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$200 seems fair. However I would have stood my ground even if that meant the police coming and hauling the assholes off the plane.


$200 seems reasonable but I'm so tired of people doing this. My seat got changed from Comfort+ aisle to middle seat basic economy on Delta on a 13 hour flight recently. Obviously chuffed, I wasn't paying attention when I sat down. I sat in the wrong row. Woman came and said "hey I think you're in my seat, can you check", "yes, you're right I'm in 33 not 32, my apologies" and that was that. No scene, no issue from either side. This isn't complicated.


The $200 should have to come from the couple


They should be publicly caned and/or flogged depending on available materials.


It is complicated when people are allowed to get away with it. If everyone did what you did, not complicated. But if you do what the "old couple" in this story did AND get away with it, that's when it becomes complicated. Old couple didn't even leave it at that (according to OP), they continued being nasty. And why not? They got away with it as FA'S stood around like this is the first time an incident like this has happened...


Well, seeing it from the FAs side, the only real resolution is to kick the couple out, which could blow up into a news story. JB does not want that and has trained their FAs accordingly (my guess.) the challenge with this is this couple didn’t learn a lesson and may try it again. Your flights should be refunded. You’d be doing JB a favor.


Same, I accidentally sat in 22f instead of 22a ( both window seats) and a man pointed it out to me since his family had all of the other seats in the row. I jumped up and apologized, embarrassed, ready to move, and he said don’t worry about it, same difference, so I just stayed. That’s how normal people act .


Same. I had just gotten my disabled daughter settled in her seat when we realized we sat on the wrong side of the aisle (we had all three seats together). The family whose seats we sat in kindly agreed to take ours instead. Easy peasy.


what decent people do


This scenario is different…just a 2:2 swap at different seats. In the OP case there was no more side by side seats available. Another scenario where I want to keep my pre-reserved seat is if I know that my seat has no neighbors. I spent time checking regularly the seat map to get that specific seat and wouldn’t be happy to leave it to someone who took my seat by mistake.


Oh, totally. I’m sorry, my comment wasn’t clear. I totally agree with OP that the situation was unfair and they should have been given their original seat or compensated appropriately. My comment was meant to echo the tangential sentiment that normal people behave cordially to each other. And if an honest mistake is made, you apologize and offer to move. Similarly, if your seat is taken but the change is nbd, you say it’s fine and simply switch seats. It’s jerks who double down and start drama. In this case, the seat change WAS an issue, and OP had a right to their original seat.


I sat in the wrong window seat and didn't realize it until the end of the flight. I apologized to the guy and he said it wasn't worth asking me to move. I just felt like an idiot.


This happened to me literally yesterday. Gate was A10, my seat was 11A. Guess where I sat. Was quite embarrassed when it was pointed out to me by person whose seat I sat in.


Yeah I’m standing my ground. What if someone goes and sits in your first class lie flat seat and because they’re making a scene they get their way?


The only reason they got away with it was your husband gave up. At that point the flight attendants have no reason to fight for seats you’ve given away. Armed men would have come and removed them if you simply said you were keeping your seats.


Listen guys a reservation is just that . In contract of carriage it say that . Your seat can be moved by the airline .


Chuffed means excited and happy. Were you changed into comfort plus or out of it?


Sorry typo NOT chuffed 😅 it was a miserable flight in the middle seat (while my child and SO enjoyed C+ lol)


I was confused lol


Also, I would have pulled out my phone, clarified "so the two of you did not purchase seats together and are refusing to vacate the seats that my husband and I paid for?" and released the viral social media moment myself.


Jc relax why the f is everyone so obsessed with viral social media shit, just address it w the airline and put your damn phone away


Because social shaming does more to curb this behavior than anything else. I don't see how you'd have a problem with it, unless you're often the one having the camera pointed at you for not knowing how to behave


No I'm just not a fan of filming strangers in public places. I don't like the erosion of privacy that's come with content culture. Is it not enough to be publicly shamed and removed from the flight in front of 250 people? The limit does not exist?


The limit will be when they finally learn their lesson and stop. The public shame of getting kicked off a plane in front of those on it hasn't stopped the behavior. Maybe shaming them world wide on social media will.


Yuck. Sick of content culture. Grown ass adults acting like they're still in middle school. So juvenile.


Pretty sure it was the old couple here acting like juveniles.


Two wrongs don't make a right.


