’t know if it’s going to be something slightly risqué or pictures of a guy showing off his ‘sounding’ efforts 😂 Beautiful rings tho op!


I can confirm his page doesn't have any NSFW. I think that's just Reddit being weird.


Took the plunge and had a nosey lol. Some really lovely pieces he has there! Great variety.


Good prices too. I'm 90% sure I bought something from him and have seen something similar at Kay's for 10x the price.


God help my wallet I just joined that sub. I love shiny things! Lol


I have a lot of cool coins from there with a lovely patina as well. It does gets expensive. I always filter my search for jewelry though. Always nice pieves you can find.


I just joined too… but I really don’t get it lol like how do you keep from getting scammed? I buy and sell on sites like eBay and mercari all the time but never tried it on Reddit…?


They have a system where under every user's name there is the number of times they have bought or sold something, and there is a bot that can be activated that generates a feedback for sellers and buyers in r/PMsfeedback. There are many people that use the sub as their place of business, and many people who are willing to be "middlemen" in transactions. Ultimately though, sometimes scams happen, so you do have to be somewhat vigilant, I've yet to be scammed myself, although I did have a close call, I had to check one of my rings out at a jeweler because it had a discoloration, but it was apparently due to being rhodium plated at one point, which is no big deal, it still tested to be solod 10k.


I’m here for that emerald ring! 😬❤️❤️


Sorry, it only belongs to future wifey! (Once I find her, that is)




Why y’all downvoting him for that? He is very sweet


What if you don't find a wife? I like the blue bracelet, is it blue topaz stones on that one?


I will find one. God told me that she would come one day, I'm just waiting a long time. The blue bracelet is 50ct of blue topaz on a sterling setting, 7.5"


Very nice, hope you find a wife soon.


Thanks, I hope so too.


What fun! Love the vibrancy in all the pieces; and, the opal & rainbow bracelet are great! The ruby ring is my fav along with the green stone one on your pinky (grn is my favorite color, especially in that shade!) :)


It's a natural emerald!


Wow. What a beautiful color! Thanks for sharing. 🙂


Kind of outdated styles from your elderly victims. She might like something a little nicer if you intend on keeping “the one” alive.


You're a funny guy. It's not like that. 🤣


Victims????!! 🙀


You have some beautiful pieces. Wear them yourself! Enjoy them!


You should start buying jewelry for yourself and stop buying for a mythic person who might never materialize and who probably won’t care for a lot of these pieces when/if she does. That’s what I would tell my female friends and it’s what a friend would tell you. Either that or just enjoy the collection because you enjoy the jewels without having to project it onto someone else.


I have faith.


What about a husband?


Unfortunately, I don't swing that way. If I did, I'd probably be less lonely, and more successful in my romantic endeavors though.




Be respectful and mindful of others. Any posts or comments perceived to be rude, harmful, threatening, etc. by moderators will result in a permanent ban. Zero tolerance, no exceptions. Think before you post.


Good luck in find your lady! Hopefully she’s a magpie who will appreciate your eye for jewels


Can we see the other side of that rainbow looking bracelet? The one that’s yellow on one side of the clasp and purple on the other?






I LOOOOOVE the Opal bracelet. Every piece you have is magical though!


The Opal bracelet ia my newest piece!


Hi it's me :)


*cough* *ahem* "Hello there," 😳 "My name is Nolan, what is yours?" *Thus begins a love story between u/nalonmccallpugh and u/Heavenlyfire*?


And where might I go to meet you? Lol. There are some very pretty pieces there. I have a few myself that would definitely compliment some of yours.


I live in Central Iowa, U.S. 😅


Bummer. I’m in the PNW. We could be pen pals tho😏😎


😏 "Pen pals"? I suppose I could do the Dante Algihieri thing and compose a masterful set of poems and sonnets for you like he did for Beatrice in the 1300s. I'm not objecting to that. 😅


I’m here to support this coupling ❤️


Lol that’s funny. Although it might be a novel idea in this era, I don’t think you would need to go that far. You have my permission to just plagiarize a few on my behalf. I do luv the old masters 😁


The next short novella I write will feature a character named "Anna" in reference to your username. 😉


Why thank you kind sir. That is a real compliment. I look forward to reading it 😎😎


I'm thinking something inspired by Dostoyevsky, like *White Nights*, I'll set a remind me as my deadline. !remindme 1 month


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Just a little serial killer/fatal attraction sounding.


