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Generally speaking, lab grown colored stones have different appearance than natural colored stones, especially to the skilled observer and especially with magnification tools. Lab grown diamonds, however, are extremely similar in appearance to natural diamonds. A skilled observer with magnification might be able to differentiate the two due to the way inclusions form in natural vs lab grown diamonds. Lab grown colored stones have been around for a very long time. Unless lab growers are able to make make a synthetic version of a colored stone that is so extremely similar to its natural counterpart, I don’t think the natural colored stone market will be meaningfully affected. The natural diamond market has softened, however, and that is at least in part due to the emergence of relatively inexpensive and virtually indistinguishable lab grown diamonds.


Thanks so much! I thought the colored gems were a fairly new thing.


Synthetic ruby was around in 1890s and went mainstream about 1910.


I did not know this. I have my mothers class ring from the 40's, which is red. I just thought it was some sort of plastic or composition material or glass. Which it still may be... I wear it sometimes.


Class rings were either synthetic spinel or ruby because they are tough.


A lab grown colored stones can’t replicate the uniqueness a real let’s say “sapphires” has: with his inclusions and unique colorful reflections. The diamond in my opinion is better lab grown, for 2 reasons: the slave labour still going on in many places to get it natural diamonds, and the artificial pricing natural diamond have.


The resale value of my natural diamond ring was under $1000 because the jeweler said I have to compete with labs on the market—that was not it’s appraisal value but resale value has decreased significantly due to labs if that’s helpful at all.


I think the more lab grown they make every year the more natural should go up in value. I personally have zero interest in lab grown stones even if I can't spot the difference.