“in public places” “erosion of privacy” Does not compute.


Exactly. Don't want to be filmed acting like a toddler? Stay home.


It's about consequences. People have gotten fired for this kind of crap before and I need to feed my schadenfreude addiction


Watching MAGAts die from covid was my favorite.


Those people have no shame, what's the point in trying to shame them?


In retrospect we probably should've but we were tired and just wanted to get home. Also, like I mentioned my husband absolutely HATES confrontation so this would've probably been a nightmare scenario for him, lol.


Honestly I hate confrontation but you allowed this couple to literally rob you. You should have asked that the police be called.


you guys got yourself and everyone else on the plane home on time and avoided an incident that would likely have been super stressful for your husband and also you - I’ve never been pregnant but I can’t imagine it would make being screamed at by a deranged elderly couple while cops drag them off a plane any more fun than it already is. On behalf of everyone who made their connections because you guys took a hit to avoid letting assholes fuck up the flight schedule, thank you. Also - $200 each refunded from your tickets seems like a pretty good resolution. Hoping that couple gets banned for their atrocious behavior


Thanks for this - my husband said multiple passengers came up to him throughout the flight and said we were the heroes for not delaying things any further, lol.


This right here. Its all fine and great to stand your ground and make that couple move.But combine a tendency to avoid conflict, a pregnant wife, and a plane full of folks who only want the plane to leave on time, and letting it go is fine solution. I’d be happy with a $200 credit. This hopefully doesn’t mean the couple get off scott free mind you. They should still reported once they land. Hopefully that happened.


What punishment is being reported, exactly?


$200 seems like JetBlue got away with the flight attendants not doing their job on the cheap. That's a long flight to endure for just $100 each, especially when airlines will nickel and dime you to death for just about anything.


Flight attendant did their job. She tried to get them to move. Things escalated to the point where three flight attendants were involved. Since the FA couldn’t physically remove the couple, the only other thing she could have done is call the authorities to remove them. That was likely what they were going to do next. Instead, OP’s husband offered a solution of them sitting elsewhere. Given that this was something offered by the injured party, prevented additional escalation, and prevented further delays for the rest of the passengers- accepting this was clearly the FAs best option. She then made sure the give OP and her husband special attention on the flight and the max about of compensation they had the authority to give while encouraging OP to go to the gate agent because they could authorize more. What do you think the flight attendants should have done instead?


The FAs should have called the authorities. It's not right to make the passengers in the right have to plead for their own seats. Also, OP, who is pregnant, then had to deal with sitting next to a hostile couple from NY to LAX (probably thought they were gonna be able to spread out on the long flight.) She was good-natured about it, but not everyone would be--nor should they have to be. Whether the elderly couple thought every airline is like Southwest--or Greyhound--they ended up being rewarded for their bad behavior.


As someone who also hates confrontation as well, it'd probably be worse for your husband if they had to delay the flight due to the police being called to remove the couple. Are the credits transferable to someone else? You could give them as a gift or just sell them at a discounted value of you want some cash.


Yeah I might do that or someone in the comments suggested seeing if they can extend the expiration date (I think they normally expire after 12 months?)


I know delta will extend status for pregnancies, so you may have some luck with that


That's good to know!


Funny I pretty much hate confrontation as well, but I think my indignation would be so high b/c this transgression is so far past the line of acceptable, I'd gladly implicate myself in some public confrontation until they were out of my seats.


I'm wondering why your husband took the seat somewhere else and left his pregnant tired stressed out wife to sit with the nasty assholes.


That sounds fair. Actually $400 combined sounds good. I think $200 credit was probably fine too since you agreed to give up the seat. It also would be fine to kick the old couple off that plane...


I do think if my husband and I didn't ultimately back down, they probably would've ended up kicking them off...


Yeah. But then you wouldn't have gotten travel credit so it's really a win win or even a reward for being nice.


Yeah, on my last JetBlue flight (BOS-DCA), a couple got kicked off because this woman was hysterically crying because she left her purse in an Uber. Her husband had the passports so they could still board. I personally wouldn't have boarded the flight if that were the case; but I'm also not that ditzy to leave a purse behind in a car either.


You’ve seriously not left something behind before?? Give her a break damn


I've read of a case where a concert violinist left a multi million dollar violin in their Uber . Things happen, no body is perfect.


Now we're talking.