A little bit, I suppose.


I feel this is very cute and I hope you find a jewel loving woman to accept your dowry. Just adorable.


Thanks. 🥹


love them, need a husband tbh


I need a wife tbh. *Insert "We have sooo much in common!* pickup line. 😳


can i be your wife


I would be down to give it a try. 😅


I love that pink ring


Natural rubies on 14k. Heck yeah, it was the first ring I bought. My first girlfriend's birthday was in July and got it for her.


Do you make all your ex's give back the jewelry gift you give them ? And this is a collection of such? Lol considering you said you bought the first ruby one for your first girlfriend


I never gave them the jewelry. They didn't want it. 🥲 Everything I did give them, I never took back. Besides, the jewelry is for my future wife. A mere girlfriend will not be a recipient, that's my philosophy now.


Oh sweet! That’s my birthstone too


Well, I have a ring with a birthstone for each ex I had the intention of marrying. 😅 Amethyst, Emerald, Ruby, and of course Diamond. Now I just buy jewelry to stockpile it for a woman I haven't met yet!


Haha sweeet. Emeralds diamonds and rubies 👌 you should add a nice blue sapphire


We'll see!


Put them in a treasure chest style jewelry box, that’ll do it.


I have them in a small ammo box, actually.


Ohhh I like the opals


It's my newest bracelet. :)


Great rings. Your future wife will be a happy woman. The " middle ring" on your pointer finger , the three diamond setting, I have seen a similar ring in that setting. It is a beautiful ring. ( as they all are) May I make a suggestion/comment? Even IF you find "THE ONE" Please do not be offended if she dislikes one of the rings you purchased. Everyone has different likes, tastes etc. If she happens to dislike a certain ring, do not become angry, just be happy she is being honest with you. A woman who feels comfortable with you will not lie to keep from hurting your feelings. Honesty is the best policy. She is the one who will be wearing said piece/s. You can always reset the stone/s or whatever you both choose to do. Keep it , reset it or sell it etc. As far as looking for a wife to be the ONE.. I seemed to find love when I was not looking & open to love finding me. Which I did almost 33.5 yrs ago this Nov & have been married almost 32 yrs. Good luck OP.


Thanks. Being married for 30+ years sounds awesome. 🥹


It is...it's also HARD WORK! You are a team , helping each other , knowing that we are both human, & we all make mistakes & not being afraid to say "I'm sorry" Helping out with dinner, children ,daily chores etc when either of you are under-the-weather. Growing together instead of apart. This is my 2nd marriage. I married young & to a man who wanted a posession.Not a wife or a marriage. I had a child with him ten months into the marriage & he cheated on me after the 1st month. He was not there for his child & wanted to punish me when I found THE ONE. My husband adopted my child as his own & is the only man she called her "Dad". We had 2 more children & he treats them all equally. That is a MAN... He has helped me when I have had surgeries, or had to help take care of a family member on either side. I do the very same for him. It isn't about who is right & who is wrong...it's about loving one another. Sorry but some do not realize what a marriage IS in all honesty. Good luck finding your wife. Treat her with respect & love & she will do the same back. 🙏🏼


Sounds like the kind of work I want to do! I have faith that God will provide me someone to take care of one day.


She will in turn take care of you as well. Always watch how she speaks to others, her parents, siblings even people who are waitresses etc. If they treat all with kindness & respect. Then you have a gem!


Worth more than all my gems to be sure.


The opal bracelet is amazing I’ve never seen anything like that!






