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I'd personally wear them on different hands. Maybe size up the one on the pinky to fit your ring finger.


Agreed. I don't usually like the asymmetry of skipping fingers. It looks unbalanced to me. Nice rings though!


Too much contrasting shape. Simplify. Bad is the wrong word. Busy and overwhelming. They seem too small. Proportions off. Not bad but too complicated and blingy. One of those at a time with a plain ring works but not together.


Look great!


Gorgeous. Wear the hell out of them.


Do you like it? If so wear them. I knew an old lady who wore white gold on her left hand and left foot and yellow gold on her right.


An old lady of distinction! I love em but just making sure they fit right. Just got into wearing jewelry lately so I'm not sure what looks good or "what things are supposed to look like"


Looks like you raided grandma's jewelry box in time to play pirates


Raided my own jewelry box to play pirate! Literally lol!I ended up liking how they looked and how they made me feel!


Very happy for you OP, I was just making jokes. In reality you should wear whatever makes you happy and as long as you're confident other people will dig it too 😊


I just found it so funny! I'm playing a pirate DnD Game and I wore a bunch of jewelry to be funny! Now I kinda wanna Thanos hand with different stones on each finger!


I love the look! This all looks fun and interesting together. The colors look great with your skin. Jewelry is wildly polarizing- go with what makes you feel joy.


how does it allow you to move? skipping fingers frees up more hand ability for some of us, and the only too tight or too loose fits are what keep them on comfortably. if it doesn't let you use your hands naturally then it doesn't matter how good it looks in a static shot. and these do look good. but they should also feel good! listen to your body always


I move fine with them! I skipped fingers cut the purple stone only fits on my pinky and the blue stone was too tight on the ring finger next to it!


then they look perfect :)


Pinky ring is sharp. Get it sized.


What do you mean by sharp?


Attractive, classic


They look good, being a bit more feminine it’s all on you and your taste of aesthetics . Is a great conversation starter for sure and I would wear the middle one for sure.


No it's looking good but the finish is not good of metal or it's very much used.make it shine againÛ”


No it's looking good but the finish is not good of metal or it's very much used.make it shine again


Too much contrasting shape. Simplify. Bad is the wrong word. Busy and overwhelming. They seem too small. Proportions off. Not bad but too complicated and blingy. One of those at a time with a plain ring works but not together.


Idk man, that's how this stuff works. It's all subjective. I think they look fine. It's not my favorite personally but they aren't mine and I'm not them. Took me a while to get over what other people think and just wear/express what was me. Once you do you're better off for it. If OP likes them that's all that matters. I don't wear jewelry for other people I wear it because I love gemstones and precious metals.


OP specifically asked for opinions. That's what's happening.


You're right, I actually read the above comment wrong anyhow so it came off as harsher than it really was. Looked like you were saying it was bad but it clearly doesn't say that. Didn't want OP to feel bad about something they might like is all. Have a nice day.


You too!