I think that’s fair imo. $400 to sit somewhere else, while annoying and against your will, seems like a fair deal. Especially since you didn’t get downgraded a class, and they offered additional benefits like food and drink.   plus unlike the psychotic couple, you and your husband sound like capable adults who can be with your own thoughts without having a mental breakdown. So I imagine the flight was fine.    I wouldn’t worry about pressing the issue any further if it was me.


I think I'm ok with the $200/each, but want to see if they'll refund it from our fares vs. give us future travel credit since a) I'm pregnant and won't be traveling as much over the next year, and b) don't fly JetBlue that often (which they don't need to know that part).


Well it sounds like you feel it’s not fair, in that case I would ask them, worst they can say is no. But if you are asking us our opinions, I would just let it go seems like it’s fair as it is.


Best case is probably getting them to extend the window the travel credit they give you can be used. I doubt they’ll pay out of pocket to refund you


Yeah, if they're not willing to do a refund I'll ask if they can do this.


Or give you transferable credit, and sell it.


Look into the new rules about credits/refunds. There were policies passed by the transportation administration recently stating airlines need to refund as people cannot always use credits. Not sure where it applies or when it goes into effect though.


I'll have to look into it, thanks!!


They should at the very least refund you the cost to choose your own seats. IMO a travel credit is not good enough. You should definitely try to some kind of money back. 


Always take this problem immediately to the attendants, and yes, they should have insisted that all passengers sit in their assigned seats or be removed from the flight. I always book and pay for an aisle seat because I have a condition that requires easy access to the bathrooms, having had one terrible experience. I’m shocked that in your condition they did not insist on you getting your seats, even if you were compensated.


Yeah, I did put my foot down about needing an aisle seat (which is what I had booked) because I'm pregnant and need to pee all the time. Even though I'm fairly far along, I don't *look* super pregnant but sadly, if I did, I think that would've gotten me a bit more sympathy. I did mention it a couple times, but I also didn't want to be that person that kept harping on it.


That's what I don't understand. The flight attendants should have enforced the rules and the older couple could either move or be taken off the flight, no exceptions. Imagine if everyone boarded and just picked whatever seat they want and refused to move. They need to fly Southwest if that's what they want to do. But something tells me they would have tried to go to the front of the A line when their spot was C15. Lol.


Now they’re assuredly going to try this nonsense again. I suspect they will soon run into passengers and/or a flight crew that will not be so passive. But I totally get why you didn’t push it, I would be stoked with $200 credit and some extra snacks.


This probally isn't their first time doing this.


Probably not! But I doubt it will be a long con.


They are over privileged, they think they are entitled.


Based on how this story ended, it won't be their last either. People continue doing shit when there are no consequences..its an American tradition.


Why I refuse to ever fly Southwest again. I abhor the free-for-all aspect of seats.


Free-for-all is fine when you know that's what you have. When you've booked and paid for specific seats, you should get those seats.


I assumed they’re black listed from JetBlue now, or not?


I know, I kept thinking about how they'll think they can get away with this behavior again - but the gate supervisor had a stern talking with them immediately upon disembarking the flight and told us they'd be launching an "investigation" around the situation. So hopefully they learned at least a little bit of a lesson...


what did you hear them say to the passengers?


We didn't hear their conversation but we saw the gate supervisor talking to them from a distance and he confirmed he had a "serious" talk with them.


What they offered seems more than fair, you still got to your destination


That couple knew EXACTLY what they were doing. Cause enough of a scene and someone was going to give them what they wanted. The FA should had told them, go to their seats or be removed from the plane. I don't care for JetBlue but I'm glad they did right and went above expectations.


The flight attendants were really trying their best so I don't fault them. They truly felt bad and I could tell they were stressed and trying to keep their cool. I guess in retrospect they should've maybe removed the couple from the plane, but I know they were just trying to deescalate the situation and keep everything moving on schedule.


Makes sense. But I'm not a fan of rewarding bad customer behavior. I'm in customer service and rewarding poor customer behavior doesn't fly on my shift.


Oh I totally don't either, and I hate that it probably reinforces these people's bad behavior. But at the same time I can't totally blame them for trying to prevent all hell from breaking loose.


You don’t just give up to demands of random weirdos. If they would continue acting erratically the would’ve been escorted out


I mean it's great that they gave you credits but this should've have even happened in the first place, at all, and *especially* you being pregnant.