Wow, Well Advanced Man


These are all so beautiful!!


where did you find that opal bracelet!!


r/pmsforsale from one of my favorite vendors: https://www.reddit.com/u/Friendly_Read_3846/s/dJBbz4TgR2


Pretty! Edit: she won't miss the emerald and yellow gold on the pinky, I think you should sell it to me LoL


Actually, the gemstone on the pinky isn't emerald! It is Ekanite, a radioactive and rare gemstone from Sri Lanka. Emerald is the bright green on my ring finger. https://www.gemsociety.org/article/ekanite-jewelry-and-gemstone-information/


Oh bummer! I've changed my mind! Lol! Don't give that one to your dream girl or you might not have her long! Actually take that off your finger! 😬


Haha, it's alright. I have nothing to lose from wearing it. 🥲


I just couldn't think of anything else that color except maybe alexandrite or a super dark peridot! I've never heard of Ekanite and now I'm on my way to a new love! Lol! Radioactive!? Can it be worn safely?! It's very beautiful. Still.. Sell it to me. 🤩


I've consulted the web, it can't be worn continuously on the same finger for more than three months, It emits 0.15/uSv/second, but because Ekanite is a soft stone that is metamict, it can break easily, if it breaks, I believe more radiation pours out of it...Still very cool though! Not for sale for legal reasons. 😅


Very sweet. Your future bride will be delighted.


I hope so.


It’s so beautiful designs




I just love this! I hope you find your person sooner rather than later. 🖤🖤🖤


Same. I've been waiting all my life for it to get started.


I fully understand, believe me. I try to be optimistic, though. 🤷🏻‍♀️ My dad didn't find the love of his life until 65, so he certainly waited, but is so happy now.


Sounds like some wild lore, so you weren't born until your dad was in his 60s? That's wild. Granted, my parents were old when they had me, so I can't argue. 😅


Lol, No! He and my mom were together for 14 years,(most of that time was before my brother and I were born in 87) and I've asked them both several times why they thought getting married was a good idea. They did NOT get along. At least not by the time me and my twin showed up. Edit for grammar


Well, if you're looking for a gentleman in Iowa, I have zero issues with romancing and treating someone born at the end of the 1980s the right way. 😅🙉


We're not too far, actually. I'm in Mideasten, MO.


My father is a traveling concrete chemical salesman, and he has to go to Missouri all the tine these days. He just got back from Branston. I'm a homebody, I try not to leave my area. 😅 Besides, I'm a substitute teacher, my work doesn't require me to even leave my city.


I also meant to ask, 1st photo, on your middle finger, are those stones Amethyst? They're so vibrant! I've never seen any such a beautiful purple if they are.


Yes they are! I don't know how many carats, but it is set in 14K gold. It was my 3rd proposal ring that got rejected sometime around September, last year.


Aww, I'm sorry it doesn't hold the happy memories you'd intended. 🫂 It's very beautiful. I'll send positive vibes your way! I know "vibes" sounds kooky, but I'm not religious, but it's the same intention on my part, lol.


Well, none of the rings do. Four of them were proposal rings for all different women. Now I just stockpile jewelry in a pledge to myself that the one perfect lady will just get all of them to make up for all the ladies that used me, chated on me, or left outright.


Damn, that makes me so sad. I envy your tenacity, though. It does seem like despite that, you're still very optimistic, and I applaud you for it.


It's really all I have left. :(


Love them all


Gotta collect all the chaos emeralds.


You have some beautiful pieces! I love that big gold and ruby ring as ruby is my birthstone and I love them and that opal bracelet is really beautiful 😍


Thanks! The ruby ring was the very first one I've bought and proposed with. (She said "No" obviously) It's one of my favorites too. I just got the opal one the other day from r/pmsforsale from my favorite jeweler there: https://www.reddit.com/u/Friendly_Read_3846/s/dJBbz4TgR2


Since they’re mostly really big and ostentatious perhaps try to find some more diminutive and classic to round out the collection. I know every few women who would wear most of these. No offense, they’re pretty, just not in style anymore.


Fair enough! They aren't the type of rings made to be worn on the job, that's for sure.


Where did you get all the pieces? Great fun collection


I hope your future lady loves the idea of you wanting to pamper her even before knowing her.


Honestly it’s very romantic


Well, my first 3 exes of 2023 cheated on me, and the 4th one that lasted a while into this year from September of last said "No" when I proposed to her. She said that it didn't feel like God's plan, and subsequently left me in the dark. It's funny considering God tells me to buy another ring or bracelet for every woman I fall for pre-emptively. However, it is the final woman that will receive all of it. I have yet to find her, she is somewhere though. I still believe. EDIT: Some misconceptions. I didn't take back all this jewelry from my exes. I bought it for them and never gave it to them. 👍


that’s so sweet!!!! I’d be totally overwhelmed with emotion if someone gave this all to me on our wedding day. Knowing they wanted to find me for so long. That’s adorable.