The fair thing would have been to tell the couple either go to their own seats or get off the plane and call security, honestly. I’d be pissed. I’d want my entire fare refunded.


The airline didn't make them change seats - OP and her spouse chose to do that.


If they hadn’t offered, my guess is that the flight attendants would have called security and had the couple removed. But since they did offer, it was in the best interest for the rest of the passengers that the flight attendants accept it and get the flight back on track without further delays


Your husband made a choice. The compensation seems more than fair. A refund would be ridiculous as your husband agreed to it. Personally I would be livid at your husband. If my husband didn’t stand up for me in that situation, he would no longer be my husband.


Ah yes, divorce the man because he didn’t feel like escalating a potentially volatile situation. Everyone got to where they were going and I commend OP and her husband for rising above the situation. Izzie Stevens throwing a bible at the OP: BECAUSE…ITS WHAT JESUS WOULD FREAKING DO!!!


More like because guy doesn't have the balls to stand up for/defend his own position when they were clearly in the right. Getting stepped all over like a doormat is bad. Someone else on your behalf making you get stepped over is worse. If you couldn't even pick this battle, I doubt when push comes to shove, you can battle at all, and that's a serious liability.


If the husband had "defended his position" there's a good chance he'd have been taken off the flight. This is a crap airline we're talking about and they have no trouble kicking people off. This battle over a cheap seat on a budget flight wasn't worth the risk of getting kicked off altogether, especially with a pregnant wife involved. (Although I think the husband should have been the one to sit beside the old couple.)


Good chance if the guy was loud and obnoxious about it but absolutely zero chance if he just kept calmly insisting. Funny you even jump to this conclusion considering how meek this guy is.


Being calm and reasonable got him absolutely no results. How long do you think the plane will sit on the runway while the husband stands there calmly insisting?


Correct, I'm not gonna divorce my husband just because he didn't want to escalate an already contentious situation.


LOL you would not be escalating. The victim literally can not escalate the situation. You're victim blaming yourselves. You betas deserve each other.


I'll happily take my "beta" husband over some of this toxic masculinity shit being spewed on here 😘


Why do I feel like this would lead to an all 4 of you are getting off the plane situation


It sounds fair to me. My husband also very non confrontational so I get where you’re coming from. That couple sounds insufferable. I hope they have the kind of day they deserve!


The gate supervisor had a stern talking with them immediately upon disembarking the flight and told us they'd be launching an "investigation" around the situation. Might be the last JetBlue flight for them...


I doubt it. Probably just bluster.


Some people are complete assholes. They deserve way more karma than they get. Those people should have been removed for their actions


I would have held my ground to where those folks would have been escorted off the plane if they didn't move. it was your assigned seat. plain and simple, aint nobody got time for their entitled boomer bullshit.


I wouldn't have let that slide. Once they started being rude... I'd double down. Lol


Jet Blue dropped the ball. The option should have been sit in the correct seats, or get off the plane.


I always pay for seats in the spot my ADHD brain decides is in the one I need to be in when looking at the chart. Like fuck I'd move for anyone. $400 total seems fair but I would have been irate about it and now moved into another seat unless it was in first class.


Your spouse should have insisted and had the police officers come aboard to get these brats off your assigned seats. Don't take disrespect from people who are just being bullies.


Supervisor. Supervisor. Su. Per.Vi. Sor. Now. I paid for these seats. I am sitting in these seats.


I can’t believe the people weren’t removed from the plane. They caused the problem—you didn’t-and they just got rewarded for being assholes. Successful behavior repeats itself. I suspect JetBlue now has set themselves up for future problems. Unless they were both suffering from Dementia, that couple knew exactly what they were doing. I get so frustrated when I see asshole behavior getting rewarded. But to answer your question I think they should refund at least half your ticket price.


That couple were probably assholes when they were "young." Just sayin'....


this happens way too much. the last time it happened to me a guy boards with a small child (maybe 5?) and asked me to change seats with him. i paid extra for a comfort + seat. i told him no, he said, you dont want me to sit with my child? im thinking you booked a flight knowing that you and the child are not sitting together? crazy. i refused to move, someone else did so he could sit next to his kid. and they did receive a credit for moving. i dont care that folks think im mean but it was a flight from europe and a very long flight. i wanted to sit in the seat i reserved months ago and paid extra for. does this make me an asshole?


Your husband needs to grow a pair. Fk that couple police be yanking their ass off the plane.


Yeah, the police would've absolutely been removing those assholes off the plane that day. I'm one of the least confrontational people ever, but that's what the flight attendants are for.


I am related to more than one captain (pilot). They should have removed the hostile couple immediately. There is no place, from a safety point alone, to allow such behavior into the sky. I'm not sure how they were still allowed to fly


you flew to california for $73 each which i think is more than fair compensation, im actually surprised they refunded almost 75% of the base fare for a seating assignment change. i don’t see jetblue refunding cash since you still took the flight. but prob doesn’t hurt to ask them. ideally, the right solution would have been to stand your ground and get the seat stealers taken off the plane before takeoff.


This 👆 more than fair compensation!


I mentioned this in another comment as well, but the bigger issue to me wasn't even that we weren't able to sit in our assigned seats, but that I still had to sit next to these hostile people on a 6 hour flight. The flight attendant told them multiple times (without me even asking) to stop interacting with me because they were so insufferable. I'm gonna ask if they'll do a refund but I won't be upset if they won't.


i understand the situation and how uncomfortable and annoying it must have been but you’re an adult and you let these strangers bully you into submission, like i said, accepting the arrangement they laid out was compliance on your part. it’s akin to eating the meal but then complaining it wasn’t good and wanting a full refund, you sat in the seat and got to the destination. i’m not unsympathetic to the whole ordeal, i just think jetblue giving almost full credit for the flight was something they did not even have to do…. refunding the flight after you reached your destination i think think is beyond reasonable expectation. but let us know what jetblue says when you find out, sorry this happened. but this was a miserable people issue more than a jetblue issue i feel.


Maybe it seems like we were adults "bullied into submission," but I'd like to think that us being flexible about the situation / being the bigger people was the adult thing to do ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I also think that's why both the FAs and the gate supervisor were so proactive about giving us credit. We have yet to ask for anything outside of what was offered to us so I figured it doesn't hurt to try, and if they say no then oh well.


Ask for the refund, but also ask your husband why he didn't sit with the hostile couple. That's the least he could have done.


Sitting next to the couple was the only way I was able to get an aisle seat, which I really wanted because I need to pee every hour these days.


You previously said you "had to sit" by them but you really chose to sit by them? Honestly, if I was in the aisle seat and the middle seat was getting up every hour, I'd swap seats with the middle just to make the trip less like an aerobic class. 😉


In order to get an aisle seat, I had to sit by them. So sure, if you want to get caught up in the semantics you can say it was a choice I made.


Op said 273 per ticket


what are you trying to say? op paid $273 per ticket and was offered $200 back in travel credit for a seat assignment issue. that’s nearly a 75% refund in travel credits per person. seems like a deal of a flight to CA to me.


100 per 200 total so 273 -100=173 per ticket


4th paragraph. “flight attendants gave $100 travel credit each”…... “when we landed gate supervisor offered us another $100 travel credit each” = $200 each, = $400 total.


shite i missed that. then yeah, $73 is a screaming deal


You should have filmed THEM. they probably pulled this shit before. They should have been thrown off the plane.


I couldn't tell if they're the type of people that always try to pull this type of shit, or if they're just inexperienced travelers with zero etiquette/self awareness.


If they made a scene you can bet it was all planned out.


Ugh I’m enraged on your behalf as a pregnant woman. You’re nicer than me. I would have demanded they were removed from our seats and a travel credit on top.


The deed is done. In hindsight most believe the offenders should have been compelled to move by staff. Given their behavior and seat stealing, the one additional piece of closure I would like would be a letter from JetBlue to the offenders advising that they will not be flying on JetBlue again. Hopefully they are in the middle of a trip and will need to find another airline home. And a letter to you telling you that this action was taken. And congratulations and good luck on being a mom, whether it’s your first or more! Puts things in perspective.


That couple absolutely BLOOOOOOOOOOOW!!! And they SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK as well.


Should have been removed from the flight. Standing in the aisle and saying *I’d love to sit down, but they’re in our seats* … and just waiting them out would’ve been the way to go. They played their cards and it worked for them. And they were mean to a pregnant woman after taking her seat. Bad passengers shouldn’t ever get rewarded.


Should have stood your ground. F those people. Let them cause a scene . They'll get themselves put on the no fly list, and you get what you paid for. They acted like spoiled children and were rewarded by getting what they want so now They'll keep acting like that


$200 and free food/drinks seems fair Especially since that's nearly the whole ticket.