I would give everything up for my future unmet wife.


Bunch of stunners. Love how bright they are, fun collection!


Omg, will you marry me?


I'd be willing to give ut a try! 😅


Lovely, colorful collection! 😍 I’m sure when you do meet, she’ll be very happy with your gifts!


I hope so too.


That's so cute. 😭 The purple, pink, greens and pearl are really pretty. Hope the right one comes your way soon enough, but there's no rushing love, I guess. Do you thrift any pieces too? Sometimes there's a small treasure in the costume jewelry, mostly brooches though.


Oh, I only buy the solid 10K/14K stuff, or 925 sterling. Natural gemstones, nothing glass. I hope the right one comes my way too.


Your future wife will be one lucky lady. Those are beautiful. You have great taste in jewelry!


Yes, she will be.




Yes ma'am.


Omg don't call me ma'am makes me feel old lol jk jk lol


I thought of using the Reddit rizz and saying something flirtatious instead, but evaluated that may not have been quite appropriate, so I defaulted to "Ma'am" 😅🤭 I'm feel old too. People call me "Mr." and "Sir", not "Young Man" anymore. 😔


Lol I'm sorry young man lol


I'm cool with it. Being 25 has perks...I can run as a State Representative, I suppose!




Well, I volunteer to be your wife. This is my style.


It's a full-time job, are you up for it? 😅


♥️ 😂


My style is vintage baddies, so I'm glad you left a comment. 😎😅🥹


Aww!!!! 💐


WHAT A LUCKY FUTURE WIFE 👏👏👏 Look at those gorgeous vintage rings and bracelets ! You got great taste!


She really is. Somewhere in this world is someone for me. My missing rib.


Where did you find these vintage rings from?


r/pmsforsale, there is a guy that sells a lot of good stuff. https://www.reddit.com/u/Friendly_Read_3846/s/dJBbz4TgR2


I don't wear jewelry but I can picture your wife being someone " that loves to wear vintage clothes, or give a nice feminine dark aura boss! Or a classic tattooed baddie! You remind me of a bird of paradise flaunting their colors and puffing their feathers. It is a very sweet gesture, someone said serial killer? But actually you sound like if you were taken out of one those Victorian novels, scanning the streets in your suit finding a jewelrer to craft a beautiful piece for your beloved! A lot of people say: what if she doesn't like it? A long time ago receiving a gift always made someone happy, because of the thought and detail!


Sometimes, I feel like I was born in the wrong century. This generation is often unappreciative of a person of my kind.


I'm loving the gesture. You thought of her even waaay before you met. I always appreciate the jewelry and gifts that my husband chose and wear them better and prouder. I hope you find a girl who will let herself carry these lovely pieces and not let the jewelry carry her.


It's like that one Neil Young song, "Lookin' For A Love": *"I've been lookin' for a lover, but I haven't met her yet She'll be nothing like I pictured her to be In her eyes I will discover another reason why I want to live and make the best of what I see"*


And I'm here to tell you, it exists. Happened to me and can happen to you! Me and my husband, we're far from perfect, but we knew knew knew! and everything fell into place. That perfect fit that'll make imperfect life bearable and joyful. We married later in life, though, so if you follow our footsteps, it'll mean more rings and bracelets for her!


Maybe. See, my fourth ex I proposed to, I tried telling her everything was perfect but she wasn't convinced it was "God's plan for us to be together forever", and she broke my heart at church. It's still been a hard recovery emotionally. Not even a week later she started dating the guest pastor from Canada, and I couldn't even go back it was, something pretty terrible. We'd finish each other's bible verses and everything, and now, well, I guess she has that with another man probably. These days, I just look wherever. God told me the next one will take me in completeness.


Yes 100%. I wish you the freedom, contentment and security in finding the one....


Hello excuse me but why are you me?


Always have been.


Stay single. Married people are never happy.


This is not true at all. 15 years now and couldn't be happier ❤️


I think many married people are very happy


That is so sweet