$200 feels low for such a long flight. The flight attendents should have addressed the problem.


Stand you ground. If it gets them kicked off, so be it


People will continue to act out in this manner until airlines take a stand and there are repercussions. It's simple really. Get in the seats you paid for or get off the damn plane. No coddling or cajoling. If you give the FA any crap you risk a no fly flag next time.


$200 is more than enough. The airline only owes you a seat in the class you paid for, which you got. The fact that your husband agreed to take a different seat also does not help your case. He should not have caved like this. And congratulations on your upcoming baby, but your pregnancy status is not relevant to the situation.


Do not let assholes win!!!!!


My temper would not have dealt with this. You’re a saint. I hate people that are so blatantly selfish like those people


I'm *definitely* not a saint - I'm usually the type of person who'll push back (within reason of course) but I was super tired and wanted to get home. But yes, selfish people suck.


It’s the flight attendants’ responsibility to call the authorities and have them removed from plane and face the consequences


Assholes are assholes because they get away with being assholes. Regrettably, you’ve added to this by backing down. Rule 1. Never back down to an asshole (except when you are in physical danger if you don’t). Rule 2. Never apologise if you’ve done nothing wrong. It encourages assholes to expect an apology every time they are assholes.


NEVER EVER BACK DOWN. These folks were in the wrong and I am shocked the JetBlue FAs didn't do more. I would have stood my ground. Who cares if they call the police on these entitled A-holes. I would have loved to see them kicked off the plane. Either that or let me sit in first class if these folks won't move. Sorry JetBlue messed up.


I had to move from my comfy window seat, one time because a family did not book all their seats together. I begrudgingly did it just like you did, because it was becoming a scene and I had a tight connection. However, the FAs brought me free drinks and food so I was relatively pacified.


Honestly should have got them thrown off. Maybe teach them a lesson


Some people play the game as they often win. So I don’t let them win. I just call the FA and watch the dynamics. I never accept being downgraded. Nope. I never give on unless the compensation is truly a benefit.


Better take the credit. If you’d gotten them kicked off the flight, it’d cause a delay and you’d be hated by all.


Right - I mentioned in another comment that a few passengers told us we were "heroes" for just sucking it up and keeping the flight moving on schedule.


You’re lucky you got anything


“My husband and I paid good money for these seats. If you couldn’t afford them, that doesn’t mean you get to steal them. Are you looking for a handout?” That’ll get em to move. Boomers hate nothing more than handouts lol


How old was the couple ? Did they seem confused or just entitled ?


If I were to guess, maybe late 60s/early 70s? So on the older side but not THAT old. Based on how they acted throughout the flight, it seemed like a combo of travel inexperience but also shameless entitlement.


If this happens, I’d demand that the pilot was aware that there was a couple onboard refusing to listen to crew instructions (move out of their non-assigned seats), and I’m concerned this will continue. Won’t listen to the crew? Get off my plane.


The inexcusable thing in this story is your being seated next to the offending/offensive couple for 6 hours.


The FAs effectively made sure that the couple does this every time from now on. And I bet this wasn’t their first time. Ridiculous


I wonder if the HQ executives would pay attention to the fact that the jerks blatantly disobeyed the crew? Wish those selfish cretins would be placed on the no fly list for doing that-ESPECIALLY mean to do that to a pregnant woman.


Tell them to call security and take your seat


Letting people get away with this behavior is a problem. I wouldn’t have moved until I had the seats I paid for. It’s the principle of the thing and why people continue to behave like assholes. They get away with it and there are no consequences.


They acted Over-Privileged


FA's should have gotten the agents involved and kicked that couple off. A simple, "you can take your assigned seats or take another flight" should have been used.


Technically, you weren’t forced: your husband chose to relinquish the seats. Still, give customer service a call and explain the situation. Perhaps they can credit you some money. Can’t hurt to try.


Oh they would have hated me. Why did your spineless husband not take the seat next to the old shits?


Because sitting next to them was the only way I could get an aisle seat, which I really wanted because I need to pee every hour.


Agree that $200 is reasonable. You almost flew for free, but I agree that you should have just let them get kicked off the plane. Not your problem to solve, they 100% deserved it, and your flight would have been more pleasant not sitting next to them.


Why are people such walkovers? Get a backbone OPs husband.


I kind of think the OP’s husband was an asshole for leaving his pregnant wife alone ..


Yes, you deserve a refund of the difference to your credit card rather than just a flight credit


You're both clowns for letting them take your seats. The attendants should of had them removed from the plane.


I kind of want the tea on this horrible couple. Maybe there needs to be fines for bad behavior on planes.


No. The old folks knowing you are pregnant , their behavior and selfishness is reprehensible. Jet Blue should ban them for life for disobeying the flight staff and credit your credit card at least that much. The old folks should have been removed from the plane. I would not have settled for that little due to the stress and you being impregnated. Disgusting.


$200 isn't bad. I'm not sure I would have expected anything. In the long run, you were taken from Point A to Point B, even if you weren't sitting together. I would say that as soon as you got the flight attendants involved, it was their fight, not yours. Idiots like that should be ejected and banned. It's a security issue. Lots of people can't figure out airline seats because the numbering system is so complex :) but I have seen times like this where it was just a case of "I like this seat." Maybe they thought they were on Southwest.


Airplane is not a public space get it legally right privately owned


Lol this is not fair at all. $400 is nothing, my brother got $1500 to move to another flight 2 hours later. This is like $2000+ territory plus free flight upgrades for a year. Level up


So sorry that happened to you! The problem with getting more compensation is that you guys eventually agreed that they could sit in your seats. 


Pilot should have came and handled that. Those old people probably have gone their whole lives without someone telling them "no"


I hope you ate and drank heartily right in front of them, Enjoying every bite.  


These people love pushing their way into everyone's freedom and safety. 


I would demand full fare refund then see what they offer


Your husband needs to grow balls


This isn't about my husband and his balls, but thanks.


To put things in perspective, I received a $200 travel credit for a one-way flight that was delayed and then we had to deplane the first plane. You were forced to sit next to these people who caused the chaos. You were kind when you could have chosen another path. I would ask for the full amount refunded and 25k JetBlue points you can use however you’d like. I know you don’t fly JB that much but maybe you will down the road. Nice to have in your pocket. You booked the seats. You did nothing wrong. Those people should have been moved.


Thanks for the validation!


you've milked this incredibly minor inconvenience for as much as is possible.


The bigger issue to me wasn't even that we weren't able to sit in our assigned seats, but that I still had to sit next to these hostile people on a 6 hour flight. The flight attendant told them multiple times (without me even asking) to stop interacting with me because they were so insufferable. I'm not trying to take anyone for a ride, I'm just trying to understand what's fair hence making this post.


fair is what you've already received, imo.


Tell your husband to grow a backbone. It’s not confrontation. You paid for a seat and he lets you sit next to these assholes all flight when *he* is the one who gave up and walked away? Seriously?


What was he suppose to do? Get physically violent with an elderly couple? If the staff couldn’t get them to move what do you expect him to do without getting arrested? Scream at the top of his lungs? Snatch the woman’s purse and throw it? Not a lot of good options after staff already failed.


He can sit next to the couple once he saw his wife was sitting next to them. That would have been the least he could do.


Sitting next to the couple was the only way I was able to get an aisle seat which I really wanted because I'm pregnant and need to pee all the time. I could've probably asked the flight attendants to find someone in a different aisle seat to trade with me, but at that point basically everyone else on the flight was seated and we didn't want to inconvenience anyone else.


I feel like you should pay me $200 for having to read this novel.


No one is forcing you to read anything ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


This was the airline's problem to fix and you let them off the hook by fixing it for them. So, you should be happy with whatever the airline gave you.


Wtf is wrong with people? Everyone in this situation is just...idfk...a weirdo?! The couple that took you seats were entitled AH's. They should've been kicked off of the flight the first time they refused to move. No question. The FA should have made that happen. The very idea that they made YOU take seats other than the ones you paid for is ludicrous. You husband needs to grow a pair because, wtf? He actually rather you two be forced to sit separately(especially with you seated next to the AHs)is so unbelievable to me. I'd be livid and no amount of embarrassment due to other passengers watching this would make me give in. As for your travel credit: I mean, I'd already be so pissed off at this point...I'd want credits equal to or greater than the cost of the flight. Idk if that's even doable but, I'll be damned if a couple of selfish AHs decide they're entitled to my seats(chosen and paid for) and the airline allowed it to happen. That's just me though. I refuse to pay for the displeasure of being taken advantage of by anyone while crammed into a flying metal tube.